Women have plenty of power. They are not weak and helpless like the feminist left likes to portray them. More than half of college graduates are women.

Okay, and what percentage of CEO's are women?
Members of Congress?
---------------------------------------- and as i asked , i asked if women are unelectable and if they can't be hired as 'ceo' it might be because they suck JoeB .
-------------------------- many don't speak 'spanish' and many practice a 'tribal mayan , catholic aztec ' mix of religion , they are 'indians' and are hardly Western . --- see the mixed worshp' of tribal relligion , see their tradirion of 'mordida' , see their 'catholic and tribal mix as they worship 'saint murder' . The lower level that are invading the USA are 'indians' or 'mestizos' and are not 'spanish' like many their 'white spanish' rulers are JoeB .

Okay, your racism aside, I really haven't met these Aztec worshipers you keep talking about...

It would also help if you could fucking spell.

Lived with a Mexican lady for 13 years... Never saw her murder a saint or anything like that. Never saw that with my Mexican Neighbors, either. They all spoke English, worked hard, (Harder than the white trash in the trailer parks waiting for their government checks) and contributed.
Today I was walking down the street when I noticed a bunch of boys bullying another kid. Of course I stopped and cheered them on and shouted, "Yeah! Bully that kid! Bullying is the best!" But then someone showed me that Gillette ad and I realize now that I was wrong.
------------------------------------------- Generally when i run into similar stuff on the street i usually tel the smaller kid or the funny looking kid or fat kid to kick the 'bully' or 'pwicks' azzes BBro .
I notice that the term 'toxic masculinity came about after liberal men were accused of sexual assault. They had to make the men victims by claiming they suffered from some make-up mental disorder.

The left would rather that men act weaker, maybe claim to be female sometimes and dye their hair pink.

Real men, real masculine men, have always been the kindest to everyone, especially women. They used to be called gentlemen. Of course, you don't hear about ladies and gentlemen any more because you'll leave out people who don't identify as either. Crazy. There are two genders. Pick one and get on with your life.

Many serial killers and rapists often suffer from a lack of masculinity. Deep mental and emotional issues caused them to do those things. Of course, there are some who are just assholes and think they can do what they want.

But, to start bashing all men for being too masculine is just the latest insanity from the left.

Men are usually stronger physically and more often that not, less emotional. Good traits in emergencies.



Just because pansy ass wimps like Al Franken and Harvey Weinstein need to use their power and positions to get women doesn't reflect on the average guy.
I notice that the term 'toxic masculinity came about after liberal men were accused of sexual assault. They had to make the men victims by claiming they suffered from some make-up mental disorder.

Um, no, it wasn't a leftist who said, "Grab them by the Pussy". That was your boy Trump. The real problem here is the left is holding their people to account and the right isn't.

Real men, real masculine men, have always been the kindest to everyone, especially women. They used to be called gentlemen. Of course, you don't hear about ladies and gentlemen any more because you'll leave out people who don't identify as either. Crazy. There are two genders. Pick one and get on with your life.

Well, no, you don't hear about it because it reflects an outdated class based sort of discrimination. One where women were supposed to know "Their Place" as were minorities and working class people.

But, to start bashing all men for being too masculine is just the latest insanity from the left.

Which is something nobody really did.

So let's look at what the Gillette ad ACTUALLY said, and not what you read into it.

Men shouldn't harrass women.
We shouldn't let bigger boys bully smaller kids because "Boys will be boys."

Wow... these are horrible concepts. What's wrong with those guys.
Funny how every “antagonist” in the commercial was represented by a white male; and all the “white knights” were cast by non whites. Despite the data that shows the propensity of such negative behavior being more prevalent amongst non whites...
Funny how every “antagonist” in the commercial was represented by a white male; and all the “white knights” were cast by non whites. Despite the data that shows the propensity of such negative behavior being more prevalent amongst non whites...

Well, no, it's only funny to you. Almost all the really boorish behavior I've seen in my life has been done by white men with a little too much power.
Advice for any company.
Sell the product and STFU with the political crap.

Who in hell actually buys a product based on an ad anyway?
Men need to be having this discussion. I'm really impressed with Gillette for stepping up.

They "need to have this discussion"? Why, exactly?
Women may need to step up and speak out about unfair sexual treatment, but without men's attitude changing, the #metoo movement will never be over. Because the underlying attitude and resultant behavior will never end. Especially men need to teach their sons to treat others with a certain amount of basic respect.

We all do this--not just men--but it's way too easy to keep your mouth shut and ignore it when a friend or coworker steps over the line.

Excuse me, but what "men's attitudes" need to be changed? Are you really trying to claim that abusing women is an overall, general attitude among men?

And "we all" don't do anything. I have no idea what "all" you're even gabbling about at this point, but I feel completely secure in saying that any generalization that lumps me in with you is already wrong just from that standpoint.
No surprise, it's just more of the war on men in today's culture.

Gillette chastises men in a new commercial highlighting the #MeToo movement — and some are furious

  • Gillette released a commercial on Monday called "We Believe," asking men to change their behavior in light of the #MeToo movement.
  • The commercial encourages men to be the "best" by holding one another accountable and eliminating excuses for bad behavior.
  • Some have heavily criticized the ad online.

Gillette is calling on men to step it up.

A new ad, called "We Believe" and lasting a minute and a half, encourages men to change their behavior. It directly invokes the #MeToo movement to confront America's culture.

"Gillette believes in the best in men — that by holding each other accountable, eliminating excuses for bad behavior, and supporting a new generation working toward their personal 'best,' we can deliver positive change that will matter for years to come," Gary Coombe, the president of the Gillette parent Procter & Gamble's global grooming business, said in a statement about the ad.

The ad opens with audio of news anchors covering a simulated reporting on a #MeToo-related movement. A narrator then asks: "Is this the best a man can get? Is it?"

Gillette chastises men in a new commercial highlighting the #MeToo movement — and some are furious
Good for Gillette! Why are men furious?
Why should blacks shouldn’t steal be offensive?

Why should Muslims shouldn’t murder be offensive?
This isn't about blacks stealing or Muslims murdering. It's about men being hostilely aggressive to others (male and female alike). You got a problem with knocking that off?

Maybe you should just hang around with better men.
No surprise, it's just more of the war on men in today's culture.

Gillette chastises men in a new commercial highlighting the #MeToo movement — and some are furious

  • Gillette released a commercial on Monday called "We Believe," asking men to change their behavior in light of the #MeToo movement.
  • The commercial encourages men to be the "best" by holding one another accountable and eliminating excuses for bad behavior.
  • Some have heavily criticized the ad online.

Gillette is calling on men to step it up.

A new ad, called "We Believe" and lasting a minute and a half, encourages men to change their behavior. It directly invokes the #MeToo movement to confront America's culture.

"Gillette believes in the best in men — that by holding each other accountable, eliminating excuses for bad behavior, and supporting a new generation working toward their personal 'best,' we can deliver positive change that will matter for years to come," Gary Coombe, the president of the Gillette parent Procter & Gamble's global grooming business, said in a statement about the ad.

The ad opens with audio of news anchors covering a simulated reporting on a #MeToo-related movement. A narrator then asks: "Is this the best a man can get? Is it?"

Gillette chastises men in a new commercial highlighting the #MeToo movement — and some are furious
Good for Gillette! Why are men furious?
Why should blacks shouldn’t steal be offensive?

Why should Muslims shouldn’t murder be offensive?
This isn't about blacks stealing or Muslims murdering. It's about men being hostilely aggressive to others (male and female alike). You got a problem with knocking that off?
Singling our one group for a sin every group commits is exactly the subject.

What's so offensive about saying women should learn to drive better?

How about "everyone should learn to drive better"? 'Cause there's some crazy assholes out on the roads from BOTH sexes.
Funny how every “antagonist” in the commercial was represented by a white male; and all the “white knights” were cast by non whites. Despite the data that shows the propensity of such negative behavior being more prevalent amongst non whites...

Well, no, it's only funny to you. Almost all the really boorish behavior I've seen in my life has been done by white men with a little too much power.
Blah, blah, blah... Not surprising. Birds of a feather flock together. That doesn’t change the fact that the whole ad is nothing more than an anti white hit piece.
Funny how every “antagonist” in the commercial was represented by a white male; and all the “white knights” were cast by non whites. Despite the data that shows the propensity of such negative behavior being more prevalent amongst non whites...

Again, it's not a commercial, and it says nothing about "shaving toxic masculinity" or shaving anything. The title of this thread is a blatant lie.
Funny how every “antagonist” in the commercial was represented by a white male; and all the “white knights” were cast by non whites. Despite the data that shows the propensity of such negative behavior being more prevalent amongst non whites...

Again, it's not a commercial, and it says nothing about "shaving toxic masculinity" or shaving anything. The title of this thread is a blatant lie.
What the video is really about, is plainly clear...
Funny how every “antagonist” in the commercial was represented by a white male; and all the “white knights” were cast by non whites. Despite the data that shows the propensity of such negative behavior being more prevalent amongst non whites...

Again, it's not a commercial, and it says nothing about "shaving toxic masculinity" or shaving anything. The title of this thread is a blatant lie.
What the video is really about, is plainly clear...

I dunno if it's all that clear but it's not an advertisement. It's not selling anything.
You can't make a TV commercial that runs a minute and 48 seconds.

One has to wonder why it was presented as an "ad" with a contrived message. TBH I don't think the message really is clear at all; it was this made-up headline that tries to put it in a bag to redefine what it is. The trouble is WAY too many people just read a headline or a thread title and ass-sume it's anywhere near accurate and not intentionally misleading. P.T. Barnum had an observation about these unskeptical drones.
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Funny how every “antagonist” in the commercial was represented by a white male; and all the “white knights” were cast by non whites. Despite the data that shows the propensity of such negative behavior being more prevalent amongst non whites...

Again, it's not a commercial, and it says nothing about "shaving toxic masculinity" or shaving anything. The title of this thread is a blatant lie.
What the video is really about, is plainly clear...

I dunno if it's all that clear but it's not an advertisement. It's not selling anything.
You can't make a TV commercial that runs a minute and 48 seconds.

One has to wonder why it was presented as an "ad" with a contrived message. TBH I don't think the message really is clear at all; it was this made-up headline that tries to put it in a bag to redefine what it is. The trouble is WAY too many people just read a headline or a thread title and ass-sume it's anywhere near accurate and not intentionally misleading. P.T. Barnum had an observation about these unskeptical drones.
And there were no shortage of NPCs who lined up, in this very thread... To carry the banner offered by the promoters of this video. Not a one of whom bothered to actually analyze what the video is actually showing... Sheep to the end...

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