Overpaid CEOs and Greedy Capitalists.. oh my!

Capitalism is the biggest human rights violation of all time.

actually China just switched to capitalism and eliminated half the world's poverty!

That would be a human rights violation only to insane libtards while millions slowly starving to death under liberalilsm would not be??

Liberals are 100% brainwashed fools doing Marx's bidding even when it is 100% obsolete. There is not one tiny bit of reason or common sense in it, its pure ignorance!!
Have you ever heard the saying capitalism is dog eat dog and communism is just the opposite?

"Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances.

"Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown.

"Repression of minority groups, including Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians, and of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians who practice their religion outside state-sanctioned churches continues. While the recent reinstatement of Supreme People's Court review of death penalty cases may result in lower numbers of executions, China remains the leading executioner in the world."

China Human Rights | Amnesty International USA
So we are to discriminate against people because of where they live now?

Does it dawn on you that most of what Halliburton does, as a US defense contractor, is in the middle east? Dubai just so happens to be one of the few places over there, who have a somewhat 'western' culture, and toilet paper. UAE is also a US ally... so why is it godawful wrong for the president of Halliburton to live there? Logistically speaking, it makes sense.

And why do you start foaming at the mouth when someone mentions Halliburton? Did you realize Clinton gave more no-bid contracts to Halliburton than Dubya? I bet you didn't, because you had never heard of Halliburton (or no-bids) until Bush was president.
So are we to discriminate against "people" who profit from the maiming, murder, rape and incarceration and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims? Logically speaking, capitalists who profit from war crimes deserve a Nuremberg accounting. Starting with the "decider."

So are we to discriminate against "people" who profit from the maiming, murder, rape and incarceration and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims?

Yes, I'm all for discriminating against the terror regime in Iran and before that the terror regime in Iraq.
How about the economic terrorists on Wall Street?

Iraq Body Count
So we are to discriminate against people because of where they live now?
It's not a matter of discriminating but rather of paying attention. This reason being one outstanding example of why:


A new report finds that around the world the extremely wealthy have accumulated at least $21 trillion in secretive offshore accounts. That’s a sum equal to the gross domestic products of the United States and Japan added together. The number may sound unbelievable, but the study was conducted by James Henry, former chief economist at the consultancy McKinsey, an expert on tax havens and offshoring. It was commissioned by Tax Justice Network, a British activist group.

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says - Forbes


Does it dawn on you that most of what Halliburton does, as a US defense contractor, is in the middle east? Dubai just so happens to be one of the few places over there, who have a somewhat 'western' culture, and toilet paper. UAE is also a US ally... so why is it godawful wrong for the president of Halliburton to live there? Logistically speaking, it makes sense.

And why do you start foaming at the mouth when someone mentions Halliburton? Did you realize Clinton gave more no-bid contracts to Halliburton than Dubya? I bet you didn't, because you had never heard of Halliburton (or no-bids) until Bush was president.

If Barack Obama was not in the pocket of the Military Industrial Complex (as well as the finance industry) . . .


. . . and if he truly were the man who Candidate Obama pretended to be, rather than appointing a Wall Street lawyer and wooden indian as Attorney General he would have appointed an ethical and motivated prosecutor to that offiice, one who would have diligently investigated and prosecuted the Bush crime Family, there is no doubt in my mind that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney would be sitting in prison today, along with their entire conspiratory cartel -- and the conduct of Halliburton would have served as a major platform of evidence.

Of course you will openly disagree with that. But you are far too intelligent to not be aware that it's 100% true. And in response to your reference to Clinton, are you under the impression that I regard that man as anything other than a cunning, self-serving, devious, duplicitous degenerate? Don't allow your partisan fixations to cloud your judgment.

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says - Forbes

Oh no, rich people protecting themselves from grasping government.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Why not encourage all those who profit the most from war (and their families) to put their boots on the ground in Syria, Benito?
*liberals a sworn and deadly enemy of the people the likes of which the world has never seen before!


What "liberal" ever said the free-market, capitalism, and competition is entirely without merit?*What was his name...Keynes...that's one of your "liberal" guys, isn't it? Is that what he said, that capitalism is completely evil?

I suspect that you exaggerate things a tad bit.

That's basically what every lefty in this thread has said. If anyone mentions "corporations" your eyes glaze over and foam starts to emerge from the corners of your mouth as you growl incessantly. You then reel off an endless barrage of propaganda links from known Socialist entities, and ironically, argue for the exact same system Mao introduced in China.

And no, it's not an exaggeration, go read up on the People's Revolution, and the rhetoric which prompted the overthrow of the Chinese government which installed Mao. It's exactly the same message we hear from the Occutards.... the 1% control all the wealth... the 99% have nothing... something MUST be done!

Well, in China, they installed Mao, who immediately rounded up all the "rich greedy capitalists" and killed them, confiscated all their wealth, and imposed harsh penalties on anyone practicing capitalism. You libtards would have been having orgasms in the streets! But what happened as a result was, 70 million people died. The Chinese economy tanked because... hey, there were no more capitalists who knew how to generate prosperity through capitalism, they were all dead. This Utopian Dream the People thought they were going to get, never transpired. Instead, China plunged deeper into poverty and despair for another 50 years, until Mao finally died, and they could start implementing pro-capitalist policies again. In just a few decades, they are surpassing the US in economic growth.
How many Indians did capitalism kill in the Americas, Custer?
How many human beings perished in WWI for Morgan's loans?
How many more in WWII for Prescott Bush?
Capitalism exists to wage war with other people's money and other people's blood.
And now those chickens are coming home to roost.
Thanks for your service.
Funny how the same people doesn't care about movie stars and sport heros making millions for not contributing nothing to the economy. Some how the CEO who have responsabiltiy for a 1000s of employees and running a complex structure is less of a virtuos

What "liberal" ever said the free-market, capitalism, and competition is entirely without merit?*What was his name...Keynes...that's one of your "liberal" guys, isn't it? Is that what he said, that capitalism is completely evil?

I suspect that you exaggerate things a tad bit.

That's basically what every lefty in this thread has said. If anyone mentions "corporations" your eyes glaze over and foam starts to emerge from the corners of your mouth as you growl incessantly. You then reel off an endless barrage of propaganda links from known Socialist entities, and ironically, argue for the exact same system Mao introduced in China.

And no, it's not an exaggeration, go read up on the People's Revolution, and the rhetoric which prompted the overthrow of the Chinese government which installed Mao. It's exactly the same message we hear from the Occutards.... the 1% control all the wealth... the 99% have nothing... something MUST be done!

Well, in China, they installed Mao, who immediately rounded up all the "rich greedy capitalists" and killed them, confiscated all their wealth, and imposed harsh penalties on anyone practicing capitalism. You libtards would have been having orgasms in the streets! But what happened as a result was, 70 million people died. The Chinese economy tanked because... hey, there were no more capitalists who knew how to generate prosperity through capitalism, they were all dead. This Utopian Dream the People thought they were going to get, never transpired. Instead, China plunged deeper into poverty and despair for another 50 years, until Mao finally died, and they could start implementing pro-capitalist policies again. In just a few decades, they are surpassing the US in economic growth.
How many Indians did capitalism kill in the Americas, Custer?
How many human beings perished in WWI for Morgan's loans?
How many more in WWII for Prescott Bush?
Capitalism exists to wage war with other people's money and other people's blood.
And now those chickens are coming home to roost.
Thanks for your service.

And again, you appeal to emotion. Save yourself the trouble, I am not an emotive pinhead like yourself. Pulling at my heart strings doesn't work, because I have pragmatic sense greater than a billy goat, unlike yourself. Whimpering emotive pleas don't work on me, when it comes to arguments for destroying free market capitalism, or much of anything else. I don't make my decisions and choices based on emotions.
Solyndra was subsidised by the US Government as well. Maybe you failed to realise the millions of dollars wasted on it. It failed simply because the market does not believe solar energy is a viable alternative to oil as of yet. Although the price may of dropped, not enough to stimulate any market demand.

You cannot create phony demand simply by spending money on products or throwing money down a bureaucratic rat hole.

There is a reason why no one needs to subsidise the iPhone. It was produced. People seem to like it. That's it.

Japanese companies, some decades past, were bankrolled by the Japanese banks to take the electronics markets, for as long as it took, as long as they showed increasing market share. The smart thing was market share was more relavent then profits. Losses were allowed, as long as they were increasing market share. And it worked.

Plus a big shot in the arm when Reagan allowed the Japanese to product dump in the early 80's. :eusa_whistle:

Strange: I never heard of such an event. Is "product dumping" when foreign companies sell a better product for a lower price? How would Reagan have prevented that, by punishing consumers with massive tariffs so union thugs wouldn't have to work hard?
Funny how the same people doesn't care about movie stars and sport heros making millions for not contributing nothing to the economy. Some how the CEO who have responsabiltiy for a 1000s of employees and running a complex structure is less of a virtuos
Movie stars often begin working in advertising, in other words they say whatever they are paid to say.
They probably have a lot in common with CEOs.
Athletes are at least as greedy as both of the above, but they compete on a level playing field where their on field behavior is regulated by officials who aren't susceptible to bribes (hopefully).
I'm beginning to wonder if private wealth is the problem, regardless of how its acquired.
Funny how the same people doesn't care about movie stars and sport heros making millions for not contributing nothing to the economy. Some how the CEO who have responsabiltiy for a 1000s of employees and running a complex structure is less of a virtuos
Movie stars often begin working in advertising, in other words they say whatever they are paid to say.
They probably have a lot in common with CEOs.
Athletes are at least as greedy as both of the above, but they compete on a level playing field where their on field behavior is regulated by officials who aren't susceptible to bribes (hopefully).
I'm beginning to wonder if private wealth is the problem, regardless of how its acquired.

You seem to be very active in this thread, eager to make your points and post your propaganda, so let me pose this question to you... I expect an honest, straightforward answer, and please don't run to wikipedia to find some generic definition, I want this to come straight from your brain to this page, without consulting outside sources.

Please explain for us, what you believe a CEO does on a daily basis?
Funny how the same people doesn't care about movie stars and sport heros making millions for not contributing nothing to the economy. Some how the CEO who have responsabiltiy for a 1000s of employees and running a complex structure is less of a virtuos
Movie stars often begin working in advertising, in other words they say whatever they are paid to say.
They probably have a lot in common with CEOs.
Athletes are at least as greedy as both of the above, but they compete on a level playing field where their on field behavior is regulated by officials who aren't susceptible to bribes (hopefully).
I'm beginning to wonder if private wealth is the problem, regardless of how its acquired.

You seem to be very active in this thread, eager to make your points and post your propaganda, so let me pose this question to you... I expect an honest, straightforward answer, and please don't run to wikipedia to find some generic definition, I want this to come straight from your brain to this page, without consulting outside sources.

Please explain for us, what you believe a CEO does on a daily basis?
Find new and innovative ways to exploit surplus labor for the economic benefit of 1% of the population.
You seem to be very active in this thread, eager to make your points and post your propaganda, so let me pose this question to you... I expect an honest, straightforward answer, and please don't run to wikipedia to find some generic definition, I want this to come straight from your brain to this page, without consulting outside sources.

Please explain for us, what you believe a CEO does on a daily basis?
Find new and innovative ways to exploit surplus labor for the economic benefit of 1% of the population.

TOTALLY Incorrect. However, this shows why you have the warped and twisted view you have, regarding CEOs and what they are paid. You don't have the first clue what a CEO actually does, or why they are paid so well.
So are we to discriminate against "people" who profit from the maiming, murder, rape and incarceration and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims? Logically speaking, capitalists who profit from war crimes deserve a Nuremberg accounting. Starting with the "decider."

So are we to discriminate against "people" who profit from the maiming, murder, rape and incarceration and displacement of millions of innocent Muslims?

Yes, I'm all for discriminating against the terror regime in Iran and before that the terror regime in Iraq.
How about the economic terrorists on Wall Street?

Iraq Body Count

Economic terrorists on Wall Street?
Please explain further, I'm breathlessly awaiting your response.
It's not a matter of discriminating but rather of paying attention. This reason being one outstanding example of why:


A new report finds that around the world the extremely wealthy have accumulated at least $21 trillion in secretive offshore accounts. That’s a sum equal to the gross domestic products of the United States and Japan added together. The number may sound unbelievable, but the study was conducted by James Henry, former chief economist at the consultancy McKinsey, an expert on tax havens and offshoring. It was commissioned by Tax Justice Network, a British activist group.

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says - Forbes


If Barack Obama was not in the pocket of the Military Industrial Complex (as well as the finance industry) . . .


. . . and if he truly were the man who Candidate Obama pretended to be, rather than appointing a Wall Street lawyer and wooden indian as Attorney General he would have appointed an ethical and motivated prosecutor to that offiice, one who would have diligently investigated and prosecuted the Bush crime Family, there is no doubt in my mind that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney would be sitting in prison today, along with their entire conspiratory cartel -- and the conduct of Halliburton would have served as a major platform of evidence.

Of course you will openly disagree with that. But you are far too intelligent to not be aware that it's 100% true. And in response to your reference to Clinton, are you under the impression that I regard that man as anything other than a cunning, self-serving, devious, duplicitous degenerate? Don't allow your partisan fixations to cloud your judgment.

Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says - Forbes

Oh no, rich people protecting themselves from grasping government.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Why not encourage all those who profit the most from war (and their families) to put their boots on the ground in Syria, Benito?

Why not eat the rich, Vlad?

What "liberal" ever said the free-market, capitalism, and competition is entirely without merit?*What was his name...Keynes...that's one of your "liberal" guys, isn't it? Is that what he said, that capitalism is completely evil?

I suspect that you exaggerate things a tad bit.

That's basically what every lefty in this thread has said. If anyone mentions "corporations" your eyes glaze over and foam starts to emerge from the corners of your mouth as you growl incessantly. You then reel off an endless barrage of propaganda links from known Socialist entities, and ironically, argue for the exact same system Mao introduced in China.

And no, it's not an exaggeration, go read up on the People's Revolution, and the rhetoric which prompted the overthrow of the Chinese government which installed Mao. It's exactly the same message we hear from the Occutards.... the 1% control all the wealth... the 99% have nothing... something MUST be done!

Well, in China, they installed Mao, who immediately rounded up all the "rich greedy capitalists" and killed them, confiscated all their wealth, and imposed harsh penalties on anyone practicing capitalism. You libtards would have been having orgasms in the streets! But what happened as a result was, 70 million people died. The Chinese economy tanked because... hey, there were no more capitalists who knew how to generate prosperity through capitalism, they were all dead. This Utopian Dream the People thought they were going to get, never transpired. Instead, China plunged deeper into poverty and despair for another 50 years, until Mao finally died, and they could start implementing pro-capitalist policies again. In just a few decades, they are surpassing the US in economic growth.
How many Indians did capitalism kill in the Americas, Custer?
How many human beings perished in WWI for Morgan's loans?
How many more in WWII for Prescott Bush?
Capitalism exists to wage war with other people's money and other people's blood.
And now those chickens are coming home to roost.
Thanks for your service.

Right, if not for capitalism, Muslims wouldn't hate us.
You seem to be very active in this thread, eager to make your points and post your propaganda, so let me pose this question to you... I expect an honest, straightforward answer, and please don't run to wikipedia to find some generic definition, I want this to come straight from your brain to this page, without consulting outside sources.

Please explain for us, what you believe a CEO does on a daily basis?
Find new and innovative ways to exploit surplus labor for the economic benefit of 1% of the population.

TOTALLY Incorrect. However, this shows why you have the warped and twisted view you have, regarding CEOs and what they are paid. You don't have the first clue what a CEO actually does, or why they are paid so well.
So, the average large corporate CEO in this country makes 475 times what their average worker makes. No other country is anywhere near. UK is 22 to 1. Canada is 17 to 1. Venezuela is 50 to 1, and closest.
Do you see the difference??
Lots of studies out there, some show lower multiples. But whatever, CEO's in the US make way more than in any other nation.
Ratio of CEO Pay to Average Worker by Country | Creativeconflictwisdom's Blog

Was not always that way. The disperity has been growing, particularly over the past 30 years or so. Over the past several years, for instance, the top 1% of the wealthy got 93% of income growth, the rest of the 99% got to share the remaining 7%.
Top 1% Got 93% of Income Growth as Rich-Poor Gap Widened - Bloomberg

So, in addition, the middle class continues to decline in numbers, the poverty class continues to grow.

And yes, I do know extremely well what CEO's do. They work really hard, and based on their personality type, they ENJOY it. So do those of other countries.
That's basically what every lefty in this thread has said. If anyone mentions "corporations" your eyes glaze over and foam starts to emerge from the corners of your mouth as you growl incessantly. You then reel off an endless barrage of propaganda links from known Socialist entities, and ironically, argue for the exact same system Mao introduced in China.

And no, it's not an exaggeration, go read up on the People's Revolution, and the rhetoric which prompted the overthrow of the Chinese government which installed Mao. It's exactly the same message we hear from the Occutards.... the 1% control all the wealth... the 99% have nothing... something MUST be done!

Well, in China, they installed Mao, who immediately rounded up all the "rich greedy capitalists" and killed them, confiscated all their wealth, and imposed harsh penalties on anyone practicing capitalism. You libtards would have been having orgasms in the streets! But what happened as a result was, 70 million people died. The Chinese economy tanked because... hey, there were no more capitalists who knew how to generate prosperity through capitalism, they were all dead. This Utopian Dream the People thought they were going to get, never transpired. Instead, China plunged deeper into poverty and despair for another 50 years, until Mao finally died, and they could start implementing pro-capitalist policies again. In just a few decades, they are surpassing the US in economic growth.
How many Indians did capitalism kill in the Americas, Custer?
How many human beings perished in WWI for Morgan's loans?
How many more in WWII for Prescott Bush?
Capitalism exists to wage war with other people's money and other people's blood.
And now those chickens are coming home to roost.
Thanks for your service.

Right, if not for capitalism, Muslims wouldn't hate us.
So, tell me todd. Are you REALLY of the belief that muslims hate us because we are a capitalist nation???
How many Indians did capitalism kill in the Americas, Custer?
How many human beings perished in WWI for Morgan's loans?
How many more in WWII for Prescott Bush?
Capitalism exists to wage war with other people's money and other people's blood.
And now those chickens are coming home to roost.
Thanks for your service.

Right, if not for capitalism, Muslims wouldn't hate us.
So, tell me todd. Are you REALLY of the belief that muslims hate us because we are a capitalist nation???

I believe George's claim is idiotic.
George, just as a counterpoint...

Companies have changed a lot since the 1950's. What was once a local or regional corporation is now a global corporation.

Think of it this way; say we have a town with 3 corporations and 3 CEOs making x $'s. If one of those corporations buys out the other two (a trend since the 1950's), do you think the "top" guy is going to make more or less than before?

Not saying this explains everything, just bringing up a counterpoint.


Monopoly---once the good players have won the game what happens next ?

I thought Monopolies are explicitly illegal under US law? In a case where they weren't, I would imagine we'd see some negative consequences for consumers.

But they are...


Remember the banks that were "too big to fail"? Now they're fewer of them & they are even bigger.

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