Out: We Need an Era of Civility & Less Gun Talk. In: Armed Violence Against Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Film director and writer Paul Schrader, who used to be somebody many years ago in Hollywood, has taken to Facebook to call for “violent resistance” to protest the election of Donald Trump. Actually, the keyboard guerilla has gone to the extent of claiming to be willing to take up arms. Schrader claims to be enraged by “alt.right nut jobs” but as you can see in his Friday (ironically Veteran’s Day) Facebook post, Schrader is obviously living out his violent fantasies in an alt.world:

I have spent the last five days meditating on Trump’s election. Upon consideration, I believe this is a call to violence. I felt the call to violence in the 60’s and I feel it now again. This attack on liberty and tolerance will not be solved by appeasement. Obama tried that for eight years. We should finance those who support violence resistance. We should be willing to take arms. Like Old John Brown, I am willing to battle with my children. Alt right nut jobs swagger violence. It’s time to actualize that violence, Like by Civil War Michigan predecessors I choose to stand with the black, the brown and the oppressed.
They are what they were certain the opposition would be.
A handful of whack jobs on the one hand just emerging and a whole fucking army on the other which has manifested over the last 8-9 years, but much longer for some, and you get your panties bunched up in your ass crack?

Did you just happen to forget all the far right whack's belonging to organizations like the Watchmen of America, the Oath Keepers, Storm Front, the various branches of the Arian Brotherhood or the KKK? These White Nationalist well organized Ugly Americans loaded with White Supremacists along with a myriad of assorted unofficial hobbyist "militias" and sun toasted "preppers" number among the 10's of thousands pledging to "make America great again" through "purification"!

And you compare those thousands upon thousands to a handful of angry fools venting their angst so close to the election? What is the projected time the last piece of sky will fall?
They are what they were certain the opposition would be.
A handful of whack jobs on the one hand just emerging and a whole fucking army on the other which has manifested over the last 8-9 years, but much longer for some, and you get your panties bunched up in your ass crack?

Did you just happen to forget all the far right whack's belonging to organizations like the Watchmen of America, the Oath Keepers, Storm Front, the various branches of the Arian Brotherhood or the KKK? These White Nationalist well organized Ugly Americans loaded with White Supremacists along with a myriad of assorted unofficial hobbyist "militias" and sun toasted "preppers" number among the 10's of thousands pledging to "make America great again" through "purification"!

And you compare those thousands upon thousands to a handful of angry fools venting their angst so close to the election? What is the projected time the last piece of sky will fall?
When did Republicans ever riot because they lost an election?
They are what they were certain the opposition would be.
A handful of whack jobs on the one hand just emerging and a whole fucking army on the other which has manifested over the last 8-9 years, but much longer for some, and you get your panties bunched up in your ass crack?

Did you just happen to forget all the far right whack's belonging to organizations like the Watchmen of America, the Oath Keepers, Storm Front, the various branches of the Arian Brotherhood or the KKK? These White Nationalist well organized Ugly Americans loaded with White Supremacists along with a myriad of assorted unofficial hobbyist "militias" and sun toasted "preppers" number among the 10's of thousands pledging to "make America great again" through "purification"!

And you compare those thousands upon thousands to a handful of angry fools venting their angst so close to the election? What is the projected time the last piece of sky will fall?
When did Republicans ever riot because they lost an election?
How about November 2000, the "Brooks Brothers riot" in Florida re: the vote recount in Gore's favor?! But that wasn't the subject of your post to which I responded! Try responding to that and stay the fuck on point!
I've always said the Left consists of the most hateful violent people in the country. They're proving me more correct by the day.
They are what they were certain the opposition would be.
A handful of whack jobs on the one hand just emerging and a whole fucking army on the other which has manifested over the last 8-9 years, but much longer for some, and you get your panties bunched up in your ass crack?

Did you just happen to forget all the far right whack's belonging to organizations like the Watchmen of America, the Oath Keepers, Storm Front, the various branches of the Arian Brotherhood or the KKK? These White Nationalist well organized Ugly Americans loaded with White Supremacists along with a myriad of assorted unofficial hobbyist "militias" and sun toasted "preppers" number among the 10's of thousands pledging to "make America great again" through "purification"!

And you compare those thousands upon thousands to a handful of angry fools venting their angst so close to the election? What is the projected time the last piece of sky will fall?
When did Republicans ever riot because they lost an election?
How about November 2000, the "Brooks Brothers riot" in Florida re: the vote recount in Gore's favor?!

There was no riot. There was an incident where people refused to allow the re-re-recount to be moved away from oversight, but there were no cars tipped over, buildings burned down, or people dragged from their vehicles and assaulted.

But that wasn't the subject of your post to which I responded! Try responding to that and stay the fuck on point!
The subject of my post was the certainty from the democrats that Trump would not accept a loss and that his supporters would melt down and become thugs. Clearly that didn't happen, and now we see Neanderthal-like Hillarybots doing what they do. Maybe you missed that when you wandered off into complaining about some offbeat organizations that talk a lot but haven't caused any real harm in recent memory?
Maybe we should follow the Declaration of Independence, lol, as the RW'ers love to quote when it suits them.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
There was no riot. There was an incident where people refused to allow the re-re-recount to be moved away from oversight, but there were no cars tipped over, buildings burned down, or people dragged from their vehicles and assaulted.
Horseshit! You're trying to quibble about the degree of mayhem to reclassify one riot as an incident and another as a riot, you dishonest fuck!
The subject of my post was the certainty from the democrats that Trump would not accept a loss and that his supporters would melt down and become thugs. Clearly that didn't happen, and now we see Neanderthal-like Hillarybots doing what they do. Maybe you missed that when you wandered off into complaining about some offbeat organizations that talk a lot but haven't caused any real harm in recent memory?
Horseshit! You're continuing to deflect and dance! The Oklahoma City bombing and Timothy McVeigh are a distant memory to you? How about the KKK rally in Anaheim in February or the White Nationalist rally in Sacramento last June? There are plenty of examples you would rather forget that blows your bullshit out of the water! Enjoy your fucking exercise dancing away from the subject you dishonest fuck!!
There was no riot. There was an incident where people refused to allow the re-re-recount to be moved away from oversight, but there were no cars tipped over, buildings burned down, or people dragged from their vehicles and assaulted.
Horseshit! You're trying to quibble about the degree of mayhem to reclassify one riot as an incident and another as a riot, you dishonest fuck!

"Degree of mayhem". Interesting little dodge there. Most definitions of "riot" include the word "violent". Just how violent was that kerfluffle in Florida again? Anyone go to the hospital? Any cars get destroyed? Windows smashed and buildings burned? Anyone take a dump on a cop car?

The subject of my post was the certainty from the democrats that Trump would not accept a loss and that his supporters would melt down and become thugs. Clearly that didn't happen, and now we see Neanderthal-like Hillarybots doing what they do. Maybe you missed that when you wandered off into complaining about some offbeat organizations that talk a lot but haven't caused any real harm in recent memory?
Horseshit! You're continuing to deflect and dance! The Oklahoma City bombing and Timothy McVeigh are a distant memory to you? How about the KKK rally in Anaheim in February or the White Nationalist rally in Sacramento last June? There are plenty of examples you would rather forget that blows your bullshit out of the water! Enjoy your fucking exercise dancing away from the subject you dishonest fuck!!
Well, since the subject is what I wrote in my post, I'm staying directly on it. You, OTOH, persist in jumping over here to rant about McVeigh (who was not rioting because he lost an election), over there to rant about the KKK (who were not rioting because they lost an election. Come to think of it, were they even rioting at all?), then way over there to rant about some rally in Sacramento (And guess what? They weren't rioting because they lost an election either). You might want to use that mirror for more than a wall decoration. You'd have better luck finding someone who is wandering far afield from the subject...
They are what they were certain the opposition would be.
A handful of whack jobs on the one hand just emerging and a whole fucking army on the other which has manifested over the last 8-9 years, but much longer for some, and you get your panties bunched up in your ass crack?

Did you just happen to forget all the far right whack's belonging to organizations like the Watchmen of America, the Oath Keepers, Storm Front, the various branches of the Arian Brotherhood or the KKK? These White Nationalist well organized Ugly Americans loaded with White Supremacists along with a myriad of assorted unofficial hobbyist "militias" and sun toasted "preppers" number among the 10's of thousands pledging to "make America great again" through "purification"!

And you compare those thousands upon thousands to a handful of angry fools venting their angst so close to the election? What is the projected time the last piece of sky will fall?
Link to one protest, let alone violent protest when Obama won twice.

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