Our Progressive Nation


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Under the leadership of Progressives, the USA has become

Progressively dumber. Our schools are where young inquisitive minds go to suffer torture and slow painful death by boredom. The 1/3 of the kids who drop out of the Medieval Dungeons known as High Schools might actually have a chance because they broke free. Our schools were once the envy of the world, until Progressives got hold of them.

Progressively Less Free. We wake every day to a country with an operating manual that is 100,000 pages and growing. Our banks and industries work at the good grace of the government. And, of course, whenever there's a problem, the solution is: more regulation!

Progressively Poorer. We no longer have a stable currency, we no longer have states as meaningful counterweights to the federal government and individual are subject to the whim of the government in ways our Founders never dared dream. Our government overspends by an inconceivable amount annually. Instead of addressing the question "Is this a function for the government" Progressives ask, "Why aren't we taking every cent you make?"

If you want to see what Progressive idea do, look no further than Detroit. Once the paragon of American Free Enterprise, Progressives made it their mission to use government and union to destroy it, and it's now a bankrupt shell of what it once was.

That's the future Progressives have for the entire USA
Progressives believe that the US must be punished for its imperialist history. We must be put in our place and all our "stolen" wealth redistributed to the rightful owners of the world's citizens.
In reality, though, this is among the most conservative of the industrialized "western" democracies. I wouldn't go on and on about how "progressives" have messed things up here. We have a fairly right-wing dominated government, media, and economy.

But DO carry on with your stupid shit-ranting.
In reality, though, this is among the most conservative of the industrialized "western" democracies. I wouldn't go on and on about how "progressives" have messed things up here. We have a fairly right-wing dominated government, media, and economy.

But DO carry on with your stupid shit-ranting.

This is true in that we are one of the most conservative western countries. I think, since traveling to other countires isn't as easy for us as it is elsewhere, we have a tendency to forget about the world at large.

However, it is also true that we are becoming more liberal. Our media is more liberal today than 20 years ago and our country as a whole is leaning left more and more every year.

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