Our President Knows What He's Doing

bush lover

Feb 18, 2005
Holy Toledo, now our congressional leaders, such as Frist and Haster are questioning our President about the Ports and United Arab Ermirates taking them over. I really am offended by their "I know better" attitude towards our President. I really do hope our President Bush uses his first veto to put these creeps back in their place. They are only little woosy politicians. Our President is the Commander in Chief. He decides this stuff, not two-bit politicians. They are playing to the voters, seeking re-election. That's all they care about. They'll say or do whatever they have to so the voters will re-elect them. They care only about their stinking jobs. The hell with our President's judgment, right Dr. Frist? You're just a frigging political hack, not a real backer of our Great President. I hope a Democrat liberal beats you! You have it coming!
I love our president, and I'm very proud of him. But he IS only human. There have been issues, involving which, I disagree with his actions. I would like to know more about the port deal. It seems dangerous to me.
bush lover said:
Holy Toledo, now our congressional leaders, such as Frist and Haster are questioning our President about the Ports and United Arab Ermirates taking them over. I really am offended by their "I know better" attitude towards our President. I really do hope our President Bush uses his first veto to put these creeps back in their place. They are only little woosy politicians. Our President is the Commander in Chief. He decides this stuff, not two-bit politicians. They are playing to the voters, seeking re-election. That's all they care about. They'll say or do whatever they have to so the voters will re-elect them. They care only about their stinking jobs. The hell with our President's judgment, right Dr. Frist? You're just a frigging political hack, not a real backer of our Great President. I hope a Democrat liberal beats you! You have it coming!
Me thinks you'd like all the 'political hacks' (R) replaced by liberal democrats.
bush lover said:
Holy Toledo, now our congressional leaders, such as Frist and Haster are questioning our President about the Ports and United Arab Ermirates taking them over. I really am offended by their "I know better" attitude towards our President. I really do hope our President Bush uses his first veto to put these creeps back in their place. They are only little woosy politicians. Our President is the Commander in Chief. He decides this stuff, not two-bit politicians. They are playing to the voters, seeking re-election. That's all they care about. They'll say or do whatever they have to so the voters will re-elect them. They care only about their stinking jobs. The hell with our President's judgment, right Dr. Frist? You're just a frigging political hack, not a real backer of our Great President. I hope a Democrat liberal beats you! You have it coming!

I can see you really love Bush.
bush lover said:
Holy Toledo, now our congressional leaders, such as Frist and Haster are questioning our President about the Ports and United Arab Ermirates taking them over. I really am offended by their "I know better" attitude towards our President. I really do hope our President Bush uses his first veto to put these creeps back in their place. They are only little woosy politicians. Our President is the Commander in Chief. He decides this stuff, not two-bit politicians. They are playing to the voters, seeking re-election. That's all they care about. They'll say or do whatever they have to so the voters will re-elect them. They care only about their stinking jobs. The hell with our President's judgment, right Dr. Frist? You're just a frigging political hack, not a real backer of our Great President. I hope a Democrat liberal beats you! You have it coming!

Agreed---With segments of the press, the left and the right all chanting " the sky is falling" one has to wonder what they all have in common. Bush MUST be doing something right.
mom4 said:
I love our president, and I'm very proud of him. But he IS only human. There have been issues, involving which, I disagree with his actions. I would like to know more about the port deal. It seems dangerous to me.

Cheney is pushing the buttons. Makes GW's lips move.. Honest. More in a bit.
Working Man said:
Cheney is pushing the buttons. Makes GW's lips move.. Honest. More in a bit.

Since Bush selected him to be his VP I would certainly expect him to consult with Cheney. You going to scream "conspiracy" or something? :tinfoil:
Bush Lover, one still must be able to think on their own, and the man you say you love(as strange as that might seem to some)would have it no other way.

I` support what this administration is ATTEMPING to do, against a strong current of leftist opposition, but I take ever dicision, and listen to what this administration has to say on every point, I then make my OWN dicision.

Don`t become blinded by loyalty, think for yourself, you`ll be the better for it. :)
Trobinett made a good point, look at the issue. Lift the ink up off the paper and look underneath for the core of the issue.

I am a 75/25 supporter of W. I believe he does have a habit of installing earplugs from time to time. I think this is one of those times. With something as importsant as our security we should when this level of disagreement emerges ALWAYS...........

STEP BACK! Look again. W should have been willing to do that so as to reinforce his own points. I don't believe a 30 to 45 day studying period would have hurt anything and understand I agree with W on this issue.

Do I believe Lib's would ever applaud his doing so? NO! Libs hate W. It's not that they just respectfully disagree, they HATE him! This makes their arguments null and void every time. To me Dems lost their ability to debate anything with W because of their disrespectful way of treating him.

You see Conservatives make conscious decisions based on thier true feelings and educated positions. When a Republican speaks a dissentive opinion from a W point the Dems immediately jump to point that out and from there on they offer no more info on the issue at all. This is what is wrong with our system. It all comes down to Dems. Now they are screaming, even Republicans don't agree which brings up the point of a possible first time veto.
That is where W made his mistake. Never threaten veto before it is required or needed. This suggests that he will be close minded to the result of any vote on this issue and shuts the door for his being able to say "I WAS WRONG!" I would rather see the issue debated without the looming threat of veto present in the minds os those taking part.

So in closing, I agree with W on this issue but believe he is going about it the wrong way. When your right, hush! He has the abiolity to veto, he isn't running for re-election, he should be using a differnet tone with this issue.

As for the security! We have problems NOW! I go to those ports, they are not secure. In the event that the UAE does and it probably will gain this deal I believe they will work extra hard to convince us that they Are for real. The ports are OURS!!!!! They are on our soil, we can pass laws as restrictive on open books and operations as we require. Hanky Panky would result in Forfiture.

Americans will still work there. As I said last night progress on this issue would come from technology into Infrared and Electronis inspection technology so we could inspect a higher (much higher ) % of the incoming OSC's.

Kathianne, congrats on 5000!
Emmett said:
Trobinett made a good point, look at the issue. Lift the ink up off the paper and look underneath for the core of the issue.

I am a 75/25 supporter of W. I believe he does have a habit of installing earplugs from time to time. I think this is one of those times. With something as importsant as our security we should when this level of disagreement emerges ALWAYS...........

STEP BACK! Look again. W should have been willing to do that so as to reinforce his own points. I don't believe a 30 to 45 day studying period would have hurt anything and understand I agree with W on this issue.

Do I believe Lib's would ever applaud his doing so? NO! Libs hate W. It's not that they just respectfully disagree, they HATE him! This makes their arguments null and void every time. To me Dems lost their ability to debate anything with W because of their disrespectful way of treating him.

You see Conservatives make conscious decisions based on thier true feelings and educated positions. When a Republican speaks a dissentive opinion from a W point the Dems immediately jump to point that out and from there on they offer no more info on the issue at all. This is what is wrong with our system. It all comes down to Dems. Now they are screaming, even Republicans don't agree which brings up the point of a possible first time veto.
That is where W made his mistake. Never threaten veto before it is required or needed. This suggests that he will be close minded to the result of any vote on this issue and shuts the door for his being able to say "I WAS WRONG!" I would rather see the issue debated without the looming threat of veto present in the minds os those taking part.

So in closing, I agree with W on this issue but believe he is going about it the wrong way. When your right, hush! He has the abiolity to veto, he isn't running for re-election, he should be using a differnet tone with this issue.

As for the security! We have problems NOW! I go to those ports, they are not secure. In the event that the UAE does and it probably will gain this deal I believe they will work extra hard to convince us that they Are for real. The ports are OURS!!!!! They are on our soil, we can pass laws as restrictive on open books and operations as we require. Hanky Panky would result in Forfiture.

Americans will still work there. As I said last night progress on this issue would come from technology into Infrared and Electronis inspection technology so we could inspect a higher (much higher ) % of the incoming OSC's.

Kathianne, congrats on 5000!

Agreed----the deal has to go through another vetting because
A. The media succeeded in making the uninformed public panic.
B Politicians on both sides of the aisle have fanned the flames.
C. Bush should know that no one will let him get away with being assertive.

I wonder how severely we will have to compromise highly sensitive information to put out this fire. Certainly the Dems will be concerned about this because now the are SOoo worried about national security. :laugh:

That is why I feel W should have tried to low profile it a wee bit. I mean here we are watching the folks who screamed "abandon ship" in Iraq all of a sudden are trembling about the Portscam! I sticking my finger in my throat!
Emmett said:

That is why I feel W should have tried to low profile it a wee bit. I mean here we are watching the folks who screamed "abandon ship" in Iraq all of a sudden are trembling about the Portscam! I sticking my finger in my throat!

Woulda been nice but to a lib low profile= sneaky.

They get him coming and going. He has been trapped since the day he took office.
dilloduck said:
Since Bush selected him to be his VP I would certainly expect him to consult with Cheney. You going to scream "conspiracy" or something? :tinfoil:

I like Cheney, but I can't say that I really trust him.. Like I said, I will take Cheney over anyone the Democrats have to offer.** I think he is sharp. Why did GW pick Cheney? Cause he can't do the job himself, but I think Cheney could get the job done himself. He knows how government works and how to work it. ** (I know you all will love this, but I do trust Jimmy Carter to a point, and think on some issues he is a great leader. One place JC was wrong was Nafta. Don't see the working class Mexicans building their Shangri La's there, but they are still trying to come here.)

What did GW say?? " I didn't know about the Port deal until it was already in the works." He would have been better off keeping quiet, and just saying "My team has done their job, and I support their decision. PERIOD!!. Talk about sending mixed signals. Wrong thing to do. The old schmuck mayor from New York, Ed "Larry Fein" Cocktch called it a "stupid" thing to say today.. He should know.. What a putz.

As far as the port issue goes,, if it is true that there are only three companies that do this stuff, and the Coast Guard, HLS,,, are going to be keeping an eye on things,, then what the hell. Let them have a shot at doing it..

Although I want to pound the radio everytime I hear Rush Bimbo on the air,, that pompass ass, he made a few points today that made me wonder.

If the UAE are the people we need to get oil supplies from, and we certainly depend on them, then we shouldn't balk when one of their member countries wants to do some business here. I don't think we really have a choice. To say to them, I will take your oil from you, but you can't run a business here. It would be sending the wrong message. Hence I agree with GW.. And, I would bolster intelligence in this area with more wire taps.. Seriously, why not monitor what the folks are doing who are running the ports? Are there really going to be that many Arabs running around? I don't think so.. Probably, the concern is being fueled by the Long SHoremen themselves.

Hopefully, someday, the dopes in this country will figure out that we need to reduce our demand foreign energy suppliers is a good way to protect ourselves too. And of course, I feel the same way about manufactured goods. Do it here.

The US likes to buy oil from the middle east. If we didn't, we would have came up with hybrid cars, and harnessed alternate energy sources long ago.. NO,, NUCLEAR, COAL, ETHANOL, is not what I am talking about.. Wind,,solar, hydro power sources are better.
Working Man said:
I like Cheney, but I can't say that I really trust him.. Like I said, I will take Cheney over anyone the Democrats have to offer.** I think he is sharp. Why did GW pick Cheney? Cause he can't do the job himself, but I think Cheney could get the job done himself. He knows how government works and how to work it. ** (I know you all will love this, but I do trust Jimmy Carter to a point, and think on some issues he is a great leader. One place JC was wrong was Nafta. Don't see the working class Mexicans building their Shangri La's there, but they are still trying to come here.)

What did GW say?? " I didn't know about the Port deal until it was already in the works." He would have been better off keeping quiet, and just saying "My team has done their job, and I support their decision. PERIOD!!. Talk about sending mixed signals. Wrong thing to do. The old schmuck mayor from New York, Ed "Larry Fein" Cocktch called it a "stupid" thing to say today.. He should know.. What a putz.

As far as the port issue goes,, if it is true that there are only three companies that do this stuff, and the Coast Guard, HLS,,, are going to be keeping an eye on things,, then what the hell. Let them have a shot at doing it..

Although I want to pound the radio everytime I hear Rush Bimbo on the air,, that pompass ass, he made a few points today that made me wonder.

If the UAE are the people we need to get oil supplies from, and we certainly depend on them, then we shouldn't balk when one of their member countries wants to do some business here. I don't think we really have a choice. To say to them, I will take your oil from you, but you can't run a business here. It would be sending the wrong message. Hence I agree with GW.. And, I would bolster intelligence in this area with more wire taps.. Seriously, why not monitor what the folks are doing who are running the ports? Are there really going to be that many Arabs running around? I don't think so.. Probably, the concern is being fueled by the Long SHoremen themselves.

Hopefully, someday, the dopes in this country will figure out that we need to reduce our demand foreign energy suppliers is a good way to protect ourselves too. And of course, I feel the same way about manufactured goods. Do it here.

The US likes to buy oil from the middle east. If we didn't, we would have came up with hybrid cars, and harnessed alternate energy sources long ago.. NO,, NUCLEAR, COAL, ETHANOL, is not what I am talking about.. Wind,,solar, hydro power sources are better.

A multitude of issues can create quite a mess. We have the decision by under-cabinet members to approve the port deal---we have how the media framed its reporting on it---we have how people reacted to reports--we have how Bush responded to critics--we have politicians we need to cover thier asses or take advantage of bashing Bush etc etc. Lies and speculation only serve to make matters worse. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail before anything is finalized and what's best for America--not politicians will win out.

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