Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare

Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare - American Thinker
16 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffrey Folks

So we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol? And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.
It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company." If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian. Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.
As Orwell also stressed, the decline of language is both cause and effect of the decline of politics. When politicians and media begin speaking nonsense, it is the symptom of an underlying corruption of political thinking. The idea that the president should be removed from office for having defended the electoral process is truly bizarre, but it has been repeated throughout the liberal media and by most liberal politicians and even by some conservatives.
One might say progressives like Nancy Pelosi have become "unhinged," but that would let them off the hook. It would suggest that they don't quite realize what they are doing. But what they are doing is the result of crafty political calculation. They want to tie President Trump with the Capitol violence to the point that he can never run again. The same political deviousness lies behind suggestions that he should not be in control of the nation's nuclear arsenal because of his supposed mental instability.

This not the behavior of people who won 2020 fair and square. These are the furtive actions of the left's guilt.

  • creation and support of Antifa and BLM;
  • allowing the destruction of their own Blue Sanctury Plantation cities;
  • Hypocritcal double standard;
  • paranoia about stealing power;
  • fear that power-mongering will be worthless when people know the truth;
  • showing how monstrous and totalitarian the left really is;
  • publicly calling for censuring and banning views they hate;
  • the “insurrection” hoax;
  • presidential impeachment without due process;
  • not giving Trump the chance to defend himself;
  • making it punishable to show the monstrous left's totalitarian nature;
  • seeking to criminalize and penalize any talk of a stolen election,
  • brutally shutting down any talk of election fraud.
In addition, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat inversion of the truth with the complicit media is just that: another attempt to defend the indefensible and squelching of Free Speech. So begins the the Balkanization of America..
What’s next, the persecution of every American conservative?
Biden won't be making these decisions.
China Joe Biden will either meet with some unexpected HAPPENING which will result in him having to step down, or he will be in a dementia care facility by summer of 2021.
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Eerily Familiar...
Party ownership of the print media
made it easy to manipulate public opinion,
and the comboned media has carried the process further.
Exerpt from Goerge Orwell's 1984
16. Ministry Of Truth

The Ministry of Truth, Winston's place of work, contained, it was said, three thousand rooms above ground level, and corresponding ramifications below.

The Ministry of Truth concerned itself with Lies. Party ownership of the print media made it easy to manipulate public opinion, and the film and radio carried the process further.

The primary job of the Ministry of Truth was to supply the citizens of Oceania with newspapers, films, textbooks, telescreen programmes, plays, novels - with every conceivable kind of information, instruction, or entertainment, from a statue to a slogan, from a lyric poem to a biological treatise, and from a child's spelling-book to a Newspeak dictionary.

Winston worked in the RECORDS DEPARTMENT (a single branch of the Ministry of Truth) editing and writing for The Times. He dictated into a machine called a speakwrite. Winston would receive articles or news-items which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to alter, or, in Newspeak, rectify. If, for example, the Ministry of Plenty forecast a surplus, and in reality the result was grossly less, Winston's job was to change previous versions so the old version would agree with the new one. This process of continuous alteration was applied not only to newspapers, but to books, periodicals, pamphlets, posters, leaflets, films, sound-tracks, cartoons, photographs - to every kind of literature or documentation which might conceivably hold any political or ideological significance.

When his day's work started, Winston pulled the speakwrite towards him, blew the dust from its mouthpiece, and put on his spectacles. He dialed 'back numbers' on the telescreen and called for the appropriate issues of The Times, which slid out of the pneumatic tube after only a few minutes' delay. The messages he had received referred to articles or news-items which for one reason or another it was thought necessary to rectify.

In the walls of the cubicle there were three orifices. To the right of the speakwrite, a small pneumatic tube for written messages; to the left, a larger one for newspapers; and on the side wall, within easy reach of Winston's arm, a large oblong slit protected by a wire grating. This last was for the disposal of waste paper. Similar slits existed in thousands or tens of thousands throughout the building, not only in every room but at short intervals in every corridor. For some reason they were nicknamed memory holes. When one knew that any document was due for destruction, or even when one saw a scrap of waste paper lying about, it was an automatic action to lift the flap of the nearest memory hole and drop it in, whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air to the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.

As soon as Winston had dealt with each of the messages, he clipped his speakwritten corrections to the appropriate copy of The Times and pushed them into the pneumatic tube. Then, with a movement which was as nearly as possible unconscious, he crumpled up the original message and any notes that he himself had made, and dropped them into the memory hole to be devoured by the flames.

What happened in the unseen labyrinth to which the tubes led, he did not know in detail, but he did know in general terms. As soon as all the corrections which happened to be necessary in any particular number of The Times had been assembled and collated, that number would be reprinted, the original copy destroyed, and the corrected copy placed on the files in its stead.

In the cubicle next to him the little woman with sandy hair toiled day in day out, simply at tracking down and deleting from the Press the names of people who had been vaporized and were therefore considered never to have existed. And this hall, with its fifty workers or thereabouts, was only one-sub-section, a single cell, as it were, in the huge complexity of the Records Department. Beyond, above, below, were other swarms of workers engaged in an unimaginable multitude of jobs.

There were huge printing-shops and their sub editors, their typography experts, and their elaborately equipped studios for the faking of photographs. There was the tele-programmes section with its engineers, its producers and its teams of actors specially chosen for their skill in imitating voices; clerks whose job was simply to draw up lists of books and periodicals which were due for recall; vast repositories where the corrected documents were stored; and the hidden furnaces where the original copies were destroyed.

And somewhere or other, quite anonymous, there were the directing brains who co-ordinated the whole effort and laid down the lines of policy which made it necessary that this fragment of the past should be preserved, that one falsified, and the other rubbed out of existence.

Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare

Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare - American Thinker
16 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffrey Folks

So we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol? And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.
It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company." If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian. Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.
As Orwell also stressed, the decline of language is both cause and effect of the decline of politics. When politicians and media begin speaking nonsense, it is the symptom of an underlying corruption of political thinking. The idea that the president should be removed from office for having defended the electoral process is truly bizarre, but it has been repeated throughout the liberal media and by most liberal politicians and even by some conservatives.
One might say progressives like Nancy Pelosi have become "unhinged," but that would let them off the hook. It would suggest that they don't quite realize what they are doing. But what they are doing is the result of crafty political calculation. They want to tie President Trump with the Capitol violence to the point that he can never run again. The same political deviousness lies behind suggestions that he should not be in control of the nation's nuclear arsenal because of his supposed mental instability.

This not the behavior of people who won 2020 fair and square. These are the furtive actions of the left's guilt.

  • creation and support of Antifa and BLM;
  • allowing the destruction of their own Blue Sanctury Plantation cities;
  • Hypocritcal double standard;
  • paranoia about stealing power;
  • fear that power-mongering will be worthless when people know the truth;
  • showing how monstrous and totalitarian the left really is;
  • publicly calling for censuring and banning views they hate;
  • the “insurrection” hoax;
  • presidential impeachment without due process;
  • not giving Trump the chance to defend himself;
  • making it punishable to show the monstrous left's totalitarian nature;
  • seeking to criminalize and penalize any talk of a stolen election,
  • brutally shutting down any talk of election fraud.
In addition, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat inversion of the truth with the complicit media is just that: another attempt to defend the indefensible and squelching of Free Speech. So begins the the Balkanization of America..
What’s next, the persecution of every American conservative?
Biden won't be making these decisions.
China Joe Biden will either meet with some unexpected HAPPENING which will result in him having to step down, or he will be in a dementia care facility by summer of 2021.
And by the way, speak for yourself, Ass Hole.

Freedom is slavery and Ignorance is strength, though, dude.

and looking around at the large number of thoughtlessly conformist authoritarian leftists on this board, we sure do have a lot of REALLY strong, free people here.
Freedom is slavery and Ignorance is strength, though, dude.

and looking around at the large number of thoughtlessly conformist authoritarian leftists on this board, we sure do have a lot of REALLY strong, free people here.
Not you.
publicly calling for censuring and banning views they hate;
presidential impeachment without due process;
making it punishable to show the monstrous left's totalitarian nature;
seeking to criminalize and penalize any talk of a stolen election,
brutally shutting down any talk of election fraud.

These are the acts of an unjust and autocratic power wielded because they have no facts upon which to rest their position, so left unable to get people to WILLINGLY comply, they resort to strong-arm, unilateral, totalitarian actions.

What's most interesting is that after four years of warning Trump was under foreign influence, and was a dangerous madman seeking dictatorial power, it turns out that the mad dictators under foreign influence were the democrats running around warning us of Trump.

They couldn't even wait for Trump to leave office before trying to seize power.

All along you thought leftards were crying and screaming because Trump was in power when all along they were screaming because they WEREN'T.


Which one is you?
There is no "Orwellian nightmare" except that which has been created by the right-wingers. Biden won in a free and fair election. The whole "voter fraud" allegation is itself a fraud. There has not been a scintilla of evidence of voter fraud that has been produced, despite lawsuits in many courts, the availability of the internet on which it all could be uploaded, and the fact that millions of dollars have been available to trump and his supporters to buy airtime and present this supposed evidence to the public in an organized manner.

Remember that trump got in by a fluke of the electoral college, even though he did not win the majority vote, and did not win the majority vote again in the last election after amassing an almost four-year record in office. I take this to be a great indication of what the majority of Americans want.

It's not "stop the steal" anymore. It's "stop the fraud" that trump and his minions have tried to perpetrate on this nation.

Reality is too painful for many conservatives, so they've retreated into a whiny delusion-bubble SafeSpace where they can get thrill pretending to be the ultimate victims.

The OP was cuckoobananas conspiracy delusions. You don't wast time debating lunacy like that. You just point out that it's nuts.
How about you itemize your proof? Specifics.
What's most interesting is that after four years of warning Trump was under foreign influence, and was a dangerous madman seeking dictatorial power, it turns out that the mad dictators under foreign influence were the democrats running around warning us of Trump.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, ...

Understand that normal people see you as being you're insane and stupid. That's because you constantly say stupid and del;usional things.

Let's start with the basics. Do you grasp the concept that "Just because you saw it on the internet doesn't mean it's true."?

I have to ask because most hardcore Trump cultists don't understand that. Whenever their masters feed them a crazy story, they believe it instantly without question, no matter how stupid and reality-defying it is.
publicly calling for censuring and banning views they hate;
presidential impeachment without due process;
making it punishable to show the monstrous left's totalitarian nature;
seeking to criminalize and penalize any talk of a stolen election,
brutally shutting down any talk of election fraud.

These are the acts of an unjust and autocratic power wielded because they have no facts upon which to rest their position, so left unable to get people to WILLINGLY comply, they resort to strong-arm, unilateral, totalitarian actions.

What's most interesting is that after four years of warning Trump was under foreign influence, and was a dangerous madman seeking dictatorial power, it turns out that the mad dictators under foreign influence were the democrats running around warning us of Trump.

They couldn't even wait for Trump to leave office before trying to seize power.

All along you thought leftards were crying and screaming because Trump was in power when all along they were screaming because they WEREN'T.

You're right. POTUS January 20th, 2021. Noon.

Reality is too painful for many conservatives, so they've retreated into a whiny delusion-bubble SafeSpace where they can get thrill pretending to be the ultimate victims.

The OP was cuckoobananas conspiracy delusions. You don't wast time debating lunacy like that. You just point out that it's nuts.
How about you itemize your proof? Specifics.
How many court cases do you need to prove that comment?
Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare

Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare - American Thinker
16 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffrey Folks

So we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol? And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.
It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company." If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian. Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.
As Orwell also stressed, the decline of language is both cause and effect of the decline of politics. When politicians and media begin speaking nonsense, it is the symptom of an underlying corruption of political thinking. The idea that the president should be removed from office for having defended the electoral process is truly bizarre, but it has been repeated throughout the liberal media and by most liberal politicians and even by some conservatives.
One might say progressives like Nancy Pelosi have become "unhinged," but that would let them off the hook. It would suggest that they don't quite realize what they are doing. But what they are doing is the result of crafty political calculation. They want to tie President Trump with the Capitol violence to the point that he can never run again. The same political deviousness lies behind suggestions that he should not be in control of the nation's nuclear arsenal because of his supposed mental instability.

This not the behavior of people who won 2020 fair and square. These are the furtive actions of the left's guilt.

  • creation and support of Antifa and BLM;
  • allowing the destruction of their own Blue Sanctury Plantation cities;
  • Hypocritcal double standard;
  • paranoia about stealing power;
  • fear that power-mongering will be worthless when people know the truth;
  • showing how monstrous and totalitarian the left really is;
  • publicly calling for censuring and banning views they hate;
  • the “insurrection” hoax;
  • presidential impeachment without due process;
  • not giving Trump the chance to defend himself;
  • making it punishable to show the monstrous left's totalitarian nature;
  • seeking to criminalize and penalize any talk of a stolen election,
  • brutally shutting down any talk of election fraud.
In addition, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat inversion of the truth with the complicit media is just that: another attempt to defend the indefensible and squelching of Free Speech. So begins the the Balkanization of America..
What’s next, the persecution of every American conservative?
Biden won't be making these decisions.
China Joe Biden will either meet with some unexpected HAPPENING which will result in him having to step down, or he will be in a dementia care facility by summer of 2021.

Communists are murders from the beginning.
All countries hijacked by them are devastated and hundred millions brutally murdered since 1917.
America will be no exception.

Look what will go on in few years in any US city



Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare

Our Mounting Orwellian Nightmare - American Thinker
16 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jeffrey Folks

So we are to imagine that those who objected to Biden's having stolen the election are responsible for the violence at the Capitol? And that, going forward, any public official who questions Biden's win should be removed from office, and that any corporate leader who objects should be fired? All this when the truth is that Trump in all likelihood won the election.
It is the perfect example of Orwellian speech. In his classic essay "Politics and the English Language," Orwell spoke of the condition where "words and meaning have almost parted company." If that "almost" is a measure of Orwellian speech, then today's Democrat leaders are beyond Orwellian. Their words and meaning have parted company entirely.
As Orwell also stressed, the decline of language is both cause and effect of the decline of politics. When politicians and media begin speaking nonsense, it is the symptom of an underlying corruption of political thinking. The idea that the president should be removed from office for having defended the electoral process is truly bizarre, but it has been repeated throughout the liberal media and by most liberal politicians and even by some conservatives.
One might say progressives like Nancy Pelosi have become "unhinged," but that would let them off the hook. It would suggest that they don't quite realize what they are doing. But what they are doing is the result of crafty political calculation. They want to tie President Trump with the Capitol violence to the point that he can never run again. The same political deviousness lies behind suggestions that he should not be in control of the nation's nuclear arsenal because of his supposed mental instability.

This not the behavior of people who won 2020 fair and square. These are the furtive actions of the left's guilt.

  • creation and support of Antifa and BLM;
  • allowing the destruction of their own Blue Sanctury Plantation cities;
  • Hypocritcal double standard;
  • paranoia about stealing power;
  • fear that power-mongering will be worthless when people know the truth;
  • showing how monstrous and totalitarian the left really is;
  • publicly calling for censuring and banning views they hate;
  • the “insurrection” hoax;
  • presidential impeachment without due process;
  • not giving Trump the chance to defend himself;
  • making it punishable to show the monstrous left's totalitarian nature;
  • seeking to criminalize and penalize any talk of a stolen election,
  • brutally shutting down any talk of election fraud.
In addition, the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat inversion of the truth with the complicit media is just that: another attempt to defend the indefensible and squelching of Free Speech. So begins the the Balkanization of America..
What’s next, the persecution of every American conservative?
Biden won't be making these decisions.
China Joe Biden will either meet with some unexpected HAPPENING which will result in him having to step down, or he will be in a dementia care facility by summer of 2021.

Furtive is the perfect word to describe the just beneath the skin flurry of Democratic Party activity leading up to and post the 2020 presidential election. The democrats aren't running scared, they are running terrified; terrified of the potential backlash by tens of millions of Americans who know, beyond the thinnest of doubts, that their PRIME and only voice, really in shaping the form, function and face of their democracy (their vote) has been silenced.

From a more personal perspective, I myself dropped everything on my schedule about a week ahead of the 2020 election, in order to stand in line for three hours to cast an early vote for Donald Trump in Pennsylvania. Considering all the overtly fraudulent antics played by Pennsylvania's democrat leadership, how can I feel any other way than that my vote did not count?

But it all goes much deeper than individual Americans' deep disappointment and disenfranchisement by our federal and state governmental establishments. The democrats and their republican lackeys didn't just silently steal the election from Trump and over half the American People, no—they very publicly celebrated and flaunted their "crime of the century" in all our faces. Add to that the insane platforms the incoming democrats have run on this election cycle and Orwell's worst nightmares have become our waking reality.

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