Our friends the Turks: Hiding Venezuela's gold for Maduro?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Our friends the Turks: Hiding Venezuela's gold for Maduro?

By Monica Showalter ~~Yes, we expect places such as Russia and Iran to stick up for Venezuela's hellhole regime, along with its fellow Latin socialist hellholes Cuba, Bolivia, and Nicaragua. But Bloomberg is reporting that U.S. NATO ally Turkey seems to be all in for helping Nicolás Maduro spirit the nation's gold out of the country for his potentially comfortable retirement. The picture emerges of a dictator about to make off with the light bulbs on the way out. Back around when Maduro was eating that big steak dinner in Istanbul in front of Venezuelans for an Instagram post, here's what had been really going on, as Bloomberg reported:
Two months after Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro visited his counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara, a mysterious company called Sardes sprang into existence.
The firm started business with a bang in January of 2018, when it imported about $41 million worth of gold from Venezuela, the first such transaction between the two countries in records that go back 50 years. The next month its volume more than doubled, with Sardes transporting almost $100 million worth to Turkey.​
What we are looking at is potential thievery, potential sanctions evasion, and potential exile plans with this strange series of gold transactions with the Turks... What kind of an ally is this? Why the heck is it in NATO? And why isn't the U.S. warning Turkey it's going to be sanctioned as hard as Iran and Venezuela if it doesn't get its act together? That and throwing this bogus ally out of NATO would be suitable consequences.

It is time to quietly remove all US assets except those defending our AF base at Incirlik, and then fly everything and everybody out en masse, with the remaining installations blowing up as the last plane leaves. Just as with Maduro, Erdogan may have been elected (perhaps legally this last time too), but the people won't be moving him out of office by the ballot box.
The US military has long had a love affair with Turkey. This goes back to the sterling performance by Turkish forces during the Korean War. And during the Cold War, Turkey performed the invaluable service of holding down the NATO southern flank. During the same period, Turkey always did everything we asked. Unlike France, Holland, Greece, or Italy, nobody ever doubted that Turkey can fight. It seemed to be a match made in heaven.
That was then and this is now. There is no more Soviet Union, and Turkey, by re-embracing Islam, has gone over into the Dark Side. Time to ditch this itch.
If Maduro is able to leave Venezuela alive, he's already stashed billions in gold to survive.

Venezuela: Hugo Chavez's Daughter Enjoys Wealth While ...
The Pursuit of Happiness - KPRC AM 950...
Feb 05, 2019 · Socialist revolutionary leader Hugo Chavez’s oldest daughter, Maria Gabriela, is supposedly Venezuela’s richest woman. She has a personal fortune of more than 4 billion dollars which she keeps hidden in European banks.
Perhaps hiding Venezuela's gold for Venezuela since america is in the midst of toppling Venezuela's govt.

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