Our discredited media


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Hopefully once President Trump gets settled in office he will order a congressional investigation into the media conspiracy to defeat him....never in our history has the media been so overwhelmingly devoted to influence an election....to the point of outright dishonesty, lying and even allowing Clinton to cheat during the debates by giving her the questions she would be asked ...in advance. No wonder that about 2/3 of the population says they do not trust the media...which was a huge factor in Clintons defeat aka the people saw the media b.s. and reacted appropriately by voting for The Donald.

Congressman Slams Discredited Media on House Floor
Don't think there's anything legal Trump can do, freedom of speech and all that. They're free to lie and distort in exercising that freedom all they want. But voters obviously saw through it this go-round and have learned a valuable lesson in doing so and certainly aren't going to forget between now and the 2020 elections. If anything folks will be more on their toes regarding media since they know they can't trust them at all.

As for the crooked debates, IMO the RNC should announce right now they won't participate in '20 under the current format whereby networks used DNC shills to question the candidates. Simply design a format with neutral non-network affiliated moderators. The networks can't balk because they've already been caught with their pants down and thus can't be trusted.
My goodness. The winners are still whining:) Maybe Trump will send everyone a check like Gomer Bush did and they can then find true happiness.
I would think there is some "protection" from outright bullshit. I mean look at what they've done, they've got half the population in panic over lies. I've spent much of the past week trying to convince my LGBT's that Trump isn't going to kill them - rediculious yes, but it's the reality of terrified lefties who have no idea how to handle opposing opinions. The media has... brainwashed them into near suicidal episodes. It's disgusting frankly, especially since Trump has never even said anything against LGBTs...

I mean we've established that you can't yell "fire" in the theater, I'm thinking there's something that says you can't lie and create the kind of panic they've created...
The Lying Media is paying the price in decreased circulation. I think the NY Times is still showing Hillary as a 6-1 favorite to defeat Trump
I don't think there was a vast right-wing conspiracy which pervaded the media. MSM like the NYT have already paid dearly with their reputation which was so badly comprised. The pundits are still licking their wounds except for people like Olbermann who had already been discredited.
I would think there is some "protection" from outright bullshit. I mean look at what they've done, they've got half the population in panic over lies. I've spent much of the past week trying to convince my LGBT's that Trump isn't going to kill them - rediculious yes, but it's the reality of terrified lefties who have no idea how to handle opposing opinions. The media has... brainwashed them into near suicidal episodes. It's disgusting frankly, especially since Trump has never even said anything against LGBTs...

I mean we've established that you can't yell "fire" in the theater, I'm thinking there's something that says you can't lie and create the kind of panic they've created...

Mike Pence, one of the biggest LGBT opponents ever, will be vice president to a clown who has no goal except self advancement. Only a fool wouldn't be afraid.
RWNJ's think that if you just say discredited enough times without examples then it means something. Its no different than yelling "I have a unicorn" over and over.
Pence is going to stand up to Trump who says SSM is the law of the land? You think so? I don't.

The supreme court are the only ones who can change whether SSM stays the law of the land, and Trump's appointments will guarantee that is a definite possibility.
As far as I've seen the worst of his SCOTUS picks was against a /federal/ mandate for SSM recognition believing that such things are up to the state. - While I can agree that is not ideal given the free travel of LGBT couples through the country, it is a stretch to say that they will /definitely/ bring suit to overturn it. Even if such a suit is brought forth by [agreeably annoying right wingers] there is no guarantee that any of the remaining or newly chosen justices will vote the merits of the dissenting judges.

At worst, imo, we end up with the decision going back to the states, which, I completely agree it is a big [and I do believe wrongful] and unfortunate step back, is not the end of the world.

Had we elected Clinton, your SSM would be completely meaningless frankly as she had every intention of starting a war with Russia - and if you believe Putin could not be pushed to nuke the USA, nor that Clinton would have hesitated to nuke Russia, then you are sadly mistaken.

Even if you want to discount the end of the world scenario that was /very/ real, Clinton was not SSM supporting either - despite her recent lies in attempt to get elected.
The Liberal main stream media is a joke.
It sure beats being an idiot that doesn`t know as much as a goldfish. Fact.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

So you think the MSM should be free to say whatever the hell they want?

As long as the media promotes the liberal narrative ....that is all they care about.

The liberals insist on having a propaganda machine....the mainstream media serves that desire.

The idea that the media should present facts and the truth is not on their agenda.

Fox is somewhat better...not that much...they joined the msm mob in going after The Donald also...maybe not quite as much...but they were there.
The Liberal main stream media is a joke.
It sure beats being an idiot that doesn`t know as much as a goldfish. Fact.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

So you think the MSM should be free to say whatever the hell they want?

As long as the media promotes the liberal narrative ....that is all they care about.

The liberals insist on having a propaganda machine....the mainstream media serves that desire.

The idea that the media should present facts and the truth is not on their agenda.

Fox is somewhat better...not that much...they joined the msm mob in going after The Donald also...maybe not quite as much...but they were there.

Yeah it's a shame. The media should be about truth in reporting info to the American people.
The Liberal main stream media is a joke.
It sure beats being an idiot that doesn`t know as much as a goldfish. Fact.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

So you think the MSM should be free to say whatever the hell they want?
The first amendment says that yes, they can say whatever they want. Did you complain when FOX told you 800 lies about Benghazi.
My goodness. The winners are still whining:) Maybe Trump will send everyone a check like Gomer Bush did and they can then find true happiness.
The Liberal main stream media is a joke.
It sure beats being an idiot that doesn`t know as much as a goldfish. Fact.
STUDY: Watching Only Fox News Makes You Less Informed Than Watching No News At All

So you think the MSM should be free to say whatever the hell they want?
The first amendment says that yes, they can say whatever they want. Did you complain when FOX told you 800 lies about Benghazi.

What lies were those?

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