......Our Army, our Military......a sad moment ....???


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
You know, the news since January 6th is not accruing as we would wish for our uniformed services....our military.
Today it was the the Secretaries of the Army and of Defense looking 'questionable'. But those are the 'bigwigs', and that elevation oft is met with a modicum of skepticism. (see the piece below)

But maybe what holds the greatest potential to detract from the luster earned and bestowed upon our uniformed services is........is the frequent, and growing, reports of current military and ex-military composing an integral part of the planning, training, and implementation of the January 6th attempt to negate our Constitution.

This riot, this insurrection, 'lovefest', or mission......or whatever you want to call it, has put America's current trust and regard for the services at great risk. And it is at it's current height after a long climb back from the disrespect applied vis-a-vis the Viet Nam War.

Now we have these wrongheaded, delusional, nutjob lower rankers...current & former ..... thinking they are some kind of 'patriot' army saving America from 'leftist', 'Marxist', anarchist, and, for the nuttiest - from baby-eaters.

Our military leadership....and very likely NOT the two guys, the Secretaries, getting a hard stare today in the Senate committee.....but it will be leadership that will have to lead their troops away from any burgeoning or embedded extremism.

If current leadership cannot do that then both America and our uniformed services are gonna have a very difficult and fraught relationship going forward. And a dangerous one, to boot.

This below, is a snippet of a view on today's hearings:

Capitol Police begged for help. For 199 minutes, Trump’s Pentagon stalled.

"Three hours and 19 minutes.
That’s how long it took from the first, desperate pleas for help from the Capitol Police to the Trump Pentagon on Jan. 6 until the D.C. National Guard finally received permission to help put down the bloody insurrection.

During those 199 minutes, the mob sacked the Capitol. People died. Overwhelmed Capitol and D.C. police were beaten. Lawmakers’ lives were jeopardized. And violent extremists defiled the seat of government, temporarily halting the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

“Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency at the Capitol, and he requested the immediate assistance of as many available national guardsmen that I could muster.”

Major General Wm. Walker, of the DC National Guard, immediately alerted senior Army leadership — and then waited. And waited. Approval to mobilize the guard wouldn’t be received until 5:08 p.m.

At best, this was a catastrophic failure of government. At worst, political appointees and Trump loyalists at the Defense Department deliberately prevented the National Guard from defending the Capitol against a seditious mob.

The man ultimately responsible for the delay, Christopher Miller, had been a White House aide before Donald Trump installed him as acting defense secretary in November,..."

You know, the news since January 6th is not accruing as we would wish for our uniformed services....our military.
Today it was the the Secretaries of the Army and of Defense looking 'questionable'. But those are the 'bigwigs', and that elevation oft is met with a modicum of skepticism. (see the piece below)

But maybe what holds the greatest potential to detract from the luster earned and bestowed upon our uniformed services is........is the frequent, and growing, reports of current military and ex-military composing an integral part of the planning, training, and implementation of the January 6th attempt to negate our Constitution.

This riot, this insurrection, 'lovefest', or mission......or whatever you want to call it, has put America's current trust and regard for the services at great risk. And it is at it's current height after a long climb back from the disrespect applied vis-a-vis the Viet Nam War.

Now we have these wrongheaded, delusional, nutjob lower rankers...current & former ..... thinking they are some kind of 'patriot' army saving America from 'leftist', 'Marxist', anarchist, and, for the nuttiest - from baby-eaters.

Our military leadership....and very likely NOT the two guys, the Secretaries, getting a hard stare today in the Senate committee.....but it will be leadership that will have to lead their troops away from any burgeoning or embedded extremism.

If current leadership cannot do that then both America and our uniformed services are gonna have a very difficult and fraught relationship going forward. And a dangerous one, to boot.

This below, is a snippet of a view on today's hearings:

Capitol Police begged for help. For 199 minutes, Trump’s Pentagon stalled.

"Three hours and 19 minutes.
That’s how long it took from the first, desperate pleas for help from the Capitol Police to the Trump Pentagon on Jan. 6 until the D.C. National Guard finally received permission to help put down the bloody insurrection.

During those 199 minutes, the mob sacked the Capitol. People died. Overwhelmed Capitol and D.C. police were beaten. Lawmakers’ lives were jeopardized. And violent extremists defiled the seat of government, temporarily halting the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

“Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency at the Capitol, and he requested the immediate assistance of as many available national guardsmen that I could muster.”

Major General Wm. Walker, of the DC National Guard, immediately alerted senior Army leadership — and then waited. And waited. Approval to mobilize the guard wouldn’t be received until 5:08 p.m.

At best, this was a catastrophic failure of government. At worst, political appointees and Trump loyalists at the Defense Department deliberately prevented the National Guard from defending the Capitol against a seditious mob.

The man ultimately responsible for the delay, Christopher Miller, had been a White House aide before Donald Trump installed him as acting defense secretary in November,..."

Even a few former soldiers will get the flash point news over any other person there that day....don't fall for that crap....
You know, the news since January 6th is not accruing as we would wish for our uniformed services....our military.
Today it was the the Secretaries of the Army and of Defense looking 'questionable'. But those are the 'bigwigs', and that elevation oft is met with a modicum of skepticism. (see the piece below)

But maybe what holds the greatest potential to detract from the luster earned and bestowed upon our uniformed services is........is the frequent, and growing, reports of current military and ex-military composing an integral part of the planning, training, and implementation of the January 6th attempt to negate our Constitution.

This riot, this insurrection, 'lovefest', or mission......or whatever you want to call it, has put America's current trust and regard for the services at great risk. And it is at it's current height after a long climb back from the disrespect applied vis-a-vis the Viet Nam War.

Now we have these wrongheaded, delusional, nutjob lower rankers...current & former ..... thinking they are some kind of 'patriot' army saving America from 'leftist', 'Marxist', anarchist, and, for the nuttiest - from baby-eaters.

Our military leadership....and very likely NOT the two guys, the Secretaries, getting a hard stare today in the Senate committee.....but it will be leadership that will have to lead their troops away from any burgeoning or embedded extremism.

If current leadership cannot do that then both America and our uniformed services are gonna have a very difficult and fraught relationship going forward. And a dangerous one, to boot.

This below, is a snippet of a view on today's hearings:

Capitol Police begged for help. For 199 minutes, Trump’s Pentagon stalled.

"Three hours and 19 minutes.
That’s how long it took from the first, desperate pleas for help from the Capitol Police to the Trump Pentagon on Jan. 6 until the D.C. National Guard finally received permission to help put down the bloody insurrection.

During those 199 minutes, the mob sacked the Capitol. People died. Overwhelmed Capitol and D.C. police were beaten. Lawmakers’ lives were jeopardized. And violent extremists defiled the seat of government, temporarily halting the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

“Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency at the Capitol, and he requested the immediate assistance of as many available national guardsmen that I could muster.”

Major General Wm. Walker, of the DC National Guard, immediately alerted senior Army leadership — and then waited. And waited. Approval to mobilize the guard wouldn’t be received until 5:08 p.m.

At best, this was a catastrophic failure of government. At worst, political appointees and Trump loyalists at the Defense Department deliberately prevented the National Guard from defending the Capitol against a seditious mob.

The man ultimately responsible for the delay, Christopher Miller, had been a White House aide before Donald Trump installed him as acting defense secretary in November,..."

Military is generally conservative and on the side of the people and liberty.
Hopefully there there was no ambiguity due to any allegiance from being appointed to his post commanding the DC National Guard by Donald J Trump, as in March of 2018, Trump nominated him for promotion to Major General, and selected him as Commanding General over the DC National Guard. Probably not.
You know, the news since January 6th is not accruing as we would wish for our uniformed services....our military.
Today it was the the Secretaries of the Army and of Defense looking 'questionable'. But those are the 'bigwigs', and that elevation oft is met with a modicum of skepticism. (see the piece below)

But maybe what holds the greatest potential to detract from the luster earned and bestowed upon our uniformed services is........is the frequent, and growing, reports of current military and ex-military composing an integral part of the planning, training, and implementation of the January 6th attempt to negate our Constitution.

This riot, this insurrection, 'lovefest', or mission......or whatever you want to call it, has put America's current trust and regard for the services at great risk. And it is at it's current height after a long climb back from the disrespect applied vis-a-vis the Viet Nam War.

Now we have these wrongheaded, delusional, nutjob lower rankers...current & former ..... thinking they are some kind of 'patriot' army saving America from 'leftist', 'Marxist', anarchist, and, for the nuttiest - from baby-eaters.

Our military leadership....and very likely NOT the two guys, the Secretaries, getting a hard stare today in the Senate committee.....but it will be leadership that will have to lead their troops away from any burgeoning or embedded extremism.

If current leadership cannot do that then both America and our uniformed services are gonna have a very difficult and fraught relationship going forward. And a dangerous one, to boot.

This below, is a snippet of a view on today's hearings:

Capitol Police begged for help. For 199 minutes, Trump’s Pentagon stalled.

"Three hours and 19 minutes.
That’s how long it took from the first, desperate pleas for help from the Capitol Police to the Trump Pentagon on Jan. 6 until the D.C. National Guard finally received permission to help put down the bloody insurrection.

During those 199 minutes, the mob sacked the Capitol. People died. Overwhelmed Capitol and D.C. police were beaten. Lawmakers’ lives were jeopardized. And violent extremists defiled the seat of government, temporarily halting the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

“Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency at the Capitol, and he requested the immediate assistance of as many available national guardsmen that I could muster.”

Major General Wm. Walker, of the DC National Guard, immediately alerted senior Army leadership — and then waited. And waited. Approval to mobilize the guard wouldn’t be received until 5:08 p.m.

At best, this was a catastrophic failure of government. At worst, political appointees and Trump loyalists at the Defense Department deliberately prevented the National Guard from defending the Capitol against a seditious mob.

The man ultimately responsible for the delay, Christopher Miller, had been a White House aide before Donald Trump installed him as acting defense secretary in November,..."

Look, dems try to kill the national guard.

Wednesday's hearing on the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Government have brought the roles of the then Secretary of Defense and the then Secretary of the Army into question. They were the ones who sat on an urgent request for the National Guard, which, because the District of Columbia is not a state, they had to approve. There were some interesting letters exchanged in the week leading up to the attack limiting what the Guard could do. The testimony of the commander of the DC Guard was very, very interesting and enlightening. More must be revealed about the actions of the then Secretary of Defense and the then Secretary of the Army, the changes in personnel at the Pentagon in the weeks leading up to the attack, and the role of the Flynn brothers, one of whom actually called for the imposition of martial law.

The Guard commander offered a pretty precise timeline.

Oh, and there is the "optics" thing.

Just how far up does this go? All these folks must be compelled to testify under oath.
You know, the news since January 6th is not accruing as we would wish for our uniformed services....our military.
Today it was the the Secretaries of the Army and of Defense looking 'questionable'. But those are the 'bigwigs', and that elevation oft is met with a modicum of skepticism. (see the piece below)

But maybe what holds the greatest potential to detract from the luster earned and bestowed upon our uniformed services is........is the frequent, and growing, reports of current military and ex-military composing an integral part of the planning, training, and implementation of the January 6th attempt to negate our Constitution.

This riot, this insurrection, 'lovefest', or mission......or whatever you want to call it, has put America's current trust and regard for the services at great risk. And it is at it's current height after a long climb back from the disrespect applied vis-a-vis the Viet Nam War.

Now we have these wrongheaded, delusional, nutjob lower rankers...current & former ..... thinking they are some kind of 'patriot' army saving America from 'leftist', 'Marxist', anarchist, and, for the nuttiest - from baby-eaters.

Our military leadership....and very likely NOT the two guys, the Secretaries, getting a hard stare today in the Senate committee.....but it will be leadership that will have to lead their troops away from any burgeoning or embedded extremism.

If current leadership cannot do that then both America and our uniformed services are gonna have a very difficult and fraught relationship going forward. And a dangerous one, to boot.

This below, is a snippet of a view on today's hearings:

Capitol Police begged for help. For 199 minutes, Trump’s Pentagon stalled.

"Three hours and 19 minutes.
That’s how long it took from the first, desperate pleas for help from the Capitol Police to the Trump Pentagon on Jan. 6 until the D.C. National Guard finally received permission to help put down the bloody insurrection.

During those 199 minutes, the mob sacked the Capitol. People died. Overwhelmed Capitol and D.C. police were beaten. Lawmakers’ lives were jeopardized. And violent extremists defiled the seat of government, temporarily halting the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

“Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency at the Capitol, and he requested the immediate assistance of as many available national guardsmen that I could muster.”

Major General Wm. Walker, of the DC National Guard, immediately alerted senior Army leadership — and then waited. And waited. Approval to mobilize the guard wouldn’t be received until 5:08 p.m.

At best, this was a catastrophic failure of government. At worst, political appointees and Trump loyalists at the Defense Department deliberately prevented the National Guard from defending the Capitol against a seditious mob.

The man ultimately responsible for the delay, Christopher Miller, had been a White House aide before Donald Trump installed him as acting defense secretary in November,..."

You do know that the National Guard are part-timers right ? Mobilizing them quickly is like herding cats.
You know, the news since January 6th is not accruing as we would wish for our uniformed services....our military.
Today it was the the Secretaries of the Army and of Defense looking 'questionable'. But those are the 'bigwigs', and that elevation oft is met with a modicum of skepticism. (see the piece below)

But maybe what holds the greatest potential to detract from the luster earned and bestowed upon our uniformed services is........is the frequent, and growing, reports of current military and ex-military composing an integral part of the planning, training, and implementation of the January 6th attempt to negate our Constitution.

This riot, this insurrection, 'lovefest', or mission......or whatever you want to call it, has put America's current trust and regard for the services at great risk. And it is at it's current height after a long climb back from the disrespect applied vis-a-vis the Viet Nam War.

Now we have these wrongheaded, delusional, nutjob lower rankers...current & former ..... thinking they are some kind of 'patriot' army saving America from 'leftist', 'Marxist', anarchist, and, for the nuttiest - from baby-eaters.

Our military leadership....and very likely NOT the two guys, the Secretaries, getting a hard stare today in the Senate committee.....but it will be leadership that will have to lead their troops away from any burgeoning or embedded extremism.

If current leadership cannot do that then both America and our uniformed services are gonna have a very difficult and fraught relationship going forward. And a dangerous one, to boot.

This below, is a snippet of a view on today's hearings:

Capitol Police begged for help. For 199 minutes, Trump’s Pentagon stalled.

"Three hours and 19 minutes.
That’s how long it took from the first, desperate pleas for help from the Capitol Police to the Trump Pentagon on Jan. 6 until the D.C. National Guard finally received permission to help put down the bloody insurrection.

During those 199 minutes, the mob sacked the Capitol. People died. Overwhelmed Capitol and D.C. police were beaten. Lawmakers’ lives were jeopardized. And violent extremists defiled the seat of government, temporarily halting the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

“Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency at the Capitol, and he requested the immediate assistance of as many available national guardsmen that I could muster.”

Major General Wm. Walker, of the DC National Guard, immediately alerted senior Army leadership — and then waited. And waited. Approval to mobilize the guard wouldn’t be received until 5:08 p.m.

At best, this was a catastrophic failure of government. At worst, political appointees and Trump loyalists at the Defense Department deliberately prevented the National Guard from defending the Capitol against a seditious mob.

The man ultimately responsible for the delay, Christopher Miller, had been a White House aide before Donald Trump installed him as acting defense secretary in November,..."

You do know that the National Guard are part-timers right ? Mobilizing them quickly is like herding cats.

No, it' isn't.

The shift in guidance, according to DC National Guard Commanding Maj. Gen. William Walker, was communicated in a January 5 memo that stated he was required to seek approval from the Secretary of the Army and Defense before preparing troops to respond to a civil disturbance.

"It required me to seek authorization from the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of Defense to essentially protect my guardsmen," he told senators during a hearing on security failures related to the Capitol building attack.

"So, no civil disturbance equipment could be authorized unless it was came from the Secretary of Defense ... the secretary of defense, told me I needed his permission to escalate to have that kind of protection," Walker added, calling the January 5 memo "unusual."

Walker testified that he could have sent 155 guardsmen to the Capitol shortly after 2 p.m., but could not without approval, adding that he eagerly loaded the guardsmen onto buses to put their gear on and waited.

"The approval for Chief Sund's request would eventually come from the Acting Secretary of Defense and be relayed to me by Army Senior Leaders at 5:08 p.m. -- 3 hours and 19 minutes later," Walker said Wednesday in his prepared statement.

Hmm, a memo sent to the commander January 5th, sounds like Dotard knew exactly what was going to happen.
You do know that the National Guard are part-timers right ? Mobilizing them quickly is like herding cats.

Oh yes, I do know that. And it is right for you to point that out.
But even more aware of that reality would be the Pentagon and the National Guard chain of command.

Nonetheless, this quote I pulled from post #9, by Smokin' highlights that there WAS significant manpower cocked & loaded. 155 uniformed soldiers with arms, properly deployed....could have (in my opinion) made a noticeable difference in the dynamics at the Capitol on January 6th.

Walker testified that he could have sent 155 guardsmen to the Capitol shortly after 2 p.m.,
Wednesday's hearing on the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Government have brought the roles of the then Secretary of Defense and the then Secretary of the Army into question. They were the ones who sat on an urgent request for the National Guard, which, because the District of Columbia is not a state, they had to approve. There were some interesting letters exchanged in the week leading up to the attack limiting what the Guard could do. The testimony of the commander of the DC Guard was very, very interesting and enlightening. More must be revealed about the actions of the then Secretary of Defense and the then Secretary of the Army, the changes in personnel at the Pentagon in the weeks leading up to the attack, and the role of the Flynn brothers, one of whom actually called for the imposition of martial law.

The Guard commander offered a pretty precise timeline.

Oh, and there is the "optics" thing.

Just how far up does this go? All these folks must be compelled to testify under oath.
I am sure they will have to testify but the big thing that needs to happen is they need to be replaced as soon as possible. Get those fucks out of those positions.
US budget deficite is 50% and will be bigger after 1,9 trillion aid plan is adopted.

All this will eventually lead to bankruptcy of the US. Its huge army and military industry will evaporate in USSR army style.

So, sad moment is still ahead, today everything is fine... :)
The US spends more on
You do know that the National Guard are part-timers right ? Mobilizing them quickly is like herding cats.

Oh yes, I do know that. And it is right for you to point that out.
But even more aware of that reality would be the Pentagon and the National Guard chain of command.

Nonetheless, this quote I pulled from post #9, by Smokin' highlights that there WAS significant manpower cocked & loaded. 155 uniformed soldiers with arms, properly deployed....could have (in my opinion) made a noticeable difference in the dynamics at the Capitol on January 6th.

Walker testified that he could have sent 155 guardsmen to the Capitol shortly after 2 p.m.,
Unless activated the members of the National Guard are normal everyday citizens with other priorities. I seriously doubt they could have mustered more than a dozen given the time frame. When I was active duty last formation saw the company scattered to the wind and most would not answer the phone and the barracks soldiers either disappeared or wouldn't answer the door.
US budget deficite is 50% and will be bigger after 1,9 trillion aid plan is adopted.

All this will eventually lead to bankruptcy of the US. Its huge army and military industry will evaporate in USSR army style.

So, sad moment is still ahead, today everything is fine... :)


All gloom and doom by wing nuts but last March, they had no problem passing a relief bill that was only $1 billion dollars less. 745,000 became unemployed last week.

Almost 3 times the amount Bush was losing PER MONTH.

Wing nuts DO NOT care, unless you're a corporation.
You know, the news since January 6th is not accruing as we would wish for our uniformed services....our military.
Today it was the the Secretaries of the Army and of Defense looking 'questionable'. But those are the 'bigwigs', and that elevation oft is met with a modicum of skepticism. (see the piece below)

But maybe what holds the greatest potential to detract from the luster earned and bestowed upon our uniformed services is........is the frequent, and growing, reports of current military and ex-military composing an integral part of the planning, training, and implementation of the January 6th attempt to negate our Constitution.

This riot, this insurrection, 'lovefest', or mission......or whatever you want to call it, has put America's current trust and regard for the services at great risk. And it is at it's current height after a long climb back from the disrespect applied vis-a-vis the Viet Nam War.

Now we have these wrongheaded, delusional, nutjob lower rankers...current & former ..... thinking they are some kind of 'patriot' army saving America from 'leftist', 'Marxist', anarchist, and, for the nuttiest - from baby-eaters.

Our military leadership....and very likely NOT the two guys, the Secretaries, getting a hard stare today in the Senate committee.....but it will be leadership that will have to lead their troops away from any burgeoning or embedded extremism.

If current leadership cannot do that then both America and our uniformed services are gonna have a very difficult and fraught relationship going forward. And a dangerous one, to boot.

This below, is a snippet of a view on today's hearings:

Capitol Police begged for help. For 199 minutes, Trump’s Pentagon stalled.

"Three hours and 19 minutes.
That’s how long it took from the first, desperate pleas for help from the Capitol Police to the Trump Pentagon on Jan. 6 until the D.C. National Guard finally received permission to help put down the bloody insurrection.

During those 199 minutes, the mob sacked the Capitol. People died. Overwhelmed Capitol and D.C. police were beaten. Lawmakers’ lives were jeopardized. And violent extremists defiled the seat of government, temporarily halting the certification of Joe Biden’s victory.

“Chief Sund, his voice cracking with emotion, indicated that there was a dire emergency at the Capitol, and he requested the immediate assistance of as many available national guardsmen that I could muster.”

Major General Wm. Walker, of the DC National Guard, immediately alerted senior Army leadership — and then waited. And waited. Approval to mobilize the guard wouldn’t be received until 5:08 p.m.

At best, this was a catastrophic failure of government. At worst, political appointees and Trump loyalists at the Defense Department deliberately prevented the National Guard from defending the Capitol against a seditious mob.

The man ultimately responsible for the delay, Christopher Miller, had been a White House aide before Donald Trump installed him as acting defense secretary in November,..."

“Voice cracking” “dire emergency” “bloody insurrection” Lol

Have you soiled yourself?

I think the politicians and lobbyists have long ago thoroughly “defiled the seat of government”.

One person was shot and killed, Ashli Babbitt, a Trump supporter. We don’t know how Officer Sicknick died, but the early report about an attack with a fire extinguisher was a lie.

Let’s calm down a little.
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I seriously doubt they could have mustered more than a dozen given the time frame.

Well, I wouldn't doubt that was your experience, with whatever troop you were involved with, at sometime in the past. So stipulated.

But, for the here and now, I will choose to lean in the direction of the folks were there and in charge.
Folks like General Walker.

Reported after the testimony on Wednesday:
"Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the D.C. National Guard commander, said he did not receive approval to mobilize troops until more than three hours after he had requested it.

Days before the riot,
the Pentagon had removed General Walker’s authority to quickly deploy his troops, he testified. He said he was unable to move troops even from one traffic stop to another without permission from Ryan D. McCarthy, the Army secretary.

General Walker said he could have had 150 troops to the complex hours earlier. The violent rampage that unfolded over nearly five hours caused injuries to nearly 140 police officers and left five people dead.

“That number could have made a difference,” General Walker said of the possibility of deploying his troops earlier.

“Seconds mattered,” he added. “Minutes mattered.”
“Voice cracking” “dire emergency” “bloody insurrection” Lol
Have you soiled yourself?

Ummm, "soiled"?
What's up with that?
Why the scatological reference to actual testimony?

My poor avatar offered up actual testimony from law enforcement and military who were intimately involved in confronting the insurrectionists.
My avatar reported a report........and YOU think that is 'soiling'?

Ummm, poster Thunderbird, do this---- try reading a newspaper, reading a transcript, or watch CSPAN, or any authentic depiction of actual testimony.

Maybe you will get a better appreciation of what is merely relaying what has been said.....vs......imagining what you want said.

There is a difference, my friend.
Good luck.
I seriously doubt they could have mustered more than a dozen given the time frame.

Well, I wouldn't doubt that was your experience, with whatever troop you were involved with, at sometime in the past. So stipulated.

But, for the here and now, I will choose to lean in the direction of the folks were there and in charge.
Folks like General Walker.

Reported after the testimony on Wednesday:
"Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the D.C. National Guard commander, said he did not receive approval to mobilize troops until more than three hours after he had requested it.

Days before the riot,
the Pentagon had removed General Walker’s authority to quickly deploy his troops, he testified. He said he was unable to move troops even from one traffic stop to another without permission from Ryan D. McCarthy, the Army secretary.

General Walker said he could have had 150 troops to the complex hours earlier. The violent rampage that unfolded over nearly five hours caused injuries to nearly 140 police officers and left five people dead.

“That number could have made a difference,” General Walker said of the possibility of deploying his troops earlier.

“Seconds mattered,” he added. “Minutes mattered.”
Of those five that died two had medical conditions that killed them and one died in an accident.

So does that make the Trump supporters bloodthirsty?
It should be noted, if it hasn't been already, that Lt. General Charles Flynn, brother of the nut job QAnon fruit loop and convicted criminal (now pardoned) Michael Flynn, slow walked the deployment of Guard troops because he said he "didn't like the optics", the threat from Trumpism is infecting the ranks of police and military in this country, and we saw on January 6th how this disease can attack its host.


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