O'Reilly Categorizes The Simpletons


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I miss the O'Reilly Show on Fox.....well, I miss Fox too, as I haven't put it on since they stabbed Trump in the back.
Today, O'Reilly wrote a largely insightful essay on the dolts we still see posting here, the Biden defenders. He calls them "Titanic People."

1. "They went down with the ship. Incompetence and poor planning doomed them. On April 15, 1912, around 1,500 passengers and crew died ghastly deaths in the freezing North Atlantic Ocean.
The Titanic hit an iceberg and there were only 20 lifeboats secured on the vessel - room for 1,178 people. That was the lethal problem as there were an estimated 2,224 on board.
Criminal negligence. The lack of planning led to horror.

2. .... President simply is not able to do his job. You know the list, humiliation in Afghanistan, no preparation for supply chain problems, disastrous energy decisions, damaging inflation. While the confused Attorney General threatens parents at school board meetings, thousands are murdered in big-city streets. Putin is massing Russian troops on the Polish border, China is salivating over the "Build Back Better" bill knowing it will reap billions of dollars in "green" product buys.

3. In the face of all that and much more, polls say 40 percent of American adults continue to believe Joe Biden is doing a good job. Incomprehensible....three main categories. The largest group will not consume information unless a wildfire is in their front yard. Totally detached from reality, this crew could not care less what happens in their country as long as they can negotiate a Big Mac.

The second category is comprised of zealots, progressive fanatics who, unlike the first group, actually despise America. Black Lives Matter, George Soros, Colin Kaepernick, more than a few commentators paid by NBC/Comcast to utter far-left hate gibberish on MSNBC. That group relishes the decline of the country.

4. When Mr. Biden recently said he would finally begin to "discuss" the corrosive inflation surge with "experts," the Bernie Sanders cadre smiled. When the government prints trillions of dollars to cover centralized spending, Joe, inflation will go up. Fast. Bring socialist Bernie in, he'll explain how worthy that is if you want a revolt in the free marketplace.

The last crew are the Trump haters. Biden is better than Trump, no matter what. See you at the bottom of the ocean.

5. Collectively, I brand the above-described Americans the "The Titanic People" because they support Biden's incredible ineptitude and seem to be willing to go down with the ship.
Just last week the President asked rhetorically, "did you ever think you'd be paying this much for a gallon of gas?"
No, Joe, we didn't. Not until you began destroying the American energy industry on your first day in office." Then many of us recoiled and knew.

But not the Titanic people. They still don't know nor do they care."

See.....he is looking out for us.
Wait, wait, the libtardians say an iceberg struck the Titanic! Blameless as always!
I miss the O'Reilly Show on Fox.....well, I miss Fox too, as I haven't put it on since they stabbed Trump in the back.
Your mistake was in thinking that Fox is news while everybody who is in tune with their agenda understands that it's just entertainment.
They would have carefully weighed the benefits of criticizing Trump against the slight temporary loss of audience. You haven't stopped watching Fox news hon.

You may have chosen to just watch the 'entertainment' part while skipping the real news by Chris Matthews and the serious others? (if others exist?)

What's to gain out of Tucker? It's already been admitted that it's not serious and shouldn't be taken seriously. Personal gratification that's gone missing?
Biden gets all the credit when someone hires 500,000 people but get none of the blame when everything he does blows up in his face.
Biden gets none of the blame? Seriously? Look at his approval. He gets blamed constantly. lol
I miss the O'Reilly Show on Fox.....well, I miss Fox too, as I haven't put it on since they stabbed Trump in the back.
Today, O'Reilly wrote a largely insightful essay on the dolts we still see posting here, the Biden defenders. He calls them "Titanic People."

1. "They went down with the ship. Incompetence and poor planning doomed them. On April 15, 1912, around 1,500 passengers and crew died ghastly deaths in the freezing North Atlantic Ocean.
The Titanic hit an iceberg and there were only 20 lifeboats secured on the vessel - room for 1,178 people. That was the lethal problem as there were an estimated 2,224 on board.
Criminal negligence. The lack of planning led to horror.

2. .... President simply is not able to do his job. You know the list, humiliation in Afghanistan, no preparation for supply chain problems, disastrous energy decisions, damaging inflation. While the confused Attorney General threatens parents at school board meetings, thousands are murdered in big-city streets. Putin is massing Russian troops on the Polish border, China is salivating over the "Build Back Better" bill knowing it will reap billions of dollars in "green" product buys.

3. In the face of all that and much more, polls say 40 percent of American adults continue to believe Joe Biden is doing a good job. Incomprehensible....three main categories. The largest group will not consume information unless a wildfire is in their front yard. Totally detached from reality, this crew could not care less what happens in their country as long as they can negotiate a Big Mac.

The second category is comprised of zealots, progressive fanatics who, unlike the first group, actually despise America. Black Lives Matter, George Soros, Colin Kaepernick, more than a few commentators paid by NBC/Comcast to utter far-left hate gibberish on MSNBC. That group relishes the decline of the country.

4. When Mr. Biden recently said he would finally begin to "discuss" the corrosive inflation surge with "experts," the Bernie Sanders cadre smiled. When the government prints trillions of dollars to cover centralized spending, Joe, inflation will go up. Fast. Bring socialist Bernie in, he'll explain how worthy that is if you want a revolt in the free marketplace.

The last crew are the Trump haters. Biden is better than Trump, no matter what. See you at the bottom of the ocean.

5. Collectively, I brand the above-described Americans the "The Titanic People" because they support Biden's incredible ineptitude and seem to be willing to go down with the ship.
Just last week the President asked rhetorically, "did you ever think you'd be paying this much for a gallon of gas?"
No, Joe, we didn't. Not until you began destroying the American energy industry on your first day in office." Then many of us recoiled and knew.

But not the Titanic people. They still don't know nor do they care."

See.....he is looking out for us.
I miss the O'Reilly Show on Fox.....well, I miss Fox too, as I haven't put it on since they stabbed Trump in the back.
Today, O'Reilly wrote a largely insightful essay on the dolts we still see posting here, the Biden defenders. He calls them "Titanic People."

1. "They went down with the ship. Incompetence and poor planning doomed them. On April 15, 1912, around 1,500 passengers and crew died ghastly deaths in the freezing North Atlantic Ocean.
The Titanic hit an iceberg and there were only 20 lifeboats secured on the vessel - room for 1,178 people. That was the lethal problem as there were an estimated 2,224 on board.
Criminal negligence. The lack of planning led to horror.

2. .... President simply is not able to do his job. You know the list, humiliation in Afghanistan, no preparation for supply chain problems, disastrous energy decisions, damaging inflation. While the confused Attorney General threatens parents at school board meetings, thousands are murdered in big-city streets. Putin is massing Russian troops on the Polish border, China is salivating over the "Build Back Better" bill knowing it will reap billions of dollars in "green" product buys.

3. In the face of all that and much more, polls say 40 percent of American adults continue to believe Joe Biden is doing a good job. Incomprehensible....three main categories. The largest group will not consume information unless a wildfire is in their front yard. Totally detached from reality, this crew could not care less what happens in their country as long as they can negotiate a Big Mac.

The second category is comprised of zealots, progressive fanatics who, unlike the first group, actually despise America. Black Lives Matter, George Soros, Colin Kaepernick, more than a few commentators paid by NBC/Comcast to utter far-left hate gibberish on MSNBC. That group relishes the decline of the country.

4. When Mr. Biden recently said he would finally begin to "discuss" the corrosive inflation surge with "experts," the Bernie Sanders cadre smiled. When the government prints trillions of dollars to cover centralized spending, Joe, inflation will go up. Fast. Bring socialist Bernie in, he'll explain how worthy that is if you want a revolt in the free marketplace.

The last crew are the Trump haters. Biden is better than Trump, no matter what. See you at the bottom of the ocean.

5. Collectively, I brand the above-described Americans the "The Titanic People" because they support Biden's incredible ineptitude and seem to be willing to go down with the ship.
Just last week the President asked rhetorically, "did you ever think you'd be paying this much for a gallon of gas?"
No, Joe, we didn't. Not until you began destroying the American energy industry on your first day in office." Then many of us recoiled and knew.

But not the Titanic people. They still don't know nor do they care."

See.....he is looking out for us.
That's funny coming from BillO who went down in flames when it was revealed that he's a sexual predator who cost Fox tens of millions of dollars.

Who's surprised that you like the guy. Considering your record of defending lowlifes, nobody.
Biden gets none of the blame? Seriously? Look at his approval. He gets blamed constantly. lol
Biden gets none of the blame from his media friends.
Most of the people of this nation know he's to blame.
The belief one way or another depends on your politics.
38% of Americans think Biden is blameless because he's incapable of being held accountable for his own actions.
I miss the O'Reilly Show on Fox.....well, I miss Fox too, as I haven't put it on since they stabbed Trump in the back.
Today, O'Reilly wrote a largely insightful essay on the dolts we still see posting here, the Biden defenders. He calls them "Titanic People."

1. "They went down with the ship. Incompetence and poor planning doomed them. On April 15, 1912, around 1,500 passengers and crew died ghastly deaths in the freezing North Atlantic Ocean.
The Titanic hit an iceberg and there were only 20 lifeboats secured on the vessel - room for 1,178 people. That was the lethal problem as there were an estimated 2,224 on board.
Criminal negligence. The lack of planning led to horror.

2. .... President simply is not able to do his job. You know the list, humiliation in Afghanistan, no preparation for supply chain problems, disastrous energy decisions, damaging inflation. While the confused Attorney General threatens parents at school board meetings, thousands are murdered in big-city streets. Putin is massing Russian troops on the Polish border, China is salivating over the "Build Back Better" bill knowing it will reap billions of dollars in "green" product buys.

3. In the face of all that and much more, polls say 40 percent of American adults continue to believe Joe Biden is doing a good job. Incomprehensible....three main categories. The largest group will not consume information unless a wildfire is in their front yard. Totally detached from reality, this crew could not care less what happens in their country as long as they can negotiate a Big Mac.

The second category is comprised of zealots, progressive fanatics who, unlike the first group, actually despise America. Black Lives Matter, George Soros, Colin Kaepernick, more than a few commentators paid by NBC/Comcast to utter far-left hate gibberish on MSNBC. That group relishes the decline of the country.

4. When Mr. Biden recently said he would finally begin to "discuss" the corrosive inflation surge with "experts," the Bernie Sanders cadre smiled. When the government prints trillions of dollars to cover centralized spending, Joe, inflation will go up. Fast. Bring socialist Bernie in, he'll explain how worthy that is if you want a revolt in the free marketplace.

The last crew are the Trump haters. Biden is better than Trump, no matter what. See you at the bottom of the ocean.

5. Collectively, I brand the above-described Americans the "The Titanic People" because they support Biden's incredible ineptitude and seem to be willing to go down with the ship.
Just last week the President asked rhetorically, "did you ever think you'd be paying this much for a gallon of gas?"
No, Joe, we didn't. Not until you began destroying the American energy industry on your first day in office." Then many of us recoiled and knew.

But not the Titanic people. They still don't know nor do they care."

See.....he is looking out for us.
You people are so damn gullible. I mean it is kind of sad. I mean the whole theme of the article is screwed up. Yes, the Titantic went down and thousands of lives were lost due to poor planning and negligence. Add to that a healthy dose of the pursuit of profit at the expense of caution, traveling too fast through a sea with known icebergs in a fog with low visibility simply to meet a deadline and benefit investors, and you get a preventable tragedy not unlike the Challenger explosion.

But there were examples of real heroes as the Titantic went down. Attempting to cast them as fools is just inaccurate. It is insulting to their memories. O'Reilly has no shame. He is just courting the foolish. I mean lets look at his list,

Humiliation in Afghanistan--Leaving Afghanistan was going to be a clusterfuck no matter how we went about it. Trump, negotiating with the Taliban while leaving out the provincial government was amateur and foolish. And it really takes an uninformed idiot to believe Trump would have achieved better results.

No preparation for supply chain problems--Seriously? I mean do Republicans now believe the government needs to get involved in the marketplace? I mean what would you have Biden do, nationalize the entire supply chain? Take over companies, get the National Guard to start driving trucks? Take over the ports and let the government run them? Seriously, do you believe the government can improve Walmart's supply chain management? Hell, it is laughable. You guys are making fools of yourselves. Is nothing sacred to you guys?

Disastrous energy policies--This is the one that really gets me, and it demonstrates the total ignorance of the fools that worship O'Reilly. First, Keystone. Keystone was dead in the water before Biden ever cancelled it. In fact, TransCanada had already nixed the idea. And every economic impact study done concerning Keystone clearly indicated that it was a pipeline that would funnel that nasty ass sludge to refineries along the Gulf for refining into diesel fuel, FOR EXPORT. And it would drive up gasoline prices for American consumers, especially those in the Midwest.

Honestly, exporting diesel fuel has got to be one of the stupidest things a country can do. We pay more for every good transported by truck so Brazil can get cheaper diesel fuel. American first my damn ass. Let alone how much cheaper gas would be if refineries were processing that crude into gasoline for domestic consumption instead of diesel for foreign nations.

Finally, higher gas prices are mostly a function of demand. Has economies have expanded, demand has increased, and supply has remained the same. To combat that, the Biden administration is holding the largest auction for oil and gas leases on government land that has ever been conducted in two days. At the same time, he has approved more existing gas and oil leases to begin production since Bush Jr. More than Obama, and yes, more than Trump. You guys are utter fools.

The school board meeting horseshit. I got to ask, what if a group of BLM members started threatening school board members in an attempt to force CRT down the throats of school children. Don't tell me you wouldn't want to lock them up. But hell, that is more understandable than a bunch of ill-informed jackwhipes spouting nonsense about mask mandates and jeopardizing the health of our children. But like I said, you guys have no consistency whatsoever. You go wherever the wind blows, and O'Reilly, he is just a bag of wind.
Your mistake was in thinking that Fox is news while everybody who is in tune with their agenda understands that it's just entertainment.
They would have carefully weighed the benefits of criticizing Trump against the slight temporary loss of audience. You haven't stopped watching Fox news hon.

You may have chosen to just watch the 'entertainment' part while skipping the real news by Chris Matthews and the serious others? (if others exist?)

What's to gain out of Tucker? It's already been admitted that it's not serious and shouldn't be taken seriously. Personal gratification that's gone missing?

You lie about me, about Fox, about America.

Seem a mark of your sort.
That's funny coming from BillO who went down in flames when it was revealed that he's a sexual predator who cost Fox tens of millions of dollars.

Who's surprised that you like the guy. Considering your record of defending lowlifes, nobody.

Don't come back until you've read a book.

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
You people are so damn gullible. I mean it is kind of sad. I mean the whole theme of the article is screwed up. Yes, the Titantic went down and thousands of lives were lost due to poor planning and negligence. Add to that a healthy dose of the pursuit of profit at the expense of caution, traveling too fast through a sea with known icebergs in a fog with low visibility simply to meet a deadline and benefit investors, and you get a preventable tragedy not unlike the Challenger explosion.

But there were examples of real heroes as the Titantic went down. Attempting to cast them as fools is just inaccurate. It is insulting to their memories. O'Reilly has no shame. He is just courting the foolish. I mean lets look at his list,

Humiliation in Afghanistan--Leaving Afghanistan was going to be a clusterfuck no matter how we went about it. Trump, negotiating with the Taliban while leaving out the provincial government was amateur and foolish. And it really takes an uninformed idiot to believe Trump would have achieved better results.

No preparation for supply chain problems--Seriously? I mean do Republicans now believe the government needs to get involved in the marketplace? I mean what would you have Biden do, nationalize the entire supply chain? Take over companies, get the National Guard to start driving trucks? Take over the ports and let the government run them? Seriously, do you believe the government can improve Walmart's supply chain management? Hell, it is laughable. You guys are making fools of yourselves. Is nothing sacred to you guys?

Disastrous energy policies--This is the one that really gets me, and it demonstrates the total ignorance of the fools that worship O'Reilly. First, Keystone. Keystone was dead in the water before Biden ever cancelled it. In fact, TransCanada had already nixed the idea. And every economic impact study done concerning Keystone clearly indicated that it was a pipeline that would funnel that nasty ass sludge to refineries along the Gulf for refining into diesel fuel, FOR EXPORT. And it would drive up gasoline prices for American consumers, especially those in the Midwest.

Honestly, exporting diesel fuel has got to be one of the stupidest things a country can do. We pay more for every good transported by truck so Brazil can get cheaper diesel fuel. American first my damn ass. Let alone how much cheaper gas would be if refineries were processing that crude into gasoline for domestic consumption instead of diesel for foreign nations.

Finally, higher gas prices are mostly a function of demand. Has economies have expanded, demand has increased, and supply has remained the same. To combat that, the Biden administration is holding the largest auction for oil and gas leases on government land that has ever been conducted in two days. At the same time, he has approved more existing gas and oil leases to begin production since Bush Jr. More than Obama, and yes, more than Trump. You guys are utter fools.

The school board meeting horseshit. I got to ask, what if a group of BLM members started threatening school board members in an attempt to force CRT down the throats of school children. Don't tell me you wouldn't want to lock them up. But hell, that is more understandable than a bunch of ill-informed jackwhipes spouting nonsense about mask mandates and jeopardizing the health of our children. But like I said, you guys have no consistency whatsoever. You go wherever the wind blows, and O'Reilly, he is just a bag of wind.

Let's cut to the chase: answer this one-question IQ test-

Who'd you vote for?
Your mistake was in thinking that Fox is news while everybody who is in tune with their agenda understands that it's just entertainment.
They would have carefully weighed the benefits of criticizing Trump against the slight temporary loss of audience. You haven't stopped watching Fox news hon.

You may have chosen to just watch the 'entertainment' part while skipping the real news by Chris Matthews and the serious others? (if others exist?)

What's to gain out of Tucker? It's already been admitted that it's not serious and shouldn't be taken seriously. Personal gratification that's gone missing?
so they don't report news? hmmmmmm you sure?
Don't come back until you've read a book.

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
Maybe you can contact BillO for a dinner date if you think so highly of him.
If he's even an American I'd say he voted for the great befuddler.

And Biden....if he's even an American:

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
Your mistake was in thinking that Fox is news while everybody who is in tune with their agenda understands that it's just entertainment.
They would have carefully weighed the benefits of criticizing Trump against the slight temporary loss of audience. You haven't stopped watching Fox news hon.

You may have chosen to just watch the 'entertainment' part while skipping the real news by Chris Matthews and the serious others? (if others exist?)

What's to gain out of Tucker? It's already been admitted that it's not serious and shouldn't be taken seriously. Personal gratification that's gone missing?
Today we are arguing over a kid named Rittenhouse and two dead Felons with one being a pedophile and both violent. So if I have a choice at this time, I would have Rittenhouse as a neighbor and you could have a couple of men like the 2 killed as yours. What is important is both of these guys had nor remorse in their lives of crimes in all ways while Rittenhouse is accused of no remorse by the talking shills who believe me live the opulent lifestyle themselves.
I miss the O'Reilly Show on Fox.....well, I miss Fox too, as I haven't put it on since they stabbed Trump in the back.
Today, O'Reilly wrote a largely insightful essay on the dolts we still see posting here, the Biden defenders. He calls them "Titanic People."

1. "They went down with the ship. Incompetence and poor planning doomed them. On April 15, 1912, around 1,500 passengers and crew died ghastly deaths in the freezing North Atlantic Ocean.
The Titanic hit an iceberg and there were only 20 lifeboats secured on the vessel - room for 1,178 people. That was the lethal problem as there were an estimated 2,224 on board.
Criminal negligence. The lack of planning led to horror.

2. .... President simply is not able to do his job. You know the list, humiliation in Afghanistan, no preparation for supply chain problems, disastrous energy decisions, damaging inflation. While the confused Attorney General threatens parents at school board meetings, thousands are murdered in big-city streets. Putin is massing Russian troops on the Polish border, China is salivating over the "Build Back Better" bill knowing it will reap billions of dollars in "green" product buys.

3. In the face of all that and much more, polls say 40 percent of American adults continue to believe Joe Biden is doing a good job. Incomprehensible....three main categories. The largest group will not consume information unless a wildfire is in their front yard. Totally detached from reality, this crew could not care less what happens in their country as long as they can negotiate a Big Mac.

The second category is comprised of zealots, progressive fanatics who, unlike the first group, actually despise America. Black Lives Matter, George Soros, Colin Kaepernick, more than a few commentators paid by NBC/Comcast to utter far-left hate gibberish on MSNBC. That group relishes the decline of the country.

4. When Mr. Biden recently said he would finally begin to "discuss" the corrosive inflation surge with "experts," the Bernie Sanders cadre smiled. When the government prints trillions of dollars to cover centralized spending, Joe, inflation will go up. Fast. Bring socialist Bernie in, he'll explain how worthy that is if you want a revolt in the free marketplace.

The last crew are the Trump haters. Biden is better than Trump, no matter what. See you at the bottom of the ocean.

5. Collectively, I brand the above-described Americans the "The Titanic People" because they support Biden's incredible ineptitude and seem to be willing to go down with the ship.
Just last week the President asked rhetorically, "did you ever think you'd be paying this much for a gallon of gas?"
No, Joe, we didn't. Not until you began destroying the American energy industry on your first day in office." Then many of us recoiled and knew.

But not the Titanic people. They still don't know nor do they care."

See.....he is looking out for us.
excellent comparison and highlights how the dembots are really a cult

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