Oprah Winfrey as a 'Fraud' Provoking an Increase in Hostility Between Blacks and Whites

Sephardi Jew Winfrey, 66, worth $2.5billion, according to Forbes,
branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’ and saying white people ‘always’ have the advantage.

“You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term ‘white privilege’ is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter,” she said, adding white people have a “leg up.”

She made the remarks last Friday during an episode of her AppleTV+ series, The Oprah Conversation.

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Winfrey's episode included discussions with guests and former NFL linebacker Emmanuel AchoCredit: Apple TV+

“Said the billionaire made a billionaire by her overwhelmingly white audience,” tweeted podcaster Chris Stigall. “What a fraud.”

Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, tweeted on Wednesday: “Billionaire Oprah lectures the rest of us.”

"’You still have your whiteness. That's what the term 'white privilege' is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.’

“What utter, racist BS.”
Source: Oprah branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’

From the author: Oprah is a member of Bill Gates 's super-secret Good Club sect, whose members are exclusively super-rich Jews.

Aren't they the ones who call the tune "BLM", forcing all of us dance to it in their desire to seize political power at any cost, including through a coup d'Ă©tat ???
Oprah can kiss my lily white ass. And, for all those years she urged people to buy her favorite things, paid to get in her shitty show, used to watch/listen to her book clubs and in short..made her rich...and they are white....REPARATIONS, Gurl. Give them back their money. You didn't mind supposed white privilege when it filled your bank account.
People had to pay to be in her audience?
No clue. Point is....whites were a major part of how she got so wealthy and famous and now she wants to shit on half of them due to skin color.

Well, these are people WITHOUT the standards of morality generally accepted in a NORMAL society. Ordinary chutzpah.

Sephardi Jew Winfrey, 66, worth $2.5billion, according to Forbes,
branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’ and saying white people ‘always’ have the advantage.

“You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term ‘white privilege’ is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter,” she said, adding white people have a “leg up.”

She made the remarks last Friday during an episode of her AppleTV+ series, The Oprah Conversation.

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Winfrey's episode included discussions with guests and former NFL linebacker Emmanuel AchoCredit: Apple TV+

“Said the billionaire made a billionaire by her overwhelmingly white audience,” tweeted podcaster Chris Stigall. “What a fraud.”

Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, tweeted on Wednesday: “Billionaire Oprah lectures the rest of us.”

"’You still have your whiteness. That's what the term 'white privilege' is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.’

“What utter, racist BS.”
Source: Oprah branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’

From the author: Oprah is a member of Bill Gates 's super-secret Good Club sect, whose members are exclusively super-rich Jews.

Aren't they the ones who call the tune "BLM", forcing all of us dance to it in their desire to seize political power at any cost, including through a coup d'Ă©tat ???
Oprah can kiss my lily white ass. And, for all those years she urged people to buy her favorite things, paid to get in her shitty show, used to watch/listen to her book clubs and in short..made her rich...and they are white....REPARATIONS, Gurl. Give them back their money. You didn't mind supposed white privilege when it filled your bank account.
People had to pay to be in her audience?

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They are not only paid but also instructed on HOW to behave in a given situation! It's a CIRCUS! In a word, clownery.

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I used to listen to Howard Stern when he bordered on sane and he explained how Oprah Cow rehearsed her audience and labeled the seats but I didn't know they had to pay.
I’ve always considered Oprah to be the luckiest woman in America. Can someone explain to me what her special talents are? She always seemed ordinary to me.
A billionaire black female is complaining that America is racist.

Thats just fantastic.
Sephardi Jew Winfrey, 66, worth $2.5billion, according to Forbes,
branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’ and saying white people ‘always’ have the advantage.

“You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term ‘white privilege’ is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter,” she said, adding white people have a “leg up.”

She made the remarks last Friday during an episode of her AppleTV+ series, The Oprah Conversation.

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Winfrey's episode included discussions with guests and former NFL linebacker Emmanuel AchoCredit: Apple TV+

“Said the billionaire made a billionaire by her overwhelmingly white audience,” tweeted podcaster Chris Stigall. “What a fraud.”

Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, tweeted on Wednesday: “Billionaire Oprah lectures the rest of us.”

"’You still have your whiteness. That's what the term 'white privilege' is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.’

“What utter, racist BS.”
Source: Oprah branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’

From the author: Oprah is a member of Bill Gates 's super-secret Good Club sect, whose members are exclusively super-rich Jews.

Aren't they the ones who call the tune "BLM", forcing all of us dance to it in their desire to seize political power at any cost, including through a coup d'Ă©tat ???
Im willing to trade my white privilege for what Oprah has. Of course we all know she would never do such a thing because there is no special privilege for white people.
Listen it's simple, the wealthy and Democrats have to give blacks someone to blame. Democrats supposedly have been helping blacks for 60 years now and not much has changed. Democrats have to give blacks someone to blame for THEIR failures. That's where the relationship between blacks and the Dem party is right now, Dems failed and someone has to take the blame.

In order to ACHIEVE something, you need to STUDY at school without turning the classroom into a booth, to eat a free lunch, like other kids at school, and not use the film from it as a barrier tool for sexual purposes in the first nook of the school or the schoolyard.

The pro-Chinese elite of the "Democratic" Party has become an expression of hatred towards those who have achieved something, on behalf of the very "social bottom" of the black community.

And this is very dangerous. For whites, for the state and, and, above all, for the black people themselves.

Give me control of black communities and I'll pull them out of poverty in 5 years and convert them to greedy capitalists! :muahaha:

Give me control over the state budget and I will eliminate poverty in America in the same 5 years



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A billionaire black female is complaining that America is racist.

Thats just fantastic.

Just primitive chutzpah ...







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Sephardi Jew Winfrey, 66, worth $2.5billion, according to Forbes,
branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’ and saying white people ‘always’ have the advantage.

“You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term ‘white privilege’ is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter,” she said, adding white people have a “leg up.”

She made the remarks last Friday during an episode of her AppleTV+ series, The Oprah Conversation.

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Winfrey's episode included discussions with guests and former NFL linebacker Emmanuel AchoCredit: Apple TV+

“Said the billionaire made a billionaire by her overwhelmingly white audience,” tweeted podcaster Chris Stigall. “What a fraud.”

Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, tweeted on Wednesday: “Billionaire Oprah lectures the rest of us.”

"’You still have your whiteness. That's what the term 'white privilege' is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.’

“What utter, racist BS.”
Source: Oprah branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’

From the author: Oprah is a member of Bill Gates 's super-secret Good Club sect, whose members are exclusively super-rich Jews.

Aren't they the ones who call the tune "BLM", forcing all of us dance to it in their desire to seize political power at any cost, including through a coup d'Ă©tat ???
Oprah Winfrey is Christian and a complete piece of shit.

The second part is true, I question Christianity
From the author: Oprah is a member of Bill Gates 's super-secret Good Club sect, whose members are exclusively super-rich Jews.
In an interview with Rolling Stone, Gates stated in regard to his faith: "The moral systems of religion, I think, are super important. We've raised our kids in a religious way; they've gone to the Catholic church that Melinda goes to and I participate in. I've been very lucky, and therefore I owe it to try and reduce the inequity in the world. And that's kind of a religious belief. I mean, it's at least a moral belief."[160]

Gates also said: "I agree with people like Richard Dawkins that mankind felt the need for creation myths. Before we really began to understand disease and the weather and things like that, we sought false explanations for them. Now science has filled in some of the realm – not all – that religion used to fill. But the mystery and the beauty of the world is overwhelmingly amazing, and there's no scientific explanation of how it came about. To say that it was generated by random numbers, that does seem, you know, sort of an uncharitable view [laughs]. I think it makes sense to believe in God, but exactly what decision in your life you make differently because of it, I don't know."
Duplicitous asshole. However, clearly not Jewish.
As I understand it, Obama is ALSO a member of Bill Gates 's "Good Club"
Obama is a Protestant Christian whose religious views developed in his adult life.[92] He wrote in The Audacity of Hope that he "was not raised in a religious household." He described his mother, raised by non-religious parents, as being detached from religion, yet "in many ways the most spiritually awakened person ... I have ever known," and "a lonely witness for secular humanism". He described his father as a "confirmed atheist" by the time his parents met, and his stepfather as "a man who saw religion as not particularly useful." Obama explained how, through working with black churches as a community organizer while in his twenties, he came to understand "the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change.
Again, duplicitous asshole. Clearly not Jewish.
Wow. Now you people are going after Oprah.

She's one of the most beloved people in our nation. Especially by women.

I'm not a big Oprah fan but millions of Americans are.

Wow are you people making a lot of democrats.

Keep it up, maybe you'll get the rest of the women in America to vote against trump and republicans. You've lost most of us already.
I’ve always considered Oprah to be the luckiest woman in America. Can someone explain to me what her special talents are? She always seemed ordinary to me.

Someone needs to quote Obama to Oprah and remind her “[she] didn’t build that”. She got to where she is because oppressive White America made her.
Sephardi Jew Winfrey, 66, worth $2.5billion, according to Forbes,
branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’ and saying white people ‘always’ have the advantage.

“You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term ‘white privilege’ is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter,” she said, adding white people have a “leg up.”

She made the remarks last Friday during an episode of her AppleTV+ series, The Oprah Conversation.

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Winfrey's episode included discussions with guests and former NFL linebacker Emmanuel AchoCredit: Apple TV+

“Said the billionaire made a billionaire by her overwhelmingly white audience,” tweeted podcaster Chris Stigall. “What a fraud.”

Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, tweeted on Wednesday: “Billionaire Oprah lectures the rest of us.”

"’You still have your whiteness. That's what the term 'white privilege' is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.’

“What utter, racist BS.”
Source: Oprah branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’

From the author: Oprah is a member of Bill Gates 's super-secret Good Club sect, whose members are exclusively super-rich Jews.

Aren't they the ones who call the tune "BLM", forcing all of us dance to it in their desire to seize political power at any cost, including through a coup d'Ă©tat ???
Winfrey is a fat Back brad that never worked a day in her life, she is one of thw women Pervert Joe Biden and Bill Clinton , Ferry Nadler were with for a week on Epstiens sex Island what bunch of pigs
The grotesque beast had her hair straightened to look non-Negro. How much did that cost per treatment and if those are not hairs Blacks weave into Afro stubble, why doesn't the beast make that available for all Blacks? Half of Blacks rage is they do not look like Europeans and the other half is they are not as smart as the dumbest European.
Sephardi Jew Winfrey, 66, worth $2.5billion, according to Forbes,
branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’ and saying white people ‘always’ have the advantage.

“You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term ‘white privilege’ is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter,” she said, adding white people have a “leg up.”

She made the remarks last Friday during an episode of her AppleTV+ series, The Oprah Conversation.

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Winfrey's episode included discussions with guests and former NFL linebacker Emmanuel AchoCredit: Apple TV+

“Said the billionaire made a billionaire by her overwhelmingly white audience,” tweeted podcaster Chris Stigall. “What a fraud.”

Senator Ted Cruz, a Republican from Texas, tweeted on Wednesday: “Billionaire Oprah lectures the rest of us.”

"’You still have your whiteness. That's what the term 'white privilege' is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.’

“What utter, racist BS.”
Source: Oprah branded a ‘fraud’ for calling out ‘white privilege’

From the author: Oprah is a member of Bill Gates 's super-secret Good Club sect, whose members are exclusively super-rich Jews.

Aren't they the ones who call the tune "BLM", forcing all of us dance to it in their desire to seize political power at any cost, including through a coup d'Ă©tat ???
Oprah can kiss my lily white ass. And, for all those years she urged people to buy her favorite things, paid to get in her shitty show, used to watch/listen to her book clubs and in short..made her rich...and they are white....REPARATIONS, Gurl. Give them back their money. You didn't mind supposed white privilege when it filled your bank account.
People had to pay to be in her audience?
No clue. Point is....whites were a major part of how she got so wealthy and famous and now she wants to shit on half of them due to skin color.

Well, these are people WITHOUT the standards of morality generally accepted in a NORMAL society. Ordinary chutzpah.

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A rick black old brad that tyhinks she can buy America like Drunk nancy Pelosi and Pervert joe Biden
Oprah is stirring up trouble by putting up anti-police billboards in Louisville. Her kind will never learn. We just need to let the police to their job.

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