Open Carry Is Legal - Except When You Are Black

Right and you would say rapes happen because the woman dressed provocatively. So why are you such a racist?
I'm not why are you such a dick who thinks calling someone racist ends all to beat all?


I think this video is quite a dramatic demonstration of the fact that profiling doesn't work.

It works the vast majority of the time. It saves lives, money and resources.

Really? You do understand right, there are more white murderers and white serial killers than there are black murderers right? Whites outnumber blacks in the number of crimes committed. So why don't they profile the white males and females and do stop and molest on white people?

Because white people have the pull, the power, the respect that blacks do not. It doesn't matter that whites own more guns and kill more people including their family and friends. Blacks are low hanging fruits. It is much easier to stop and frisk blacks than to frisk whites.

e analysis

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.

I just checked this file.

I can't copy and paste the data here because it's a pdf file. White victimization rate per 1000 is 25 in the data. Blacks is slightly higher at 34. White population is much higher than black population. So 125 whites are victims of crime compared to every 34 victims are of black crimes.

So I would think police should frisk whoever it is that's committing crimes on whites. Most white people are victimized by other whites, blacks are victimized by blacks mostly. This is not news, it's well known fact, crime occurs within your own social circle (family, friends, coworkers, partners, neighbors).

Now comes the point of discrimination. If more whites are being victims of crime then why aren't they frisking the criminals who victimize whites? I'd like to see white people being stopped at the same rate proportionate to criminal stats as blacks and hispanics.

This means if 3 blacks commit crimes for every 2 white people committing crimes as the data suggests, then for every 3 blacks stopped o streets, there should be two white people being stopped for frisking.

This doesn't happen. Most of the frisking is done on black people, not whites. It's not proportionate. Blacks are dealt injustice, whites get off easily.

One fact data doesn't mention is the injustice rate. If blacks are ten times more likely to be convicted than whites for the same crimes, then all the FBI data is crapoos. Makes no sense. The fundamental problem is disproportionate heavy handed justice delivered to blacks compared to whites. That's the point. Actual stats are misleading, but nonetheless, I've shown the stats and provided my own analysis.
OK I stand corrected. There are more white serial killers than black serial killers. Overall there are more black murderers in prison than there are white murderers. This is because whites get off easily during trial than blacks. Blacks are more likely to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned. It's bad news for black youths. And it all stems from discrimination.
well you got me on that one, don't even have to look it up, but if a portion of the population is only 13% and does most of the crime why bother much with the 225 million or so that don't?

Huh? See my follow up reply above. Just because blacks commit more crimes does not mean whites should get away with crimes. All crimes must be prevented or punished or avoided, no matter where.

I agree blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate than whites. But the stats are also misleading given that they receive far rougher justice than whites. Blacks don't get the same level of justice treatment as white people do. Nonetheless, the stop and frisk does not happen in suburban neighborhoods where the white males usually murder their wives and kids on weekends in their bedrooms after a quiet meal at home while kids are sleeping and wife is watching TV. That's the point: Urban youths are easy targets for police. Suburban white males with NRA membership card and 200 guns are home are not frisked. And they have the money to get the best lawyer who gets them out in 10 years or less unlike blacks who are in for life. Stats are misleading.
The difference is startling:

Profiling is used because

A. The minorities created it
B. It works


Right and you would say rapes happen because the woman dressed provocatively. So why are you such a racist?

I'm not why are you such a dick who thinks calling someone racist ends all to beat all?


I think this video is quite a dramatic demonstration of the fact that profiling doesn't work.

It works the vast majority of the time. It saves lives, money and resources.

Hogwash. The only thing it does is steal away the civil rights of our minorities. If we can't expect justice for everyone, then no one deserves it. I find it hypocritical that the pro-gun folks are so accepting of profiling one of their own simply because of the color of his skin.
The fact of the matter is that police reaction to black suspects, as shown in the video, is often blown way out of proportion. The Baltimore incident also made it very clear that blacks are targeted by the police, and are not treated the same as white suspects in many instances.
The black guy was brave

Cops usually shoot first ask questions later with a black guy

Second amendment says nothing about arming blacks
The difference is startling:

False dichotomy ... Not the same cop or even police department.
There is nothing to compare if there is no control group to compare it to.

Would you like me to find a video of a police officer giving a white dude hell then arresting him for open carrying a AR-15?

Spew your bigotry elsewhere.

The difference is startling:

False dichotomy ... Not the same cop or even police department.
There is nothing to compare if there is no control group to compare it to.

Would you like me to find a video of a police officer giving a white dude hell then arresting him for open carrying a AR-15?

Spew your bigotry elsewhere.


Please find a video so we can compare his treatment
The difference is startling:

False dichotomy ... Not the same cop or even police department.
There is nothing to compare if there is no control group to compare it to.

Would you like me to find a video of a police officer giving a white dude hell then arresting him for open carrying a AR-15?

Spew your bigotry elsewhere.


Please find a video so we can compare his treatment

That took two seconds ... Try typing ... "man arrested for open carry" ... in Google or You-Tube ... There are hundreds of videos to choose from.

with all the black on black sax and violins going on all over the country, we may just have a new video game in the making. well for now we have "Games Of War". I wonder what they will call a video game based on the black on black violence.
OK I stand corrected. There are more white serial killers than black serial killers. Overall there are more black murderers in prison than there are white murderers. This is because whites get off easily during trial than blacks. Blacks are more likely to be arrested, convicted and imprisoned. It's bad news for black youths. And it all stems from discrimination.
well you got me on that one, don't even have to look it up, but if a portion of the population is only 13% and does most of the crime why bother much with the 225 million or so that don't?

Huh? See my follow up reply above. Just because blacks commit more crimes does not mean whites should get away with crimes. All crimes must be prevented or punished or avoided, no matter where.

I agree blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate than whites. But the stats are also misleading given that they receive far rougher justice than whites. Blacks don't get the same level of justice treatment as white people do. Nonetheless, the stop and frisk does not happen in suburban neighborhoods where the white males usually murder their wives and kids on weekends in their bedrooms after a quiet meal at home while kids are sleeping and wife is watching TV. That's the point: Urban youths are easy targets for police. Suburban white males with NRA membership card and 200 guns are home are not frisked. And they have the money to get the best lawyer who gets them out in 10 years or less unlike blacks who are in for life. Stats are misleading.
yea I really don't disagree with this either when I grew up in Chicago and then a Lily white burb in 1965 through 80s we would never get stopped by the cops walking down the street. Hell we would get away with every thing, from a cop pulling me over drunk, he would just drive me home to a cop one time found weed and coke on me, he just took it and let me go. I feel bad for kids today of all colors. Glad I was born when I was.
The difference is startling:

False dichotomy ... Not the same cop or even police department.
There is nothing to compare if there is no control group to compare it to.

Would you like me to find a video of a police officer giving a white dude hell then arresting him for open carrying a AR-15?

Spew your bigotry elsewhere.


Why does it have to be the same police department?
The difference is startling:

False dichotomy ... Not the same cop or even police department.
There is nothing to compare if there is no control group to compare it to.

Would you like me to find a video of a police officer giving a white dude hell then arresting him for open carrying a AR-15?

Spew your bigotry elsewhere.


Why should it matter when the gun laws are exactly the same in both instances? You aren't suggesting that law enforcement agencies selectively enforce the law, are you, that is, according to how they see fit, as opposed to how the law is supposed to be enforced? If it is legal to open carry these guns, why the difference in enforcement tactics?
If profiling works, then can you tell me why that the NYC crime rate dropped after they stopped the procedure of "stop and frisk"?

Lol. New York LEO, like many today, are standing down and not enforcing laws due to no support from liberals

Why should it matter when the gun laws are exactly the same in both instances? You aren't suggesting that law enforcement agencies selectively enforce the law, are you, that is, according to how they see fit, as opposed to how the law is supposed to be enforced? If it is legal to open carry these guns, why the difference in enforcement tactics?

You are trying to make a comparison using different variables outside of the race of the person open carrying.

Different officers from different departments would handle the situation in different manners.
If you wanted to make a comparison that suggested one encounter was different than the other based on race alone ... Then you would have to eliminate the other variables.

If you don't understand the difference the additional variables make ... Then your bigotry is clouding your ability make an accurate comparison.

Being a cop is okay, so long as you don't go after the black dude clearly breaking the law.

In this case, what law was the black dude breaking?
Well...he was Black...smh.

Again, what law was he breaking?

Too often cops aren't up on the law as far as carrying firearms...or they are gun grabbers in uniform and like to harass gun owners.....regardless of just don't see white gun owners complaining where it can be seen....although you do see white gun owners hassled by cops on the gun sites......they just get ignored by the democrats in the media....
I'm not why are you such a dick who thinks calling someone racist ends all to beat all?


I think this video is quite a dramatic demonstration of the fact that profiling doesn't work.

It works the vast majority of the time. It saves lives, money and resources.

Really? You do understand right, there are more white murderers and white serial killers than there are black murderers right? Whites outnumber blacks in the number of crimes committed. So why don't they profile the white males and females and do stop and molest on white people?

Because white people have the pull, the power, the respect that blacks do not. It doesn't matter that whites own more guns and kill more people including their family and friends. Blacks are low hanging fruits. It is much easier to stop and frisk blacks than to frisk whites.

e analysis

It’s true that around 13 per cent of Americans are black, according to the latest estimates from the US Census Bureau.

And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008. Only 45 per cent of the offenders were white. Homicide is a broader category than “murder” but let’s not split hairs.

I just checked this file.

I can't copy and paste the data here because it's a pdf file. White victimization rate per 1000 is 25 in the data. Blacks is slightly higher at 34. White population is much higher than black population. So 125 whites are victims of crime compared to every 34 victims are of black crimes.

So I would think police should frisk whoever it is that's committing crimes on whites. Most white people are victimized by other whites, blacks are victimized by blacks mostly. This is not news, it's well known fact, crime occurs within your own social circle (family, friends, coworkers, partners, neighbors).

Now comes the point of discrimination. If more whites are being victims of crime then why aren't they frisking the criminals who victimize whites? I'd like to see white people being stopped at the same rate proportionate to criminal stats as blacks and hispanics.

This means if 3 blacks commit crimes for every 2 white people committing crimes as the data suggests, then for every 3 blacks stopped o streets, there should be two white people being stopped for frisking.

This doesn't happen. Most of the frisking is done on black people, not whites. It's not proportionate. Blacks are dealt injustice, whites get off easily.

One fact data doesn't mention is the injustice rate. If blacks are ten times more likely to be convicted than whites for the same crimes, then all the FBI data is crapoos. Makes no sense. The fundamental problem is disproportionate heavy handed justice delivered to blacks compared to whites. That's the point. Actual stats are misleading, but nonetheless, I've shown the stats and provided my own analysis.

Ah yes....lying with the stats for whites in white neighborhoods being stopped by police.....

then show the amount of black on white crime vs. white on black guys always ignore that number because you hide it by saying whites target whites and blacks target blacks...

Blacks are a smaller percentage of the population but a larger percentage of violent offenders....
Profiling is used because

A. The minorities created it
B. It works


Right and you would say rapes happen because the woman dressed provocatively. So why are you such a racist?
I'm not why are you such a dick who thinks calling someone racist ends all to beat all?


I think this video is quite a dramatic demonstration of the fact that profiling doesn't work.

It works the vast majority of the time. It saves lives, money and resources.

Hogwash. The only thing it does is steal away the civil rights of our minorities. If we can't expect justice for everyone, then no one deserves it. I find it hypocritical that the pro-gun folks are so accepting of profiling one of their own simply because of the color of his skin.

No....go to the gun sites and you will see white open carriers getting hassled by the police.....the democrats in the media don't cover it the way they do when the black open carrier is hassled.......
The white guy carried the gun strapped to his back, the black guy carried with the gun on his front....BIG difference.
Obviously they were making this video with that in mind so stupid people would get "outraged".
The difference is startling:

False dichotomy ... Not the same cop or even police department.
There is nothing to compare if there is no control group to compare it to.

Would you like me to find a video of a police officer giving a white dude hell then arresting him for open carrying a AR-15?

Spew your bigotry elsewhere.


Please find a video so we can compare his treatment

That took two seconds ... Try typing ... "man arrested for open carry" ... in Google or You-Tube ... There are hundreds of videos to choose from.


You shouldn't use the truth or reality when discussing race with a democrat makes them all pissy.....
Why should it matter when the gun laws are exactly the same in both instances? You aren't suggesting that law enforcement agencies selectively enforce the law, are you, that is, according to how they see fit, as opposed to how the law is supposed to be enforced? If it is legal to open carry these guns, why the difference in enforcement tactics?

You are trying to make a comparison using different variables outside of the race of the person open carrying.

Different officers from different departments would handle the situation in different manners.
If you wanted to make a comparison that suggested one encounter was different than the other based on race alone ... Then you would have to eliminate the other variables.

If you don't understand the difference the additional variables make ... Then your bigotry is clouding your ability make an accurate comparison.


The issue is the law as well as race. The law makes it clear that open carry is legal. A black man openly carrying his weapon legally should not have to receive unfair treatment from ANYONE law enforcement. Was it fair that this man had guns pointed at him by numerous officers, and forced to lay on the ground and handcuffed even after he and his companion made clear what their intentions were, that they were recording the incident, and had an open carry permit, and were fully cooperating with law enforcment? What is your explanation for why this man was treated in this fashion but the white man received no such treatment?

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