Onlin Gamin


Senior Member
Sep 21, 2008
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What games do people play online if any?

Please post honestly, this is just me trying to figure out what I want to program for my next personal project, and I promise I won't mock any of the games like *cough* World of Warcraft *cough* if you mention them ... at least not in this thread.
Dungeons and Dragons Online. My son plays a bunch of first person shooters.

A D&D like game is what I am thinking of making, using Java and making it in browser. Not big on making FPS though, I want to focus more on questing and team strategy as well.
Dungeons and Dragons Online. My son plays a bunch of first person shooters.

aw man, that game sucks. I love the old D&D but that one was just a hair better than the old classic disappointment that was Descent to Undermount.
Dungeons and Dragons Online. My son plays a bunch of first person shooters.

A D&D like game is what I am thinking of making, using Java and making it in browser. Not big on making FPS though, I want to focus more on questing and team strategy as well.

you should figure out a way to mae the old gold box games into a java based, multiplayer game akin to how the Original NEverwinter Nights was on AOL. that would be retro as fuck.
IP MUD Game called Everdark Adress is 3000 accessed through any telnet program.

It's all text based but I've been playing for over 10 years. Still love it and I haven't completed all quest yet. It's basically a D&D text based game. Role Playing.
Dungeons and Dragons Online. My son plays a bunch of first person shooters.

A D&D like game is what I am thinking of making, using Java and making it in browser. Not big on making FPS though, I want to focus more on questing and team strategy as well.

you should figure out a way to mae the old gold box games into a java based, multiplayer game akin to how the Original NEverwinter Nights was on AOL. that would be retro as fuck.

Nothing can beat the classic style D&D on a board! Good times playing that back in the day...
A D&D like game is what I am thinking of making, using Java and making it in browser. Not big on making FPS though, I want to focus more on questing and team strategy as well.

you should figure out a way to mae the old gold box games into a java based, multiplayer game akin to how the Original NEverwinter Nights was on AOL. that would be retro as fuck.

Nothing can beat the classic style D&D on a board! Good times playing that back in the day...

Yeah, but getting groups together is becoming almost impossible in some areas, and people rarely stay in the same area long enough to really get going. Since all the gamers are going online I decided I may as well join them while it lasts. Seems everyone has fallen for this artificial gaming and flashy graphics in place of good old fashioned story telling. I was thinking of doing a graphical MUD style at first, maybe I will if there are some people who still like stories over maps and excessive FX.
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