One Campaign Promise?


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
First year is in the bucket...

Has Biden kept any campaign promises?

Nope. Won't even have pressers or answer questions during the few he has.

Ending Covid?
Other than trying to violate human rights with vaccine mandates...and demonstrating a healthy dose of hypocrisy at the same time..he actually has been moving backwards instead of forwards. He is NOT following suggestions of REAL scientists and keeps listening to Faucci who doesn't know anything and lies about what he does know.

Respect and Respectful discourse
Goose egg again with his hot mike last week...and he is just one of the guilty parties. The discourse of his favorite legislation and other issues has been worse and not better... especially with the blame game.

Student Loans executive order?
Again another goose egg. Promised at least 10,000 forgiveness for everyone. He won't even release a report on it prepared by the Department of Education.

Advanced civil rights?
Ummm.... vaccine mandates are the exact opposite. Then the new limitations on free speech and public demonstrations? Again a big not goose egg but a negative number.

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