Once again, Putin puppet Trump disobeys his Russian overlords


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
That Magnificent Orange SOB needs to try a little harder if he's going fulfill the liberal's fantasy that he's a "Russian agent."

Poland Cleared to Purchase 32 American F-35 Fighters

"The U.S. State Department has OK’d Poland to buy the F-35, America’s most advanced fighter, setting up the country as the newest customer for the fifth-generation jet.

The proposed order covers 32 of the conventional-takeoff-and-landing F-35A variants, with an estimated price tag of $6.5 billion, according to a Wednesday announcement on the website of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency. As with all DSCA notifications, quantities and dollar figures can change during negotiations.."

Poland cleared to buy F-35 fleet.

Look up, Ivan. This is the last thing you'd see before the BOOM.

I hope we start closing bases in Germany and move them to Poland.

It will make the Russians very uneasy.
I hope we start closing bases in Germany and move them to Poland.

It will make the Russians very uneasy.

That would make sense. The Polish people are a proud and independent people. They are more than willing to get back at Russia for what they did to them.
I think the assertion that Trump is some sort of Russian collaborator is absurd. But I personally believe a 'conditional' alliance with Russia is a good idea because Russia is White, and it's badass, and Whites are becoming a threatened minority worldwide, a fact which a large number of non-White ethnicities have recently begun celebrating. I am very much in favor of a worldwide alliance of Caucasian peoples -- and South Africa would be a good place to start.

If this belief indicts me as a 'racist,' then that's what I am.
The whole Trump narrative, that he was a stooge for Putin, has collapsed and simply vanished and it's rarely heard at all now. ...like the whole plot to replace the president never happened.

The left has just changed tactics and now fat Jerry Nadler in the House tries to somehow cook up a rationale for impeachment.

Just imagine how things would be if the entire democrat party wasn't a corrupt illegal cabal spending all their time trying to seize power, turn the nation socialist and violate the Constitution by any means necessary.
Germany will be a Sharia State within 5 years. The USA needs to GTFO of there ASAP

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