On the Eve of Ohio Vote, Kasich Commits Political Suicide Part 2


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:

Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


lol, conservatives now trying to make free trade a Democrat thing. Unbelievable.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


he's a very popular governor. do you think that all republicans are as bigoted and disgusting as you?

i suspect the bigoted scum are trump people... .like you.
lol, conservatives now trying to make free trade a Democrat thing. Unbelievable.
No, just support for the F*ed Obamatrade deal that, like Obama's 'deals' hurts American workers / citizens
he's a very popular governor. do you think that all republicans are as bigoted and disgusting as you?

i suspect the bigoted scum are trump people... .like you.
Ouch...why jillian that would actually have hurt ... if I gave a damn about your partisan opinion and personal attacks. :p

I love the liberal attempts at 'come-backs':
- "Oh yeah, well, he's POPULAR'.
- "...and you're a scumbag."

So much for intellectual discussion / debate....
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


lol, conservatives now trying to make free trade a Democrat thing. Unbelievable.
Its a corporate democrat/establishment GOP thing. Unfair trade is about as bi-partisan as you get..
Good pt TNH...but supporting it is still stupid and hurts the American workers...on both sides.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


he's a very popular governor. do you think that all republicans are as bigoted and disgusting as you?

i suspect the bigoted scum are trump people... .like you.

^^^ pathetic. Why don't you move to Mexico, go live with your pals.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


Well, too many Republicans have long been virtually identical to Obama when it comes to trade. Making bad trade deals has been a bipartisan endeavor, unfortunately. The CAFTA trade deal that Bush pushed was arguably a bit worse than the version of CAFTA that Obama supported.

We need to understand that many people in both parties have supported the disastrous trade deals for which multinational corporations have lobbied so strongly and from which they have made so much money--at the expense of American jobs and industry.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:

You clearly did not know anything about Kasich's immigration policies when you started the other topic, and having been informed of what they are, that has not stopped you from continuing to parrot a lie about it.

This is very revealing of your character, dipshit. The only suicide going on here is that of your integrity.

And now you demonstrate you know fuck-all about Kasich's trade policies.
Not only did Kasich go 'all in' for Amnesty, declaring he would grant Amnesty within the 1st 100 days he was in office as President, rewarding illegals and ensuring they could take jobs from American citizens, Kasich doubled-down on 'political suicide' by continuing to declare his allegiance to Obamatrade, which is being described as “signing the death warrant for Ohio manufacturing".

Stephen Miller: Kasich Pro-Obamatrade Agenda ‘Death Warrant for Ohio Manufacturing’ - Breitbart

Of course, Kasich isn't the only one who backed Obamatrade:


lol, conservatives now trying to make free trade a Democrat thing. Unbelievable.

These trade deals where U.S. law becomes subject to the whims of some international governing body are definitely a Demcrat thing. Obama loves them because they are a way to get around Congress.
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Some people are obviously terrified of Kasich's chances in the Ohio primary, and are willing to obliterate their principles and integrity to stop him.
Transcript of Republican debate in Miami, full text - CNNPolitics.com

KASICH: Well, Jake, I grew up in a blue collar family. And the simple fact of the matter is that of course we're sensitive about trade. One out of five Americans works in a job connected to trade; 38 million Americans are connected to it.

But my position has always been we want to have free trade, but fair trade. And I've been arguing all along that it is absolutely critical that when other countries break those agreements, we don't turn the process over to some international bureaucrat who comes back a couple years later and says, "Oh, America was right," and people are out of work.

The fact of the matter is we have to have an expedited process. When people cheat, when countries cheat and they take advantage of us, we need to blow the whistle. And as president of the United States, I absolutely will blow the whistle and begin to stand up for the American worker.

But we don't want to lock the doors and pull down the blinds and leave the world. Because frankly, if we do that, prices will go up. People will buy less. Other people will be out of work. And we don't want to see that happen.

Trade, though, has to be balanced and we have to make sure that when we see a violation, like some country dumping their products into this country, believe me as president, I will stand up and I will shut down those imports because they're a violation of the agreement we have and the American worker expects us to stand up.

And Jake, my family worked in the steel industry, not with a white collar. I understand their plight.
RUBIO: No, I support free trade deals that are good for America. We're 5 percent of the world's population. If all we do is sell things to each other, we can only sell to 5 percent of the people on earth. We have to have access to the hundreds of millions of people in the world today who can afford to buy things.

The problem is we're a low-tariff country. To import something into the United States is not very expensive, but many of these countries we can't export to because their tariffs are too high. And so I am in favor of deals that allow us to bring down those tariffs so that America can sell things to all these people around the world.

There are good trade deals and there are bad ones. So for example, here in Florida, we have benefited from the free trade deal with Colombia. It's allowed flower exporters to come into the United States but it's created jobs for hundreds of people who are now delivering those flowers and working in that industry. We have a surplus with Colombia.

On the other hand, you've seen trade deals like in Mexico that have been less than promising in some aspects, better in others. Bottom line is I believe that America, if given access to foreign markets, our workers are the most productive in the world, our people are the most innovative on this planet. If it is a free and fair trade deal, we can compete against anyone in the world, and we need to in the 21st century.
Some people are obviously terrified of Kasich's chances in the Ohio primary, and are willing to obliterate their principles and integrity to stop him.
No one is terrified. That math shows Trump will get the nomination even if he loses Ohio.
Some people are obviously terrified of Kasich's chances in the Ohio primary, and are willing to obliterate their principles and integrity to stop him.
No one is terrified. That math shows Trump will get the nomination even if he loses Ohio.
If Kasich wins Ohio, the chances of Trump winning 50 percent of the delegates plunge dramatically. The odds of a brokered convention skyrocket.

Thus, we see the brainless parrots coming out to trash Kasich.
Some people are obviously terrified of Kasich's chances in the Ohio primary, and are willing to obliterate their principles and integrity to stop him.
No one is terrified. That math shows Trump will get the nomination even if he loses Ohio.
If Kasich wins Ohio, the chances of Trump winning 50 percent of the delegates plunge dramatically. The odds of a brokered convention skyrocket.

Thus, we see the brainless parrots coming out to trash Kasich.

The math I've seen doesn't agree. The people defending Kasich are the "brainless parrots." Kasich may as well become a Democrat, at this point.

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