On Racism and Racial Discrimination

The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.

"The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (about 3 times higher than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty."

How the Welfare State Has Devastated African Americans - Discover the Networks

The liberal vote farming programs devastated the black community. The growth in incomes dipped right as the war on poverty (war on black people) started. Who said the regressives don't love wars?

That's what happens when you let a government check replace the father.

Here is a dated piece from Walter E Williams for your arsenal and the OP. If you don't know, Dr. Williams is a black professor of economic, and this is what he wrote about black families:

If we put ourselves into the shoes of racists who seek to sabotage black upward mobility, we couldn't develop a more effective agenda than that followed by civil rights organizations, black politicians, academics, liberals and the news media. Let's look at it.

First, weaken the black family, but don't blame it on individual choices. You have to preach that today's weak black family is a legacy of slavery, Jim Crow and racism. The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today. In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites. Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families. In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households. A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households.

During the 1960s, devastating nonsense emerged, exemplified by a Johns Hopkins University sociology professor who argued, "It has yet to be shown that the absence of a father was directly responsible for any of the supposed deficiencies of broken homes." The real issue, he went on to say, "is not the lack of male presence but the lack of male income." That suggests marriage and fatherhood can be replaced by a welfare check.

The poverty rate among blacks is 36 percent. Most black poverty is found in female-headed households. The poverty rate among black married couples has been in single digits since 1994 and is about 8 percent today. The black illegitimacy rate is 75 percent, and in some cities, it's 90 percent. But if that's a legacy of slavery, it must have skipped several generations, because in the 1940s, unwed births hovered around 14 percent.

Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage
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When is the last time you saw a mob of white people beating down a black guy and stomping on his head? I can fill this fucking thread with videos of the opposite happening. Dont give me that bullshit. The black community isnt just racist... its violently racist.

Death of Yusef Hawkins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Everyone knows the official statistics, black people commit way more homicides than other races, and yet the media seems to be only interested on white on black crime, which is insignificant by comparison. Got to love the race-baiting media.

But yeah, no racism to be seen here!

But by all mean, go on with the self hate, whitey. I would most likely hate you too, so can't fault the behavior. It has nothing to do with your skin color, but your oppressive and regressive ideology.
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The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.
Which prez was that under?
The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.

"The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (about 3 times higher than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty."

How the Welfare State Has Devastated African Americans - Discover the Networks

The liberal vote farming programs devastated the black community. The growth in incomes dipped right as the war on poverty (war on black people) started. Who said the regressives don't love wars?

And what were the republicans up too ?

Report: Nixon aide says war on drugs targeted blacks, hippies - CNNPolitics.com
The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.

How many blacks people are in Maine ?
The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.

How many blacks people are in Maine ?

It has little to do with blacks and more to do with people abusing the system funded by us taxpayers.
The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.
Which prez was that under?

That was under President Clinton who vetoed the bill twice. Just before his reelection bid, the Republicans put the bill back on his desk a third time and said "Veto it now MF."

Clinton had no choice but to sign it or lose his reelection.
The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.

How many blacks people are in Maine ?

It has little to do with blacks and more to do with people abusing the system funded by us taxpayers.

I think fraud prevention should be a top priority for all agencies .
The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.
Which prez was that under?

That was under President Clinton who vetoed the bill twice. Just before his reelection bid, the Republicans put the bill back on his desk a third time and said "Veto it now MF."

Clinton had no choice but to sign it or lose his reelection.
would you give Clinton any credit for contributing to this progress or do you think it was all because of this lone bill that the republicans forced through the reluctant administration of Clinton?
I'd like to have a discussion about racism with you guys, from a visitor's (I'm a Chinese visiting researcher) perspective. I am genuinely curious about how Americans think about the problem of racism. I have a short list of questions as a starter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share rational and honest opinions.

1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?

The list of questions may grow slowly. Also, feel free to discuss other related questions/issues!
Racism is an irrational fear and hatered of someone because of their race, gender, religion or politicial belifies.
Disagree that it's in the top three.
We only need more laws and regulations if there is not one on the books to address a specific situation.
The most effective aid to the black community would be to stop the welfare checks so the fathers would stay with the families.

70 % single motherhood, yeh that's a problem right there.

As usual though, the libby regressed solution is to take other people's money to solve the issue, or to give special privileges to people in an attempt to nourish their vote farms. This is their solution to everything indeed.
Doesnt your side use the ol saying " you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink?" So under that logic you propose to take away the water and the horses will no longer be thirsty??

No, they will be even more thirsty which will make them try harder to get water.

Back in the 90's when Newt and the Republicans passed Welfare Reform, the predictions by the left were grim: people starving in the streets, increase in theft and violent crime, food pantries wiped out clean.......

None of this happened of course. In fact, the program had many successes. People stated they felt liberty for the first time in their lives. More poor people stayed married longer and there were more two-parent homes.

In Maine, they got sick of all the social leaches getting food stamps. So they created a new law that stated any adult with no children had to work a part-time job of at least 20 hours a week, volunteer their time to charity 20 hours a month, or be enrolled in a vocational program to learn how to get into a new career.

To no surprise, most of those people dropped out of the food stamp program. Seems they weren't that hungry to begin with.
Which prez was that under?

That was under President Clinton who vetoed the bill twice. Just before his reelection bid, the Republicans put the bill back on his desk a third time and said "Veto it now MF."

Clinton had no choice but to sign it or lose his reelection.
would you give Clinton any credit for contributing to this progress or do you think it was all because of this lone bill that the republicans forced through the reluctant administration of Clinton?

No, I only give credit where credit is due.

Clinton was against welfare reform because Democrats heavily rely on government dependents. Clinton had no choice but to sign the bill because like today, Americans are just pissed off at all the loafers living off of hard working taxpayers dollars.

I will say Clinton did do some good things. Unlike this clown in the White House today, he did try to work with his opponents in the Congress.
Could you give an example of a white person being "nasty" to someone of a different race based on your own experience? Like what that person said and did?
A black guy applies for a job but because my boss has a negative opinion of blacks, he doesn't hire him.

Im of the opinion we need to make up for the past 200 years and take a chance on the brother.

But, what if black employees never work out? I see black people working at Kroger but 2 weeks later they aren't there anymore?
I'd like to have a discussion about racism with you guys, from a visitor's (I'm a Chinese visiting researcher) perspective. I am genuinely curious about how Americans think about the problem of racism. I have a short list of questions as a starter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share rational and honest opinions.

1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?

The list of questions may grow slowly. Also, feel free to discuss other related questions/issues!
The US has always been a 'mosaic' of pretty much every race and culture from around the globe.
It's basic human nature for races and cultures to want to stay with their own group.
Every race and culture has within it inherently a 'racist' element. This can be good and bad.
When the first culture began arriving to America they were predominantly White.
Here's a question for you.
What does the average Chinese person think about the Japanese? What does the average Chinese person think about negroes?
What does the average Chinese person think about Whites?
Get the point?
Some businesses hire negroes so the business can fill it's 'AA' quota in so doing the business can apply for gov. tax breaks.
The businesses all know the negro won't be on the job for long for a variety of reasons.
Im of the opinion we need to make up for the past 200 years and take a chance on the brother.

So we're almost done, right?
Not even close. But I've been telling blacks they have to raise their kids better so they are more employable. Don't have a bad attitude on the interview or after you start. I've known too many blacks who acted right in the interview but had a bad attitude after they start. Being late, always saying "it's because I'm black". And threatening to sue if fired for bad job performance when it's bad attitude.

But we need to take a chance on the ones who make the effort. But a company should have the right to fire someone if they aren't fitting in or being productive.

It's tough because hiring manages have to go with what their gut tells them and is it their fault blacks too often live up to the stereotypes we have of them?
I'd like to have a discussion about racism with you guys, from a visitor's (I'm a Chinese visiting researcher) perspective. I am genuinely curious about how Americans think about the problem of racism. I have a short list of questions as a starter. I would appreciate it a lot if you could share rational and honest opinions.

1. In your own word, how would you define racism and racial discrimination?
2. Do you agree or disagree that racial discrimination is among the top three most serious social problems nowadays in America?
3. Do you agree or disagree that more laws and regulations should be enacted to protect people from racial discrimination?

The list of questions may grow slowly. Also, feel free to discuss other related questions/issues!
As you analyze the responses to your questions, I would recommend factoring in perhaps the most crucial element of this: Sadly, race, racial discrimination, and race division have become heavily politicized in this country. What that means in a practical sense is that it has been terribly simplified, dumbed down, turned binary, and usually addressed with bumper-sticker slogans.

Neither end of our political spectrum is going to put much effort into looking into the mirror. The hard Right will go so far as to claim that racism doesn't exist; the hard Left will scream "racism" for virtually any excuse, diluting and trivializing a terribly important word. Both ends will ignore the crimes of their "side" while focusing only on those of the other.

As with most political issues, getting either far end of our political spectrum to honestly look into the mirror and choose to clean their own house first, before pointing the finger at the other "side", is essentially wasted effort. Yet that HAS to happen for REAL reform. And unfortunately, the wings of our political spectrum are a minority - most Americans are willing to look at both sides of an issue - but they are by far more energetic, LOUD, and influential.

There are (at least) two reasonable sides to every story, but the most rabid partisans won't even admit to that.

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