On LIbya, How Could You President Trump?


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Donald Trump did it again pulled a President Trump this time on the subject of Libya. The country of Libya is a country located in North Africa and borders the Mediterranean Sea it has significant oil wealth and although it has been a broken country for eight years it has valuable potential as a country it has the wealth to provide a good standard of living for its people and it has a large Arab population so that if it could become a stable functioning good democratic country it would be valuable to the world as a role model for the many depraved totalitarian Arab countries across the Middle East. This is the current situation in Libya in a nutshell you have a United Nations supported government in Tripoli , the Government of National Accord, that supports democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms and as a result of military losses on the ground is basically holed up in the western City of Tripoli and you have a puppet government based in the eastern city of Tobruk it is a façade of a national government basically what the world has in Libya is a bunch of Tribes and militias throughout Libya which amount to no stable and no good country. The key to understanding the situation in Libya is to understand that the counter power to the UN backed Government of National Accord is the military leader Khalifa Haftar. General Haftar is essentially the Supreme Commander of a coalition of militias in Libya and has taken control of the eastern and all the southern portion of Libya and is making an offensive toward Tripoli and once he has won that battle he will have permanent control of the country of Libya. General Haftar is a bad guy, he is not for human rights when he took control of the city of Benghazi he outlawed citizen protests and he is not for true democracy he has been a major military power in Libya for the last two years and if he was in favor of full and fair elections throughout Libya he could have signed on to the UN effort to bring this about during this time period rather he has just been an obstruction for this effort. The truth about General Khalifa Haftar is that he is a Muammar Gaddafi in-waiting, a re-incarnated version of the strongman Gaddaffi; if one reads between the lines of an interview he gave to French television back in 2017 he views himself as the permanent Field Marshall and Supreme General of a national Libyan Army; politics and governance throughout Libya he doesn't care these things only matter in so far as they don't threaten his military uncontested power throughout Libya.

The American government seemed to get this up to last Monday, up to this time General Haftar was seen as the enemy of a good and Democrat country of Libya. Then this past Monday President Trump calls General Haftar and General Haftar tells the President he supports democracy and despite a track record of eight years of undermining and obstructing such President Trump pledges U.S. support for General Haftar and subsequently blocks a United Kingdom resolution in the UN Security Council calling for a cease fire for the battle of Tripoli thereby essentially extinguishing the movement for Democracy and Human Rights in Libya! In President Trump's defense he would say General Haftar is attacking and defeating al Qaeda and Islamic State forces in Libya thus he is on our side in this war against these radical Islamist forces whose goal is to conquer the entire world; President Trump is ignoring a vital point General Haftar is fighting these forces because they are a threat to his forces and power he doesn't care about the free world! General Haftar is fighting "all" Islamist forces throughout LIbya most of whom have no ambitions, goals or what have you outside the borders of Libya these groups are actually Libyan freedom fighters. General Haftar's allies are the countries of Russia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia all totalitarian countries whose government's brutally suppress civil liberties; President Donald Trump committed a titanic size screw-up here in allying America with General Haftar!

The problem with President Trump the reason why he was able to commit this colossal mistake is that he doesn't fully understand what it means to be an American. To be an American means to have an outstanding zeal for civil liberties and human rights throughout the world it's a principle a true American never wants the country to abandon! President Trump's shortness in this area is why he never got former Senator McCain why to many Americans we cannot reconcile how he would disparage and get into disrespectful conflict with the Senator. Throughout the world to the mass of ordinary people Senator McCain symbolized and embodied hope for a world where fundamental human rights and civil liberties would be fully respected he was a glowing symbol for this because he endured outstanding torture and suffering to uphold these principles! How shameful this act of President Trump's is from taking our country where it showed heroic virtue back in 2011 in saving tens of thousands of lives of the Libyan rebels held up in Benghazi to handing the keys to the country to the new Libyan Gaddafi strongman, General Khalifa Haftar!
Barak Obama and Hillary helped AL Qaeda, who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, take over their own country - Libya ... Before abandoning Americans there to needlessly die.

So what Obama / Hillary f*-up are you trying to blame on Trump now....?
JoP doesn’t realize that virtually every African and Muslim nation is a dictatorship.
President Donald Trump did it again pulled a President Trump this time on the subject of Libya. The country of Libya is a country located in North Africa and borders the Mediterranean Sea it has significant oil wealth and although it has been a broken country for eight years it has valuable potential as a country it has the wealth to provide a good standard of living for its people and it has a large Arab population so that if it could become a stable functioning good democratic country it would be valuable to the world as a role model for the many depraved totalitarian Arab countries across the Middle East. This is the current situation in Libya in a nutshell you have a United Nations supported government in Tripoli , the Government of National Accord, that supports democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms and as a result of military losses on the ground is basically holed up in the western City of Tripoli and you have a puppet government based in the eastern city of Tobruk it is a façade of a national government basically what the world has in Libya is a bunch of Tribes and militias throughout Libya which amount to no stable and no good country. The key to understanding the situation in Libya is to understand that the counter power to the UN backed Government of National Accord is the military leader Khalifa Haftar. General Haftar is essentially the Supreme Commander of a coalition of militias in Libya and has taken control of the eastern and all the southern portion of Libya and is making an offensive toward Tripoli and once he has won that battle he will have permanent control of the country of Libya. General Haftar is a bad guy, he is not for human rights when he took control of the city of Benghazi he outlawed citizen protests and he is not for true democracy he has been a major military power in Libya for the last two years and if he was in favor of full and fair elections throughout Libya he could have signed on to the UN effort to bring this about during this time period rather he has just been an obstruction for this effort. The truth about General Khalifa Haftar is that he is a Muammar Gaddafi in-waiting, a re-incarnated version of the strongman Gaddaffi; if one reads between the lines of an interview he gave to French television back in 2017 he views himself as the permanent Field Marshall and Supreme General of a national Libyan Army; politics and governance throughout Libya he doesn't care these things only matter in so far as they don't threaten his military uncontested power throughout Libya.

The American government seemed to get this up to last Monday, up to this time General Haftar was seen as the enemy of a good and Democrat country of Libya. Then this past Monday President Trump calls General Haftar and General Haftar tells the President he supports democracy and despite a track record of eight years of undermining and obstructing such President Trump pledges U.S. support for General Haftar and subsequently blocks a United Kingdom resolution in the UN Security Council calling for a cease fire for the battle of Tripoli thereby essentially extinguishing the movement for Democracy and Human Rights in Libya! In President Trump's defense he would say General Haftar is attacking and defeating al Qaeda and Islamic State forces in Libya thus he is on our side in this war against these radical Islamist forces whose goal is to conquer the entire world; President Trump is ignoring a vital point General Haftar is fighting these forces because they are a threat to his forces and power he doesn't care about the free world! General Haftar is fighting "all" Islamist forces throughout LIbya most of whom have no ambitions, goals or what have you outside the borders of Libya these groups are actually Libyan freedom fighters. General Haftar's allies are the countries of Russia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia all totalitarian countries whose government's brutally suppress civil liberties; President Donald Trump committed a titanic size screw-up here in allying America with General Haftar!

The problem with President Trump the reason why he was able to commit this colossal mistake is that he doesn't fully understand what it means to be an American. To be an American means to have an outstanding zeal for civil liberties and human rights throughout the world it's a principle a true American never wants the country to abandon! President Trump's shortness in this area is why he never got former Senator McCain why to many Americans we cannot reconcile how he would disparage and get into disrespectful conflict with the Senator. Throughout the world to the mass of ordinary people Senator McCain symbolized and embodied hope for a world where fundamental human rights and civil liberties would be fully respected he was a glowing symbol for this because he endured outstanding torture and suffering to uphold these principles! How shameful this act of President Trump's is from taking our country where it showed heroic virtue back in 2011 in saving tens of thousands of lives of the Libyan rebels held up in Benghazi to handing the keys to the country to the new Libyan Gaddafi strongman, General Khalifa Haftar!

So -- you're blaming Trump for Obama and Hillary's moronic decision to depose YET ANOTHER Mid East strongman dictator and turn ANOTHER mid east country into a basket case..

Only true retards don't understand that "DEMOCRACY" is not blooming in a region where the culture NEEDS a strongman ASSHOLIC type to stop the bloodshed.. America has made this mistake 80 jillion times now and folks are STILL waiting for glitter farting unicorn parade of "democracy" breaking out in the MidEast..

I thought you Dems HATED neo-cons who fled your party to push Repubs into sequential mid east quamires..,

Libya was supposed to be Hillary's TOP ACHIEVEMENT as Sec State... WHAT HAPPENED??? :happy-1:
President Donald Trump did it again pulled a President Trump this time on the subject of Libya. The country of Libya is a country located in North Africa and borders the Mediterranean Sea it has significant oil wealth and although it has been a broken country for eight years it has valuable potential as a country it has the wealth to provide a good standard of living for its people and it has a large Arab population so that if it could become a stable functioning good democratic country it would be valuable to the world as a role model for the many depraved totalitarian Arab countries across the Middle East. This is the current situation in Libya in a nutshell you have a United Nations supported government in Tripoli , the Government of National Accord, that supports democracy, human rights and fundamental freedoms and as a result of military losses on the ground is basically holed up in the western City of Tripoli and you have a puppet government based in the eastern city of Tobruk it is a façade of a national government basically what the world has in Libya is a bunch of Tribes and militias throughout Libya which amount to no stable and no good country. The key to understanding the situation in Libya is to understand that the counter power to the UN backed Government of National Accord is the military leader Khalifa Haftar. General Haftar is essentially the Supreme Commander of a coalition of militias in Libya and has taken control of the eastern and all the southern portion of Libya and is making an offensive toward Tripoli and once he has won that battle he will have permanent control of the country of Libya. General Haftar is a bad guy, he is not for human rights when he took control of the city of Benghazi he outlawed citizen protests and he is not for true democracy he has been a major military power in Libya for the last two years and if he was in favor of full and fair elections throughout Libya he could have signed on to the UN effort to bring this about during this time period rather he has just been an obstruction for this effort. The truth about General Khalifa Haftar is that he is a Muammar Gaddafi in-waiting, a re-incarnated version of the strongman Gaddaffi; if one reads between the lines of an interview he gave to French television back in 2017 he views himself as the permanent Field Marshall and Supreme General of a national Libyan Army; politics and governance throughout Libya he doesn't care these things only matter in so far as they don't threaten his military uncontested power throughout Libya.

The American government seemed to get this up to last Monday, up to this time General Haftar was seen as the enemy of a good and Democrat country of Libya. Then this past Monday President Trump calls General Haftar and General Haftar tells the President he supports democracy and despite a track record of eight years of undermining and obstructing such President Trump pledges U.S. support for General Haftar and subsequently blocks a United Kingdom resolution in the UN Security Council calling for a cease fire for the battle of Tripoli thereby essentially extinguishing the movement for Democracy and Human Rights in Libya! In President Trump's defense he would say General Haftar is attacking and defeating al Qaeda and Islamic State forces in Libya thus he is on our side in this war against these radical Islamist forces whose goal is to conquer the entire world; President Trump is ignoring a vital point General Haftar is fighting these forces because they are a threat to his forces and power he doesn't care about the free world! General Haftar is fighting "all" Islamist forces throughout LIbya most of whom have no ambitions, goals or what have you outside the borders of Libya these groups are actually Libyan freedom fighters. General Haftar's allies are the countries of Russia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia all totalitarian countries whose government's brutally suppress civil liberties; President Donald Trump committed a titanic size screw-up here in allying America with General Haftar!

The problem with President Trump the reason why he was able to commit this colossal mistake is that he doesn't fully understand what it means to be an American. To be an American means to have an outstanding zeal for civil liberties and human rights throughout the world it's a principle a true American never wants the country to abandon! President Trump's shortness in this area is why he never got former Senator McCain why to many Americans we cannot reconcile how he would disparage and get into disrespectful conflict with the Senator. Throughout the world to the mass of ordinary people Senator McCain symbolized and embodied hope for a world where fundamental human rights and civil liberties would be fully respected he was a glowing symbol for this because he endured outstanding torture and suffering to uphold these principles! How shameful this act of President Trump's is from taking our country where it showed heroic virtue back in 2011 in saving tens of thousands of lives of the Libyan rebels held up in Benghazi to handing the keys to the country to the new Libyan Gaddafi strongman, General Khalifa Haftar!
You are a fucking nutjob. Haftar is our ally in the war against AQ you moron.

Gadaffi was our ally. After AQ attacked the police stations and took over Benghazi, he sent the Libyan armed forces to go slaughter AQ. They never made it because Obama, at Clinton's behest, illegally went to war without congressional approval. Obama and Clinton fought on the wrong fucking side to save the franc. That's treason.

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