OMG with the liberal inequality bullshit

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The Sunday Kansaa City Star front page is covered with this nonsense. With a BIG BOLD title: ENFORCING INEQUALITY.

This filth is inescapable
The Sunday Kansaa City Star front page is covered with this nonsense. With a BIG BOLD title: ENFORCING INEQUALITY.

This filth is inescapable

Did you read past the headline and would you like to comment on the specifics of the piece?

Of course not.

That would result in him being exposed to facts that would conflict with his errant conservative dogma.
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The Sunday Kansaa City Star front page is covered with this nonsense. With a BIG BOLD title: ENFORCING INEQUALITY.

This filth is inescapable

Did you read past the headline and would you like to comment on the specifics of the piece?

The inequality in treatment I will recieve if I express my fellings about this BULLSHIT will be unfair.
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The Sunday Kansaa City Star front page is covered with this nonsense. With a BIG BOLD title: ENFORCING INEQUALITY.

This filth is inescapable

Did you read past the headline and would you like to comment on the specifics of the piece?

Of course not.

That would result in him being exposed to facts that would conflict with his errant conservative dogma.

Sorry to disappoint ya but im not a brain dead moron who falls for all the pathetic libera whining.
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Lets recap

If you are:
Liberal female
Progressive female
Minimum wage worker
Illegal resident
Bad with budgets
Didn't pay attention in school
Supporter of gays

You are oppressed.

Did I get it right?

And if you are:


Its all your fault....
In recent years, Kansas City civil rights investigators have intervened to ... strike down dress code regulations thought to discourage African-American and Hispanic residents from patronizing a downtown entertainment district

This part particularly I find troubling. I moonlight as a bartender, and one of the most sacred and vital parts of the business is a bartender's, and establishment's, right to refuse service to any person, whatsoever, period.

One local place where I've slung drinks, but now refuse to work anymore, is a prime example. The current owner is an idiot, and failed to do anything to keep out riff raff. The result is that riff raff have taken over. It's his money, so whatever. But his business is not, and has not, been profitable. When he took over the place I tried to tell him that he needed to establish certain practices to prevent it from happening. And that included the need to establish a dress code. No sagging pants, no wife beaters or undershirts, no sideways caps, no large chain necklaces. Did he listen? No. What happened? As soon as a couple people looking like that decide to walk in, other customers decide to leave. The thugs bring along a couple friends next time, more people decide to leave. Next thing you know, the guy has a bar that is filled exclusively with riff raff, and he hasn't had a single profitable month in the two years he's owned the place.

For the government to disallow dress codes at drinking establishments a devastating blow to business, and a major danger to public safety.
In recent years, Kansas City civil rights investigators have intervened to ... strike down dress code regulations thought to discourage African-American and Hispanic residents from patronizing a downtown entertainment district

This part particularly I find troubling. I moonlight as a bartender, and one of the most sacred and vital parts of the business is a bartender's, and establishment's, right to refuse service to any person, whatsoever, period.

One local place where I've slung drinks, but now refuse to work anymore, is a prime example. The current owner is an idiot, and failed to do anything to keep out riff raff. The result is that riff raff have taken over. It's his money, so whatever. But his business is not, and has not, been profitable. When he took over the place I tried to tell him that he needed to establish certain practices to prevent it from happening. And that included the need to establish a dress code. No sagging pants, no wife beaters or undershirts, no sideways caps, no large chain necklaces. Did he listen? No. What happened? As soon as a couple people looking like that decide to walk in, other customers decide to leave. The thugs bring along a couple friends next time, more people decide to leave. Next thing you know, the guy has a bar that is filled exclusively with riff raff, and he hasn't had a single profitable month in the two years he's owned the place.

For the government to disallow dress codes at drinking establishments a devastating blow to business, and a major danger to public safety.

You don't know the details. You're passing judgment on surface details. The BLACK youth from the inner city has caused MAJOR havoc on both the Plaza as well as the Power & Light District. So much so that NORMAL adults began to fear patronizing places after dark.

Flash mobs
Mass theft

Edit: I misread your post. You are actually correct.
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In recent years, Kansas City civil rights investigators have intervened to ... strike down dress code regulations thought to discourage African-American and Hispanic residents from patronizing a downtown entertainment district

This part particularly I find troubling. I moonlight as a bartender, and one of the most sacred and vital parts of the business is a bartender's, and establishment's, right to refuse service to any person, whatsoever, period.

One local place where I've slung drinks, but now refuse to work anymore, is a prime example. The current owner is an idiot, and failed to do anything to keep out riff raff. The result is that riff raff have taken over. It's his money, so whatever. But his business is not, and has not, been profitable. When he took over the place I tried to tell him that he needed to establish certain practices to prevent it from happening. And that included the need to establish a dress code. No sagging pants, no wife beaters or undershirts, no sideways caps, no large chain necklaces. Did he listen? No. What happened? As soon as a couple people looking like that decide to walk in, other customers decide to leave. The thugs bring along a couple friends next time, more people decide to leave. Next thing you know, the guy has a bar that is filled exclusively with riff raff, and he hasn't had a single profitable month in the two years he's owned the place.

For the government to disallow dress codes at drinking establishments a devastating blow to business, and a major danger to public safety.

In most cases 'major danger to public safety' might be a stretch, but until recent years, the 'right to refuse service to anyone' was a strong American liberty concept as was "No shoes, no shirt, no service" etc. The business that was too uptight about stuff like that would see loss of business as does the business that enforces no standards at all.

But one thing is for sure. Government mandates that dictate HOW a business owner must conduct his business destroys far more liberties that it achieves equality.
The city has spent billions trying to inject life into downtown. They are trying to protect their investment.

Blacks whine about no opportunities. Then the city and taxpayers invest TONS of money in their back yard and what do they do? Act like fucking animals causing revenue loss for businesses in the area. Then they wonder why their area ends up deserted.
In most cases 'major danger to public safety' might be a stretch

Yes and no, I suppose. Generally speaking, not every drinking establishment needs to have a dress code, so for those places the absence of one will have no negative effects. On the other hand, if a place does need a dress code, there's typically a reason, and that reason is almost always going to be keeping out the riff raff. When it comes to a drinking establishment, riff raff are like an infection. Once they get in and like where they are, they can quickly multiply and turn into a cesspool of people. Riff raff and alcohol tends to be a toxic combination. People act like fools, fights break out, knives come out, guns come out, people get hurt.

The place I mentioned above, the night I told the owner I was done was exactly such a night. A gigantic crowd of riff raff was out that night. Before the night was over some dumb bitch thought spitting in a guy's face was a good idea. He thought punching her in the face was a good idea. Her boyfriend thought body slamming the first guy was a good idea. I thought it was a good idea to get them the fuck out of my bar, which I did. But once out in the parking lot someone thought going to their car to pull out a gun was a good idea. One person dead, two severely injured.

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