Okay, which one of you assclowns is William Gheen?


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Extreme Right Winger Suggests Using Illegal And Violent Means To Bring Down President Obama | Addicting Info

Paranoia is one thing. Being paranoid and violent, however, is another thing entirely. Meet William Gheen. He’s the President and Spokesman of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, a right wing anti-immigration group, and he has a message to share with America. He believes that President Obama is a dictator, and that he is using undocumented immigrants to wage a war on “white America.”

Gheen had previously accused the President of treason once before and demanded that Republicans impeach him. But now he has a new idea to defeat President Obama. He suggests using “extra-political activities” that are “illegal and violent” to bring down President Obama, reports Right Wing Watch.

Not sure I can bring myself to watch the video.

That's an old video. Let's see what is recent.

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I think it is just the beginning of the attacks. I beleive we will see even more desperate people before November 2012.
Extreme Right Winger Suggests Using Illegal And Violent Means To Bring Down President Obama | Addicting Info

Paranoia is one thing. Being paranoid and violent, however, is another thing entirely. Meet William Gheen. He’s the President and Spokesman of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, a right wing anti-immigration group, and he has a message to share with America. He believes that President Obama is a dictator, and that he is using undocumented immigrants to wage a war on “white America.”

Gheen had previously accused the President of treason once before and demanded that Republicans impeach him. But now he has a new idea to defeat President Obama. He suggests using “extra-political activities” that are “illegal and violent” to bring down President Obama, reports Right Wing Watch.

Not sure I can bring myself to watch the video.

That's an old video. Let's see what is recent.

William Gheen Explains His Comment On “Violent” “Illegal” Activities « Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Shouldn't the orderlies be evacuating you about now?
I think it is just the beginning of the attacks. I beleive we will see even more desperate people before November 2012.

I'm sure his secret service is on top of it.

In fact, I hope Gheen gets a visit.

I'm sure they will visit Gheen and probably have a file 2 inches think on him already. I'm sure as they will visit Mike Malloy for suggesting Seal team Six take out Bush.

I wonder were you upset when there was a movie showing the assassination of a sitting president? Doesn’t that call to people to do the same or incite them?
Extreme Right Winger Suggests Using Illegal And Violent Means To Bring Down President Obama | Addicting Info

Paranoia is one thing. Being paranoid and violent, however, is another thing entirely. Meet William Gheen. He’s the President and Spokesman of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, a right wing anti-immigration group, and he has a message to share with America. He believes that President Obama is a dictator, and that he is using undocumented immigrants to wage a war on “white America.”

Gheen had previously accused the President of treason once before and demanded that Republicans impeach him. But now he has a new idea to defeat President Obama. He suggests using “extra-political activities” that are “illegal and violent” to bring down President Obama, reports Right Wing Watch.

Not sure I can bring myself to watch the video.

That's an old video. Let's see what is recent.

William Gheen Explains His Comment On “Violent” “Illegal” Activities « Alan Colmes' Liberaland

America has a collection of rightwing wierdoos, who are still emerging from the caves and cutting off their tails. They keep bringing down the morale of the troops with their idiotic attacks on the CIC.
Extreme Right Winger Suggests Using Illegal And Violent Means To Bring Down President Obama | Addicting Info

Paranoia is one thing. Being paranoid and violent, however, is another thing entirely. Meet William Gheen. He’s the President and Spokesman of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, a right wing anti-immigration group...
Your article is lying.

ALIPAC is anti-illegal immigration.
Illegal Immigration must be stopped and reversed! Join Americans for Legal Immigration Today!

Tired of illegal immigration? Americans for Legal Immigration PAC ALIPAC has formed to address the disparity between the public's desire for more control of illegal immigration and the actions of lawmakers.​
America has a collection of rightwing wierdoos, who are still emerging from the caves and cutting off their tails. They keep bringing down the morale of the troops with their idiotic attacks on the CIC.
No, they don't, you moron. :lol:

Your concern over the troops' morale is quite a bit less than your concern over your little tin god.
America has a collection of rightwing wierdoos, who are still emerging from the caves and cutting off their tails. They keep bringing down the morale of the troops with their idiotic attacks on the CIC.

Obama brings down the moral of the troops without any help from anyone.
I think it is just the beginning of the attacks. I beleive we will see even more desperate people before November 2012.

I'm sure his secret service is on top of it.

In fact, I hope Gheen gets a visit.

Hey BDB-
Did you see this by chance?

ALIPAC - William Gheen Issues Clarification on Comments about Violence and Illegal Acts
In the last 24 hours, numerous left wing bloggers and groups have attacked me for comments that I made on the Janet Mefferd radio show on Monday, August 22, 2011.

You can listen to the entire interview at this link and I encourage all to do so to gather a more proper context of my comments.

Janet Mefferd-8/22/2011 Radio Show with William Gheen (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)
Janet Mefferd-8/22/2011-Hour 2-Janet Mefferd Radio Show : Janet Mefferd Premium

I have always been and remain dedicated to the peaceful political and civic processes to which I have dedicated my life in America. In the last seven years I have appeared on over 100 radio shows each year, been quoted in every major newspaper in the nation, and appeared on every major television network.

I would never jeopardize my reputation or my cause of securing America's border by engaging in violent rhetoric or advocacy.

I should have been more specific about my comments and indicated that I was reporting the conditions Americans face at the hands of Obama. I should have spoken more like an attorney writing fine print, as I usually have to do.

I was asked what people should do now that Barack Obama has bypassed Congress and the US Constitution and instituted the Dream Act Amnesty via dictatorial decree.

I mentioned that some groups were looking into lawsuits and ...

"We’re no longer referring to him as President Barack Obama, our national organization has made the decision and made the announcement we now refer to him as Dictator Barack Obama. That’s what he is. And basically at this point, if you’re looking for a peaceful political recourse, there really isn’t one that we can think of, and I’m really not sure what to tell people out there other than I guess they need to make decisions soon to just accept whatever comes next or some type of extra-political activities that I can’t really talk about because they’re all illegal and violent."

I meant that I cannot talk about such things because my job has been to support political campaigns, lobby Congress, do media appearances, send emails, faxes, and educate the public about illegal immigration.

I have made it very clear that I disavow any form of violence on many occasions. I cannot delve into the options Barack Obama is forcing on Americans that are concerned about the illegal alien invasion of America.
I think it is just the beginning of the attacks. I beleive we will see even more desperate people before November 2012.

I'm sure his secret service is on top of it.

In fact, I hope Gheen gets a visit.

Hey BDB-
Did you see this by chance?

ALIPAC - William Gheen Issues Clarification on Comments about Violence and Illegal Acts
In the last 24 hours, numerous left wing bloggers and groups have attacked me for comments that I made on the Janet Mefferd radio show on Monday, August 22, 2011.

You can listen to the entire interview at this link and I encourage all to do so to gather a more proper context of my comments.

Janet Mefferd-8/22/2011 Radio Show with William Gheen (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN)
Janet Mefferd-8/22/2011-Hour 2-Janet Mefferd Radio Show : Janet Mefferd Premium

I have always been and remain dedicated to the peaceful political and civic processes to which I have dedicated my life in America. In the last seven years I have appeared on over 100 radio shows each year, been quoted in every major newspaper in the nation, and appeared on every major television network.

I would never jeopardize my reputation or my cause of securing America's border by engaging in violent rhetoric or advocacy.

I should have been more specific about my comments and indicated that I was reporting the conditions Americans face at the hands of Obama. I should have spoken more like an attorney writing fine print, as I usually have to do.

I was asked what people should do now that Barack Obama has bypassed Congress and the US Constitution and instituted the Dream Act Amnesty via dictatorial decree.

I mentioned that some groups were looking into lawsuits and ...

"We’re no longer referring to him as President Barack Obama, our national organization has made the decision and made the announcement we now refer to him as Dictator Barack Obama. That’s what he is. And basically at this point, if you’re looking for a peaceful political recourse, there really isn’t one that we can think of, and I’m really not sure what to tell people out there other than I guess they need to make decisions soon to just accept whatever comes next or some type of extra-political activities that I can’t really talk about because they’re all illegal and violent."

I meant that I cannot talk about such things because my job has been to support political campaigns, lobby Congress, do media appearances, send emails, faxes, and educate the public about illegal immigration.

I have made it very clear that I disavow any form of violence on many occasions. I cannot delve into the options Barack Obama is forcing on Americans that are concerned about the illegal alien invasion of America.

How dare you bother BDPOOP with facts!

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