OK who on USMB is ordering their "WHITE DUDES FOR HARRIS" hat and T-Shirt?

I understand that coyote, Lakota, Candycorn. IM2, FortFunIndiana,, Jedgarslowhorses, Procruststreched and Senter are in competition with each other to be the first to het the shirt to wear.
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Meanwhile your kind fly 20 trump flags on their trucks like a bunch of clowns. You will lose in November and it's going to be glorious.
You got those illegals riled up and primed to vote already?
Maybe to counter MAGA, that is Kammy's new logo: WDFH (pronounced: "WHADDAFCK). :smoke:

I can see this catching on as reportedly, everywhere Kamala has gone, people in the audience have been heard exclaiming:

That's probably way they didn't go with "White Dudes For Kamala". WDFK.
Since the Democrats make up the rules as they go, she's in. They will have a brand new "virtual role call" BEFORE their convention to insure they undermine the Convention process.
I wouldn't put anything past democrats. If they sour on Kamala, they will replace her.
They could perhaps at least in theory pull a switch at the convention

But thats very unlikely

This has been planned fir a long time
Ya, but if all the WEF shillbots and NPCs fail to boost her numbers, they'll swap her out at the convention and call it democracy.
Ya, but if all the WEF shillbots and NPCs fail to boost her numbers, they'll swap her out at the convention and call it democracy.
I think Harris can win the election

She’s been coached and now does not look as stupid as she probably is
No man should ever, ever, ever wear another man's name on his body... Sports jerseys, Trump gear.. etc. However, wearing a woman's name on gear is 100% fine. I approve this merchandise.

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