OK, Guys, Do We Really Want a Phone That Can Read Our Minds?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

I see you already have one...

Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Will they have one that reads palms, for Liberals...so they don't feel left out?
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

Women read our minds? Shit....speak for yourself. My woman can't take a cue if her life depended on it.
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

That is funny. Rod lost a set of keys and went around for a week all angry growling. I ask him why didn't you put them on the key holder? He just got more growls out. I decided enough of his growling so I found the keys right by his computer desk where he'd left them.
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​
That one where they won't to implant control modules in peoples brains is a thing that should be watched fiercely.
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

That is funny. Rod lost a set of keys and went around for a week all angry growling. I ask him why didn't you put them on the key holder? He just got more growls out. I decided enough of his growling so I found the keys right by his computer desk where he'd left them.

And...you left them in a place he could accidentally step on...
That is funny. Rod lost a set of keys and went around for a week all angry growling. I ask him why didn't you put them on the key holder? He just got more growls out. I decided enough of his growling so I found the keys right by his computer desk where he'd left them.

And...you left them in a place he could accidentally step on...
Helping me find my keys and hat is one of my wifes top purposes in life these days.

I am down to taking out the trash, opening jars and reaching the high cabinet shelves.
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

"I must think of ... a brick wall ... a brick wall ... think of a brick wall ..."
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

That is funny. Rod lost a set of keys and went around for a week all angry growling. I ask him why didn't you put them on the key holder? He just got more growls out. I decided enough of his growling so I found the keys right by his computer desk where he'd left them.

And...you left them in a place he could accidentally step on...
Never crossed my mind. Besides he thinks I do some things just to mess with him at times and that is bad enough. He hates when my mom and I get together because we talk and leave words out. He used to claim we would do that on purpose just to f' with him.
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

That is funny. Rod lost a set of keys and went around for a week all angry growling. I ask him why didn't you put them on the key holder? He just got more growls out. I decided enough of his growling so I found the keys right by his computer desk where he'd left them.

And...you left them in a place he could accidentally step on...
Never crossed my mind. Besides he thinks I do some things just to mess with him at times and that is bad enough. He hates when my mom and I get together because we talk and leave words out. He used to claim we would do that on purpose just to f' with him.

Obviously, hiking in alpine meadows is a great hobby.
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

Women read our minds? Shit....speak for yourself. My woman can't take a cue if her life depended on it.

Behind every great man is a woman.....

....rolling her eyes.
OMG ~Throws money at~ I've been wanting to brain control my computer for so long. Make it happen! I'd even suck it up through needles to do it (I have a severe needle phobia) same with an information tattoo on my arm so I didn't have to carry my damn id and cc's anymore (hate purses)
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

Women read our minds? Shit....speak for yourself. My woman can't take a cue if her life depended on it.

Behind every great man is a woman.....

....rolling her eyes.
Could be, most women who are truly successful though generally have a man as their pillar to lean on when the going gets tough.
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

"I must think of ... a brick wall ... a brick wall ... think of a brick wall ..."
Well it is coming, might as well start practicing yoga, meditation, mind checks or whatever or your "stray" thoughts might be getting you into some hot water in the very near future.


Scientists invent mind-reading machine that turns your thoughts into words

A device that can read people’s minds by detecting their brainwaves has been developed in a breakthrough that could eventually enable people with “locked-in syndrome” to communicate.

The system was only partially effective with a 90 per cent success rate when trying to recognise numbers from zero to nine and a 61 per cent rate for single syllables in Japanese, the researchers said.

But, nonetheless, a statement about the research issued by the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan said it showed that an effective device to read people’s thoughts and relay them to others was possible in the “near future”.

They even suggested an “easily operated” device with a smartphone app could be ready in just five years.​

Women already read our minds. Why would they buy a phone to do the same thing?

Women read our minds? Shit....speak for yourself. My woman can't take a cue if her life depended on it.

Behind every great man is a woman.....

....rolling her eyes.
Could be, most women who are truly successful though generally have a man as their pillar to lean on when the going gets tough.

And most men have a woman to lean on for emotional support. It's a partnership that utilizes both to their "typical" best abilities. It's a shame some folks make it into a war of the sexes when it doesn't have to be.

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