Ohio Republican says it's time to impeach President Trump

The loon obviously doesn't understand the impeachment process.....face it losers, you don't have the power

well you're assuming enough Repub reps don't cross the isle............after another few months of The People surrounding their offices and homes they just might consider it, in fact most likely will

sad really
You know it's bad when even republicans are calling for Trumputin's head.
The loon obviously doesn't understand the impeachment process.....face it losers, you don't have the power
Funny you are so unaware that after only 3 weeks dems and repukes alike are calling for Putin's Puppet's head.
You must be proud.
The loon obviously doesn't understand the impeachment process.....face it losers, you don't have the power
Funny you are so unaware that after only 3 weeks dems and repukes alike are calling for Putin's Puppet's head.
You must be proud.
No we are being factual. You on the other are lost in fantasy. On the bright side, you are entertaining.
Texas republican says it not time.

If there were any Republicans in Austin they would
There are republicans in Austin I can think of one easily and there are more.

You know it's bad when even republicans are calling for Trumputin's head.
Wow, an unelected dufus on the street writes and op-ed and you leftards act like it's the second coming of Jesus. Simply hilarious. Guy is probably even a Democrat.

No no , he claims to be a republican....like Fakey Jakey ;)
The left are such pathetic liars running around like they have their underwear wedged.
1. Not happening.

2. Democrats in the Senate would have to join the GOP to support the House Impeachment, so again not happening!

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