Oh...it's not a 'baby' or a 'person' - it's just a FETUS...a clump of tissue!

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-=d=- said:
No need to be sardonic...Read what I typed again:
No need. I got it all. It was not an accurate portrayal of truth.
Did I write "Every law"? Did I write "Capital Crimes"?.

Those are rhetorical questions, btw. :)

You'll be fine as long as you don't turn into an asshole/throw insults because you can't/won't understand what you read :) ;)

You too, smily boy!
Bonnie said:
So then you admit that Roe v Wade was made soley for the purpose of financial gain by groups like NARAL and NOW to line the pockets of Pro Abortion candidates????
Thank You for the validation :beer:

right. :rolleyes: :cuckoo:
rtwngAvngr said:
No need. I got it all. It was not an accurate portrayal of truth.

Then you obviously did not understand.

See, in our legal system we have written different punishments for different crimes. Some of the more severe crimes involve harsh punishiments leading up to death. Contrary, we also have 'crimes' which carry penalties which are paid simply by monetary fine. "(Those laws) are not in place to stop or restrict behaviour, but to generate revenue."

Get it? :)
DKSuddeth said:
sure it was, just like michael moore is an accurate portrayal of truth, right? :rolleyes:

Yes. So you admit your supporter in this thread &*D*&, or whatever his name is, is as reliable as Michael Moore. Thanks for the honesty.

"Roe vs. Wade simply stated that the federal government can't legislate anybody's morality or ethical behavior...".

On the contrary, Roe vs. Wade insinuated the federal government (via - surprise, surprise - the judiciary) into matters where it has no business poking it's nose. As you stated, pregnancies have been terminated - one way or another - throughout history, but never, ever, in an atmosphere of such relaxed acceptance. It took the genius of the American left to create a constitutional RIGHT to abortion. The results have been predictable: 80% of abortions are carried out for the sake of personal convenience (Lest you think that I'm pulling that number out of a hat, a 1987 study, done by the Alan Guttmacher Institute - incidentally, a staunchly pro-abortion group - bears those figures out. This was a profoundly embarrasing revelation for pro-abortion forces, and, needless to say, no such study has been publicized since. However, given the general direction in which this country is being dragged by it's loving cultural elite, what do you think - those numbers have IMPROVED in the last 17 years?)! What a marvelous piece of social engineering! Kind of reminds me of every other disastrous piece of social engineering perpetrated by the left.

"What a woman does with her own body is her business" just isn't going to get it anymore. Civilized society has a stake in this, too. The cheapening of human life affects us all. To amplify Bonnie's point: Remember - human beings tend to be inconvenient at BOTH ends of their lives!

"...a Creator who has advised mankind in His Bible that there is no HUMAN LIFE in the forming fetus".

You cited the Book of Genesis as your proof of this; specifically, the portion which describes God creating Adam out of the dust and breathing his immortal soul into him. I stated that, worse than comparing apples and oranges, you were attempting to compare chicken liver and driveshafts - and I stand by this. You responded by feigning outrage at MY treatment of the word of God. I submit that it is YOU who are commiting the outrage. NOWHERE in the Bible does it state that there is no human life in the fetus.
musicman said:
NOWHERE in the Bible does it state that there is no human life in the fetus.


...and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother's womb...

44As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy

Just two examples from the Bible which lead us to believe we are spiritual - alive before birth...
rtwngAvngr said:
No it's not mr. cynical. Laws are to provide a framework for us to interact without acting like animals. It's about civilization. Money is just an abstraction of value.

Excepting of course Roe V Wade which was soley for the compassion and concern for women :dunno??????
-=d=- said:
Viability...I'd bet there are thousands of coma victims in this nation which by all measurements are 'less viable' than these babies we are killing. Yet we cannot simply 'kill off' those people because they have been 'not able to live without the aid of machines'.


Well gosh...14 years ago, my father had a heart attack and suffered extensive anoxic brain damage. The two neurologists who examinied him stated that, if he survived, he would remain in a chronic vegetative state. Fortunately, for him and us, we had all discussed such issues long ago. We had the ventilator removed and had him extubated. He passed peacefully a few hours later. So...you could say we "killed off" my father.

Your half-assed remark is an insult to me, and to everyone else who has made such decisions. Until you've had to make such a decision yourself, you really need to keep your mouth shut.

The same applies to women who choose to terminate a pregnancy. Until you've see through their eyes and walked in their shoes, you just need to keep your mouth shut.
-=d=- said:

Just two examples from the Bible which lead us to believe we are spiritual - alive before birth...

Thank you. And, even if there WERE any doubt, wouldn't it just be common sense to err on the side of caution, and concern for innocent human life?
Bullypulpit said:
Well gosh...14 years ago, my father had a heart attack and suffered extensive anoxic brain damage. The two neurologists who examinied him stated that, if he survived, he would remain in a chronic vegetative state. Fortunately, for him and us, we had all discussed such issues long ago. We had the ventilator removed and had him extubated. He passed peacefully a few hours later. So...you could say we "killed off" my father.

Your half-assed remark is an insult to me, and to everyone else who has made such decisions. Until you've had to make such a decision yourself, you really need to keep your mouth shut.

The same applies to women who choose to terminate a pregnancy. Until you've see through their eyes and walked in their shoes, you just need to keep your mouth shut.

I'm not sure how to say this delicately...but stop campaigning for sympathy long enough to comprehend what I typed.

For your sad story, I'd bet there are countless thousands of people 'not' like that. People for some reason or another are bedridden, comatose, on life-support which are a burden to those around them. Then...viola! they wake up and get better.

If you'd take your heart off your sleeve for two seconds you 'may' be able to get the point and context of my reply.

Here it is, broken down so I doubt even you or a couple others will have trouble:

"People using the argument "The fetus would not have been able to survive on his/her own, outside the womb anyway" are using an argument which is based on faulty logic. There exists medical conditions throughout the development at a person where they would not be able to survive w/o help of doctors/machines, etc.

Roger that?
musicman said:
Thank you. And, even if there WERE any doubt, wouldn't it just be common sense to err on the side of caution, and concern for innocent human life?

Pro-death camp would argue "What is 'common'? What is 'common' for YOU may not be so for 'me'! Blah blah!

-=d=- said:
Pro-death camp would argue "What is 'common'? What is 'common' for YOU may not be so for 'me'! Blah blah!


LOL! 'It all depends on what your meaning of 'is' is".
Side note re: value of human life.

I belief Libs/pro death (not that all libs are pro-death [Happy, Duane? :p:]) continually try to devalue Human life so as a way to allow for their behaviour choices. Homosexuals are the worst/best at this, equating Humans with dolphins, and other animals in their desire have have homosexual contacts. The dolphin thing I really don't get...I mean, could YOU tell the difference between a male and female dolphin? :)

The further Humans are devalued, the easier it is to accept the non-existance of God, too. We can be free to engage in whatever temporary pleasures we'd like, simply because this is it - no afterlife...no anything. I mean, if Humans and Animals are 'equal', then we were not specially endowed with a Living spirit...there'd be no need for God.

but I digress...from this thread topic...which I started. :)
Bullypulpit said:
Well gosh...14 years ago, my father had a heart attack and suffered extensive anoxic brain damage. The two neurologists who examinied him stated that, if he survived, he would remain in a chronic vegetative state. Fortunately, for him and us, we had all discussed such issues long ago. We had the ventilator removed and had him extubated. He passed peacefully a few hours later. So...you could say we "killed off" my father.

Your half-assed remark is an insult to me, and to everyone else who has made such decisions. Until you've had to make such a decision yourself, you really need to keep your mouth shut.

The same applies to women who choose to terminate a pregnancy. Until you've see through their eyes and walked in their shoes, you just need to keep your mouth shut.

So you mean to say that all those who have an opinion that differs from yours should just shut their mouths??????
Just because a girl gets pregnant and is afraid to tell her mommy and daddy is no way in hell any justification for committing murder, there is adoption ,if a woman is raped that's horrible ,but it's still not the babies fault and should not be killed for it again there is adoption! Just because you get pregnant no law says you have to keep the baby!

My grandmother had a stroke about 15 years ago and needed the machines to keep her alive as well. The doctors told us there was no recognizable brain activity, and usggested removing the machines, problem was everytime we came into the room she would have tears streaming down her face so my family made the decision to keep her alive via the machines, and one year later she recovered not fully but enough to have her with us another 10 years. Yes we were fortunate!!!
rtwngAvngr said:
You said it. You admitted the person supporting you has the credibility of Michael Moore. :dunno:

No - that's not what Duane 'wrote'. It's not what he meant, imo. :) He knows me...he knows better :D
-=d=- said:
No - that's not what Duane 'wrote'. It's not what he meant, imo. :) He knows me...he knows better :D

thats certainly NOT what I wrote. I DO know you, though I'm willing to keep it a secret. :tng:
Bonnie said:
So you mean to say that all those who have an opinion that differs from yours should just shut their mouths??????
Just because a girl gets pregnant and is afraid to tell her mommy and daddy is no way in hell any justification for committing murder, there is adoption ,if a woman is raped that's horrible ,but it's still not the babies fault and should not be killed for it again there is adoption! Just because you get pregnant no law says you have to keep the baby!

My grandmother had a stroke about 15 years ago and needed the machines to keep her alive as well. The doctors told us there was no recognizable brain activity, and usggested removing the machines, problem was everytime we came into the room she would have tears streaming down her face so my family made the decision to keep her alive via the machines, and one year later she recovered not fully but enough to have her with us another 10 years. Yes we were fortunate!!!

No dear, I'm not Pat O'Reilly. As for your grandmother, I'm glad things worked out for you and your family. But it was a choice you and your family made, like the choice I and my family made. My father didn't want to spend his life in a chronic vegetative state. His concern was for quality of life, not quantity.

As for the adolescent girl who gets pregnant...Again, you're putting the life of a fetus ahead of the life and health of the mother. You use emotionally charged terms like "murder" to describe a purely medical proceedure...You fail to make exceptions for rape, why should a woman be forced to carry such a pregnancy to term and be reminded of her rapist for the term of the pregnancy and every time she sees the infant? As for adoption, I don't see anyone from Operation Rescue rushing out to pay the expenses for the pregnant woman or adopt any children.
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