Oh ... I like this ...

Um.No. Roland is not black. Sorry.

Who cares?

I didn't care a bit that they left Tom Bombadil out of Lord of the Rings either. Book is book, film is film.
I care. Roland Despain is not black. Thats like making Luke Cage hispanic, and Shaft nordic. Not happenin'. And Jake never fired a gun if I remember correctly.

Who will play Odetta/Suzannah? Brittany Spears?
And Jack Reacher is tall, unlike Tom( I wish I was at least 6 feet tall)Cruiz...But he is the producer..

Let me know when they use cinematics to make Idris Elba white....
Um.No. Roland is not black. Sorry.

Who cares?

I didn't care a bit that they left Tom Bombadil out of Lord of the Rings either. Book is book, film is film.
I care. Roland Despain is not black. Thats like making Luke Cage hispanic, and Shaft nordic. Not happenin'. And Jake never fired a gun if I remember correctly.

Who will play Odetta/Suzannah? Brittany Spears?
And Jack Reacher is tall, unlike Tom( I wish I was at least 6 feet tall)Cruiz...But he is the producer..

Let me know when they use cinematics to make Idris Elba white....
There is no rules against white face paint...
Um.No. Roland is not black. Sorry.

Who cares?

I didn't care a bit that they left Tom Bombadil out of Lord of the Rings either. Book is book, film is film.
I care. Roland Despain is not black. Thats like making Luke Cage hispanic, and Shaft nordic. Not happenin'. And Jake never fired a gun if I remember correctly.

Who will play Odetta/Suzannah? Brittany Spears?
And Jack Reacher is tall, unlike Tom( I wish I was at least 6 feet tall)Cruiz...But he is the producer..

Let me know when they use cinematics to make Idris Elba white....
There is no rules against white face paint...

There is?
Come on man!! Pretend you weren't educated in Oklahoma!!
I will never watch this movie. Not even when its free on tv. I want to keep Roland, Jake, Susannah and Eddie in my imagination based on what I saw when I first picked it up (first book...and the rest that followed). Seeing the "doors" in the clip was NOT in the books. It was a plain ol door. Wood framed, with an old fashioned knob. Not this comgomerate fantasy thing they made up with their CGI.

I'll pass. And they can shove their political correctness up their asses.
I will never watch this movie. Not even when its free on tv. I want to keep Roland, Jake, Susannah and Eddie in my imagination based on what I saw when I first picked it up (first book...and the rest that followed). Seeing the "doors" in the clip was NOT in the books. It was a plain ol door. Wood framed, with an old fashioned knob. Not this comgomerate fantasy thing they made up with their CGI.

I'll pass. And they can shove their political correctness up their asses.

The Tolkien series and the Tower series are my two favorites!
They are the only two series that I've read twice.
In fact I've never read a book twice let alone a series other than those two.
Eddie and Susannah not being in the movie makes it even more bullshit. This movie is for BLM and $$$$$. Shame on them. And shame on King for allowing it to happen. Then again, King is a snowflake anyway.

This movie has been in the works for years. Over and over it was talked about, plans were made, and it didn't happen. I imagine King is happy it actually got made rather than remaining in film limbo. At one point there were plans to make a movie, then a season of a TV series, another movie, another season of TV series, and a third movie. Ron Howard was going to direct. 'The Dark Tower' Movie Trilogy & TV Series On the Way

All movies are made for money. Just because a popular black actor is the lead doesn't mean the movie has been made for BLM. As I said before, Roland's ethnicity is not integral to his character. Being black will not mean his character must change.

Trying to shoehorn The Dark Tower series into just one movie, which is what this appears to be doing, of course there would be major cuts. I don't like it, and I'm worried about what it means for the story when two of the major characters have been completely omitted, but it isn't exactly shocking. Trying to make a movie out of a seven (or eight, if you count The Wind Through The Keyhole) book series is problematic, at best.

I was excited about the idea of a movie/TV series combination back when it was planned. I'll watch this movie, but I'm going to go into it not looking for The Dark Tower so much as something loosely based on The Dark Tower. However good or bad the movie ends up being, however, I don't think Roland's race will have much to do with it.
I don't care who they get to play James Bond, because there has been no cinematic James Bond since Sean Connery left the series, and never will be.

Now just think what mischief Vince D'Onofrio as Dr. Martin Luther King would stir up.
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I don't care who they get to play James Bond, because there has been no cinematic James Bond since Sean Connery left the series, and never will be.

Now just what mischief Vince D'Onofrio as Dr. Martin Luther King would stir up.

Well, MLK was not only a real, historical figure, but his ethnicity is intrinsic to what he is known for.

I have never been a huge Bond fan, but I don't mind watching with different actors in the role. Elba has been considered for Bond, and I'd have been fine with that, although it would have required a bit of a transition period after so many white guys have played the role. :p Still, I don't think changing Bond's ethnicity would be much more jarring than when the actor changes.
I don't care who they get to play James Bond, because there has been no cinematic James Bond since Sean Connery left the series, and never will be.

Now just what mischief Vince D'Onofrio as Dr. Martin Luther King would stir up.

Well, MLK was not only a real, historical figure, but his ethnicity is intrinsic to what he is known for.

I have never been a huge Bond fan, but I don't mind watching with different actors in the role. Elba has been considered for Bond, and I'd have been fine with that, although it would have required a bit of a transition period after so many white guys have played the role. :p Still, I don't think changing Bond's ethnicity would be much more jarring than when the actor changes.

Bubba Ho-Tep. Ossie Davis as John F. Kennedy.

I don't watch movies from books where they don't follow it. I never read Lord Of The Rings, or any JR Tolkein, so the movies were fine.
I did read Gone With The Wind...that movie was spot on.
I did read The Green Mile more than once...and it was spot on.
I have read and reread The Dark Tower. Roland is not black and the drawings King had inserted in those books show Roland as craggy caucasian...so...in my mind, that is what he is. White. The only reason they made him black was because of being pc, I'm betting. And for that reason, I refuse to watch. Just like I would not watch a book character switching races.

Your own mileage may vary.

"Go then. There are other worlds than these"~Jake

Idris Elba is big right now.

So far as I'm aware, Eddie and Susannah are not in this movie at all. By comparison, Roland being a black man is a trifle.

Nick Fury has been a white guy for many years. Unlike Roland, Nick Fury is a character that is normally portrayed in a visual medium. Despite that, I'm OK with Samuel L Jackson playing him in the movies. Sure, it took some getting used to, because I had seen the character portrayed as a white guy for so long. It still worked out fine.

Besides, Roland's ethnicity is not integral to his character. I don't remember anything in the books which made his being white important to his character. He could be black, Asian, latino, it wouldn't really matter. :dunno:

I prefer my books stick with the original story.
This reeks of PC bullshit.

Read the book, no need to watch movie. Author does drugs. The Gunslinger was not black. Book had more than a few typos. Next!
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I don't watch movies from books where they don't follow it. I never read Lord Of The Rings, or any JR Tolkein, so the movies were fine.
I did read Gone With The Wind...that movie was spot on.
I did read The Green Mile more than once...and it was spot on.
I have read and reread The Dark Tower. Roland is not black and the drawings King had inserted in those books show Roland as craggy caucasian...so...in my mind, that is what he is. White. The only reason they made him black was because of being pc, I'm betting. And for that reason, I refuse to watch. Just like I would not watch a book character switching races.

Your own mileage may vary.

"Go then. There are other worlds than these"~Jake

Idris Elba is big right now.

So far as I'm aware, Eddie and Susannah are not in this movie at all. By comparison, Roland being a black man is a trifle.

Nick Fury has been a white guy for many years. Unlike Roland, Nick Fury is a character that is normally portrayed in a visual medium. Despite that, I'm OK with Samuel L Jackson playing him in the movies. Sure, it took some getting used to, because I had seen the character portrayed as a white guy for so long. It still worked out fine.

Besides, Roland's ethnicity is not integral to his character. I don't remember anything in the books which made his being white important to his character. He could be black, Asian, latino, it wouldn't really matter. :dunno:

I prefer my books stick with the original story.
This reeks of PC bullshit.

Read the book, no need to watch movie. Author does drugs. The Gunslinger was not black. Book had more than a few typos. Next!

Read the book, did you? That's odd, considering The Dark Tower was a 7 book series (an 8th book was later added which took place in the middle of the storyline, but I did not read that one and believe it involved secondary characters), not a single book. Maybe you mean you read the first book, The Gunslinger? I don't recall typos in that book. There certainly could have been some, but I don't believe there were any more than you would find in any book put out by a major publisher. If there were, it would be the fault of the editor, not the author.

I'm not sure how Stephen King doing drugs has any bearing on this conversation.

Actually, I get the feeling I just replied to a troll post. :p
I don't care who they get to play James Bond, because there has been no cinematic James Bond since Sean Connery left the series, and never will be.

Now just what mischief Vince D'Onofrio as Dr. Martin Luther King would stir up.

Well, MLK was not only a real, historical figure, but his ethnicity is intrinsic to what he is known for.

I have never been a huge Bond fan, but I don't mind watching with different actors in the role. Elba has been considered for Bond, and I'd have been fine with that, although it would have required a bit of a transition period after so many white guys have played the role. :p Still, I don't think changing Bond's ethnicity would be much more jarring than when the actor changes.

Bubba Ho-Tep. Ossie Davis as John F. Kennedy.


If it worked in Bubba Ho Tep, it can work anywhere! :lol:
Let me guess:
Next movie if this one pulls in enough, the billy-blunder will be Lassie and instead of Lobstrocities, it will be clams that burble Did-a-chick? Dum-a-chum? Dad-a-cham?

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