oh boo hoo Rand Paul shushed a reporter

Jeb Bush was up front he simply said he would not answer questions about the past. Why cant Paul do the same, no questions about the past or politics. If reporters knew that they would stop asking nonsense questions about Iran and so forth and restrict their questions to how warm does Rand like his bath water.

OH gee are you funny...............please dont vote.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

All those trick questions, like "what do you read?"....

If you can't stand the heat, GTF out of the kitchen.

You big baby, there's no crying in politics!
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

"everybody"? The issue here is "Americans".

What the US needs is someone who YOU and the cult would wet your collective pant over... . Someone who on day one sends SEAL Team 6 into the offices of the ACLU and upon their departure, leaves the building a pile of rubble. This they do on their way to the offices of NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS... and of course CNN, for roughly the same treatment, minus the demolition. Leaving the appropriate personnel behind to make sure everyone 'play's ball' and stays 'on the team'.

All the while the Marines are clearing out Academia... and the heads of Microsoft, Apple and Google are brought in for some long term counseling...

The Army would be working its way around the nation's various Political Precincts, cleaning out the old guard, setting new individuals in charge, after a quick briefing showing them the names and addresses of their parents and children, wherein they inform them of how important it is, TO THEM... that they get this right the first time... just prior to their watching John Wayne's explanation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and sign their loyalty to the US Constitution Oath, having signed up for Hillsdale Colleges' online courses on The Constitution.

So... yeah. A REAL ASSHOLE; OKA: An American.

Always entertaining. Perhaps you can find some puppies to kick. That might hold you over till we get the homicidal president you are yearning for.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

It was the reporter who was being rude.........AND disrespecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer
It is her job to ask a candidate questions about their changing stands on foreign policy. What isn't a good thing is a candidate acting like a spoiled democrat pissed at being asked tough questions. A mature candidate would have waited till the question was finished and told her why she was full of shit..... in this case she wasn't so he would have had to explain why he flipped on those issues.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

It was the reporter who was being rude.........AND disrespecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer

Not asking the question would be not respecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer. Of course right wingers always cry "UNFAIR" every time their silly positions are exposed or questioned.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

It was the reporter who was being rude.........AND disrespecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer

Not asking the question would be not respecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer. Of course right wingers always cry "UNFAIR" every time their silly positions are exposed or questioned.

Im talking about a situation where interviewer asks same question over and over again......the viewers get it....reporters think they're being "hard-hitting" by repeatedly asking same question.............no they just wasting viewers time.
More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

It was the reporter who was being rude.........AND disrespecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer

Not asking the question would be not respecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer. Of course right wingers always cry "UNFAIR" every time their silly positions are exposed or questioned.

Im talking about a situation where interviewer asks same question over and over again......the viewers get it....reporters think they're being "hard-hitting" by repeatedly asking same question.............no they just wasting viewers time.

the reporter repeats the question because the politician has dodged the question by spouting unrelated talking points.
He "shushed" a reporter because he's terrified of the questions.

Rand Paul is dirty, corrupt, dishonest, lazy and not all that bright. IOW, the perfect RW candidate.

Photos Of People Endorsing Rand Paul Are From German-Based Stock Photographer

Ich bin ein Berliner. Update: The photos have been removed. [Photos at the link]

posted on April 7, 2015, at 10:50 a.m.

Andrew Kaczynski
BuzzFeed News Reporter


Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul launched his presidential campaign Tuesday complete with a page to endorse the new presidential candidate.

The endorsements are then presented on a map of the United States.

The people on the endorsement map, however, appear to be stock images from a Italian photographer Andrea Piacquadio who goes by the name Olly or Ollyy on stock image sites,and according to his Shutterstock page, is based in Germany.

Photos at the link.

Also funny was his "Jew For Rand" mess.


More evidence that he's just not ready for prime time ... Be sure to read this whole page. Good stuff.

If Wonkette editors can proofread, so can Rand Paul

It is hard to words good on the internet! You have to measure twice and cut once, which in internet-land, is better described as reading the thing three times to make sure you didn’t accidentally paste a thing telling people to “shop Aldi for 39 cent Fine Feline Entrée cat food” right in the middle of writing about how you are Mad About A Thing. Rand Paul’s peeps did not do that, oops. In the product description for the eye chart in Paul’s sexy funtimes lingerie shop and online falafel cart, it originally explained that “Rand Paul is an opthalmologist.” Yes, that is a hard word, and Paul may not know how to spell it (“opHthalmologist”) since he might not even be one, but c’mon, guys.

And, as we all know, he plagiarizes most of what he says and writes.

November 15, 2013, 10:00 am
Why Rand Paul's plagiarism matters

By Mitchell Blatt



Sen.Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) pathetic excuses for plagiarizing content in his speeches and book show that either he has no shame, or he has no concept of what plagiarism is and why it is wrong. Either way, it’s a serious problem, and Paul needs to take responsibility for it rather than continuing to attack those who simply reported the truth, as when he called MSNBC host Rachel Maddow a “hater.”

In an interview with Fusion.net shortly after Maddow caught him lifting from the Wikipedia page about the movie Gattaca, Paul said, “I gave credit to the people who wrote the movie.” Missing from his statement is that Paul never gave credit to Wikipedia, from which he took language directly. No one ever accused him of plagiarizing the movie.

It gets worse. Buzzfeed reported (ironically, some would say) that in his book Government Bullies, Paul used the direct wording from a 2003 Heritage Foundation case study, 1,318 words in all, to fill three pages of his book, with only slight modifications. He didn’t put the report’s text inside quotation marks. He didn’t even write, “According to the Heritage Foundation…” He just put an endnote at the end of the book citing the study.
That is not how end notes are supposed to be used. An end note cites information. It doesn’t mean that you can lift the text.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

All those trick questions, like "what do you read?"....

If you can't stand the heat, GTF out of the kitchen.

You big baby, there's no crying in politics!

speaking of ignoring and refusing to answer: "what gave you the right to decide which emails to delete and which ones to save?" What gave you the right to do government business on your personal server? What did you promise the Saudi's for the money they gave your fund while you were SecState?
Years ago this would have bothered me, however the Obama administration has taught me that it is okay to "shush" a reporter. You can ignore reporters, you can ignore entire news networks, you can give them a list of questions to ask and hold them to it.

It is all okay, ask those that have defended Obama all these years.
Time for conservatives to trot out the 'liberal media' myth as a lame 'excuse' for their own faults and failings.

its not a myth, its a proven fact.

Of course it is a proven fact, The right always whines about the "liberal media" myth. It's their "GO TO" whine.

Are you really going to sit there on your fat ass and claim that the media did not support obama and will not support HRC?
Of course they did....The media is mostly liberal mouth breathers..... Still doesn't excuse a candidate from acting a child because he didn't know how to answer his own positions....Rand Paul is to me just as bad as Obama.... Both for some reason believes that we the people dont have the need to know about the positions he takes.....Both are damn wrong.
Time for conservatives to trot out the 'liberal media' myth as a lame 'excuse' for their own faults and failings.

its not a myth, its a proven fact.

Of course it is a proven fact, The right always whines about the "liberal media" myth. It's their "GO TO" whine.

Are you really going to sit there on your fat ass and claim that the media did not support obama and will not support HRC?
Of course they did....The media is mostly liberal mouth breathers..... Still doesn't excuse a candidate from acting a child because he didn't know how to answer his own positions....Rand Paul is to me just as bad as Obama.... Both for some reason believes that we the people dont have the need to know about the positions he takes.....Both are damn wrong.

when a "reporter" asks a set up question, the candidate should tell them to STFU and do their real job. If Romney had done that to Candy Crowley he might be president today.

BTW, than, are you still smoking and selling crack? yes or no.
Time for conservatives to trot out the 'liberal media' myth as a lame 'excuse' for their own faults and failings.

its not a myth, its a proven fact.

Of course it is a proven fact, The right always whines about the "liberal media" myth. It's their "GO TO" whine.

Are you really going to sit there on your fat ass and claim that the media did not support obama and will not support HRC?
Of course they did....The media is mostly liberal mouth breathers..... Still doesn't excuse a candidate from acting a child because he didn't know how to answer his own positions....Rand Paul is to me just as bad as Obama.... Both for some reason believes that we the people dont have the need to know about the positions he takes.....Both are damn wrong.

when a "reporter" asks a set up question, the candidate should tell them to STFU and do their real job. If Romney had done that to Candy Crowley he might be president today.

BTW, than, are you still smoking and selling crack? yes or no.
Not the same in any shape or form,.... Paul DID change his position on these issues and it is proper to ask him why...He instead of answering acted like a child.....Have you seen Cruz or Rubio shushing reporters for asking tough questions?????Rand tried to spin. When that didn't work he acted like a damn child. His father did the same with reporters and while I am sure many love to see liberal media heads get treated like the idiots they are a Adult does it with information not with shushing. The part of him treating the reported like a infant doesn't bother me so much as the fact of WHY HE DID IT. He did it because he couldn't answer why he flipped on these issues. Like when his father left a interview because he couldn't answer why his newsletters were full of racist rhetoric.
More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

It was the reporter who was being rude.........AND disrespecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer

Not asking the question would be not respecting the intelligence of the listener/viewer. Of course right wingers always cry "UNFAIR" every time their silly positions are exposed or questioned.

Im talking about a situation where interviewer asks same question over and over again......the viewers get it....reporters think they're being "hard-hitting" by repeatedly asking same question.............no they just wasting viewers time.

You could be right about wasting time. However, the reporter should note that the person being interviewed is either too stupid to answer the question, or is a coward, before he moves on to the next question.
Saw about a 30 minute earnest discussion on fox the other night about Rand Paul shushing reporters.
Saw it mentioned on PBS news hour too.

How pathetic of these self-absorbed damn reporters... DO your damn job and tell us some real news or STFU

More Republicans should shush them and walk out. most of them are so Hostile towards any Republican, it's a waste of their time. they ask them about evolution, what newspapers they read, if they support what a pizza parlor did, and endless petty gotcha crap. and when they don't want to answer such a petty stuff. their base goes on a rampage like how Mrs. Palin didn't read or rant about how she can see Russia from her porch.

Thank you... American candidates should treat the media as one any reasonable person treats an inferior species, with ill-intent. The first thing they should do when they enter the room for the interview is walk up to the "New Reader" and slap the shit out of them... then shove their ass into the chair and tell them what they've come to convey... if the Reader tries to speak, stand up and SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN! If their mouth opens upon that slap... SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM AGAIN.

At some point, the Left will figure out where they are in the pecking order of life and things will get back to normal.

Right, because that's what everybody is looking for in a president, A real ass hole who is rude to everyone. You should throw your hat into the ring.

"everybody"? The issue here is "Americans".

What the US needs is someone who YOU and the cult would wet your collective pant over... . Someone who on day one sends SEAL Team 6 into the offices of the ACLU and upon their departure, leaves the building a pile of rubble. This they do on their way to the offices of NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS... and of course CNN, for roughly the same treatment, minus the demolition. Leaving the appropriate personnel behind to make sure everyone 'play's ball' and stays 'on the team'.

All the while the Marines are clearing out Academia... and the heads of Microsoft, Apple and Google are brought in for some long term counseling...

The Army would be working its way around the nation's various Political Precincts, cleaning out the old guard, setting new individuals in charge, after a quick briefing showing them the names and addresses of their parents and children, wherein they inform them of how important it is, TO THEM... that they get this right the first time... just prior to their watching John Wayne's explanation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and sign their loyalty to the US Constitution Oath, having signed up for Hillsdale Colleges' online courses on The Constitution.

So... yeah. A REAL ASSHOLE; OKA: An American.
I love this board. You get the best crazy here
Time for conservatives to trot out the 'liberal media' myth as a lame 'excuse' for their own faults and failings.

its not a myth, its a proven fact.

Of course it is a proven fact, The right always whines about the "liberal media" myth. It's their "GO TO" whine.

Are you really going to sit there on your fat ass and claim that the media did not support obama and will not support HRC?

The media doesn't support the Democrats any more than a sports commentator reporting a touchdown is supporting that team, or is opposing the other team. If it was a GOP vs DNC football game, you would whine if the commentator mentioned anything other than bad plays for the DNC.
Time for conservatives to trot out the 'liberal media' myth as a lame 'excuse' for their own faults and failings.

its not a myth, its a proven fact.

Of course it is a proven fact, The right always whines about the "liberal media" myth. It's their "GO TO" whine.

Are you really going to sit there on your fat ass and claim that the media did not support obama and will not support HRC?

The media doesn't support the Democrats any more than a sports commentator reporting a touchdown is supporting that team, or is opposing the other team. If it was a GOP vs DNC football game, you would whine if the commentator mentioned anything other than bad plays for the DNC.
That's a lie.... most reporters vote democrat also a lot of them donate money to democrats also there are people like the little turd on good morning American that worked for Clinton
Time for conservatives to trot out the 'liberal media' myth as a lame 'excuse' for their own faults and failings.

its not a myth, its a proven fact.

Of course it is a proven fact, The right always whines about the "liberal media" myth. It's their "GO TO" whine.

Are you really going to sit there on your fat ass and claim that the media did not support obama and will not support HRC?

The media doesn't support the Democrats any more than a sports commentator reporting a touchdown is supporting that team, or is opposing the other team. If it was a GOP vs DNC football game, you would whine if the commentator mentioned anything other than bad plays for the DNC.

media bias has been documented in many valid studies. If you choose to pretend that it doesn't exist there is nothing I can say except you are living in a fantasy world.

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