Oh, Alan Simpson....


PROUD Tea Party Member
Dec 5, 2012
This was sent to me by a friend. Thanks, Susan.

I don't think 'pissed' really covers it...

Alan Simpson, the Senator from Wyoming calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana ... I think she is a little ticked off! She also tells it like it is!

"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight!!!

1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole (tit) for FIFTY YEARS.

2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).

3. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and "your ilk" pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age, 67. NOW, you and your "shill commission" are proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.

5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now "you morons" propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because "you idiots" mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal our money from Medicare to pay the bills.

6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you "incompetent bastards" spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt.
To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bullshit" to your incompetence.
Well, Captain Bullshit, I have a few questions for YOU:

1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?

3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?

It is you, Captain Bullshit, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcase thieves who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers.

And for what? Votes and your job and retirement security at our expense, you lunk-headed, leech.

That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic, political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bitch.
P.S. And stop calling Social Security benefits "entitlements". WHAT AN INSULT!!!!
I have been paying in to the SS system for 45 years “It's my money”-give it back to me the way the system was designed and stop patting yourself on the back like you are being generous by doling out these monthly checks .
He's right.

Fifty years from now, when historians sit down to write the decline and fall of America, they will marvel at how brilliantly the Boomer generation played America. When they were young, they smoked pot, dodged the draft, and went to college on the cheap. They fought for social justice and equality, sowing the seeds of cultural dissension via minority group rights activism. When they got older, they banned pot and other drugs, kept the Selective Service in place, and implemented policies that jacked the cost of college through the roof. They protested the mega-corporations during the sixties and seventies, and then bought those same organizations in the eighties. They protested government corruption when they were twenty, and then turned around and corrupted the government in ways that few can fathom, even in this day and age, when they turned forty. Everything they condemned in their youth they now do on scale that would turn the collective stomachs of the generations before them. The Boomers avoided responsibility in their youth and are looking to do the same in their old age.

To that end, the Boomers set up social safety nets that wouldn’t go bankrupt until they were in the grave. They consolidated their political power to ensure that the government would steal from future generations until the last of the Boomers could enjoy the final sleep. And by dismantling education, they ensured that their children and grandchildren wouldn’t realize what was happening until it was too late. And when they eventually woke up to the fraud being perpetuated by the Boomers, they wouldn’t know how to address it.

Now, I’m not suggesting that a bunch of Boomers sat down one day and discussed the best way to keep future generations ignorant of their evil plans. From what I’ve observed, the dumbing down of education is mostly a result of the self-esteem movement which, by pure coincidence, was started by the Boomers. Therefore, I think the most likely explanation for this is that evil thinking begets evil thinking.

The Boomers rebelled against all sorts of traditions, and the traditions present in education and child-rearing were no exception. Instead of encouraging self-esteem the old way (only praising children when they met some high standards, e.g.), they dumbed down the standards for praise. Instead of trophies for winners, they offered trophies for participants. Instead of rewards for As, they handed out rewards for attendance or not dropping out. They celebrated the mundane, making normal the exception and substandard the norm. This wasn’t a hidden conspiracy, accomplished by back-room wheeling and dealing, this was the natural by-product of their thinking. Boomers have always been narcissistic and self-centered, and they want their children and grandchildren share in this vice. Sadly, they do.

The children and grandchildren of Boomers are the messiahs they’ve been waiting for. They’re exceptional, brilliant, and every other positive superlative you can toss their way. The problem is that some of them still need to consult a diagram when tying their shoes. The praise and adulation heaped upon the current generation by the Boomers, coupled with dumbed-down standards to ensure that rhetoric matched nominal reality, has ensured the current generation is unable to clean up the mess they caused. Don’t expect the Boomers to complain, though. Why? Because cleaning up their mess almost certainly requires the elimination of the world’s most selfish generation: the Baby Boomers.

The dual purpose of the Boomers’ existence has been self-preservation and self-enrichment. Everything they’ve done fits one of those two goals. They don’t care about a legacy, because if they did, they would have raised their children instead of shipping them off to daycares and prisons schools indoctrination camps. They don’t care what happens to their children; many don’t plan on leaving an inheritance, physical, spiritual, or otherwise. They simply want to take as much of this world’s wealth and lavish it on themselves. They desire opulence on a grand scale, and they don’t care who they destroy to get. They’ll sell their grandchildren, if necessary. Actually, they already have.

And so, here is the legacy of the Boomers: They have gained the whole world but lost their soul. They have it all, and have mortgaged everything to get it. They will leave this world in tatters and their children with nothing.
This was sent to me by a friend. Thanks, Susan.

I don't think 'pissed' really covers it...

Alan Simpson, the Senator from Wyoming calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana ... I think she is a little ticked off! She also tells it like it is!

"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight!!!

1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole (tit) for FIFTY YEARS.

2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).

3. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and "your ilk" pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age, 67. NOW, you and your "shill commission" are proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.

5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now "you morons" propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because "you idiots" mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal our money from Medicare to pay the bills.

6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you "incompetent bastards" spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt.
To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bullshit" to your incompetence.
Well, Captain Bullshit, I have a few questions for YOU:

1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?

3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?

It is you, Captain Bullshit, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcase thieves who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers.

And for what? Votes and your job and retirement security at our expense, you lunk-headed, leech.

That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic, political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bitch.
P.S. And stop calling Social Security benefits "entitlements". WHAT AN INSULT!!!!
I have been paying in to the SS system for 45 years “It's my money”-give it back to me the way the system was designed and stop patting yourself on the back like you are being generous by doling out these monthly checks .

She is spot on.

Those greedy Clowns in DC are the cause of most of the problems today. They have taken very good care of themselves and the poor at the taxpayers expense and now they want more.

I've been paying into SS and Medicare for forty some odd years. If I could I would take every dime out of both programs because I can take better care of my money than some son of a bitchin clown in DC.
This was sent to me by a friend. Thanks, Susan.

I don't think 'pissed' really covers it...

Alan Simpson, the Senator from Wyoming calls senior citizens the Greediest Generation as he compared "Social Security " to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. Here's a response in a letter from PATTY MYERS in Montana ... I think she is a little ticked off! She also tells it like it is!

"Hey Alan, let's get a few things straight!!!

1. As a career politician, you have been on the public dole (tit) for FIFTY YEARS.

2. I have been paying Social Security taxes for 48 YEARS (since I was 15 years old. I am now 63).

3. My Social Security payments, and those of millions of other Americans, were safely tucked away in an interest bearing account for decades until you political pukes decided to raid the account and give OUR money to a bunch of zero losers in return for votes, thus bankrupting the system and turning Social Security into a Ponzi scheme that would make Bernie Madoff proud.

4. Recently, just like Lucy & Charlie Brown, you and "your ilk" pulled the proverbial football away from millions of American seniors nearing retirement and moved the goalposts for full retirement from age 65 to age, 67. NOW, you and your "shill commission" are proposing to move the goalposts YET AGAIN.

5. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying into Medicare from Day One, and now "you morons" propose to change the rules of the game. Why? Because "you idiots" mismanaged other parts of the economy to such an extent that you need to steal our money from Medicare to pay the bills.

6. I, and millions of other Americans, have been paying income taxes our entire lives, and now you propose to increase our taxes yet again. Why? Because you "incompetent bastards" spent our money so profligately that you just kept on spending even after you ran out of money. Now, you come to the American taxpayers and say you need more to pay off YOUR debt.
To add insult to injury, you label us "greedy" for calling "bullshit" to your incompetence.
Well, Captain Bullshit, I have a few questions for YOU:

1. How much money have you earned from the American taxpayers during your pathetic 50-year political career?

2. At what age did you retire from your pathetic political career, and how much are you receiving in annual retirement benefits from the American taxpayers?

3. How much do you pay for YOUR government provided health insurance?

4. What cuts in YOUR retirement and healthcare benefits are you proposing in your disgusting deficit reduction proposal, or as usual, have you exempted yourself and your political cronies?

It is you, Captain Bullshit, and your political co-conspirators called Congress who are the "greedy" ones. It is you and your fellow nutcase thieves who have bankrupted America and stolen the American dream from millions of loyal, patriotic taxpayers.

And for what? Votes and your job and retirement security at our expense, you lunk-headed, leech.

That's right, sir. You and yours have bankrupted America for the sole purpose of advancing your pathetic, political careers. You know it, we know it, and you know that we know it.

And you can take that to the bank, you miserable son of a bitch.
P.S. And stop calling Social Security benefits "entitlements". WHAT AN INSULT!!!!
I have been paying in to the SS system for 45 years “It's my money”-give it back to me the way the system was designed and stop patting yourself on the back like you are being generous by doling out these monthly checks .

She is spot on.

Those greedy Clowns in DC are the cause of most of the problems today. They have taken very good care of themselves and the poor at the taxpayers expense and now they want more.

I've been paying into SS and Medicare for forty some odd years. If I could I would take every dime out of both programs because I can take better care of my money than some son of a bitchin clown in DC.

Absolutely. It never ceases to amaze me. Folks our age (having reached the age of retirement) and having lived our productive years being told, and believing, that we were paying Social Security taxes into a system that would help "provide" for us in our "golden" years are now being told (or at the very least being made to feel) that we are somehow demanding "entitlements".

BS. These jerk politicians have been sucking off the teat of the American taxpayer for years and years - but they are "entitled" to free healthcare and pensions for the rest of their miserable lives but WE, those same stupid taxpayers who have given these thieves millions in supposed "retirement" are somehow "responsible" for THEIR damned thievery of the Social Security system. That same system tht has been ROBBED from by both Republicans and Democrats for decades to fund their BS "pork barrel" nonsense.

I've been in favor of tarring and feathering these thieves for years.
He's right.

Fifty years from now, when historians sit down to write the decline and fall of America, they will marvel at how brilliantly the Boomer generation played America...

[Bullshit deleted to save space].

Ronald Reagan, Don Regan, Tip O'Neill and all those filthy god damned scum were boomers?

Wow. Public education has failed a lot worse than it appeared.

No question boomer scum dominate the political landscape now, and less question that lowlife scum and mama's boy Clinton did his part to disgrace the boomer generation only to be topped in double spades by a another rebel mama's boy, the halfwit degenerate scum Junebug Bush.

And look what the filthy white trash scum who re elected Bush in 2004 did: they are directly responsible for Obama. Had Bush been sent packing, there never would have been a president Obama, at least in 2008. Obama is no boomer and he's spending at about the same clip as Reagan and Junebug.

My point is there are no heroes and the blame starts with a man born during the Taft presidency.
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I've been paying into SS and Medicare for forty some odd years. If I could I would take every dime out of both programs because I can take better care of my money than some son of a bitchin clown in DC.

What you can't do in the time you have left and most people are not likely to do over the years is generate the return the government pays long lived folks on their investment in social security.

Having noted that, it'd be great to see a real fiscal conservative who understands the need to cut defense dollar for dollar with entitlements arise out of the nutball cesspool.

Simpson apparently supported LBJ's idea to spend FICA taxes on political pet projects so that there was never a social security fund.
He's right.

Fifty years from now, when historians sit down to write the decline and fall of America, they will marvel at how brilliantly the Boomer generation played America. When they were young, they smoked pot, dodged the draft, and went to college on the cheap. They fought for social justice and equality, sowing the seeds of cultural dissension via minority group rights activism. When they got older, they banned pot and other drugs, kept the Selective Service in place, and implemented policies that jacked the cost of college through the roof. They protested the mega-corporations during the sixties and seventies, and then bought those same organizations in the eighties. They protested government corruption when they were twenty, and then turned around and corrupted the government in ways that few can fathom, even in this day and age, when they turned forty. Everything they condemned in their youth they now do on scale that would turn the collective stomachs of the generations before them. The Boomers avoided responsibility in their youth and are looking to do the same in their old age.

To that end, the Boomers set up social safety nets that wouldn’t go bankrupt until they were in the grave. They consolidated their political power to ensure that the government would steal from future generations until the last of the Boomers could enjoy the final sleep. And by dismantling education, they ensured that their children and grandchildren wouldn’t realize what was happening until it was too late. And when they eventually woke up to the fraud being perpetuated by the Boomers, they wouldn’t know how to address it.

Now, I’m not suggesting that a bunch of Boomers sat down one day and discussed the best way to keep future generations ignorant of their evil plans. From what I’ve observed, the dumbing down of education is mostly a result of the self-esteem movement which, by pure coincidence, was started by the Boomers. Therefore, I think the most likely explanation for this is that evil thinking begets evil thinking.

The Boomers rebelled against all sorts of traditions, and the traditions present in education and child-rearing were no exception. Instead of encouraging self-esteem the old way (only praising children when they met some high standards, e.g.), they dumbed down the standards for praise. Instead of trophies for winners, they offered trophies for participants. Instead of rewards for As, they handed out rewards for attendance or not dropping out. They celebrated the mundane, making normal the exception and substandard the norm. This wasn’t a hidden conspiracy, accomplished by back-room wheeling and dealing, this was the natural by-product of their thinking. Boomers have always been narcissistic and self-centered, and they want their children and grandchildren share in this vice. Sadly, they do.

The children and grandchildren of Boomers are the messiahs they’ve been waiting for. They’re exceptional, brilliant, and every other positive superlative you can toss their way. The problem is that some of them still need to consult a diagram when tying their shoes. The praise and adulation heaped upon the current generation by the Boomers, coupled with dumbed-down standards to ensure that rhetoric matched nominal reality, has ensured the current generation is unable to clean up the mess they caused. Don’t expect the Boomers to complain, though. Why? Because cleaning up their mess almost certainly requires the elimination of the world’s most selfish generation: the Baby Boomers.

The dual purpose of the Boomers’ existence has been self-preservation and self-enrichment. Everything they’ve done fits one of those two goals. They don’t care about a legacy, because if they did, they would have raised their children instead of shipping them off to daycares and prisons schools indoctrination camps. They don’t care what happens to their children; many don’t plan on leaving an inheritance, physical, spiritual, or otherwise. They simply want to take as much of this world’s wealth and lavish it on themselves. They desire opulence on a grand scale, and they don’t care who they destroy to get. They’ll sell their grandchildren, if necessary. Actually, they already have.

And so, here is the legacy of the Boomers: They have gained the whole world but lost their soul. They have it all, and have mortgaged everything to get it. They will leave this world in tatters and their children with nothing.

This has nothing to do with boomers as a whole. Please don't use that. It has to do with progressives.

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