I have no idea what's causing it.

When I go to a new thread or open Watched Threads or New Posts, the site jumps up and down like a see saw. I have to wait several seconds before I can click where I want.

Makes no difference whether I have AdBlock enabled or not.
Mine does the same thing. The site is bogged down. Every page I go to churns for at least a minute before I can even scroll through the posts. They know it, that's why we don't see admin here talking about it very often.

What I do is have two windows open. When I find the topic I want and click, I go to the other window where I have the forum, look for another one I want or read a thread I have already there. Then I go back to the other window when I remember and read the other too.
I have a fairly new computer with Windows 8.1 on it, a fast processor, and 1 gig of ram with no really resource hogging processes running. I have not messed with any of the settings and I don't have any kind of program like Adblock or even a popup blocker enabled. I have not had problems with the screen jumping or other kinds of page instability that some of you are describing, and most of the time everything works as intended. But I do experience times of extreme lag and blank pages or really slow loading pages at times--at least much slower than other sites I visit. I haven't figured out if that is due to the site or however I have my computer configured though.
Note to Pezz.
When I have keyboard lag, it generally means some process on my machine is hogging all of my ram and I'm using swap memory.
Running Linux gives me the advantage of opening a utility called "top" that lets me see what is using CPU and memory. I can then kill the offending processes.

Hmmm for some reason, I can't upload a 107 kb .png screen shot. What's up with that?
Thank you for the suggestion, but I know less than nothing about programming or Linux. That being said, I've discovered the problem is being caused by McAfee, which for some reason goes bonkers while I'm on this site but doesn't while on other sites, as does AdBlockPluse. So I guess it's time to dump the trial McAfee that came with the computer and grab AVG.

I'm also getting keyboard lag and only on this site.

I use Mozilla, adblock, would never use McAfee but I do tend to have a lot of tabs open at one time.

Also getting an error message sometimes when I click to post a new message. It says I can't do that for X seconds. But, I click the X and the message has posted fine.

Foxfyre Home page on the right side there is "Staff On Line Now"

I know that, but most sites have a button that takes you to a list of all of the admin and mods--usually called site leadership. We could do that before the changeover here, but I have not been able to find anything like that since the new software.
Nor I. That's the best I found.
Foxfyre Home page on the right side there is "Staff On Line Now"

I know that, but most sites have a button that takes you to a list of all of the admin and mods--usually called site leadership. We could do that before the changeover here, but I have not been able to find anything like that since the new software.
I had one before the change but the link appears to be broken now:


I get the message now:
Oops! This link appears to be broken.
Did you mean: www.usmessageboard.com
I have a fairly new computer with Windows 8.1 on it, a fast processor, and 1 gig of ram with no really resource hogging processes running. I have not messed with any of the settings and I don't have any kind of program like Adblock or even a popup blocker enabled. I have not had problems with the screen jumping or other kinds of page instability that some of you are describing, and most of the time everything works as intended. But I do experience times of extreme lag and blank pages or really slow loading pages at times--at least much slower than other sites I visit. I haven't figured out if that is due to the site or however I have my computer configured though.

I see that yesterday I posted that I have 1 gig of ram on this computer--brain fart. I have 1 gig of hard drive space that I have used only a small fraction of, and I have 8 gigs of ram. Without any resources hogging programs running, that should be plenty to do message boarding anywhere, but I still experience quirks and extreme lag at times on this site only. So since I don't have any such problem anywhere else that I visit and post, I have to figure there is something on this site that is interfering. It is only an occasional thing--right now all is well--but it does happen. The folks complaining about it I don't think are off base at all.
Foxfyre Home page on the right side there is "Staff On Line Now"

I know that, but most sites have a button that takes you to a list of all of the admin and mods--usually called site leadership. We could do that before the changeover here, but I have not been able to find anything like that since the new software.
I had one before the change but the link appears to be broken now:


I get the message now:
Oops! This link appears to be broken.
Did you mean: [URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com[/QUOTE']www.usmessageboard.com[/URL]

Yeah my old link doesn't work either.
Well, I don't know what happened, but the screen isn't jumping up and down on me today.

A whole lot better! :clap2::clap2:
longknife Without boring you with all the details we are well aware of it and have been hounding the ad company for a few weeks to fix it. A 'fix' has been added for now
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language filter will be fixed

How can I implement the language filter? I would be real happy if I could get it to work.

It is unreal how often some here use profanity, and I don't know what they gain by it. Sure it is funny, but most of the time it is an extension of subconscious anger. Sure would be great to relax and read the forum with a language filter. :)

But how do you get it to work? :redface:

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