Now that we know that Eric Fucking Ciaramella is the mole, the democrats are fucked. It's about on the level of Chuck Schumer filing a complaint...
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.


Fucking moron.

It's over son, you've been busted.
Please explain.
Feel free to use crayons if that helps.

You really are quite stupid.

The "whistleblower" - Eric Ciaramella - Obama's "fixer" in Ukraine in charge of ensuring taxpayer money that flowed into USAID was directed to the proper companies, like Burisma, and flowed right back into the pockets of players like Biden and Obama. Not a "whistleblower" at all, but a conspirator up to his neck in the corruption that the elite were so desperate to coverup.

Look, I get that you are a hack, a partisan drone who defines his life by the party. But doesn't it bother you even a little that men like Barack Obama who have a hundred million dollars, are stealing money from American tax payers? Even if you're a welfare rat, which I'm sure you are, the money Biden embezzled is money that COULD have been used for transfer payments to you. Instead it's laundered through Ukrainian businesses so that powerful democrats can steal it. And that's all cool with you? You worship the party so much that you don't mind them butt fucking you and then kicking you for the effort?

That's beyond pathetic.
Wow...the conspiracy runs way deeper than I realised!
I'm willing to be convinced...can you link me to evidence of him being Obama's fixer and...well...all the rest that you said?

I'm also interested in how Obama is stealing money from taxpayers.

Conspiracy? What the fuck are you yapping about?

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Grab your ankles, then apologize for not being tight enough, stupid.
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.


Fucking moron.

It's over son, you've been busted.
Please explain.
Feel free to use crayons if that helps.

You really are quite stupid.

The "whistleblower" - Eric Ciaramella - Obama's "fixer" in Ukraine in charge of ensuring taxpayer money that flowed into USAID was directed to the proper companies, like Burisma, and flowed right back into the pockets of players like Biden and Obama. Not a "whistleblower" at all, but a conspirator up to his neck in the corruption that the elite were so desperate to coverup.

Look, I get that you are a hack, a partisan drone who defines his life by the party. But doesn't it bother you even a little that men like Barack Obama who have a hundred million dollars, are stealing money from American tax payers? Even if you're a welfare rat, which I'm sure you are, the money Biden embezzled is money that COULD have been used for transfer payments to you. Instead it's laundered through Ukrainian businesses so that powerful democrats can steal it. And that's all cool with you? You worship the party so much that you don't mind them butt fucking you and then kicking you for the effort?

That's beyond pathetic.
Wow...the conspiracy runs way deeper than I realised!
I'm willing to be convinced...can you link me to evidence of him being Obama's fixer and...well...all the rest that you said?

I'm also interested in how Obama is stealing money from taxpayers.

Conspiracy? What the fuck are you yapping about?

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Grab your ankles, then apologize for not being tight enough, stupid.
I'll ask was the whistleblower Obama's has Biden embezzled has Obama stolen money?

That article looks like the typical shitty opportunities that the rich and powerful are able to take...unfortunately not necessarily illegal.
Now that we know that Eric Fucking Ciaramella is the mole, the democrats are fucked. It's about on the level of Chuck Schumer filing a complaint...
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.
ROFL! We all know it matters, and he will certainly have to testify in the Senate. doesn't matter and I'm sure the Senate will be much more interested in testimony from all the witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the President's actions.
If it doesn't matter, then why are Schiff ass kissing turds like you trying so hard to get everyone to ignore him?

The Senate is going to rake the so-called "whistleblower" over the coals. For a least a week we will be regaled with all the evidence that he hates Trump and that he has been conspiring for three years stage a coup against him.

Schiff will also have his time in the hot seat. He won't be coming back to the House next year.
So what?
He could pledge his undying murderous hatred every day at the hearings...but the cat's out of the bag...Schiff has much better testimony to use.
Yes, I'm sure he does. The "whistleblower" will be called by the Republicans, not Schiff, moron. The "whistleblower" will expose the fact that this whole thing was a scheme and a sham.

Of course, that assumes there will even be a trial in the Senate, because after we learn all their is to know about how this whole sleazy mess got started, I'll be Nazi Pelosi drops the whole thing.
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.


Fucking moron.

It's over son, you've been busted.
Please explain.
Feel free to use crayons if that helps.

You really are quite stupid.

The "whistleblower" - Eric Ciaramella - Obama's "fixer" in Ukraine in charge of ensuring taxpayer money that flowed into USAID was directed to the proper companies, like Burisma, and flowed right back into the pockets of players like Biden and Obama. Not a "whistleblower" at all, but a conspirator up to his neck in the corruption that the elite were so desperate to coverup.

Look, I get that you are a hack, a partisan drone who defines his life by the party. But doesn't it bother you even a little that men like Barack Obama who have a hundred million dollars, are stealing money from American tax payers? Even if you're a welfare rat, which I'm sure you are, the money Biden embezzled is money that COULD have been used for transfer payments to you. Instead it's laundered through Ukrainian businesses so that powerful democrats can steal it. And that's all cool with you? You worship the party so much that you don't mind them butt fucking you and then kicking you for the effort?

That's beyond pathetic.
Wow...the conspiracy runs way deeper than I realised!
I'm willing to be convinced...can you link me to evidence of him being Obama's fixer and...well...all the rest that you said?

I'm also interested in how Obama is stealing money from taxpayers.

Conspiracy? What the fuck are you yapping about?

Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived

Grab your ankles, then apologize for not being tight enough, stupid.
This subject of Hunter and Burisma was covered in 2015, before Trump was a candidate. It was investigated back when the information was fresh. Five years later, its just going to be distored by right wing hacks like John Solomon.
The identity of the whistle blower or his evidence no longer matters.
The investigation has moved on well past him.
ROFL! We all know it matters, and he will certainly have to testify in the Senate. doesn't matter and I'm sure the Senate will be much more interested in testimony from all the witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the President's actions.
If it doesn't matter, then why are Schiff ass kissing turds like you trying so hard to get everyone to ignore him?

The Senate is going to rake the so-called "whistleblower" over the coals. For a least a week we will be regaled with all the evidence that he hates Trump and that he has been conspiring for three years stage a coup against him.

Schiff will also have his time in the hot seat. He won't be coming back to the House next year.
So what?
He could pledge his undying murderous hatred every day at the hearings...but the cat's out of the bag...Schiff has much better testimony to use.
Yes, I'm sure he does. The "whistleblower" will be called by the Republicans, not Schiff, moron. The "whistleblower" will expose the fact that this whole thing was a scheme and a sham.

Of course, that assumes there will even be a trial in the Senate, because after we learn all their is to know about how this whole sleazy mess got started, I'll be Nazi Pelosi drops the whole thing.
Reading comprehension really isn't your forte, is it?
ROFL! We all know it matters, and he will certainly have to testify in the Senate. doesn't matter and I'm sure the Senate will be much more interested in testimony from all the witnesses with firsthand knowledge of the President's actions.
If it doesn't matter, then why are Schiff ass kissing turds like you trying so hard to get everyone to ignore him?

The Senate is going to rake the so-called "whistleblower" over the coals. For a least a week we will be regaled with all the evidence that he hates Trump and that he has been conspiring for three years stage a coup against him.

Schiff will also have his time in the hot seat. He won't be coming back to the House next year.
So what?
He could pledge his undying murderous hatred every day at the hearings...but the cat's out of the bag...Schiff has much better testimony to use.
Yes, I'm sure he does. The "whistleblower" will be called by the Republicans, not Schiff, moron. The "whistleblower" will expose the fact that this whole thing was a scheme and a sham.

Of course, that assumes there will even be a trial in the Senate, because after we learn all their is to know about how this whole sleazy mess got started, I'll be Nazi Pelosi drops the whole thing.
Reading comprehension really isn't your forte, is it?
What part of "it's not under Komrade Schiff for Brains' control" didn't you understand?
The absence of any allusion to widespread corruption documented, or referred to, in the Ukraine phone call mainly convicts Trump prima facie: Of illegal aggrandizement. Withholding the money for the one announcement--of the one person, a US National--is the corruption!

Standards of "Fairness" of process will likely become an inquiry issue. The Republicans are complaining about the inquiry process being unfair. Had there been hundreds, or thousands, or millions--or Vladimir Puntin, even--being urged investigated in the request: Then an appropriations-authorized inquiry might have been on record. There was only one US National, instead.

There was no mention of Vladimir Putin, any other individual, any other faction, any cartel, any social media platform--not even a school of fish was requested to be investigated in the phone call.

The voices "Talking" underneath the mattress in the Lincoln Bedroom(?) were not asked to be in any announcement of Ukrainian Experts on their way to the USA(?). The bullwhip manufacturer to be asked to help out in the investigation was not even mentioned. There was no request mentioned of Ukraine experts--armed to assault those "Talking" people-voices, in the bedroom, underneath the mattress--even(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(No investigation of rotted corn or poison blankets was even mentioned in the phone call(?)!)
Fucking moron, it means Trump didn't comply with the required protocol of the treaty.

What treaty protocol? Please quote the text.

[The treaty outlines its purpose is for either country to request help from the other in an ongoing investigation, proceeding, or prosection and requires the requesting country to name the authority of such.

There was no investigation into CrowdStrike or Joe Biden.

Really? How do you know that? Duhram is investigating how the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" Crowdstrike is part of that.

Even worse for Trump, requests are to be made between the two countries designated central authorities, not between presidents. The central authority for the U.S. is our Attorney General or whomever the Attorney General designates. The central authority for Ukraine is their Ministry of Justice and their office of Prosecutor General.

Does the treaty prevent Trump making a direct request? If so, please quote the text where it does, fucking moron.

The treaty states requests are to be made between the respective central authorities. That was not done. The treaty states the request shall name the authority of the investigation, proceeding or prosecution. There were no investigations, proceedings or prosecutions.

The link to this was posted in the OP. That you couldn't see it without help is yet more testament to you being a fucking moron.

View attachment 288972
View attachment 288971

From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?


You mean like if they meet with the Attorney General?

Stupid fuck.

I get it, the house of cards is collapsing and you depended on it to interfere with the election....

{Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the intelligence community whistleblower at the center of the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in January 2017 that a "coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow ultimately."}

'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Have someone explain the treaty to you, Fruitcake. It's above your reading comprehension level of See Spot Run.
The treaty names who is authorized. The Attorney General.

That doesn't change just because you're a lying fucking moron.

Yes, it names who is authorized to make requests that Ukraine must comply with. Ukraine is free to ignore any other request, but nothing in the treaty makes other requests illegal.

I just made it clear that you're the lying moron. You tried to put one over on forum members by omitting the crucial section of the document that defines what "authorized" means.
Lying fucking moron, the treaty authorizes no one else but the section I mentioned to make the request.

It also requires the Attorney General to name the authority of an ongoing investigation, proceeding or prosecution for which the other country's assistance is requested. There was no such investigation, proceeding or prosecution.
ROFL! I just explained to you the meaning of the term "authorize," and you ignore it.

They are "authorized" to make a request that the government of Ukraine must comply with. Otherwise the government of Ukraine can ignore it. However, it's not illegal for any other person to make such a request. Trump was operating under the terms of the treaty by directing Barr to contact the government of Ukraine. That's why Schiff is no longer pursuing the "quid pro quo" line of attack. I realizes that will go nowhere.
Lying fucking moron, YOU posted...

The contracting states shall provide mutual assistance, in accordance with the provisions of this treaty, in connection with the investigation, prosecution, and prevention of offenses, and in proceedings related to criminal matters.

Emphasis added to highlight what a lying fucking moron you are.

"in accordance with the provisions of this treaty includes the stated provision that our Attorney General, or someone the Attorney General designates, makes the reqest.

And he or she has to name our authority on the investigation, proceeding or prosecution with which we are requesting help -- which was non-existent in this case.

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?


YOU posted that. :eusa_doh:

Uh stupid fuck....

View attachment 289216

You really are nearly retarded.

Fruitcake, there was no investigation. And Barr said Trump neither asked him to investigate nor make him aware of that phone call.

You lose again because you're a loser.
Fucking moron, it means Trump didn't comply with the required protocol of the treaty.

What treaty protocol? Please quote the text.

[The treaty outlines its purpose is for either country to request help from the other in an ongoing investigation, proceeding, or prosection and requires the requesting country to name the authority of such.

There was no investigation into CrowdStrike or Joe Biden.

Really? How do you know that? Duhram is investigating how the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" Crowdstrike is part of that.

Even worse for Trump, requests are to be made between the two countries designated central authorities, not between presidents. The central authority for the U.S. is our Attorney General or whomever the Attorney General designates. The central authority for Ukraine is their Ministry of Justice and their office of Prosecutor General.

Does the treaty prevent Trump making a direct request? If so, please quote the text where it does, fucking moron.

The treaty states requests are to be made between the respective central authorities. That was not done. The treaty states the request shall name the authority of the investigation, proceeding or prosecution. There were no investigations, proceedings or prosecutions.

The link to this was posted in the OP. That you couldn't see it without help is yet more testament to you being a fucking moron.

View attachment 288972
View attachment 288971

From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Yes, they are obligated if the USA follows the proper procedures. That doesn't mean failing to follow the correct procedures is a crime, you fucking moron. It just means that the USA won't be entitled to receive the services detailed by the treaty.

How don't know how many times I have to pound this into your fucking skull before it dawns on you.
Lying fucking moron, I never said not following the required protocols of that treaty was a crime. I said not following those protocols means trump was not acting under the jurisdiction of that treaty. Doing so is not a crime and I even said that already.

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Democrats appear to back the concept, "Extortion" as the substance of the phone call. That there was no investigation, originating from the office of the Attorney General: Is supportive of that description.

Swalwell says Trump's "extortion scheme" on Ukraine at center of impeachment inquiry

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many even able to call usury economics fair play--denigrating markets and the very concept of paying customers, streaming into stores, (unable to afford to buy anything, pay the mortgage, and on and on)!)
What treaty protocol? Please quote the text.

Really? How do you know that? Duhram is investigating how the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" Crowdstrike is part of that.

Does the treaty prevent Trump making a direct request? If so, please quote the text where it does, fucking moron.

The treaty states requests are to be made between the respective central authorities. That was not done. The treaty states the request shall name the authority of the investigation, proceeding or prosecution. There were no investigations, proceedings or prosecutions.

The link to this was posted in the OP. That you couldn't see it without help is yet more testament to you being a fucking moron.

View attachment 288972
View attachment 288971

From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?


You mean like if they meet with the Attorney General?

Stupid fuck.

I get it, the house of cards is collapsing and you depended on it to interfere with the election....

{Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the intelligence community whistleblower at the center of the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in January 2017 that a "coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow ultimately."}

'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Have someone explain the treaty to you, Fruitcake. It's above your reading comprehension level of See Spot Run.
I've been explaining it to you for a week, and you still don't get it.
What treaty protocol? Please quote the text.

Really? How do you know that? Duhram is investigating how the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" Crowdstrike is part of that.

Does the treaty prevent Trump making a direct request? If so, please quote the text where it does, fucking moron.

The treaty states requests are to be made between the respective central authorities. That was not done. The treaty states the request shall name the authority of the investigation, proceeding or prosecution. There were no investigations, proceedings or prosecutions.

The link to this was posted in the OP. That you couldn't see it without help is yet more testament to you being a fucking moron.

View attachment 288972
View attachment 288971

From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Yes, they are obligated if the USA follows the proper procedures. That doesn't mean failing to follow the correct procedures is a crime, you fucking moron. It just means that the USA won't be entitled to receive the services detailed by the treaty.

How don't know how many times I have to pound this into your fucking skull before it dawns on you.
Lying fucking moron, I never said not following the required protocols of that treaty was a crime. I said not following those protocols means trump was not acting under the jurisdiction of that treaty. Doing so is not a crime and I even said that already.

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

If it's not a crime, then why even bring up the fact that he wasn't "authorized?" You've been trying to claim that it was only legal for AG Barr to make a request. Which therefor means Trump's request on the phone call was illegal.

Who are you trying to fool?
The Republicans created the fiction of a Treaty obligation to justify the telephone extortion of the people of Ukraine. The 2014 Ukraine where Vice President Biden implemented Obama initiatives successfully--six or more trips and far more phone calls than Trump is accused of making, (in all "Fairness")--was a Ukraine bankrupt, corrupt, loan un-worthy, and basically defenseless. The Ukraine President of the phone call of July was actually a leader of nation-state, comparing. Trump did play on that, but in the context of using it to create personal aggrandizement. The work of Biden--of the Obama Administration--was expected to personally enrich and enhance Donald Trump, not the USA.

The one phone call did not congratulate Ukraine on coming to a better state of affairs. It created, re-emphasizing--an apparently elaborate demand: Maybe even to turn over Ukraine to Vladimir Putin after all. A lot of uncertainty about the US-Ukraine relationship was played upon by the President/Gang of 25.

So instead of dossiers, reports, arrest warrants, or strategic avenues meriting discussion: Instead a "Favor" was requested--with basis in nothing--excepting the successful nation-enhancement of the Obama Administration--through Diplomat-In-Chief, the relatively credible Joe Biden.

Trump's phone call didn't even try to embellish the credibility of Donald Trump. It played upon US (Not Donald Trump) assistance in the past--some to be forthcoming.

Since the phone call was not in the context of lawful treaty obligations--and it was not even at all that congratulatory of Ukraine--but a litany of praise of the United States efforts in Ukraine, (Biden's): The into the glare of outlaw publicity it went. A non-negotiable demand was made.

Crow: James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Fairness of Usury Economies--denying paying customers to any stores of any market: Is everywhere on display, but in all fairness: Never given any due credit!)
The treaty states requests are to be made between the respective central authorities. That was not done. The treaty states the request shall name the authority of the investigation, proceeding or prosecution. There were no investigations, proceedings or prosecutions.

The link to this was posted in the OP. That you couldn't see it without help is yet more testament to you being a fucking moron.

View attachment 288972
View attachment 288971

From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?


You mean like if they meet with the Attorney General?

Stupid fuck.

I get it, the house of cards is collapsing and you depended on it to interfere with the election....

{Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the intelligence community whistleblower at the center of the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in January 2017 that a "coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow ultimately."}

'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Have someone explain the treaty to you, Fruitcake. It's above your reading comprehension level of See Spot Run.
I've been explaining it to you for a week, and you still don't get it.
Spits the forum's lying fucking moron who admits he doesn't understand the meaning of, "in accordance with the provisions of this treaty."

The treaty states requests are to be made between the respective central authorities. That was not done. The treaty states the request shall name the authority of the investigation, proceeding or prosecution. There were no investigations, proceedings or prosecutions.

The link to this was posted in the OP. That you couldn't see it without help is yet more testament to you being a fucking moron.

View attachment 288972
View attachment 288971

From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Yes, they are obligated if the USA follows the proper procedures. That doesn't mean failing to follow the correct procedures is a crime, you fucking moron. It just means that the USA won't be entitled to receive the services detailed by the treaty.

How don't know how many times I have to pound this into your fucking skull before it dawns on you.
Lying fucking moron, I never said not following the required protocols of that treaty was a crime. I said not following those protocols means trump was not acting under the jurisdiction of that treaty. Doing so is not a crime and I even said that already.

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

If it's not a crime, then why even bring up the fact that he wasn't "authorized?" You've been trying to claim that it was only legal for AG Barr to make a request. Which therefor means Trump's request on the phone call was illegal.

Who are you trying to fool?

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron, ya lying fucking moron?


I never said it's only legal if the Attoney General makes such a request... I said the treaty only covers the Attorney General or someone the Attorney General authorizes.

That doesn't mean no one else can make a request -- it only means anyone else making such a request is not doing so under the jurisdiction of that treaty.

I've already explained that to you repeatedly. You're simply incapable of understanding that because you are a lying fucking moron.
From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?


You mean like if they meet with the Attorney General?

Stupid fuck.

I get it, the house of cards is collapsing and you depended on it to interfere with the election....

{Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the intelligence community whistleblower at the center of the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in January 2017 that a "coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow ultimately."}

'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

Have someone explain the treaty to you, Fruitcake. It's above your reading comprehension level of See Spot Run.
I've been explaining it to you for a week, and you still don't get it.
Spits the forum's lying fucking moron who admits he doesn't understand the meaning of, "in accordance with the provisions of this treaty."

What don't I understand, shit for brains?
What treaty protocol? Please quote the text.

Really? How do you know that? Duhram is investigating how the whole "Russia! Russia! Russia!" Crowdstrike is part of that.

Does the treaty prevent Trump making a direct request? If so, please quote the text where it does, fucking moron.

The treaty states requests are to be made between the respective central authorities. That was not done. The treaty states the request shall name the authority of the investigation, proceeding or prosecution. There were no investigations, proceedings or prosecutions.

The link to this was posted in the OP. That you couldn't see it without help is yet more testament to you being a fucking moron.

View attachment 288972
View attachment 288971

From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Yes, they are obligated if the USA follows the proper procedures. That doesn't mean failing to follow the correct procedures is a crime, you fucking moron. It just means that the USA won't be entitled to receive the services detailed by the treaty.

How don't know how many times I have to pound this into your fucking skull before it dawns on you.
Lying fucking moron, I never said not following the required protocols of that treaty was a crime. I said not following those protocols means trump was not acting under the jurisdiction of that treaty. Doing so is not a crime and I even said that already.

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
The treaty states requests are to be made between the respective central authorities. That was not done. The treaty states the request shall name the authority of the investigation, proceeding or prosecution. There were no investigations, proceedings or prosecutions.

The link to this was posted in the OP. That you couldn't see it without help is yet more testament to you being a fucking moron.

View attachment 288972
View attachment 288971

From the section you elided:

View attachment 289166

The treaty obligates each party to help the other. It doesn't limit requests in any way. It only specifies the conditions under which one party is obligated to assist the other.

What this proves, of course, is that you're a lying douchebag.

Lying fucking moron.... obligated if the required protocols are met. :eusa_doh:

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

Yes, they are obligated if the USA follows the proper procedures. That doesn't mean failing to follow the correct procedures is a crime, you fucking moron. It just means that the USA won't be entitled to receive the services detailed by the treaty.

How don't know how many times I have to pound this into your fucking skull before it dawns on you.
Lying fucking moron, I never said not following the required protocols of that treaty was a crime. I said not following those protocols means trump was not acting under the jurisdiction of that treaty. Doing so is not a crime and I even said that already.

Are you ever not a lying fucking moron?

If it's not a crime, then why even bring up the fact that he wasn't "authorized?" You've been trying to claim that it was only legal for AG Barr to make a request. Which therefor means Trump's request on the phone call was illegal.

Who are you trying to fool?

hey dumbass - Barr doesnt have the juice to hold back $$ to foreign countries.

how f'n stupid are you ............

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