Trump isn't going to be impeached.

Do you not know what impeached means? Lol poor guy
A step above 'perp-walk'?

Seems only Democrats celebrate failure.

Sure, didn't praise his response to 194,000+ deaths from COVID-19 again today...
Sure, didn't praise his response to 194,000+ deaths from COVID-19 again today...

You pathetic Leftists fart and blame it on Trump.

So, you posting bullshit and claiming that trump doesn't own his response to the COVID-19 virus...
Let's not forget that were it not for the sycophant GOP Senators...Trump would have been gone before the pandemic hit.

Pence is no peach but he sure couldn't have done a worse job than Trump did

Pence was already very well versed in how to handle it. He was Governor at the time of the H1N1 time and worked with the Obama Admin and the other Governors and they got it nipped in the bud very quickly where it didn't make it very far into the general population. Pence may have been the President we need at exactly the right time. Okay, Biden may be boring but Pence make him look like a party animal. But after Rump, a little boredom may be welcome. I won't vote for Pence but maybe he would have done a good job in the Covid area probably better than most others.
Trump has spent 58M in donations on legal fees This scum must be gone
Of his own opposed to Democrats, who think the US Treasury is their personal piggybanks.

Wrong. It's from the Election or Reelection Funds. Believe it or not, I don't fund a fault there. Afterall, Obama used just over 11 mil of election funds for his own defense. It's a pretty common function. Rumps is just 5 times higher than the other Presidents because he's such a scumbag.
Okay, I accept the correction.

But Trump's is higher because he's had to continually fight off frivolous bullshit...because you weenies are pissed Hillary wasn't coronated.

Or could it be Rump is such a lying, cheating scumbag criminal.
Like I keep telling Eddie, are you bozos ever going to get around to proving it?

it's already been proven but it's been covered up by the party of the rump. But the rest of us know. And so do you.
Impeachment will be officially dead when the Republicans win control of Congress on November 3rd. President Trump wont be bothered by that bullshit anymore.

Have you been following the States lately? Even if the Dems lose a few seats in the house, they have plenty left over. Now, in the Senate, the Reps are sweating Bullets and sinking in at least a hundred Million in trying to prop up their weak candidates. In a couple of the states, even with the heavy influx of Republican Money coming in, the Dem candidate still has more money to spend. Doesn't sound like there is a lock there. Your Rose Colored Glasses may not be as rosie as you believe.
See post 8328. Mutilating the the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Genital mutilation is an Islam thing, and the left dare not speak out against it.

Now answer my assertion. The left used to condemn the Military-Industrial Complex. Now you support it.

Explain why.
See post 8328. Mutilating the the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Genital mutilation is an Islam thing, and the left dare not speak out against it.

Now answer my assertion. The left used to condemn the Military-Industrial Complex. Now you support it.

Explain why.

Conservative tripe
Impeachment will be officially dead when the Republicans win control of Congress on November 3rd. President Trump wont be bothered by that bullshit anymore.

Have you been following the States lately? Even if the Dems lose a few seats in the house, they have plenty left over. Now, in the Senate, the Reps are sweating Bullets and sinking in at least a hundred Million in trying to prop up their weak candidates. In a couple of the states, even with the heavy influx of Republican Money coming in, the Dem candidate still has more money to spend. Doesn't sound like there is a lock there. Your Rose Colored Glasses may not be as rosie as you believe.


Trump isn't going to be impeached.

Do you not know what impeached means? Lol poor guy
Sure I do. So do most which apparently excludes you.

Funny how you bozos insist Trump's impeachment means something, but Clinton's impeachment was no big deal.

Can you explain that rationally?
Quote me saying it was no big deal or you expose yourself as a liar....
I said "you bozos". Plural. Meaning leftists.

You may not personally have said it...but you damn sure didn't correct any fellow leftist who did.
You live in a very convenient world. Obama was not responsible for anything.

Eddie thinks Obama was responsible for the first 3 years of Trump's economy, just as Bush was responsible for all 8 year's of the disaster that was Obama's economy.
Oh yeah, and babys are dropped off by a stork.
You really believe Obama handed Trump a shit economy and Trump who doesn't know shit,built it up ? Really?
If you know more about money that Trump does, why aren't you a billionaire?
Then the Illiteracy problem arrived at a post of Uncensored 2008--reacting to this below;
See post 8328. Mutilating the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
That you are an antisemite is a surprise to no one.

What democrat isn't antisemetic?
The source of anti-semitism is generally sourced back to Moses, the Atrocity of Deut 23: 19-20. Therein it is about the arithmetic, better said of the Moses childhood in Pharaoh's Egypt. The Royal Tribes more likely did not charge interest to one another, more likely gifting one another. Everyone else was subjugated, and "Food Loans" were of ancient origins. So Moses created the fiction of a deity, COMMANDING Israel to be like Pharaoh's Egypt. Then it would hit all Western Civilization.

Eventually the Christian princes would rely on the Jews for interest-rate gouging. Eventually the Moslem rulers would rely on the Jews for interest-rate gouging. The Christians thought themselves bound to Deut 23: 14-30. Koran prohibited, "Wealth From Riba:" And so many centuries would pass until the Holocaust. All kinds of religion knew about the Jews.

"Screw 'Em" was the basis Commandment of their Deity.

Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "Oh, Christ," would describe the ancient atrocity, against the backdrop of Imperial Rome. Baby Abandonment is in that historical record. Matthew 25: 14-30, became the prayer to cast even the lower income parts of any household "Family"concept--Into "Outer Darkness," for the "Weeping and gnashing of teeth," phenomenon: (aka, Trumped-Up Speeches)!

No lives, actually, in the low-income parts of civilizations noted: Have ever mattered.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Jews even got their "Holocaust:" Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Oh, look -- a real live Nazi.

Don't worry -- your fellow leftists won't dare criticize you.
See post 8328. Mutilating the the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Genital mutilation is an Islam thing, and the left dare not speak out against it.

Now answer my assertion. The left used to condemn the Military-Industrial Complex. Now you support it.

Explain why.

Conservative tripe
Not at all. Trump criticized Pentagon 4-stars for colluding with weapons manufacturers.

And the left is angry about it now.

It's undeniable -- the left now supports the Military-Industrial Complex.
Impeachment will be officially dead when the Republicans win control of Congress on November 3rd. President Trump wont be bothered by that bullshit anymore.

Have you been following the States lately? Even if the Dems lose a few seats in the house, they have plenty left over. Now, in the Senate, the Reps are sweating Bullets and sinking in at least a hundred Million in trying to prop up their weak candidates. In a couple of the states, even with the heavy influx of Republican Money coming in, the Dem candidate still has more money to spend. Doesn't sound like there is a lock there. Your Rose Colored Glasses may not be as rosie as you believe.


Hillary's the reason -- well, Trump winning the 2016 election when leftists promised themselves America would buy their horseshit without question -- is why the left is so batshit insane right now.

Your acknowledgement is neither expected nor required.
Impeachment will be officially dead when the Republicans win control of Congress on November 3rd. President Trump wont be bothered by that bullshit anymore.

Have you been following the States lately? Even if the Dems lose a few seats in the house, they have plenty left over. Now, in the Senate, the Reps are sweating Bullets and sinking in at least a hundred Million in trying to prop up their weak candidates. In a couple of the states, even with the heavy influx of Republican Money coming in, the Dem candidate still has more money to spend. Doesn't sound like there is a lock there. Your Rose Colored Glasses may not be as rosie as you believe.


Hillary's the reason -- well, Trump winning the 2016 election when leftists promised themselves America would buy their horseshit without question -- is why the left is so batshit insane right now.

Your acknowledgement is neither expected nor required.

You need to realize that Hillary isn't running and it's not 2016.
See post 8328. Mutilating the the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Genital mutilation is an Islam thing, and the left dare not speak out against it.

Now answer my assertion. The left used to condemn the Military-Industrial Complex. Now you support it.

Explain why.

Conservative tripe
Not at all. Trump criticized Pentagon 4-stars for colluding with weapons manufacturers.

And the left is angry about it now.

It's undeniable -- the left now supports the Military-Industrial Complex.

trump criticized the military because he thinks more should stand up for him after he called them suckers and losers.
See post 8328. Mutilating the the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Genital mutilation is an Islam thing, and the left dare not speak out against it.

Now answer my assertion. The left used to condemn the Military-Industrial Complex. Now you support it.

Explain why.

Conservative tripe
Not at all. Trump criticized Pentagon 4-stars for colluding with weapons manufacturers.

And the left is angry about it now.

It's undeniable -- the left now supports the Military-Industrial Complex.

trump criticized the military because he thinks more should stand up for him after he called them suckers and losers.
Trump didn't call the military "suckers and losers".
See post 8328. Mutilating the the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Genital mutilation is an Islam thing, and the left dare not speak out against it.

Now answer my assertion. The left used to condemn the Military-Industrial Complex. Now you support it.

Explain why.

Conservative tripe
Not at all. Trump criticized Pentagon 4-stars for colluding with weapons manufacturers.

And the left is angry about it now.

It's undeniable -- the left now supports the Military-Industrial Complex.

trump criticized the military because he thinks more should stand up for him after he called them suckers and losers.
Trump didn't call the military "suckers and losers".

The best thing for the Party of the Rumpsters is to stop commenting on this.
The more you deny it, the more harm comes from it. And Rump is doing enough harm to himself without your help.
See post 8328. Mutilating the the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Genital mutilation is an Islam thing, and the left dare not speak out against it.

Now answer my assertion. The left used to condemn the Military-Industrial Complex. Now you support it.

Explain why.

Conservative tripe
Not at all. Trump criticized Pentagon 4-stars for colluding with weapons manufacturers.

And the left is angry about it now.

It's undeniable -- the left now supports the Military-Industrial Complex.

trump criticized the military because he thinks more should stand up for him after he called them suckers and losers.
Trump didn't call the military "suckers and losers".

The best thing for the Party of the Rumpsters is to stop commenting on this.
The more you deny it, the more harm comes from it. And Rump is doing enough harm to himself without your help.

Amazing that anyone can maintain this position.
See post 8328. Mutilating the the Genitalia of babies and offspring--extended families--of four stars is Big-Dave supported concept of a new and exiting Trumped-Up Administration.

Trumped-Up disparagement of the US Military Four-Stars is public record(?)! There it is supported by Trumped-Up Big Dave poster!

The next step is clearly mutilation of all genitals of all their babies, within a day--the Administration having made a policy announcement!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Trumped-Up posters at prayer, even: Matt 25: 14-30!)
Genital mutilation is an Islam thing, and the left dare not speak out against it.

Now answer my assertion. The left used to condemn the Military-Industrial Complex. Now you support it.

Explain why.

Conservative tripe
Not at all. Trump criticized Pentagon 4-stars for colluding with weapons manufacturers.

And the left is angry about it now.

It's undeniable -- the left now supports the Military-Industrial Complex.

trump criticized the military because he thinks more should stand up for him after he called them suckers and losers.
Trump didn't call the military "suckers and losers".

The best thing for the Party of the Rumpsters is to stop commenting on this.
The more you deny it, the more harm comes from it. And Rump is doing enough harm to himself without your help.
Naw, it's a lie and you know it.

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