To all of you who have Russia on the brain..............any time Russia wants some come and get it.........Seems the left wants a World War because the Liar Hillary lost..........
A low-ranking FBI lawyer altered a document that was somehow related to the Obama Justice Department’s application to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for a national-security surveillance warrant. The application, approved by the FISC in October 2016, targeted former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page — an American citizen, former naval intelligence officer, and apparent FBI cooperating witness — as a clandestine agent of Russia.


Apparently, the document tampering made at least one of the application’s factual assertions seem more damning than it actually was. The FBI attorney, who has not been identified, is also said to have falsified an email in an effort to provide back-up support for the fabricated claim. The lawyer, who was reportedly pushed out of the bureau when the tampering incident came to light, was interviewed in Horowitz’s inquiry and is said to be a subject of the related criminal investigation being conducted by Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham.


The news was broken on Thursday night by CNN. That in itself is noteworthy. Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is a CNN contributor, and former FBI General Counsel James Baker is a frequent CNN guest. The IG’s probe has scrutinized the conduct of both.

CNN commentators also include other former federal law-enforcement officials, who have ties to the bureau and to some of the former officials under scrutiny. CNN’s news story about the evidence tampering is sourced to “several people briefed on the matter,” who were not identified. The IG report is scheduled to be released on Dec. 9, and witnesses have recently been permitted to review a draft of it under tight restrictions.

It's going to get bad Dave.
EU countries have provide the Ukraine 16.4 billion dollars over the last 4 years. They are certainly providing their share of the cost.

There is no doubt that Zelensky understood Trump wanted an investigation. 6 times in the phone conversation he refers to an investigation.

When Trump began the following discussion of Biden in his request for investigation, he gave democrats the ammunition they needed for an impeachment. "There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it... It sounds horrible to me."

If Trump had just ask Zelensky for an investigation of corruption, then there would be no evidence for impeachment in the call. Once he made it clear he wanted Biden investigated, he gave the democrats an article of impeachment. A president can't ask a foreign country to investigate a candidate for president, That's a violation of election law and a violation of the constitution.

Had Trump simply ask Zelensky to open an investigation of corruption, talk to Rudy about it, and not mentioned Biden, we would not be discussing this call and there would have been no impeachment investigation. Giuliani could have directed Zelensky to focus on Biden, make public statements and give Trump exactly what he wanted.

"EU countries have provide the Ukraine 16.4 billion dollars over the last 4 years. They are certainly providing their share of the cost."

Notice how none of those "fact-checkers" doesn't say that those $16.4 billion are part of loans and guarantees that Ukraine will get as part of Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement. Every country that plans to enter EU or be partner with EU goes thru the same process, where EU is providing loans and aid to sync the economic, legal, environmental standards with those of EU.

For instance, Turkey is another country that is trying to enter EU and for that they receiving financial assistance under IPA II program. Every EU neighboring country goes to the same process, not just Ukraine.

Knowing this, please explain, how much of military aid EU provided to Ukraine?
Uhhhh, because Biden trashed him first???

Who told you this? Even if VP Biden "trashed him first", Biden would not have been the first. Trump has created all alone to get criticized.

Postscript: Did Putin tell you Biden trashed The Donald first?

WTF are you talking about? Biden has been trashing him since he entered the race. Of course Trump is going to trash him right back. When you call somebody a racist with no backing to your claim, those are fighting words. Biden deserves whatever he gets from Trump.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

–Real estate mogul Donald Trump, presidential announcement speech, June 16, 2015

Stop lying, or research what you post and you won't be so ignorant.

I'm ignorant? WTF does your ignorant comment have to do with race?

I have news. You are ignorant. Nothing worse than ignorant people thinking they know something.

I do know one thing: You're FOS.
Schiffy is getting nervous.


Sara Carter Twitter
How many other World leaders have questioned Rumps sanity in public? The line forms to the rear.

There is no evidence that the Ukkraine Embassy did what you claim. The GRU loves it when you repeat that one.

This Ukrrainian BS has been debunked already. It's a GRU creation and you keep repeating it over and over. Is there a Texas in Russia, Comrade?

Nellie Ohr: Ukrainian Lawmaker Was Fusion GPS Source

Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016

Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?

Carry on commie.


Your first two are right out of the Moscow Playbook and repeated by conspiracy ultra right wing nutjob sites.

The third is a pretty good writeup and quite factual. Hunter was NOT the dummy you Russian Operatives try to make him. He make million dollar deals long before he went to Ukraine. According to your own cite, Hunter was brought on because of his expertise not his Father. Joe still operated in the best interest of the United States even though he knew that there might be the looks off impropriety. Your own cite shoots you in your commie foot.

You spend all your time trying to hide the fact that you are a commie Russian trying to destroy America so that you can make Russia stronger. You want to put the old Soviet Union back together. We are on to you.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


And repayed 1 million on a deal gone bad by hocking his home. But he's made millions in other deals since all without Daddy's help. I suppose you won't t see a single Steve McQueen flick either since he was drummed out of the Marines. Or you won't watch a single Last Man Standing because he served time. And then there is ..... I know a number of Ex Military that was quietly asked to leave for a lot of reasons that made something of themselves after they left. But then again, they aren't included in the Russky Conspiracy Handbook.

Mass deflection and projection duly noted, you commies sure love accusing other people of the shit you're doing.

Oh did I mention he also shacked up with his brothers widow while he was still married. He also committed immaculate conception with a gal he claimed to have never met. DNA proved quid pro joe has a new grand kid. LMAO


You call others Commies yet you keep repeating the Commie created Misinformation. Sounds to me like you don't want anyone to look closely at you, Comrade.
You call others Commies yet you keep repeating the Commie created Misinformation. Sounds to me like you don't want anyone to look closely at you, Comrade.
Well sure he is. He long ago sided with Putin, and he happily regurgitates and plagiarizes Russian propaganda here.

I agree, Schiff has consistantly ignored how ridiculous this process is under his leadership...NO serious person would do to this country what he is doing.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
Vitaliy Kasko, a former deputy prosecutor general who had worked under Shokin (in a May 2019 interview) that the office’s probe into Burisma Holdings had been dormant for years after Joe Biden issued his ultimatum in 2016.

“There was no pressure from anyone from the U.S. to close cases against” Burisma owner Zlochevskiy, Bloomberg quoted Kasko as saying. “It was shelved by Ukrainian prosecutors in 2014 and through 2015,” Kasko said.

“Shokin was not investigating. He didn’t want to investigate Burisma,” Daria Kaleniuk a leading Ukrainian anti-corruption advocate, told the Washington Post.

“And Shokin was fired not because he wanted to do that investigation, but quite to the contrary, because he failed that investigation. He was fired by the Ukraine parliament

Burisma owner was under investigation by The U.K.’s Serious Fraud Office (SFO) in 2012 involving bank accounts of Mykola Zlochevskiy. A British court conducts a hearing on Dec. 3-5, 2014, and unblocks the accounts in a Jan. 21, 2015 judgment, finding that none of the evidence “establishes reasonable grounds for a belief that his assets were unlawfully acquired as a result of misconduct in public office.” The SFO apparently continued its investigation until at least May 2015 but do the Ukraine government not cooperating or providing evidence they could not proceed any further

The guy was able to move millions of dollars out of the country to Cypress once the UK case was closed

VP Biden stands before the Ukraine parliament and makes a speech urging the country to step up anti corruption measures and promising that the US government would help them

Why would trump ask for an investigation and yes when he asks the UK president to look into the matter it will either lead to reopening the investigation or they will forget about it

The owner of this company is not sticking around in Ukraine and he got the money and Shokin probably got paid for his help

Yet trump says that he was a wonderful prosecutor general for them
but Ukraine parliament canned him

It has nothing to do with Biden who unlike Rudy is action on the behalf of the US government as a public official of that government

The investigation was on the owner and not who was the board members after the fact

The UK investigation had ended

Still recently the new prosecutor general announces that they will be looking into the matter.

Trump is like a member of your hunting party

Before you go on that hunt you might want to make sure his gun is empty

because accidents happen and you might shoot back

I agree, Schiff has consistantly ignored how ridiculous this process is under his leadership...NO serious person would do to this country what he is doing.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.
NUNES is wetting his pants
Devin Nunes was directly involved in the push for Biden Ukraine investigations, says Lev Parnas
Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani, says he helped arrange meetings between Nunes and Ukrainians.

I agree, Schiff has consistantly ignored how ridiculous this process is under his leadership...NO serious person would do to this country what he is doing.
And he is failing even more miserably that Fat Jerry with this Mueller testimony disaster.

SCHIFF SHOW FAILS: Poll finds sharp swing in opposition to impeachment among independents.

“The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it. In October, 48 percent of independents polled supported impeachment, against 39 percent who opposed. Since October, Emerson has found Trump’s job approval rating jump by 5 points, from 43 percent to 48 percent.”​

And in another Poll: Trump Approval Rating Hits Net Positive As Support For Impeachment Plummets.

What would happen if the Republicans (and I use that term loosely) were required to stop using GRU prepared scripts? Would they have anything at all to say?
Damn, I don't know if you're stupid or just ignorant. Here's a few facts for ya.
1.The Ukraine ambassador put an op-ed in a US news paper bashing Trump.
2. Others in the Ukraine made public statements questioning Trumps fitness for office.
3. Ukraine embassy admitted they worked with a DNC operative to dig up dirt on the Trump campaign.
4. Nelly Ore admitted in sworn testimony that one of her sources was a Ukrainian MP, when she was investigating the Trump campaign.

Conspiracy theory that commie boi. LMAO


How many other World leaders have questioned Rumps sanity in public? The line forms to the rear.

There is no evidence that the Ukkraine Embassy did what you claim. The GRU loves it when you repeat that one.

This Ukrrainian BS has been debunked already. It's a GRU creation and you keep repeating it over and over. Is there a Texas in Russia, Comrade?

Nellie Ohr: Ukrainian Lawmaker Was Fusion GPS Source

Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016

Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?

Carry on commie.


Your first two are right out of the Moscow Playbook and repeated by conspiracy ultra right wing nutjob sites.

The third is a pretty good writeup and quite factual. Hunter was NOT the dummy you Russian Operatives try to make him. He make million dollar deals long before he went to Ukraine. According to your own cite, Hunter was brought on because of his expertise not his Father. Joe still operated in the best interest of the United States even though he knew that there might be the looks off impropriety. Your own cite shoots you in your commie foot.

You spend all your time trying to hide the fact that you are a commie Russian trying to destroy America so that you can make Russia stronger. You want to put the old Soviet Union back together. We are on to you.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


You elected George W Bush who was a drunk & crackhead until the age of 35.

Hunter Biden served on many boards, was a lawyer & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.

AS far as expertise on strippers, look no farther than your hero Donald Trump who has to pay them off. Who also bankrupted companies & had to have Daddy bail him out.

No one voted for Hunter Biden,. You voted for Bush & Trump so really, shut the fuck up.

Blah, blah, blah. Your deflection and whataboutism is noted. Every time Hunter got a no show job on a board, quid pro joe got it for him, including Burisma. And he's still a fuck up. BTW he got Burisma to hire a law firm of a friend to represent them, so no he didn't advise them on shit, and got paid 83K a month to not do it. Carry on commie.


Your first two are right out of the Moscow Playbook and repeated by conspiracy ultra right wing nutjob sites.

The third is a pretty good writeup and quite factual. Hunter was NOT the dummy you Russian Operatives try to make him. He make million dollar deals long before he went to Ukraine. According to your own cite, Hunter was brought on because of his expertise not his Father. Joe still operated in the best interest of the United States even though he knew that there might be the looks off impropriety. Your own cite shoots you in your commie foot.

You spend all your time trying to hide the fact that you are a commie Russian trying to destroy America so that you can make Russia stronger. You want to put the old Soviet Union back together. We are on to you.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


And repayed 1 million on a deal gone bad by hocking his home. But he's made millions in other deals since all without Daddy's help. I suppose you won't t see a single Steve McQueen flick either since he was drummed out of the Marines. Or you won't watch a single Last Man Standing because he served time. And then there is ..... I know a number of Ex Military that was quietly asked to leave for a lot of reasons that made something of themselves after they left. But then again, they aren't included in the Russky Conspiracy Handbook.

Mass deflection and projection duly noted, you commies sure love accusing other people of the shit you're doing.

Oh did I mention he also shacked up with his brothers widow while he was still married. He also committed immaculate conception with a gal he claimed to have never met. DNA proved quid pro joe has a new grand kid. LMAO

Hunter Biden dated his dead brother's wife. You are a lying fuck when you claim it happened while his brother was alive.

I fond anytime a Trumpette talks about someone's morality that they just prove how stupid they are. You voted for an accused child rapist & you didn't care. So fuck off Trump boy

Poor wittle illiterate commie, look up the definition of "widow", and once you learn what it means, I'm sure an apology is forthcoming. LMAO

How many other World leaders have questioned Rumps sanity in public? The line forms to the rear.

There is no evidence that the Ukkraine Embassy did what you claim. The GRU loves it when you repeat that one.

This Ukrrainian BS has been debunked already. It's a GRU creation and you keep repeating it over and over. Is there a Texas in Russia, Comrade?

Nellie Ohr: Ukrainian Lawmaker Was Fusion GPS Source

Ukrainian Embassy confirms DNC contractor solicited Trump dirt in 2016

Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father’s Campaign?

Carry on commie.


Your first two are right out of the Moscow Playbook and repeated by conspiracy ultra right wing nutjob sites.

The third is a pretty good writeup and quite factual. Hunter was NOT the dummy you Russian Operatives try to make him. He make million dollar deals long before he went to Ukraine. According to your own cite, Hunter was brought on because of his expertise not his Father. Joe still operated in the best interest of the United States even though he knew that there might be the looks off impropriety. Your own cite shoots you in your commie foot.

You spend all your time trying to hide the fact that you are a commie Russian trying to destroy America so that you can make Russia stronger. You want to put the old Soviet Union back together. We are on to you.

Expertise on what, strippers, drugs, alcohol and prostitutes, blowing so much money his family couldn't pay their bills? Thrown out of the military for drug use. Sure, just the kind of expertise to rehab a corrupt companies image. You commies just crack me up.


You elected George W Bush who was a drunk & crackhead until the age of 35.

Hunter Biden served on many boards, was a lawyer & advised the Ukrainian company on US law.

AS far as expertise on strippers, look no farther than your hero Donald Trump who has to pay them off. Who also bankrupted companies & had to have Daddy bail him out.

No one voted for Hunter Biden,. You voted for Bush & Trump so really, shut the fuck up.

Blah, blah, blah. Your deflection and whataboutism is noted. Every time Hunter got a no show job on a board, quid pro joe got it for him, including Burisma. And he's still a fuck up. BTW he got Burisma to hire a law firm of a friend to represent them, so no he didn't advise them on shit, and got paid 83K a month to not do it. Carry on commie.

Anything you posted against the law?? Trump didn't give family and friends jobs?
Russia has hijacked the Republican party Should make a vote for Dems in 2020 easy peasy

Russia again, huh? Just a personal question here for you and your ilk.

Do you people ever feel like you're being know, like something out there has power over you that you can't escape??? Just curious.

Hunter Biden began dating his brother’s widow while recovering from a week spent buying crack from a homeless encampment in Los Angeles, according to a new report.

In a candid New Yorker interview with Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden’s troubled son, the 49-year-old lawyer explained the origins of his affair with brother Beau’s widow, Hallie, and the rock-bottom drug binge that came beforehand.

Hunter — who had already moved out of his marital home with estranged wife Kathleen over his failure to stay sober — says he became close with Hallie after a 2016 trip with her to the Hamptons and began spending most nights at her house while “sharing a very specific grief” over Beau’s 2015 death.

He made plans to head to a detox center in Arizona, but got sidetracked during a stopover in Los Angeles, where he soon asked a vagrant where he could buy crack, according to the mag.

Hunter was taken to a downtown LA homeless encampment, where someone pulled a gun on him — but he nevertheless returned several more times that week to buy drugs.

He then got into a fight outside a Hollywood Boulevard nightclub, and a man nicknamed “Baby Down” took pity on him and deposited him at a Hertz car rental office.

Hunter took his rental car to Arizona, where Hertz workers called the cops after finding a crack pipe and a baggie containing a “white powdery substance,” along with a Secret Service business card, Hunter’s driver’s license and a badge from Beau’s time as Delaware attorney general inside.

Local prosecutors declined to pursue the case, citing a lack of evidence that he actually used the pipe, according to the New Yorker.

Hunter, meanwhile, finally spent a week at Grace Grove Lifestyle Center — a local “detox, rejuvenation and healing retreat” — before checking into a resort spa, where Hallie flew to meet him and they decided to become a couple.

All while serving as a Burisma board member and they didn't cut him lose. Must be nice to be a VPs son.

Russia has hijacked the Republican party Should make a vote for Dems in 2020 easy peasy

Russia again, huh? Just a personal question here for you and your ilk.

Do you people ever feel like you're being know, like something out there has power over you that you can't escape??? Just curious.
You, like trump does , turn your own problems around and make them dem problems If anyone is being yanked by their old kazzu it's repubs Your senate is afraid of losing their base if they piss off trump

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