Of Economic Deaths and #CoronaHoax2020 Overreaction…

Bob Blaylock

Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2015
38°29′ North 121°26′ West
This is based on something I posted in another thread, but I think it needs a thread of its own.

This is for those who think that I and others are being overly dramatic or hyperbolic about the economic disaster that is being created in response to the #CoronaHoax2020.

This graph visualizes the deaths per year, for each year from 1950 to 2017.


During this time, of course, we've had many events which caused above-average rates of death. We've had wars. We've had natural disasters. We've had epidemics worse than #CoronaHoax2020.

Now, look at the spike that occurs around 1960. What do you think it was that caused so many excess deaths, in just a few years?

If you think it was a war, you'd be wrong.

If you think it was a natural disaster, you'd be wrong.

If you think it was a disease, an epidemic, you'd be wrong.

All those excess deaths happened in China. In the late 1950s, China began a bold move to transition rapidly from a capitalist economy, to a Communist economy, with their proposed new economy heavily based on a dubious industrial idea. They called it The Great Leap Forward. This resulted in a huge economic disaster, which begat a famine, which is estimated to have resulted in anywhere from 23 million to 55 million deaths.

Of the latter half of the 20th century, and well into the 21st century, this one event was, by far, the single greatest cause of needless human deaths and suffering. Not a disease. Not a war. Not a natural disaster. A politically-created economic disaster.

This is the kind of fire with which we are playing, by destroying our economy just because the most ignorant, cowardly, and worthless among us are scared of an overhyped flu bug.
Ameica will never go back to normal these clueless fks who think it is live on the wrong plaanet and are believing the very clueless morons they shouldn't.

the major supplies to our nation have been slaughtered beyond repair------------------- a low information nation can't comprehend the financial aspect of this all. They think America can never fail lmfao.

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