Of Course Terrorism Can Be Stopped

Ahh the French Solution in the Algiers... The Maggie Thatcher Solution for IRA...

How did that work out... If you don't know very badly....

What ever you do don't do this...

Is the IRA still bombing Brit buses? How about we pin medals on bombers' parents for doing such a fine job of raising a sick animal....sound good?

The British Government reached out and negotiated a peace... The term used, is that the IRA started bombing london and they bombed there way to the table... Ex-IRA members are in the Government in Northern Ireland and are voted as MPs and MEPs(Europe)...

The IRA were not broken and Martin McGuinness (the Derry Brigade) stated plenty of times that Tatcher's decisions gave them far more support and prolonged the war as they went small group to being able to fight the British Army to a standstill in Northern Ireland. But then they discovered they could do major damage in London..

Please have a look at some history... Your solution will only make the problem worse... It is clueless...

Your methods have been tried before and failed miserably... The Brits couldn't defeat the IRA and they where close, spoke the same language... At one point they had 8,000 troops stationed in South Armagh among 24,000 population and they still couldn't take down the local IRA Brigade.

At the moment Islamic Terrorists kill far more Muslims than Christians. You want to commit war crimes (killing innocent Muslims) and then look for Moderate Muslim support... You will not get it...You will increase their support network went actually you should be trying to reduce it...

Show me where your methods have ever worked?

"my methods" are very selective and have worked many times throughout history. You can cherry-pick examples of when they didn't until the cows come home but it doesn't change anything. The Brits never capped IRA parents. The French never did that in Angola either. What's the difference between a muslim father murdering his daughter for showing her legs or refusing to be sold in marriage to the highest bidder, and putting a bullet in his head for raising a terrorist? Hang the mother of the Manchester baby-bomber in Trafalgar Square and the muslim world will get the picture loud and clear.....we've had more than enough of this shit.

Please have a look at some history... Your solution will only make the problem worse... It is clueless...

Your methods have been tried before and failed miserably... The Brits couldn't defeat the IRA and they where close, spoke the same language... At one point they had 8,000 troops stationed in South Armagh among 24,000 population and they still couldn't take down the local IRA Brigade.

At the moment Islamic Terrorists kill far more Muslims than Christians. You want to commit war crimes (killing innocent Muslims) and then look for Moderate Muslim support... You will not get it...You will increase their support network went actually you should be trying to reduce it...

Show me where your methods have ever worked?

"my methods" are very selective and have worked many times throughout history. You can cherry-pick examples of when they didn't until the cows come home but it doesn't change anything. The Brits never capped IRA parents. The French never did that in Angola either. What's the difference between a muslim father murdering his daughter for showing her legs or refusing to be sold in marriage to the highest bidder, and putting a bullet in his head for raising a terrorist? Hang the mother of the Manchester baby-bomber in Trafalgar Square and the muslim world will get the picture loud and clear.....we've had more than enough of this shit.

The issue isn't whether such tactics work or not. Lots of crimes can be stopped by creating a draconian police state. The question is whether we want that kind of government. I certainly don't.
Yeah right, name one instance where these moderate Muslims turned in a would be terrorist before he gets to kill the citizens of a country that allowed him to live there.
The only Muslims who would do that in the near future are the Sunni Muslims that assembled in Saudi Arabia to meet with Pres.D.J.Trump
That libtard "be nice to them " bullshit is the same crap "sanctuary" cities use to defy federal law, claiming that criminals who are here illegally volunteer information to the local police department in order to solve crimes their buddies and fellow gang members committed.
Maybe it would be better to scrap police departments which have been staffed according to affirmative action and "equal opportunity" guidelines and replace them with men who are competent investigators.
I am sick and tired of looking at PD press conferences after an incident occured where women wearing a hard hat to look the part shove the actual responders aside to grand stand on TV.
But as long as judges who were appointed by the Obama admin still sit on the bench they would rule "racial profiling" at every opportunity these investigators carry out REAL police-work.
There is more blood on your hands due to these idiotic liberal policies on the whole as there would be if we were to arm drones with Neutron bombs and nuke any 10 squ. mile sector where we can FLIR-see somebody wearing a scarf and carrying a weapon.
End of story
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Please have a look at some history... Your solution will only make the problem worse... It is clueless...

Your methods have been tried before and failed miserably... The Brits couldn't defeat the IRA and they where close, spoke the same language... At one point they had 8,000 troops stationed in South Armagh among 24,000 population and they still couldn't take down the local IRA Brigade.

At the moment Islamic Terrorists kill far more Muslims than Christians. You want to commit war crimes (killing innocent Muslims) and then look for Moderate Muslim support... You will not get it...You will increase their support network went actually you should be trying to reduce it...

Show me where your methods have ever worked?

"my methods" are very selective and have worked many times throughout history. You can cherry-pick examples of when they didn't until the cows come home but it doesn't change anything. The Brits never capped IRA parents. The French never did that in Angola either. What's the difference between a muslim father murdering his daughter for showing her legs or refusing to be sold in marriage to the highest bidder, and putting a bullet in his head for raising a terrorist? Hang the mother of the Manchester baby-bomber in Trafalgar Square and the muslim world will get the picture loud and clear.....we've had more than enough of this shit.

The issue isn't whether such tactics work or not. Lots of crimes can be stopped by creating a draconian police state. The question is whether we want that kind of government. I certainly don't.

If draconian police states worked, the world would be nothing but draconian police states. People do not cower the way fascists like to believe.

Imposing brutal punishments as suggested would have the opposite effect. It would increase terrorism, not decrease it.

Did the blitz make the British people cower as Hitler thought it would?

Did the people of Vietnam capitulate to the massive amount of U.S. firepower used to stop their revolution?

This is an approach that only a moron would suggest.
The most practical solution for stopping terrorism is to create laws that allow the police to act against suspected terrorist cells before terrorist acts are committed.

Most of the terrorists were already being watched in some way by police. If the police had the capability to act preemptively the murders would have never occurred.
The most practical solution for stopping terrorism is to create laws that allow the police to act against suspected terrorist cells before terrorist acts are committed.

Most of the terrorists were already being watched in some way by police. If the police had the capability to act preemptively the murders would have never occurred.

Think about what you're saying. You want to empower police to 'act against' suspects? Due process is there for a reason.
Did the people of Vietnam capitulate to the massive amount of U.S. firepower used to stop their revolution?

We had the VC gutted and running after Tet in '68, yet piece-of-shit Walter Crankcase told the American people just the opposite. The Vietnam war wasn't a "revolution"...it was an invasion by the communist north and their infiltrators in the south. From the Bong Son and LZ Evans we personally watched them surrender their arms rather than be massacred. There was nothing between us and Hanoi straight shot up Highway 1. And LBJ stopped. Fucking quit on us because the hippies were marching up and down the streets of DC. Leave Vietnam out of your phony analogies...you have no idea what happened there.
It's simply a matter of will. And the cure must be cast in stone so the kind-hearted and cowardly can't avoid it politically. So how do you do it? With abject, selective brutality. The Nazis would round up village leaders in occupied France and start shooting them until they exposed who'd attacked the German ranks. Did it work? Not entirely but pretty much. The Israelis bulldoze the family home of a Pali murderer. Does it work? Not entirely but pretty much. So, while I admit no tactic is perfect, we can surely put those who are responsible for the life of a terrorist in the cross-hairs....the parents.

For those prone to pearl-clutching or out-right fainting....stop reading now.

Send assassins after the murdering coward's parents. This reworks the entire family dynamic in the ME. If they are going to bring children into the world, they stand responsible for them for the child's entire life. Make sure that child is raised to be a good person like your life depends on it....because it will. Make sure that child is properly educated and socialized. Make sure to keep in close touch with him to see any warning signs he's gone jihadist. And if he does, it's your parental duty to kill him before he starts killing us. Otherwise.....

Yeah... Doing evil to defeat evil is what you're selling here. You might see hole in the logic if you look.

/---- We should bake ISIS cookies and invite them for tea. That's all they really want.
The most practical solution for stopping terrorism is to create laws that allow the police to act against suspected terrorist cells before terrorist acts are committed.

Most of the terrorists were already being watched in some way by police. If the police had the capability to act preemptively the murders would have never occurred.

Think about what you're saying. You want to empower police to 'act against' suspects? Due process is there for a reason.

Any law would have to be carefully worded, but terrorism isn't a normal criminal act.

Terrorist groups are more like military organizations and should be treated as such.

In the past, pirates were treated very differently than other criminals. There was guilt by association. Being a member of a pirate crew was enough to be found guilty.
Did the people of Vietnam capitulate to the massive amount of U.S. firepower used to stop their revolution?

We had the VC gutted and running after Tet in '68, yet piece-of-shit Walter Crankcase told the American people just the opposite. The Vietnam war wasn't a "revolution"...it was an invasion by the communist north and their infiltrators in the south. From the Bong Son and LZ Evans we personally watched them surrender their arms rather than be massacred. There was nothing between us and Hanoi straight shot up Highway 1. And LBJ stopped. Fucking quit on us because the hippies were marching up and down the streets of DC. Leave Vietnam out of your phony analogies...you have no idea what happened there.

If Vietnam war was not a revolution, why do the Vietnamese call it their "Second war of Independance"? Perhaps you did not understand what the war was really about.

Also, how do you figure that the Vietnamese were 'invading' Vietnam? According to the Geneva treaty, South Vietnam was not supposed to exist after 1955. Most countries refused to recognize the existence of South Vietnam - including France and Canada.

But you don't think that up to a half million U.S. troops from the other side of the world were invaders?
The most practical solution for stopping terrorism is to create laws that allow the police to act against suspected terrorist cells before terrorist acts are committed.

Most of the terrorists were already being watched in some way by police. If the police had the capability to act preemptively the murders would have never occurred.

Think about what you're saying. You want to empower police to 'act against' suspects? Due process is there for a reason.

Any law would have to be carefully worded, but terrorism isn't a normal criminal act.

Terrorist groups are more like military organizations and should be treated as such.

In the past, pirates were treated very differently than other criminals. There was guilt by association. Being a member of a pirate crew was enough to be found guilty.

The popular delusion is that we can simply skip due process for terrorists, but it doesn't work that way. Due process isn't there to protect terrorists, or any other kind criminal. It's there to protect potentially innocent suspects. Omitting due process puts all of us at risk.
The most practical solution for stopping terrorism is to create laws that allow the police to act against suspected terrorist cells before terrorist acts are committed.

Most of the terrorists were already being watched in some way by police. If the police had the capability to act preemptively the murders would have never occurred.

Think about what you're saying. You want to empower police to 'act against' suspects? Due process is there for a reason.

Any law would have to be carefully worded, but terrorism isn't a normal criminal act.

Terrorist groups are more like military organizations and should be treated as such.

In the past, pirates were treated very differently than other criminals. There was guilt by association. Being a member of a pirate crew was enough to be found guilty.

The popular delusion is that we can simply skip due process for terrorists, but it doesn't work that way. Due process isn't there to protect terrorists, or any other kind criminal. It's there to protect potentially innocent suspects. Omitting due process puts all of us at risk.

I understand the reason for due process, but terrorism shouldn't be considered under the criminal code. They should be treated as war criminals.

Were the German submariners that were assigned to commit acts of sabotage here in the United States just placed under surveillance until they committed those acts? No, they were arrested and imprisoned immediately...they were not given the chance to commit sabotage.
If Vietnam war was not a revolution, why do the Vietnamese call it their "Second war of Independance"? Perhaps you did not understand what the war was really about.

Why did Chevrolet name their sportscar a "Corvette" when it wasn't a ship? Pompous little turds like you telling a combat Vet "I didn't understand what the war was REALLY about" never gets old. Did you serve there? Did you serve along side ARVN troops or Bahnar mountain people? Have you ever spent an hour in elephant grass, ridden in a Huey? Got any idea what smoke color meant in an LZ? Do you know why we never carried half-full canteens? Or didn't wear socks or skivvies in the bush? Like I said, you don't know shit about what happened there.
If Vietnam war was not a revolution, why do the Vietnamese call it their "Second war of Independance"? Perhaps you did not understand what the war was really about.

Why did Chevrolet name their sportscar a "Corvette" when it wasn't a ship? Pompous little turds like you telling a combat Vet "I didn't understand what the war was REALLY about" never gets old. Did you serve there? Did you serve along side ARVN troops or Bahnar mountain people? Have you ever spent an hour in elephant grass, ridden in a Huey? Got any idea what smoke color meant in an LZ? Do you know why we never carried half-full canteens? Or didn't wear socks or skivvies in the bush? Like I said, you don't know shit about what happened there.

I don't have to have been there to know that the U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam was illegal, immoral, anti-Democratic and violated every principal upon which this country was founded.

If you acted as a mindless attack dog that didn't have the decency to find out what the war was really about, it's on your head.
Every time this happens 10 mosques are closed in USA, about 1/3 of them preach some real nasty shit anyway(according to a 30 yearold Muslim business associate of mine)
After about 20 get closed we will amazingly find the problem has all but ceased
The most practical solution for stopping terrorism is to create laws that allow the police to act against suspected terrorist cells before terrorist acts are committed.

Most of the terrorists were already being watched in some way by police. If the police had the capability to act preemptively the murders would have never occurred.

Think about what you're saying. You want to empower police to 'act against' suspects? Due process is there for a reason.

Any law would have to be carefully worded, but terrorism isn't a normal criminal act.

Terrorist groups are more like military organizations and should be treated as such.

In the past, pirates were treated very differently than other criminals. There was guilt by association. Being a member of a pirate crew was enough to be found guilty.

The popular delusion is that we can simply skip due process for terrorists, but it doesn't work that way. Due process isn't there to protect terrorists, or any other kind criminal. It's there to protect potentially innocent suspects. Omitting due process puts all of us at risk.

I understand the reason for due process, but terrorism shouldn't be considered under the criminal code. They should be treated as war criminals.

That was Bush's angle. But it misses the point. We don't know, in advance, who the terrorists are.

Please have a look at some history... Your solution will only make the problem worse... It is clueless...

Your methods have been tried before and failed miserably... The Brits couldn't defeat the IRA and they where close, spoke the same language... At one point they had 8,000 troops stationed in South Armagh among 24,000 population and they still couldn't take down the local IRA Brigade.

At the moment Islamic Terrorists kill far more Muslims than Christians. You want to commit war crimes (killing innocent Muslims) and then look for Moderate Muslim support... You will not get it...You will increase their support network went actually you should be trying to reduce it...

Show me where your methods have ever worked?

"my methods" are very selective and have worked many times throughout history. You can cherry-pick examples of when they didn't until the cows come home but it doesn't change anything. The Brits never capped IRA parents. The French never did that in Angola either. What's the difference between a muslim father murdering his daughter for showing her legs or refusing to be sold in marriage to the highest bidder, and putting a bullet in his head for raising a terrorist? Hang the mother of the Manchester baby-bomber in Trafalgar Square and the muslim world will get the picture loud and clear.....we've had more than enough of this shit.

Just to point out... You are asking for a war crime to be committed by US Soldiers...

You hang that mother and you would increase membership in ISIS by 100s of thousands... You are obviously clueless on how terrorism works...
They rely on Support Networks (and his mother was not in his support network)... You are completely clueless on what is going on within the Islamic community... You saw Trump selling $100bn in arms to a country which openly practice Wahhabi... That is not a smart move.. That was really stupid...

Terrorism can be defeated but not by eroding peoples rights or isolating a large group like Tom Horn is suggesting here... It is done by reducing there support network by showing that moderate Christianity and Moderate Muslims have far more in common than extremists... Moderate Muslims hate extremists more than anyone, they despise them, they take there faith and make it about hate...

You will find the same attitude by a vast vast majority of Irish People towards the IRA... They kill kids and said it was done for Ireland... Ireland were horrified and spent more per captia going after the IRA than the UK did..

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