Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

The greedy one percent that bankrupted the nation, morally and fiscally, is now facing its greatest fear: a public uprising against their accumulation of wealth and power, and with that, the best chance at change in the post-War era.

It started in New York City, as hundreds of activists literally occupied Wall Street, setting up a tent city in a nearby park and organizing daily protests. For two weeks, the movement squeaked by on minimal coverage. The national media ignored the protests, even as the protesters dug in and redoubled their efforts.

Source: Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows | Benzinga

Are you saying that you are against "wealth accumulation"?
The movement is over. A few might get together to smoke dope on a street corner but it is essentially over.
The movement is over. A few might get together to smoke dope on a street corner but it is essentially over.
The movement will end capitalism.

"PARIS - Mansions on one side of the road, and slums on the other. People queuing for food rations, while others drive by in shiny Land Rovers with tinted windows.

"New data for the United States show that the 'share of after-tax household income for the top 1 percent more than doubled' from 1979 to 2007, while the share of the 'bottom' 20 percent of the population fell from 7 percent to 5 percent.

"Though varied throughout the world, these inequality statistics pervade and paint a picture of a world in which the rich profit while the poor are left further and further behind."

In Crisis, The Rich Get Richer | Common Dreams

A system that allows 1% of humanity to grow richer off the misery of the majority is not sustainable.
When OWS began some protestors suggested a timeline for success similar to that between the signing of the Declaration of Independence and ratification of the US Constitution.

Stay tuned for Occupation Charlotte.
Do you think there are no rich people or income disparity in communist countries?

OWS is over. It is irrlevant and has failed.
Hank Paulson is a big part of this problem, or hasn't that come up at one of your Tea Party protests?

EVEN Paulson, one of the insiders who know, acknowledges the role of FHA in the housing crisis.

"Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs Are RICO Enterprises

Then Barack Obama is a mobster, given that he's got Goldman Sachs fist so far up his ass that they're tickling his tonsils.

They are corrupt, along with Fannie, Freddie, FHA and particularly, the Federal Reserve.

Thing is George, YOU want to give these crooks MORE power.

"This New York Times expose on Henry Paulson and Goldman Sachs makes one thing clear: There is now no doubt that Henry Paulson and Goldman Sachs have violate numerous federal laws.


"Paulson laundered several billion dollars of money to Goldman Sachs, through A.I.G. Paulson lied to Congress about the true nature of TARP. Paulson lied to Congress about his role in the Federal Reserve's decision to give over $185 billion to A.I.G. "

Yet you demand that we give government MORE power to determine the winners and losers....

Crime & Federalism: Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs Are RICO Enterprises

Paulson and Robert Rubin should be rotting in supermax as we speak.

Along with Franklin Raines, Tim Geithner, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Angelo Mozilo and a host of others.

It YOU who wants to protect criminals, not me.
Do you think there are no rich people or income disparity in communist countries?

OWS is over. It is irrlevant and has failed.
Name one country where Communism has been implemented.

"Communism is a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of a classless, moneyless, revolutionary and stateless socialist society structured upon common ownership of the means of production..."

Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hank Paulson is a big part of this problem, or hasn't that come up at one of your Tea Party protests?

EVEN Paulson, one of the insiders who know, acknowledges the role of FHA in the housing crisis.

"Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs Are RICO Enterprises

Then Barack Obama is a mobster, given that he's got Goldman Sachs fist so far up his ass that they're tickling his tonsils.

They are corrupt, along with Fannie, Freddie, FHA and particularly, the Federal Reserve.

Thing is George, YOU want to give these crooks MORE power.


"Paulson laundered several billion dollars of money to Goldman Sachs, through A.I.G. Paulson lied to Congress about the true nature of TARP. Paulson lied to Congress about his role in the Federal Reserve's decision to give over $185 billion to A.I.G. "

Yet you demand that we give government MORE power to determine the winners and losers....

Crime & Federalism: Hank Paulson and Goldman Sachs Are RICO Enterprises

Paulson and Robert Rubin should be rotting in supermax as we speak.

Along with Franklin Raines, Tim Geithner, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Angelo Mozilo and a host of others.

It YOU who wants to protect criminals, not me.
Are you arguing for more corporate power?
Should government hand over its monopoly on violence to the US Chamber of Commerce?

In a previous post you stated government holds Wall Street's leash.
I believe it is just the opposite and will not change as long as millions of voters continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

I'm calling for filling US prisons with the richest 1% of criminals starting in DC and Wall Street.
How would you enforce that action without resorting to government?
Name one country where Communism has been implemented.

Name one country where Capitalism has been implemented.

"Communism is a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of a classless, moneyless, revolutionary and stateless socialist society structured upon common ownership of the means of production..."

Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

True communism was implemented in Russia in the 1922 - 23 time frame. In the Spring of 1922, Vladimir Lenin closed off the city of St. Petersburg (Petrograd) and outlawed the use or possession of currency of any kind. All assets were declared to be owned in common by the proletariat. A series of peoples congresses, which is the meaning of "Soviet" were set up on a community by community level. The Soviets, backed by Uparvdoms, armed thugs, decided what each person needed and what they were to contribute in labor. The Soviets often decided that the Bourgeoisie, the middle class that is the object of hatred by the left, didn't need to sleep indoors in the sub-arctic winter, that they did need to labor until they died of exhaustion.

This was true communism in every way, it was the hell on Earth that you communist yearn for, millions dead with misery and despair for the living.

Yes George, there has been true communism, where the people as a mob determined life and death for their neighbors, no possessions and no money. It was the most evil system ever devised, petty and brutal. This is what the left seeks, misery and despair for all. The left is evil, pure evil.
Are you arguing for more corporate power?

No George, you are.

Should government hand over its monopoly on violence to the US Chamber of Commerce?

Should Kaiser be able to send the IRS to arrest or kill those who fail to buy it's product, as Obamacare dictates?

In a previous post you stated government holds Wall Street's leash.

Yes, by giving more power to government, you give more power to the well connected looters.

You support the looters, George.

I believe it is just the opposite and will not change as long as millions of voters continue "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.

What you believe is idiotic, based on bullshit rather than the available facts and evidence. Government has the guns and makes the laws. Looters operate at the pleasure of our rulers, on their behalf. When one of the largest corporations in history, Enron, ran afoul of the government, they were gone in months with the leaders of that corporation either dead or in prison. They had ZERO power, they existed because government wanted them to exist, the moment they were a liability, government ended them.

This is particularly true of open looters like Enron, which produced nothing and existed purely to siphon wealth on behalf of our rulers.

Yet you want to give the rulers more power and further crush the individual under the iron fist of the state.

I'm calling for filling US prisons with the richest 1% of criminals starting in DC and Wall Street.

Of course you are, you are driven by envy and greed. You seek revenge against those who have more than you.

At the same time, you seek to strip what little liberty is left and promote the totalitarian state.

How would you enforce that action without resorting to government?

The only actions I would enforce are those of codified law as passed by our legislature, no law created by EO or mandate would be enforced, as it violates our Constitution.

Looting exists because of government action. No monopoly or price fixing can exist in a free market, it isn't possible. Natural monopolies will exist at times, but they fade.

Let's look at the monopolies this nation has seen;

AT&T - a monopoly of telephone service until 1988. How did AT&T gain a monopoly? Did they fire bomb competitors? No, the government created and enforced the monopoly.

AMTRAK - a monopoly of passenger rail service. How does AMTRAK maintain their monopoly? Do they have thugs who threaten those that would compete - well actually, yes - the thugs of the Federal government.

In EVERY case of monopoly, government creates and enforces the monopoly - which cannot exist without the government.

Yet you demand that MORE government is the answer to corruption and looters.
Name one country where Communism has been implemented.

Name one country where Capitalism has been implemented.

"Communism is a social, political and economic ideology that aims at the establishment of a classless, moneyless, revolutionary and stateless socialist society structured upon common ownership of the means of production..."

Communism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

True communism was implemented in Russia in the 1922 - 23 time frame. In the Spring of 1922, Vladimir Lenin closed off the city of St. Petersburg (Petrograd) and outlawed the use or possession of currency of any kind. All assets were declared to be owned in common by the proletariat. A series of peoples congresses, which is the meaning of "Soviet" were set up on a community by community level. The Soviets, backed by Uparvdoms, armed thugs, decided what each person needed and what they were to contribute in labor. The Soviets often decided that the Bourgeoisie, the middle class that is the object of hatred by the left, didn't need to sleep indoors in the sub-arctic winter, that they did need to labor until they died of exhaustion.

This was true communism in every way, it was the hell on Earth that you communist yearn for, millions dead with misery and despair for the living.

Yes George, there has been true communism, where the people as a mob determined life and death for their neighbors, no possessions and no money. It was the most evil system ever devised, petty and brutal. This is what the left seeks, misery and despair for all. The left is evil, pure evil.
Your account of Petrograd circa 1922 doesn't sound classless or stateless in any way shape or form.
It does sound like Bakunin's warning of "beating the people with the people's stick."
Your apparent confusion over Lenin's, Stalin's and Trotsky's commitment to socialism explains a great deal about why you worship the rich.

"The Leninist antagonism to the most essential features of socialism was evident from the very start.

"In revolutionary Russia, Soviets and factory committees developed as instruments of struggle and liberation, with many flaws, but with a rich potential.

"Lenin and Trotsky, upon assuming power, immediately devoted themselves to destroying the liberatory potential of these instruments, establishing the rule of the Party, in practice its Central Committee and its Maximal Leaders -- exactly as Trotsky had predicted years earlier, as Rosa Luxembourg and other left Marxists warned at the time, and as the anarchists had always understood."

Rule of the elites.

For authoritarians like Lenin and Stalin it meant Party rule.
For authoritarians like you it means the richest 1% rule.
Shit clumps.

The Soviet Union Versus Socialism, by Noam Chomsky
I don't attend protests, I just try and work and get on with my life. As much as I would like a revolution, without clear demands they are like the French revolutionaries, if they got power they wouldn't solve the problems, just create more. More regulations around banks would be nice (rather than the rhetoric around taxing the rich). Though if we want to stop the global financial crisis happening again how it did, consumers will have to stop re-mortgaging their homes, and getting unstable loans that could easily put them into heavy debt or bankruptcy.
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Here's a fairly clear demand from Occupiers and the City of Los Angeles:

"On December 3, just two days before Occupy L.A. was evicted by police, the General Assembly of the occupation passed a unanimous resolution calling for a constitutional amendment to end corporate personhood.

Today, the City Council of Los Angeles also voted, also unanimously, for a resolution making the same appeal."

LA and Occupy LA Agree: It's Time to End Corporate Personhood | Truthout
Now the Occupy Movement is throwing away any facade they had that they weren't tied at the hip with Obama.....and they're beginning their anti-primary phase.

Occupy Iowa is the first action directly against the GOP.

“The very people who supported Obama in ’08 are the Occupy organizers,” Goodner said. “That same energy has shifted from the electoral arena to the streets.”

Four years later, Obama's supporters ready to occupy Iowa - latimes.com
Now the Occupy Movement is throwing away any facade they had that they weren't tied at the hip with Obama.....and they're beginning their anti-primary phase.

Occupy Iowa is the first action directly against the GOP.

“The very people who supported Obama in ’08 are the Occupy organizers,” Goodner said. “That same energy has shifted from the electoral arena to the streets.”

Four years later, Obama's supporters ready to occupy Iowa - latimes.com
You're confusing the Occupy Movement with what passes for populism on the rich, White, Republican right:

"Unlike the Tea Party, which was launched top down from the arch-Republican heights by Republican-operative groups like FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity and Tea Party Express, OWS really did spring up from outside and from beneath the political establishment.

"It emerged from the dedicated activism of anarchist and other radically democratic activists acting on an extremely clever and powerful suggestion on the part the Canadian anticonsumerist magazine Adbusters - to occupy the belly of the world capitalist financial beast in New York City's financial district on the model of the revolutionary Egyptians who seized Cairo's Tahrir Square in early 2011."

Occupy Wall Street, Mass Media and Progressive Change in the Tea Party Era: Our Window of Opportunity | Truthout

Democrats are making every attempt to control Occupy, in the same way Freedom Works controls right-wing "populism", but they haven't succeeded yet and it isn't likely they will.
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"A recent survey of OWS protesters in New York finds that most disapprove of Obama and are strongly disillusioned with the Democratic party in light of its establishment, pro-Wall Street politics.

"Ninety-seven percent say they disapprove of Congress.

"A plurality of OWS protesters claim to identify with no political party, while 11 percent identify themselves openly as socialists and another 11 percent identify as Green Party members.

"Most are significantly to the left of center in describing their ideological orientations (80 percent claim to be liberal, 40 percent very liberal), compared to the increasingly center-right Democratic Party."

Occupy Wall Street, Mass Media and Progressive Change in the Tea Party Era: Our Window of Opportunity | Truthout
The disconnect comes from thinking that 80% of OWS protesters means 80% of everyone.

The reality is, the OWS protest movement itself is very small. Probably smaller now than it was on its first day when the public was not sickened and disgusted by them.
The disconnect comes from thinking that 80% of OWS protesters means 80% of everyone.

The reality is, the OWS protest movement itself is very small. Probably smaller now than it was on its first day when the public was not sickened and disgusted by them.

They still doing that ?

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