Obozo announces amnesty for a million more illegals!!

We know Obammy is a traitor. He has two relatives living here illegally. :D

Ain't that something. Of course his aunt got asylum but only because obozo ordered it. And his illegal uncle has a dui conviction. He's been here over 20 years.

That gutless coward romney should have talked about this but no - he's too noble to go negative!!!

George Bush admits that he was convicted of drunk driving. On September 4, 1976, a state trooper saw Bush's car swerve onto the shoulder, then back onto the road. Bush failed a road sobriety test and blew a .10 blood alcohol, plead guilty, and was fined and had his driver's license suspended. His spokesman says that he had drunk "several beers" at a local bar before the arrest. Bush was 30 at the time. He said that he stopped drinking when he turned 40 because it was a problem.

Bush lied in denying such an arrest, and still won't take responsibility for his actions. His first reaction was to blame Democrats and Fox News -- the only openly conservative TV network -- for reporting the story. "Why was this reported now, four days before the election? I've got my suspicions." He refused to say what his suspicions are, though. Bush admits covering up the story, but seems to think he has no responsibility for the failure of his cover up.

Bush brazenly and repeatedly lied to cover up and minimize this arrest.
If you're illegal but have a relative in america, you get to stay in brazen defiance of the laws. !! Repubs should scream obozo is a traitor and mexico-firster but they won't do anything.

Obama Administration to Ease Rules to Smooth Legal Status for Illegals | WOAI LOCAL NEWS - Q101.9

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Obama Administration has issued another executive order to allow an estimated one million more illegal immigrants remain in the country, 1200 WOAI news reports.

Starting in March, any illegal who has an 'immediate relative' who is a U.S. citizen will be freed from fear of deportation, will be allowed to work in the United States, and will be able to apply for permanent resident status without leaving the country. Currently illegals have to return to their native country and wait up to ten years before beginning the application process.

Apparently millions of more people on Public Assistance who aren't even citizens is not a problem with the Obama administration... Hell, we can afford it... The Taxpayers will just have to pay more of their fair share.
Article 3 Section 3 of the constitution defines treason as giving aid to our enemies and mexico is the biggest enemy we have.

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

U.S. Constitution - Article 3 Section 3 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

Next time do some research and maybe you won't make a fool of yourself.

We're at war with Mexico?



Moreover, most are not Mexicans or Hispanic and most are working at high end technical jobs that we cannot fill with Americans.

Cannot fill with Americans....or won't fill with Americans?
George Bush admits that he was convicted of drunk driving. On September 4, 1976, a state trooper saw Bush's car swerve onto the shoulder, then back onto the road. Bush failed a road sobriety test and blew a .10 blood alcohol, plead guilty, and was fined and had his driver's license suspended. His spokesman says that he had drunk "several beers" at a local bar before the arrest. Bush was 30 at the time. He said that he stopped drinking when he turned 40 because it was a problem.

Bush lied in denying such an arrest, and still won't take responsibility for his actions. His first reaction was to blame Democrats and Fox News -- the only openly conservative TV network -- for reporting the story. "Why was this reported now, four days before the election? I've got my suspicions." He refused to say what his suspicions are, though. Bush admits covering up the story, but seems to think he has no responsibility for the failure of his cover up.

Bush brazenly and repeatedly lied to cover up and minimize this arrest.

WTF are you babbling about? Everyone knows Bush has a DUI conviction (and Cheney has two of them) but Bush is not an illegal alien so where is the parallel between Bush and Uncle Onyango.? THINK
Apparently millions of more people on Public Assistance who aren't even citizens is not a problem with the Obama administration... Hell, we can afford it... The Taxpayers will just have to pay more of their fair share.

For taxpayers read white people. That's what obozo loves. Taking money from whites and giving to non-whites. We have a super-racist in the WH.
George Bush admits that he was convicted of drunk driving. On September 4, 1976, a state trooper saw Bush's car swerve onto the shoulder, then back onto the road. Bush failed a road sobriety test and blew a .10 blood alcohol, plead guilty, and was fined and had his driver's license suspended. His spokesman says that he had drunk "several beers" at a local bar before the arrest. Bush was 30 at the time. He said that he stopped drinking when he turned 40 because it was a problem.

Bush lied in denying such an arrest, and still won't take responsibility for his actions. His first reaction was to blame Democrats and Fox News -- the only openly conservative TV network -- for reporting the story. "Why was this reported now, four days before the election? I've got my suspicions." He refused to say what his suspicions are, though. Bush admits covering up the story, but seems to think he has no responsibility for the failure of his cover up.

Bush brazenly and repeatedly lied to cover up and minimize this arrest.

WTF are you babbling about? Everyone knows Bush has a DUI conviction (and Cheney has two of them) but Bush is not an illegal alien so where is the parallel between Bush and Uncle Onyango.? THINK

He lied about being convicted of drunk driving and requested a new drivers license from the state of TX so that the conviction wouldn't show. He and Laura had numbers 0000000 and 0000001. The state officials said that such a thing was unprecedented.

About the illegals:

In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. The bill made any immigrant who'd entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty. There was supposed to be a 2 1/2 million limit on the number of illegals who would be granted this option but after it got started and before the end of Bush41's term about six million illegals became citizens. Chew on that fact for a while.
I don't know about when it comes to high-end jobs, but a lot of them that cross over illegally work at jobs similar to what they would have had there. If they were farmers, they'll look for farming work., for example.

I have a few buddies from Yucatan; they run a restaurant here. While they're legal, they say that many of the ones crossing over aren't looking for a handout, they're just looking for jobs. Supposedly, the drug cartels have basically fucked up Mexico harder than even we can imagine.

Also, something to consider: A lot of these illegals are taking jobs Americans are - let's face it - too proud to take. My boss once offered a homeless man a job doing janitorial work; he turned it down because it was minimum wage. So we hired a Latino. I think he's Mexican, I don't know. He doesn't speak much.

Seriously, unless they were born into it, when was the last time you saw a white, black, or asian guy go to work on a farm willingly? Or go to work as a janitor? Street sweeper? Garbage collector? The ones you do see aren't past high-school education - after all, when was the last time you heard of someone with a Ph.D in Window Washing?

As long as Americans refuse to take menial labor unless it's a last resort (even then, they may not), then illegals will keep coming into this country to take the jobs that people think they're too good for.
If you're illegal but have a relative in america, you get to stay in brazen defiance of the laws. !! Repubs should scream obozo is a traitor and mexico-firster but they won't do anything.

Obama Administration to Ease Rules to Smooth Legal Status for Illegals | WOAI LOCAL NEWS - Q101.9

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Obama Administration has issued another executive order to allow an estimated one million more illegal immigrants remain in the country, 1200 WOAI news reports.

Starting in March, any illegal who has an 'immediate relative' who is a U.S. citizen will be freed from fear of deportation, will be allowed to work in the United States, and will be able to apply for permanent resident status without leaving the country. Currently illegals have to return to their native country and wait up to ten years before beginning the application process.
It's not amnesty, dummy. Perhaps you cannot read.
If you're illegal but have a relative in america, you get to stay in brazen defiance of the laws. !! Repubs should scream obozo is a traitor and mexico-firster but they won't do anything.

That just about take care of 20 million of them. Hell they are all related.

People who have never even met a Mexican really ought to shut up because really, they do not know what they're talking about.

Why not just say you hate brown skin and be done with it?

I'm surprised it took 46 posts for one of you to play the race card. usually it's within the first half dozen posts. :clap2:
Why do you retards place the welfare of Mexicans over Americans :confused:

Actually I'd take a Mexican anytime over a bible thumping, gun totin', hillbilly Republican from Appalachia. Especially one of those pro lifers who thinks life begins at ejaculation and that a woman's ovaries shut down if anybody except her husband is screwing her.
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Why do you retards place the welfare of Mexicans over Americans :confused:

Actually I'd take a Mexican anytime over a bible thumping, gun totin', hillbilly Republican from Appalachia. Especially one of those pro lifers who thinks life begins at ejaculation and a woman's ovaries shut down if anybody except her husband is screwing her.

Make a run for the border then. No one here will miss you for a second.
Why do you retards place the welfare of Mexicans over Americans :confused:

they didn't give a shit about the AMerican marine chained like a dog in a mexican prison and starved nearly to death,, all they cared about is damn mexican law.. :lol::lol::lol: Bill O'Reilly and Fox News cared though.
Why do you retards place the welfare of Mexicans over Americans :confused:

Actually I'd take a Mexican anytime over a bible thumping, gun totin', hillbilly Republican from Appalachia. Especially one of those pro lifers who thinks life begins at ejaculation and a woman's ovaries shut down if anybody except her husband is screwing her.

Make a run for the border then. No one here will miss you for a second.

Eat your heart out! I won't be going anywhere. There's a real need on this board for information to come from somewhere except Faux News and Lush Rambo because the Republican bubble needs an occasional fact that isn't just made up.
Actually I'd take a Mexican anytime over a bible thumping, gun totin', hillbilly Republican from Appalachia. Especially one of those pro lifers who thinks life begins at ejaculation and a woman's ovaries shut down if anybody except her husband is screwing her.

Make a run for the border then. No one here will miss you for a second.

Eat your heart out! I won't be going anywhere. There's a real need on this board for information to come from somewhere except Faux News and Lush Rambo because the Republican bubble needs an occasional fact that isn't just made up.

STFU, idiot. Nothing comes from you but bigotry and knee-jerk liberal nonsense.
Make a run for the border then. No one here will miss you for a second.

Eat your heart out! I won't be going anywhere. There's a real need on this board for information to come from somewhere except Faux News and Lush Rambo because the Republican bubble needs an occasional fact that isn't just made up.

STFU, idiot. Nothing comes from you but bigotry and knee-jerk liberal nonsense.

We know who's the idiots. Folks who actually believed an old multiple wives, Mormon, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Latter Day Saints, Vulture Capitalist, out of touch, hate the 47% Romulus was going to beat our man. You're going to have to carry more demographics than folks over 65 and White men before that boat will ever float.

In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a sweeping immigration reform bill into law. The bill made any immigrant who'd entered the country before 1982 eligible for amnesty. There was supposed to be a 2 1/2 million limit on the number of illegals who would be granted this option but after it got started and before the end of Bush41's term about six million illegals became citizens. Chew on that fact for a while.

Again you tell us things everybody knows. The reagan amnesty was a terrible thing but at least RR did it legally in contrast to obozo who simply announced he was not going to enforce the law.

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