OBL's son in law caught and Obama wants to give him legal rights

Yurt, you are neither empirical nor logical, so you cannot make accurate descriptions or evaluations.

Every time you try your nonsense, you will lose. Simple fact.
The federal courts are obviously quicker, more efficient, and within the power of the president.

End of discussion.
lol...just because you say something doesn't make it true fakey

you still have not backed up your claim, thus, by your own words, you are full of shit and a liar.
Yurt, just because you open your mouth doesn't mean anything more than gaseous fumes emerge.

I backed up my claim, you failed in yours, the fed courts will be used. That's fact, friend.
what post did you back up your claim. you have not offered a single citation to support your claim about tribunals.

you are nothing but a pathetic liar. tell me, which claim did i fail?

this should be good, watch the liar spin and dance like richard simmons.
It is common knowledge this administration is using federal courts. That's what your yelling about.

You have gone back to ad hom, Pinocchio, because you have no objective evidence to refute that such courts are constitutional and acceptable.

You are so easy to toy with.
Common humanity demands the prisoners of war and captured criminals will be treated according to law.

The tribunals have been slow, costly, and most inefficient. The federal courts have proved sustainable, effective, and cost efficient.

stop lying about what i'm talking about jake. i never denied this admin is using federal courts nor did i ever say they are unconstituional you fucking liar. you have still not supported the highlighted claim despite me asking you repeatedly to do so. now you're lying that i'm talking about federal courts. good lord, why are you so dishonest about such simple things?

now, are you going to back up your claim or are you just going to keep running away? i notice you failed to state which claim i failed in.

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You are talking about what I claimed. Since you offered nothing more than your opinion, I don't have to do anything more than that.

Yes, this admin is using federal courts, you cannot show that it is illegal, and this discussion is over.

you make a claim, i asked you to back it up. i did not offer an opinion as to your claim liar.

further, i never said using federal courts is illegal. your pathetic strawman shows how desperate you are to distract away from the fact you can't back up your claim.

You made a statement, I countered it, and I don't have to offer evidence until you do.

That's how it works. :lol: I am glad you admit the fed courts are legal.

anything to avoid backing up your claim. your claim was not a counter to anything i said, that is pure fiction. at this point it is rather embarrassing for you and i now believe your claim is a lie.

btw...you are forever barred from asking anyone to back up their claims after this embarrassing fiasco.
PROOF jake is a liar:

he claims his statement is in response to something i said. unfortunately for jake i only talked about the constitution applying to non us citizens in foreign lands and i corrected sallow on his citation of the P&I clause.

poor lying farkey

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