Obama's Policy on Iran - RIGHT ON!


Apr 22, 2007
First we aren't gointg to invade Iran, so the GOPers arguing for that are fools.
Second, Obama has taken the right course. EU just cut off Iran (a huge purchaser of Iranian oil) and now Obama is getting Africa on board.

US Looks To Africa To Help Increase Pressure On Iran | Fox News
EU Formally Adopts Iran Oil Embargo As Iranian Lawmakers Ramp Up Hormuz Threats | Fox News

Say Iran is DUMB enough to try to close the Straits of Hormuz. That will provide America and Europe all the opportunity to bloody Iran's nose. Might even provide justification for us to take out their nuclear installations. We didn't move the fleet and aircraft carrier into the Gulf for nothing.

Iran's economy is already shit and it's built entirely off of oil exports. Couple that with an embarrassing kick in the teeth by failed attempt to close the Hormuz and more and more people will be disenfranchised. The protesters will start to turn out in the streets again and in greater numbers. It will turn into a revolution.

Obama will be able to utilize the same strategies in Iran that he used in Libya. Whether you agreed with the Libya operation or not, it was effective. The Obama Administration wanted to take away the Gaddiff's military advantage and allow the Libyan people to overthrow the government - Gaddiff was overthrown quickly and efficiently. It worked to achieve those goals. I might not like that Islamist took over, but in Iran's case Islamist are in charge. Anything is perferrable to them. Iran could be playing into our hands!
It will work like the war on drugs works! It will make big bucks for someonel
First we aren't gointg to invade Iran, so the GOPers arguing for that are fools.
Second, Obama has taken the right course. EU just cut off Iran (a huge purchaser of Iranian oil) and now Obama is getting Africa on board.

US Looks To Africa To Help Increase Pressure On Iran | Fox News
EU Formally Adopts Iran Oil Embargo As Iranian Lawmakers Ramp Up Hormuz Threats | Fox News

Say Iran is DUMB enough to try to close the Straits of Hormuz. That will provide America and Europe all the opportunity to bloody Iran's nose. Might even provide justification for us to take out their nuclear installations. We didn't move the fleet and aircraft carrier into the Gulf for nothing.

Iran's economy is already shit and it's built entirely off of oil exports. Couple that with an embarrassing kick in the teeth by failed attempt to close the Hormuz and more and more people will be disenfranchised. The protesters will start to turn out in the streets again and in greater numbers. It will turn into a revolution.

Obama will be able to utilize the same strategies in Iran that he used in Libya. Whether you agreed with the Libya operation or not, it was effective. The Obama Administration wanted to take away the Gaddiff's military advantage and allow the Libyan people to overthrow the government - Gaddiff was overthrown quickly and efficiently. It worked to achieve those goals. I might not like that Islamist took over, but in Iran's case Islamist are in charge. Anything is perferrable to them. Iran could be playing into our hands!

When Obama signed the bill that included the sanctions, he stipulated that he considered some parts of it unconstitutional because they infringed on his right to conduct foreign policy and didn't believe he had to abide by them. The administration has since stated that it intends to implement the sanctions slowly and selectively. Going into election season, it is likely that decisions on implementing the sanctions will be made more on the basis of what the polls shows voters Obama has a chance of winning want than on what is the best policy for the US, so it is unclear what effect the US sanctions that sound so good on paper will actually have.

At the insistence of Italy and Greece, both heavily dependent on Iranian oil imports, the EU sanctions don't become effective until July 1, and given the EU's economic difficulties it is unclear how vigorously the EU will be able to enforce these sanctions once they become effective.

But even assuming both the US and EU sanctions are rigorously implemented and enforced, remembering that North Korea built its nukes and long range missiles at a time when its people were literally starving to death, it is clear that wrecking the Iranian economy will not necessarily lead to the end of Iran's nuclear weapons or missile programs.
It will work like the war on drugs works! It will make big bucks for someonel

Yup! Someone is going to get very rich off of this Iran Embargo.

Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Walter Mondale & Warren Christopher screwed the entire Middle-East last time they tried this.
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Let's hope all parties involved comply with the embargo.
Why would they start now? The French and Russians violated the shit out of the Iraqi embargo for years.

That said, It will be interesting to see if any of this works, AND how high the prices of gas will spike in this nation. Price is determined by the global market after all and we're decreasing supply.

So for Obama this gets to be a potential win/win.

He shows strength towards Iran AND destroys more productivity and jobs due to increased energy costs here.
Russia's Foreign Ministry is criticizing the new European Union sanctions against Iran, saying they are a severe mistake likely to worsen tensions.
Russia's Foreign Ministry is criticizing the new European Union sanctions against Iran, saying they are a severe mistake likely to worsen tensions.

The purpose of the US and EU sanctions is to increase tensions for two reasons. First, it is hoped that increased tensions will persuade Iran to end its nuclear weapons and missile programs rather than risk economic ruin or war, and second, increased tensions prepare public opinion in the US and EU for military action against Iran should that become necessary.
US aircraft carriers to deliver 'direct message to Iran'
Kick me
In an apparent show of strength, Washington is deploying a second carrier strike group in the Gulf. US officials also confirmed their commitment to maintaining a global fleet of 11 aircraft carriers despite budget pressure to cut the fleet's size.
US aircraft carriers to deliver 'direct message to Iran' — RT
The USS Enterprise is due for decommissioning after this deployment.

How to dispose of all that Nuclear waste free of charge, and get their War on?
Who knew.

One can exert pressure without resorting to the military.

Go fig.

Presumably, the goal is to end Iran's nuclear weapons and missile programs, not just to exert pressure, and so far no progress seems to have been made to end those programs.

How much progress did that "axis of evil" stuff make?

The offer is simple..
You can have nukes or you can have people to buy your oil

Lets see how much Iran enjoys it's nuclear program
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By all means let's HOPE that sanctions work! We could all get together and have a big pray in, praying that the sanctions work! Libs wouldn't like it they prefer just sitting around with hope in one hand and a pile of shit in the other trying to decide which one is full.

What idiots we have.
Iran will make a fool out of Obama just like they did Carter. Every time we saber rattle with Ahmadinejad it just gives him more respect, power & legitimacy. Just like with Carter, there goes the election again.

The best way to deal with Iran is to produce a bunch of oil & drive the price through the floor. Then Iran will not be able to sell any regardless of embargos.
Iran will make a fool out of Obama just like they did Carter. Every time we saber rattle with Ahmadinejad it just gives him more respect, power & legitimacy. Just like with Carter, there goes the election again.

The best way to deal with Iran is to produce a bunch of oil & drive the price through the floor. Then Iran will not be able to sell any regardless of embargos.

To do that, obama would have to turn against his core constituency of wacko environmentists.
Who knew.

One can exert pressure without resorting to the military.

Go fig.

Presumably, the goal is to end Iran's nuclear weapons and missile programs, not just to exert pressure, and so far no progress seems to have been made to end those programs.

How much progress did that "axis of evil" stuff make?

The offer is simple..
You can have nukes or you can have people to buy your oil

Lets see how much Iran enjoys it's nuclear program

Given a similar choice the North Korean regime decided to build nukes and let its people starve.

You live in Delaware; how much would you enjoy having Iran's Shahab 7 missiles armed with nuclear warheads targeting the US east coast? I live in Philadelphia and I'm not looking forward to it. If military action is necessary to prevent this, I support it, and as tensions continue to grow, despite Obama's failure of leadership, so will most Americans.
Will Iran's missiles really be able to target the east coast from Venezuela? Once they move in mexico for sure, but is Venezuela that close?
Will Iran's missiles really be able to target the east coast from Venezuela? Once they move in mexico for sure, but is Venezuela that close?

Iran is currently developing a Shahab 7 missile. It will have a range of 7,457 miles with a payload of 1,054 lbs., more than sufficient to reach the US east coast and a few hundred miles inland with a nuclear warhead from Iran.

Missiles - North Korea Special Weapons

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