Obama's Failed Economy- Sales Crater by 11%- NRF Blames Shopping Fiasco On "Stronger Economy"

This is just more of the RWnut's everything-can-be-blamed-on-Obama dementia.
Agree.... it's just unbelievable people can be so dependent on ONE MAN to do everything for them, they must think he is the Messiah?

or the boogie man on all that does not go their way....

It's immature and irresponsible to always blame the gvt or blame obama.... just mind blowing ridiculous.... shakes head.

ASK NOT what your country can do for you, but ask, what CAN YOU DO for your country?

My internet business is running 40% ahead of last year....
Shoppers finally telling Thanksgiving sales and Black Friday to go fuck themselves

About time they stopped acting like sheep

I also presume that you equate 'living off the grid' with being homeless and living under an overpass........:coffee:.

I honestly have no idea what the connection is

To a liberalbot like you, if someone is broke and can't afford to shop for the holidays, they not acting like sheep.......if someone is homeless, they're living off the grid.
Unbelievable how you interpret being broke as 'sticking it to the man'............:udaman:.

Now, I know for sure you do not know what you are talking about

Who said anything about broke? Black Friday shoppers are far from broke
This is just more of the RWnut's everything-can-be-blamed-on-Obama dementia.
Agree.... it's just unbelievable people can be so dependent on ONE MAN to do everything for them, they must think he is the Messiah?

or the boogie man on all that does not go their way....

It's immature and irresponsible to always blame the gvt or blame obama.... just mind blowing ridiculous.... shakes head.

ASK NOT what your country can do for you, but ask, what CAN YOU DO for your country?

My internet business is running 40% ahead of last year....
Funny, I don't recall you ever saying that at any time between Jan 2001 and Jan 2009.....not once in fact.
This is just more of the RWnut's everything-can-be-blamed-on-Obama dementia.
And if sales were up the left wingnuts would be praising Obama.
But the truth is the middle class still believes the recession never ended. With good reason. Looking at their income and wealth they have been stagnant over the last 6 years.
It's immature and irresponsible to always blame the gvt or blame obama.... just mind blowing ridiculous.... shakes head.

ASK NOT what your country can do for you, but ask, what CAN YOU DO for your country?

My internet business is running 40% ahead of last year....
Businesses are still closing around here, MANY empty storefronts that still aren't occupied with high unemployment. It's great that you are doing better but it's atypical for the most part.

Government policies do effect business and business is where wealth is created. Government can print more money but that doesn't increase wealth, it just dilutes the value.

obamanomic trickle up economics hasn't worked and it can't work because it's not how economies are created.
This is just more of the RWnut's everything-can-be-blamed-on-Obama dementia.
Agree.... it's just unbelievable people can be so dependent on ONE MAN to do everything for them, they must think he is the Messiah?

or the boogie man on all that does not go their way....

It's immature and irresponsible to always blame the gvt or blame obama.... just mind blowing ridiculous.... shakes head.

ASK NOT what your country can do for you, but ask, what CAN YOU DO for your country?

My internet business is running 40% ahead of last year....
Funny, I don't recall you ever saying that at any time between Jan 2001 and Jan 2009.....not once in fact.

Answering only yes or no,

do you believe that one year of lower Christmas sales is proof that a presidency has been a disaster, as is the OP's claim?
Good grief. Obama is a complete disaster of a POTUS. Just how far has he set this nation back? Don't worry, she'll recover.... way after he's gone

LMFAO-- So to summarize: holiday sales plunged, and Americans refused to shop because the economy is "stronger than ever" and because Americans have the option of shopping whenever, which is why they didn't shop in the first place. That, and of course plunging gasoline prices leading to... plunging retail sales, just as all the economists "correctly" predicted.

Last year was bad. This year is an outright disaster.

As we reported earlier using ShopperTrak data, the first two days of the holiday shopping season were already showing a -0.5% decline across bricks-and-mortar stores, following a "cash for clunkers"-like jump in early promotions which pulled demand forward with little follow through in the remaining shopping days. However, not even we predicted the shocker just released from the National Retail Federation, the traditionally cheery industry organization, which just reported absolutely abysmal numbers: sales during the four-day Thanksgiving holiday period crashed by a whopping 11% from $57.4 billion to $50.9 billion, confirming what everyone but the Fed knows by now: the US middle class is being obliterated, and that key driver of 70% of US economic growth is in the worst shape it has been since the Lehman collapse, courtesy of 6 years of Fed's ruinous central planning.

Demonstrating the sad state of America's "economic dynamo", shoppers spent an average only $380.95, down 6.4% from $407.02 a year earlier. In fact, as the NRF charts below demonstrate, there was a decline across virtually every tracked spending category (source):

Retail Disaster Holiday Sales Crater by 11 Online Spend Declines NRF Blames Shopping Fiasco On Stronger Economy Zero Hedge

I blame the 1%

They control 39% of the wealth, we count on them doing Black Friday shopping to help the economy

They are no shows
This is just more of the RWnut's everything-can-be-blamed-on-Obama dementia.
Agree.... it's just unbelievable people can be so dependent on ONE MAN to do everything for them, they must think he is the Messiah?

or the boogie man on all that does not go their way....

It's immature and irresponsible to always blame the gvt or blame obama.... just mind blowing ridiculous.... shakes head.

ASK NOT what your country can do for you, but ask, what CAN YOU DO for your country?

My internet business is running 40% ahead of last year....
Funny, I don't recall you ever saying that at any time between Jan 2001 and Jan 2009.....not once in fact.

Answering only yes or no,

do you believe that one year of lower Christmas sales is proof that a presidency has been a disaster, as is the OP's claim?
I don't do yes or no answers. A full blown essay would be twisted by the left to mean something other than what is said. I cannot imagine what a yes/no response would be twisted into.

I do NOT believe that a single year of poor sales during the holidays is indicative of the economic policies of a President. However, we are not talking about just ONE season, nor are we taking the economy as a whole and distilling it down into a failed/passed grade.

The economy is getting better, but at a rate that indicates existing policy is more hindrance than help. Job types have shifted from full-time to part-time, which has a much larger bearing on the Christmas shopping season 2014 than just about any other factor. We can toss into the mix the fact that discounts this year are no better than last year, and many of them are discounts on the exact same product. This means that the last season inventories are still on hand and the retailer is still trying to unload their poor projections of 2013 sales.

We will likely see the same thing next year.

As for the Internet.

Yes, online sales have increased a great deal, and the analysis I have done on this projects that it will accelerate and surpass brick-n-mortar sales by 2018. I think that a lot of people have also reached this conclusion.

Why do you think the government wants to get their greedy and corrupt hands on e-business?
I thought all Walmart employees were boycotting Black Friday? As well as boycotting Black Friday in general in order to protest....what was it again the bedwetters were mad about?

Maybe the denizens got what they wanted?

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