- Banned
- #1
The recent move by Libnuts, as a counter to the Teabaggers, is that the honcho obamatons of the Obama Adm call them TERRORISTS, etc., While at the same time outlawing the use of that same term as applied to the ACTUAL ISLAMOFASCIST TERRORISTS by not only that Home Security Twit Napolitano, but the White House counterpart John Brennan, National Security Advisor as well. Thus, the political Libnut geniuses are underlining the fact that the Obama Adm is truly committed to that "PATRIOTIC" CONCEPT about our nation's ills.
Well, apparently labeling JUST the Teabaggers voicing their spontaneous outbursts against OBAMANATION was simply not enough. As a result of the Town Hall meetings and the DISASTROUS implications against the MARXIST/COMMIE, Black Racist Political Charlatan Obama's TRANSPARENT AGENDA, the Liberal pukes decided to condemn the American Public.
These Liberal pukes, under the direction of that MARXIST/COMMIE Obami-Salami obviously feel that it is UNPATRIOTIC for the American Public to consider Obama's attempts to turn the BEST MEDICAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD (albeit with some recommendable wise NON GOVERNMENTAL CONTROLLING IMPROVEMENTS ) into the FAILING and FAILED Canadian, European Socialized Medicine, the precursors of which were the CATASTROPHIC systems of COMMUNIST RUSSIA and CHINA !!!
The PROOF that we have the BEST HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD is the FACT that EVERYONE in the World that have the means FLOCK in a never-ending stream to America for their medical needs.
So, what are the Obamatons, and their NEWLY EXPOSED " fuehrer" MARXIST/COMMIE, Black Racist Political Charlatan Obama up to now ????
I say "fuehrer" because the new tactics of OBAMANATION, a la Nazi Gestapo, is their directive to have Americans rat out their fellow Americans re their negativity concerning Health Care issues....even if that is overheard in PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS ... to, no less... the White House.
I know that the Lib Controlled National Media has very effectively, and successfully, demonized Ann Coulter's views on the topic of OBAMANATION's tactics and strategies. It is with great dismay that I witness the negative reaction of quite a few of the Independents and the Middle-Of-The-Roaders (both parties) whenever Ann Coulter's penetrating analyses are presented.
But, consider Ann Coulter's views IN THE LIGHT OF THE NEW REVELATIONS about this MARXIST/COMMIE, Black racist Political Charlatan, Obami-Salami's TRANSPARENT AGENDA !!!!
In her latest article, "Kathleen Parker: The Barry Lynn of the South", Ann Coulter, effectively underlines and predicts the Libnut tactics and strategies used by the Liberals in the past and present.
Note that the Obamatons accusing the Anti-Liberals of "stacking" the Town Hall meetings with rabid crazies......have recently, disingenuously, got a little girl, the daughter of a Massachusets politico to pose a no-brainer to the Poltical Charlatan Obami-Salami in a "friendly" Town Hall Meeting. And, using the "rat on your neighbor" records of the White House are sending sub rosa "INVITATIONS" to those who responded to the "rat out your neighbor" obamatons to attend Town Hall Meetings, etc.
Ann Coulter is manifestly accurate in her statement that "just as the left pioneered "AstroTurf" protesters -- homeless people lured to demonstrations with the offer of a free T-shirt and a box lunch -- liberals have also specialized in producing fake "insiders" denouncing their alleged group.
There were the "winter soldiers" -- fake Vietnam veterans claiming to have personally disemboweled babies in Vietnam. It took 30 years and the publication of the book "Stolen Valor" to establish that the bulk of them were utter frauds who had never seen combat -- some had never seen Vietnam. (Shockingly, to this day, the Wikipedia entry on the winter soldiers treats their phony war records as legitimate.)
Then there's Barry Lynn, alleged "Christian minister," whose stock in trade is to denounce any mention of religion anyplace, anytime. Look, I'm a Christian minister, but even I have to admit that the sight of a kindergartner praying is terrifying to most folks.
The latest fake insider/whistleblower is Kathleen Parker, the Barry Lynn of the South. Fresh off her mainstream media tour as a Sarah Palin-hating "conservative," Parker is now a self-proclaimed Southerner blaming opposition to Obama's policies on the region's reputed racism.
Sound familiar ????
These obamatons are getting so desperate that they resort to the most bizarre forms of illogical behaviour. They will work in any insult on the basis of the most tenuous connection: it's as though in a discussion about "apples" they feel justified to rant against "chairs" just because the two words have the letter "a" in common ?!?!?
Examples ????
The actions of the OBAMANATION is just a slew of one example of that bizarre behaviour after another: Teabaggers are somehow condemned as TERRORISTS......what kind of wierd logic accounts for that LEAP in judgment ?
Do you not see the various posts by the Libnuts ON THIS FORUM, and their Libnut politicos in public, denouncing the TOWN HALLERS by calling them RACISTS.....and doing so INCONGRUOUSLY simply becuase they challenge Obama on the issue of HEALTH CARE ?!?!?
The recent move by Libnuts, as a counter to the Teabaggers, is that the honcho obamatons of the Obama Adm call them TERRORISTS, etc., While at the same time outlawing the use of that same term as applied to the ACTUAL ISLAMOFASCIST TERRORISTS by not only that Home Security Twit Napolitano, but the White House counterpart John Brennan, National Security Advisor as well. Thus, the political Libnut geniuses are underlining the fact that the Obama Adm is truly committed to that "PATRIOTIC" CONCEPT about our nation's ills.
Well, apparently labeling JUST the Teabaggers voicing their spontaneous outbursts against OBAMANATION was simply not enough. As a result of the Town Hall meetings and the DISASTROUS implications against the MARXIST/COMMIE, Black Racist Political Charlatan Obama's TRANSPARENT AGENDA, the Liberal pukes decided to condemn the American Public.
These Liberal pukes, under the direction of that MARXIST/COMMIE Obami-Salami obviously feel that it is UNPATRIOTIC for the American Public to consider Obama's attempts to turn the BEST MEDICAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD (albeit with some recommendable wise NON GOVERNMENTAL CONTROLLING IMPROVEMENTS ) into the FAILING and FAILED Canadian, European Socialized Medicine, the precursors of which were the CATASTROPHIC systems of COMMUNIST RUSSIA and CHINA !!!
The PROOF that we have the BEST HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD is the FACT that EVERYONE in the World that have the means FLOCK in a never-ending stream to America for their medical needs.
So, what are the Obamatons, and their NEWLY EXPOSED " fuehrer" MARXIST/COMMIE, Black Racist Political Charlatan Obama up to now ????
I say "fuehrer" because the new tactics of OBAMANATION, a la Nazi Gestapo, is their directive to have Americans rat out their fellow Americans re their negativity concerning Health Care issues....even if that is overheard in PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS ... to, no less... the White House.
I know that the Lib Controlled National Media has very effectively, and successfully, demonized Ann Coulter's views on the topic of OBAMANATION's tactics and strategies. It is with great dismay that I witness the negative reaction of quite a few of the Independents and the Middle-Of-The-Roaders (both parties) whenever Ann Coulter's penetrating analyses are presented.
But, consider Ann Coulter's views IN THE LIGHT OF THE NEW REVELATIONS about this MARXIST/COMMIE, Black racist Political Charlatan, Obami-Salami's TRANSPARENT AGENDA !!!!
In her latest article, "Kathleen Parker: The Barry Lynn of the South", Ann Coulter, effectively underlines and predicts the Libnut tactics and strategies used by the Liberals in the past and present.
Note that the Obamatons accusing the Anti-Liberals of "stacking" the Town Hall meetings with rabid crazies......have recently, disingenuously, got a little girl, the daughter of a Massachusets politico to pose a no-brainer to the Poltical Charlatan Obami-Salami in a "friendly" Town Hall Meeting. And, using the "rat on your neighbor" records of the White House are sending sub rosa "INVITATIONS" to those who responded to the "rat out your neighbor" obamatons to attend Town Hall Meetings, etc.
Ann Coulter is manifestly accurate in her statement that "just as the left pioneered "AstroTurf" protesters -- homeless people lured to demonstrations with the offer of a free T-shirt and a box lunch -- liberals have also specialized in producing fake "insiders" denouncing their alleged group.
There were the "winter soldiers" -- fake Vietnam veterans claiming to have personally disemboweled babies in Vietnam. It took 30 years and the publication of the book "Stolen Valor" to establish that the bulk of them were utter frauds who had never seen combat -- some had never seen Vietnam. (Shockingly, to this day, the Wikipedia entry on the winter soldiers treats their phony war records as legitimate.)
Then there's Barry Lynn, alleged "Christian minister," whose stock in trade is to denounce any mention of religion anyplace, anytime. Look, I'm a Christian minister, but even I have to admit that the sight of a kindergartner praying is terrifying to most folks.
The latest fake insider/whistleblower is Kathleen Parker, the Barry Lynn of the South. Fresh off her mainstream media tour as a Sarah Palin-hating "conservative," Parker is now a self-proclaimed Southerner blaming opposition to Obama's policies on the region's reputed racism.
Sound familiar ????
These obamatons are getting so desperate that they resort to the most bizarre forms of illogical behaviour. They will work in any insult on the basis of the most tenuous connection: it's as though in a discussion about "apples" they feel justified to rant against "chairs" just because the two words have the letter "a" in common ?!?!?
Examples ????
The actions of the OBAMANATION is just a slew of one example of that bizarre behaviour after another: Teabaggers are somehow condemned as TERRORISTS......what kind of wierd logic accounts for that LEAP in judgment ?
Do you not see the various posts by the Libnuts ON THIS FORUM, and their Libnut politicos in public, denouncing the TOWN HALLERS by calling them RACISTS.....and doing so INCONGRUOUSLY simply becuase they challenge Obama on the issue of HEALTH CARE ?!?!?