Obamacare Declared Unconstitutional by Federal Judge

The majority of people who benefited from Obama care were Trump voters.

I’m sure they’re thrilled.

And if someone in their family get sick or they get sick there’s always trump care. At least with Trump care you don’t stay sick long.

Actually, President Trump's idea of Tremendous Health Care at a lower cost was defeated in the Senate by John McCain's vote.

So right now, we have nothing, and its up to Nancy Pelosi to get a plan together
See that’s the thing, we are beyond the point of doing nothing. That’s just no longer an option. It’s become too large an issue now. Decoupling insurance from employment is the first step. I realize it was used as an employment incentive, but that model doesn’t work. So I’m good with incentivizing individuals with tax credits. And I’ll accept it for employers as long as the association plans are green lighted. Health insurance should be no different than car insurance when you think about it.
Doing nothing should be the go-to option.....All the "fixes" have been towering failures.
Hey, I heard this morning that a federal judge has struck down Obamacare. Is that true?

The end? Not yet, it will work it's way all the way back to SCOTUS.

This is from the Marketplace this morning:

The district court decision in Texas v. Azar is still moving through the courts. The Marketplaces are still open for business, and we will continue with open enrollment. There will be no impact to enrollee’s current coverage or their coverage in a 2019 plan.
"Marketplaces"....Gag me....These central planner schmucks are far to kind to themselves.
Dumping every high risk person in the same pool cant survive. The key is that everyone is entitled to health insurance at the same rate as everyone else.
Want to insure the healthy people, you have to insure the sick

The idea of health "insurance" for people who are already ill is absurd. The idea of "insurance" for events that have already taken place is actually pretty stupid. Warren Buffett won't sell you GEICO insurance if you have already wrecked your ride.

As far as Indigent individuals with high medical bills, I have no problem with providing private or even public charities to provide care to these misfortunates suffering in destitution. Addressing help that can be given to these folks stuck between a rock as well as a hard place is a worthy topic of public importance.

But it has nothing to do with "insurance" and shouldn't affect the relationship that I have with my own insurance family or personal physicians in the least.
they had insurance when healthy and paid for it for decades, then when they got sick, insurance companies dropped them

I don't think that is most people. But for someone like that, people should be able to buy insurance that will guarantee their future insurability. "uncancellable" policies that won't be discontinued except for nonpayment of premiums.
They just raise the price to ten times more than you were paying, making it unaffordable.... this is what they were doing before Obama care.

And yes, it is most people.... not the few born with a disability.

Once they get cancer, have a heart attack, get diabetes, develops asthma, they now have a preexisting condition....And this usually happens after years and years of paying for insurance.

They couldn't just "cancel" anyone because they got sick, just stop with the propaganda.
ALL premium increases HAD to be approved by the State, no company could just raise them to whatever they wanted.
Based on the American system, I always thought it was an extreme over reach. Much like DACA.

So was Marbury v. Madison if one has their head up their ass.
Instructive that you believe the father of the Constitution to have his head up his ass, Francis. :auiqs.jpg:

There was no father of The Constitution, per se; all of those who spent that hot summer in Philadelphia produced The Constitution.

Did you complete the 9th grade? It sure seems as if you haven't.
Based on the American system, I always thought it was an extreme over reach. Much like DACA.

So was Marbury v. Madison if one has their head up their ass.
Instructive that you believe the father of the Constitution to have his head up his ass, Francis. :auiqs.jpg:

There was no father of The Constitution, per se; all of those who spent that hot summer in Philadelphia produced The Constitution.

Did you complete the 9th grade? It sure seems as if you haven't.
James Madison is recognized by historians as the primary architect...Anyone who progressed past the 7th grade knew this when I wen to school, Francis....Did you quit after 6th grade, like Jethro Bodine?
Based on the American system, I always thought it was an extreme over reach. Much like DACA.

So was Marbury v. Madison if one has their head up their ass.
Instructive that you believe the father of the Constitution to have his head up his ass, Francis. :auiqs.jpg:

There was no father of The Constitution, per se; all of those who spent that hot summer in Philadelphia produced The Constitution.

Did you complete the 9th grade? It sure seems as if you haven't.
James Madison is recognized by historians as the primary architect...Anyone who progresses past the 7th grade knew this when I wen to school, Francis....Did you quit after 6th grade, like Jethro Bodine?

He likes to pretend that he is the "smartest" little boy in the sandbox.
Yet the Supreme's supported it...

and they will probably get another shot at it. Roberts was wrong the first time, he may get it right this time and with Kavanaugh and Gorsuch it may not matter how Roberts votes------------and if Ginsburg croaks or is institutionalized by then-----------------------------------
Roberts realized what a shit sandwich repealing Obamacare is

Republicans will be required to fix their own mess
The majority of people who benefited from Obama care were Trump voters.

I’m sure they’re thrilled.

And if someone in their family get sick or they get sick there’s always trump care. At least with Trump care you don’t stay sick long.
Blue States have pretty decent healthcare
They just raise the price to ten times more than you were paying, making it unaffordable.... this is what they were doing before Obama care.

And yes, it is most people.... not the few born with a disability.

Once they get cancer, have a heart attack, get diabetes, develops asthma, they now have a preexisting condition....And this usually happens after years and years of paying for insurance.
And you can't just get dropped when you get sick....Another lolberal lie that persists.
Four to ten folding the price IS DROPPING YOU....

Please don't pretend it isn't.
Yet the Supreme's supported it...

and they will probably get another shot at it. Roberts was wrong the first time, he may get it right this time and with Kavanaugh and Gorsuch it may not matter how Roberts votes------------and if Ginsburg croaks or is institutionalized by then-----------------------------------
Roberts realized what a shit sandwich repealing Obamacare is

Republicans will be required to fix their own mess

Actually it was the Democrats in Congress that made this mess, not the gop. Not a single Republican vote for this Unconstitutional Atrocity.

Its really Chuck and Nancy's baby, especially since they have the House of Representatives in their control.
Here we go again, sports fans...The Boiking's "signature" chunk of incomprehensibility, costliness, and general disdain declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL -lock, stock, and barrel- by a federal judge in Texas.

:banana::spinner: :rock:

Certain to make it back to USSC, where Murica may well FINALLY be done with this crony giveaway to Big Insurance, and general bureaucratic pain in the ass.

Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare
Compensation for Capitalism's natural rate of unemployment is more rational. Anyone should be able to afford some kind of insurance.

We have a federal doctrine and State laws to faithfully execute.
Agree it’s not a cure-all but it’s a step in the right direction. The shall issue mandates are an obstacle but not an insurmountable one either. The states have an interest in their citizens well being but this issue is too big for any one state. There could be a compromise whereby states are free to offer plans with the mandates but can’t refuse another state’s or national plan. Think of it as supplemental. You buy a baseline plan from Geico in Rhode Island but want to purchase additional coverage where you live in Ohio since that supplemental offers a coverage the RI plan doesn’t. But the Ohio plan only takes effect if that particular mandate is affected. Otherwise the Geico plan is the primary payer.

It's too big for any one government. Centralizing power in this way creates worse problems than those it is presumed to solve.

I’m not advocating for centralizing anything. I support Rand Paul’s ideas.

If you say so. I don't want the federal government involved at all. And I'd prefer that the state I live in steer clear as well. Re: Rand Paul - As much as I admired his father, I simply can't trust Rand. He's turned into the "Little Finger" of DC.

That said, his plan is miles better than anything else I've seen, short of doing nothing (always my go to). He's a least trying to break the employer provide health care shackles - but he goes in the wrong direction. The solution isn't more tax incentives. They're what created the problem in the first place. The solution is to end the tax breaks for employer provided healthcare, not extend them to cover private insurance buyers as well.

Isn't it curious how every health care reform Congress proposes up ends up funneling more money to the insurance industry?

See that’s the thing, we are beyond the point of doing nothing. That’s just no longer an option. It’s become too large an issue now. Decoupling insurance from employment is the first step. I realize it was used as an employment incentive, but that model doesn’t work. So I’m good with incentivizing individuals with tax credits. And I’ll accept it for employers as long as the association plans are green lighted. Health insurance should be no different than car insurance when you think about it.
The problem with employer provided health plans is they are not transferable. Lose your job or decide to go into business for yourself you are on your own.
Employees are literally chained to a job if they or their family have a serious illness

Agreed. Not a way to do business.
OK Republicans
You Broke it....you bought it

You have two years to provide coverage to 145 million people with pre-existing conditions

Voters will want to know
How it it The State's responsibility?

It’s not the State’s responsibility but it’s in the State’s interest. Rand Paul has a solid plan to address it.
"State's interest" is subjective and irrelevant.

Not in this case. The Constitution does state “promote the general welfare”. Healthcare out of anything falls under that. I’m not advocating single payer but the federal gvt can use its power to allow interstate health insurance commerce. There’s a market here to be had which will provide cheaper solutions & better quality. Read Rand Paul’s plan, he nails it. Obamacare Replacement Act - Rand Paul - Rand Paul Kentucky US Senator

I like the idea of association plans.

Look hard because you're allowed to purchase association plans NOW.

Good! This should be how it’s done. We need to expand this
See that’s the thing, we are beyond the point of doing nothing. That’s just no longer an option. It’s become too large an issue now. Decoupling insurance from employment is the first step. I realize it was used as an employment incentive, but that model doesn’t work. So I’m good with incentivizing individuals with tax credits. And I’ll accept it for employers as long as the association plans are green lighted. Health insurance should be no different than car insurance when you think about it.

Government shouldn't be using the tax code to "incentivize" anything. That's the source of the problem. Tweaking how the incentives are enforced only creates different problems. We need to eliminate the tax breaks and remove this power from Congress.

We incentivize things with the tax code all the time. It’s no different than a tax cut. I’d rather make my own health care choices than some bureacrat
See that’s the thing, we are beyond the point of doing nothing. That’s just no longer an option. It’s become too large an issue now. Decoupling insurance from employment is the first step. I realize it was used as an employment incentive, but that model doesn’t work. So I’m good with incentivizing individuals with tax credits. And I’ll accept it for employers as long as the association plans are green lighted. Health insurance should be no different than car insurance when you think about it.
Doing nothing should be the go-to option.....All the "fixes" have been towering failures.

No longer an option. We have to change the dynamic on how health care is done. I concur the “fixes” have been failures. We need to move away from the employer-provided model & treat health care like car insurance. And no single payer
No longer an option. We have to change the dynamic on how health care is done. I concur the “fixes” have been failures. We need to move away from the employer-provided model & treat health care like car insurance. And no single payer
Polishing turds isn't an option...The meddlers and fiddlers have been doing this for decades, and it's why were where we are now....."No longer an option" is just another capitulation by career losers.

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