Obama Trying To Bankrupt America?


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Its no secret that Obama is a member of the far left. And he has staffed his administration with fellow ideologues. Leftists, like former Green Czar Van Jones, who states he is an "advocate for a socialist utopia." Who believes that capitalism is "oppression and exploitation."

People like Ron Blume, who was appointed to reinvigorate the manufacturing base, who states, "We know the free market is nonsense."

Any economist can tell you that raising taxes, increasing debt, printing money and unbridled spending is not the way to handle a recession. So either Obama is ignorant of this, or he willfully chooses to ignore the lessons of history. Or he is adopting a strategy outlined by Cloward-Pivens: Overwhelm the system until it fails, and then replace it.
Its no secret that Obama is a member of the far left. And he has staffed his administration with fellow ideologues. Leftists, like former Green Czar Van Jones, who states he is an "advocate for a socialist utopia." Who believes that capitalism is "oppression and exploitation."

People like Ron Blume, who was appointed to reinvigorate the manufacturing base, who states, "We know the free market is nonsense."

Any economist can tell you that raising taxes, increasing debt, printing money and unbridled spending is not the way to handle a recession. So either Obama is ignorant of this, or he willfully chooses to ignore the lessons of history. Or he is adopting a strategy outlined by Cloward-Pivens: Overwhelm the system until it fails, and then replace it.

Yes, to the last question, I bolded.
Its no secret that Obama is a member of the far left. And he has staffed his administration with fellow ideologues. Leftists, like former Green Czar Van Jones, who states he is an "advocate for a socialist utopia." Who believes that capitalism is "oppression and exploitation."

People like Ron Blume, who was appointed to reinvigorate the manufacturing base, who states, "We know the free market is nonsense."

Any economist can tell you that raising taxes, increasing debt, printing money and unbridled spending is not the way to handle a recession. So either Obama is ignorant of this, or he willfully chooses to ignore the lessons of history. Or he is adopting a strategy outlined by Cloward-Pivens: Overwhelm the system until it fails, and then replace it.

Yes, to the last question, I bolded.

Its no secret that Obama is a member of the far left. And he has staffed his administration with fellow ideologues. Leftists, like former Green Czar Van Jones, who states he is an "advocate for a socialist utopia." Who believes that capitalism is "oppression and exploitation."

People like Ron Blume, who was appointed to reinvigorate the manufacturing base, who states, "We know the free market is nonsense."

Any economist can tell you that raising taxes, increasing debt, printing money and unbridled spending is not the way to handle a recession. So either Obama is ignorant of this, or he willfully chooses to ignore the lessons of history. Or he is adopting a strategy outlined by Cloward-Pivens: Overwhelm the system until it fails, and then replace it.
You got it!

Obama is a stealth Marxist, bent of destroying capitalism and the only remaining superpower fighting on the side of individual freedoms and choice.
Destroy capitalism, so you can convince people that it doesn't work. Sound reasoning from a Socialist's standpoint.
Its no secret that Obama is a member of the far left. And he has staffed his administration with fellow ideologues. Leftists, like former Green Czar Van Jones, who states he is an "advocate for a socialist utopia." Who believes that capitalism is "oppression and exploitation."

People like Ron Blume, who was appointed to reinvigorate the manufacturing base, who states, "We know the free market is nonsense."

Any economist can tell you that raising taxes, increasing debt, printing money and unbridled spending is not the way to handle a recession. So either Obama is ignorant of this, or he willfully chooses to ignore the lessons of history. Or he is adopting a strategy outlined by Cloward-Pivens: Overwhelm the system until it fails, and then replace it.

Lets keep in mind that those brilliant economic professors that Obama hired to help the economy were run out of town as laughing stocks.........
The Obama budget deficits originated during the Bush presidency.....

1. Tax cuts 2001-2002 (4 trillion over 10 years)
2. Prescription drug benefits (1 trillion over 10 years)
3. Economic meltdown of 2008 ( 3 trillion and rising)
4. Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (2 trillion and winding down)
America has added 4.4 million private sector jobs since the stimulus.

Here’s what Bush left us with.....

Aug 2008 - 334,000 net JOBS LOST
Sep 2008 - 458,000 net JOBS LOST
Oct 2008 - 554,000 net JOBS LOST
Nov 2008 - 728,000 net JOBS LOST
Dec 2008 - 673,000 net JOBS LOST
Jan 2009 - 779,000 net JOBS LOST
80% of our National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes. Reagan tripled the National Debt, GWBush gave away the Clinton surplus, gave a huge tax cut to the rich, passed a trillion dollar unfunded prescription drug bill for seniors, borrowed trillions to fight two wars, and created the largest government buildup since WWII.

And the current GOP blocks any fair taxes to pay down the deficit....
80% of our National Debt was created by Reagan and the two Bushes. Reagan tripled the National Debt, GWBush gave away the Clinton surplus, gave a huge tax cut to the rich, passed a trillion dollar unfunded prescription drug bill for seniors, borrowed trillions to fight two wars, and created the largest government buildup since WWII.

Three years and $825 billion later, the results are clear. Instead of producing an economic recovery, the stimulus produced only broken promises and massive debt. The stimulus failed—and by the president's own standards at that.

In early 2009, the incoming administration offered detailed predictions of exactly what the stimulus would accomplish. Those predictions, especially the five boldest, have proven to be terribly wrong. So on this anniversary, in lieu of gifts, let us offer the president a little accountability.

First, Obama's economic advisers promised the stimulus would keep the unemployment rate below 8 percent. In 2012, the unemployment rate was supposed to fall below 6 percent. The prediction was not meant to be taken lightly. In a January 2009 radio address, Obama announced he was releasing a report based on "rigorous analysis" that charted unemployment through 2013 so "the American people can see exactly what this plan will mean for their families."

Today, 12.8 million Americans are unemployed, 8.2 million cannot find enough work, and 1.1 million have given up looking for work altogether. Unemployment still remains above 8 percent, the supposed maximum rate, and certainly above 6 percent. For 36 straight months, unemployment has been higher than what the president promised. That's more than a rounding error; that is a failure of leadership.

Second, Obama promised the stimulus would not only have a large impact but also an immediate impact. Said the president-elect, "I'm confident ... our 21st century investments will create jobs immediately," adding, "We've got shovel-ready projects all across the country."

Those jobs never materialized, and it was not for lack of workers—or shovels. As President Obama remarked in June 2011, "Shovel-ready was not as shovel-ready as we expected." He chuckled through the mea culpa, but it's no laughing matter. Obama failed to deliver—and at great cost to taxpayer

Third, President Obama said in February 2009 that the stimulus would lift "2 million Americans from poverty." But since Obama took office, 6.3 million Americans have fallen into poverty.2010 U.S. Census data, the most recent available, showed that 46.2 million Americans were living in poverty. Worse still, child poverty has increased, rising to 21.6 percent. Many middle class Americans, unable to find work or decent wages, have fallen below the poverty line in recent years. It's the most tragic cost of this prolonged economic nightmare.

Fourth, the "green economy," Obama vowed, would create millions of jobs. The Energy Department has handed out $35.2 billion in stimulus money to jumpstart the clean energy industry, but it's created more red ink than green jobs. Nationally, green technology accounts for just 2 percent of employment nationwide and there has been no marked boom in the industry

I'm going to present private sector employment, because republicans hate government employee's

Romney said of Obama, “he wants another stimulus, he wants to hire more government
workers. He says we need more fireman, more policeman, more teachers. Did he not
get the message of Wisconsin? The American people did. It’s time for us to cut back
on government and help the American people.”

private sector jobs

Eight years of supply side vulture capitalism.
Jan 2001 --111,631
Jan 2009 --110,985
---------------646 thousand jobs lost.

11 years,8 months of supply side vulture capitalism.
Jan 2001 --111,631
Jul 2012 --111,317
---------------314 thousand jobs lost.

Three trillion dollars in tax cuts in 11 and 1/2 years, and we wind up with
314 thousand jobs lost.

How can Obama do worse than the Bush supply side?

For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.



---- bluecoller -- the grumpy old kraut-------:mad:

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