Obama touts his jobs plan today at an Ohio bridge that won't qualify


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004

You know all those rusting bridges that President Obama wants to spend billions more dollars repairing to allegedly stimulate the economy?

He's headed out to one today which he's described as a "bridge that needs repair between Ohio and Kentucky that's on one of the busiest trucking routes in North America." It is on a busy trucking route, spanning the Ohio River between Covington, Ky., and Cincinnati.

It's the Brent Spence Bridge. It doesn't really need repairs. It's got decades of good life left in its steel spans. It's just overloaded. The bridge was built to handle 85,000 cars and trucks a day, which seemed like a lot back during construction in the Nixon era.

Today, the bridge sort of handles more than 150,000 vehicles a day with frequent jam-ups.
So, plans are not to repair or replace the Brent Spence Bridge. But to build another bridge nearby to ease the loads.

But here's the problem, as John Merline graphically notes here, that could screw up all those envisioned photo op shots of the Democrat and the traffic:

The president's jobs bill is designed for "immediate" highway spending.

And the new $2.3 billion Cincy bridge is not scheduled to even start construction for probably four years, long after Republicans have scheduled the Obama presidency for completion.

And without delays, it wouldn't be finished until 2022, when no one will be counting Obama's rounds of golf.

Oops, Obama touts his jobs plan today at an Ohio bridge that won't qualify - latimes.com
C'mon, now. You're being too harsh! This is a step forward, remember.

The last time he proposed a Stimulus, the Obama administration pushed ahead green jobs funding that wasn't ready.


This time, Obama is making a photo op out of a project he won't waste taxpayer money on.

A whole freaking Country with bridges to nowhere and shovel ready jobs that ain't. How many times do people have to get burned with a fast track half a billion stimulous loan to democrat party doners invested in a dying company? The guy is a joke. If Barry wasn't propped up by the slobbering left wing media he woud nave been laughed out of town a long time ago.
Just more of the same spin and lies from this administration. Obama can't run on his record because he'd get buried by it, so he has make stuff up.

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