obama took 500,000 fugitives names out of gun background check database, democrats love criminals.

Cruz was never on the list in the first place, so how could he be purged from it, LIAR?

I didn't say the shooter was purged from the list.....read the first post again...I stated the Promise Program kept his name off the list...
The Promise Program is a BROWARD COUNTY program, NOT a FEDERAL program.

The achievement gap "becomes intensified in the school-to-prison pipeline, where black males are disproportionately represented,” he said at the time. “We’re not going to continue to arrest our kids,” he added. “Once you have an arrest record, it becomes difficult to get scholarships, get a job, or go into the military."
That hogwash has been thoroughly discredited. Cruz was WHITE.
With a name like Cruz he's got to be white, troll. lol. Mexican name and troll says he's white! Anytime you regressive scum say discredited, you may as well just admit it's based on a lying media scumbag.
He is a WHITE kid ADOPTED by a family named CRUZ. no Latino blood in him at all.
Yes...more blood on the hands of obama....in Florida, his Promise Program kept the shooter from being arrested when he brought knives and bullets to the highschool and started fights with students and staff.....since he wasn't arrested because of obama's program, he didn't show up as a prohibited person on the federal background check......and he went on to murder 17 people....

Now we learn that obama had the Justice Department take the names of 500,000 fugitives out of the gun background check data base....

Obama DOJ Forced FBI To Delete 500,000 Fugitives From Background Check Database

The Justice Department under Barack Obama directed the FBI to drop more than 500,000 names of fugitives with outstanding arrest warrants from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, acting FBI deputy director David Bowdich testified Wednesday.

Fugitives from justice are barred from buying a firearm under federal law. But what is a fugitive from justice? That definition has been under debate by the FBI and the ATF.

According to The Washington Post, the FBI considered any person with an outstanding arrest warrant to be a fugitive. On the other hand, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives defined a fugitive as someone who has an outstanding arrest warrant and has crossed state lines.

That disagreement was settled at the end of Obama’s second term, when the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel sided with the ATF’s interpretation. Under President Donald Trump, the DOJ defined a fugitive as a person who went to another state to dodge criminal prosecution or evade giving testimony in criminal court, and implemented the Office of Legal Counsel’s decision. The decision meant that around half a million fugitives were removed from the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Well exactly. And every time a city like San Francisco over here where I live, keeps ICE from taking out an arrested illegal alien because they are a sanctuary city, They assuring there will be another gun on the street, and owned by someone with no regard for safety or laws or in many cases they are straight up gang members. They are responsible for an untold number of injuries and deaths and robberies, yet they let it go on. They leave a real wake of destruction in their path then have the nerve to point at law abiding citizens as the problem if they have a 15 round clip

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