Obama Thinks He is Still President

Obama, grew up going to elite private schools and then Ivy League schools. He said his grandmother was a typical white woman.

So, of course he looks down on me because I come from a blue color family and I’m married to a Mexican.
I look down on you because you present yourself poorly.
I smell jealousy.
Smell whatever you want. His mother was white, his grandmother was “typically white”. His family traded slaves.

My sons are brown and we are proud of what we’ve worked for and that none of our wealth has ever been built on the backs of Black slaves like Obama’s family.
Obama, grew up going to elite private schools and then Ivy League schools. He said his grandmother was a typical white woman.

So, of course he looks down on me because I come from a blue color family and I’m married to a Mexican.
Now go send ten dollars to the billionaire with the golden toilet.

Right wingers are just so embarrassing these days.
Smell whatever you want. His mother was white, his grandmother was “typically white”. His family traded slaves.

My sons are brown and we are proud of what we’ve worked for and that none of our wealth has ever been built on the backs of Black slaves like Obama’s family.
Such embarrassing behavior. You think you are tossing zingers, but you are making yourself look like a very stupid douche.
Well I have links to reliable sources for most of my observations of life in the Obama era. I also ran a business when Obama was President, a business that looked at the bottom lines of many other businesses, and I saw first hand what Obama economics was doing to people. Was doing to my husband and myself.

All you have is calling people liars because you don't like what they say.

Have a lovely evening.
Yeah that Bush Recession was a mutha and you are an idiot
Good question. It's just one of those gut feeling things based on things Obama says and doesn't say, on the fact there is nobody else with his political influence or popularity that can be identified as the logical manipulator of the the marionette strings, and the fact that anybody with a brain knows that Biden is not running this country or calling any shots at this point. Somebody is directing it from the so-called 'deep state.'

Considering the iron fist with which the Democrat Party rules the White House and the fact that Obama is the undisputed leader of the Democrat Party at this time, I'm just going on a hunch that seems very plausible to me.
Obama does have great support from democrats and the Democratic party, no doubt! And I know he is an awesome strategist for the party and helped Democratic candidates in 2022 prevent the Red Wave, though it was mostly behind the scenes, other than a handful of candidates he backed in various states.

Obama as a former President has say with the DNC, no doubt! As Bill Clinton did after his time as president ended,

And as Former President Trump heads the RNC/GOP.

But Obama very rarely speaks to Biden, from everything I have researched and read. I think Joe is making the decisions, with a good team of experienced and knowledgeable advisors that he picked and knew over his decades in government. I don't think he is as lost as you guys repeatedly say....I think he is just slower in everything, from speaking to walking....but he still comprehends what is going on imo.

Remember, the deep state allegedly runs presidents/former presidents, presidents do not run the deep state. Obama nor Joe, run the alleged deep state.... the conspiracy is the deep state runs all presidents, no matter the party!!

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