Obama sought to break GOP ‘fever,’ but did they break his?


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Byron York
March 3, 2013

After Obama won re-election, there was extensive discussion among his supporters about whether the Republican “fever” would, in fact, break. Would the fiscal cliff negotiations, which resulted in the GOP accepting a tax increase on the nation’s highest earners, do the trick? If not, would coming fights over the debt ceiling and sequestration finally cure the Republican illness?.......

Some in the GOP saw public opinion at work. “The three-day Gallup tracking numbers certainly aren’t good for him,” said one House aide, pointing to surveys placing Obama’s job approval rating at 47 percent approve versus 45 percent disapprove — down from a post-election approval rating that topped out at 56 percent. Still, the aide saw no great improvements on the horizon. “Ultimately, they have no dialogue with us,” the aide said of the White House. “Instead of working together, we’re forced to read tea leaves.”

“This is not going to be an apocalypse, I think, as some people have said,” Obama declared (not mentioning that his administration had been behind most of the apocalypse talk). “It’s just dumb. And it’s going to hurt.” Nevertheless, Obama said that when the next budget fight happens, later in March over a resolution to fund the government for the rest of the fiscal year, he will accede to the reality of sequestration:

We have a Budget Control Act, right? We agreed to a certain amount of money that was going to be spent each year, and certain funding levels for our military, our education system, and so forth. If we stick to that deal, then I will be supportive of us sticking to that deal. It’s a deal that I made.

The sequester are additional cuts on top of that. And by law, until Congress takes the sequester away, we’d have to abide by those additional cuts. But there’s no reason why we should have another crisis by shutting the government down in addition to these arbitrary spending cuts.​


Read more:
Obama sought to break GOP ?fever,? but did they break his? | WashingtonExaminer.com

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