Obama secretly set war with Russia into action before he left office.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The implants, developed by the NSA, are designed to hit Russian networks deemed “important to the adversary and that would cause them pain and discomfort if they were disrupted,” a former U.S. official told The Washington Post. Note the use of the word “adversary,” almost as if Obama’s goal was to begin a war with Russia. And to make matters worse, “U.S. intelligence agencies do not need further approval from (President) Trump, and officials said that he would have to issue a countermanding order to stop it,” the Post reported. “The officials said that they have seen no indication that Trump has done so.”

Obama Secretly Set A War With Russia Into Action Before He Left Office


How can NSA implants and backdoors be detected?


This is one way the public gets thrown off , things begin during one Presidents time in office and then the ball is dropped on the next President so in turn it makes it look like that current Presidents fault.

Kind of like the economy tanking right near the end of Bush which ended up falling onto Obama. Tech. the economy has been bad for decades.
There was nothing "secret" about it. He armed Al Qaeda and ISIS to help overthrow Assad (just like he did in Libya, Egypt, etc.). Shame on President Trump though for continuing with the failed Barack Insane Obamacare foreign policy.

We should be partnering with Russia and Syria to eliminate ISIS and Al Qaeda.
There was nothing "secret" about it. He armed Al Qaeda and ISIS to help overthrow Assad (just like he did in Libya, Egypt, etc.). Shame on President Trump though for continuing with the failed Barack Insane Obamacare foreign policy.

We should be partnering with Russia and Syria to eliminate ISIS and Al Qaeda.

I just wanted to point out exactly how much of hypocritical dick spasm you are
Now, to put the thread back on track (because you've worked really hard to hijack the thread to cover for your boyfriend in the Oval Office), history has now proven that Obama is an unqualified buffoon. While a lowly governor accurately predicted the threat Russia poses, Obama was completely surprised by it because he skips so many national security meetings to golf and to snort cocaine with JayZ.

. And don't forget the wolves in other nations (Russia, China, Iran, etc.) who would be just itching to use that unrest to create more havoc and collapse the United States.

Have the Dumbocrats "fixed" the economy? Nope! Have they eliminated the national debt? Nope! Did they prevent Russia from invading the Ukraine? Nope!

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