Obama Promises 8% Unemployment by Election Day!


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Obama has predicted unemployment will continue to drop, nearly all voters – 94 per cent – say the economy is in bad shape.

President Obama’s popularity is plummeting, with more U.S. voters disapproving of his job than approve it, according to a recent poll.More than half of U.S. voters believe he is performing badly in his role as the country's leader compared to 48 per cent last month.

‘I think it’s possible,” Obama told CBS’s 60 Minutes in an interview set to air on Sunday.

It comes after the national unemployment rate fell slightly last month to 8.6 per cent. It had been stuck around 9 per cent between April and October.

Government can show that there is 5% unemployment and we are debt free as nation if they want,after all it is an election year.:woohoo::lol::lol::woohoo::
Considering it wasnt supposed to go above 8% with the stimulus, id still consider that a bust.
Obama has predicted unemployment will continue to drop, nearly all voters – 94 per cent – say the economy is in bad shape.

President Obama’s popularity is plummeting, with more U.S. voters disapproving of his job than approve it, according to a recent poll.More than half of U.S. voters believe he is performing badly in his role as the country's leader compared to 48 per cent last month.

‘I think it’s possible,” Obama told CBS’s 60 Minutes in an interview set to air on Sunday.

It comes after the national unemployment rate fell slightly last month to 8.6 per cent. It had been stuck around 9 per cent between April and October.

Government can show that there is 5% unemployment and we are debt free as nation if they want,after all it is an election year.:woohoo::lol::lol::woohoo::

"I think it's possible" = "Obama promises".

You're a little liarhead, aren't you?
There is little doubt that by election day, obama will announce the unemployment is down to 8%. Since the real unemployment rate is about 17% and the democrats say it's 8.3% it's not a huge stretch to lie about .3% too.
Givien Obama's track record I reall ythink he should have avoided making a prediction on UE. However, being it's going down when it should be going up tells me he knows the numbers are fake being he is willing to predict a very uncertain future.
Considering it wasnt supposed to go above 8% with the stimulus, id still consider that a bust.

Without the stimulus, I believe it would have been much worse. I have no proof of it, but there is no proof to contradict that idea either. Just saying.

I 100% agree it would have been worse. The problem was never that the stimulus wouldn't "help things" in the short run, it's that it's "help" is false.

Think of it like this. Why does Obama not just print up enough cash to give every American 100k dollars that can ONLY be used to pay down debt? Talk about INSTANT boom. The debt is down or lower, the banks still get the money.

Sounds great huh, even better than the genius Obama’s plan of just handing the money strait to rich people… Yet it would never work in the long run as it does not address the real issue, debt was created, and inflation will rise.
so.... BO "promises" to lower unemployment...? and exactly HOW will he do this....?

so far i have seen NO REALISTIC PLAN to achieve this....his trillion dollar stimulus was a bust...his green eco-nomic plan was a total flop.....all he is really continues to advocate is raising taxes and growing government....like the stupid Buffet Rule....he has done zilch to help the private sector...

you can bet that he will continue to follow the Marxist line of attacking capitalism....."the rich" must pay their "fair share" bullshit....which is really also a stealth attack upon much of the American middle class....

According to Marx, the only way to permanently eliminate unemployment would be to abolish capitalism and the system of forced competition for wages and then shift to a socialist or communist economic system. For contemporary Marxists, the existence of persistent unemployment is proof of the inability of capitalism to ensure full employment.

Unemployment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Marxism, which defines social classes according to their relationship with the means of production, the "middle class" is said to be the class below the ruling class and above the proletariat in the Marxist social schema. Marxist writers have used the term in two distinct but related ways.[8] In the first sense it is used for the bourgeoisie, the urban merchant and professional class that stood between the aristocracy and the proletariat in the Marxist model. However, in modern developed countries, the bourgeoisie is taken to be the class that owns and controls the means of production, and is thus considered the ruling class in capitalist societies. As such, some Marxist writers specify the petite bourgeoisie – owners of small property who may not employ wage labor – as the "middle class" between the ruling and working classes.[8] Marx himself regarded this version of the "middle class" as becoming merged with the working classes.

Middle class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Considering it wasnt supposed to go above 8% with the stimulus, id still consider that a bust.

Without the stimulus, I believe it would have been much worse. I have no proof of it, but there is no proof to contradict that idea either. Just saying.

I believe I could be a millionaire if I was smarter and worked harder.

Your beliefs have about as much credibility as Grimm's Fairy Tales.

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