Obama plans to shield up to five million immigrants from deportation

The estimate includes extending deportation protections to parents and spouses of US citizens and permanent residents who have been in the country for some years. The president is also likely to expand his two-year-old programme that protects young immigrants from deportation.

Timing of the announcement is unclear, though it's expected before the end of the year. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Mr Obama would review final recommendations after returning from his Asia trip next week.

New Obama immigration plan could help Irish - Independent.ie
"Obama will shield around five million immigrants living in the US illegally"

How do you know they're living in the United States 'illegally' if undocumented immigrants haven't been afforded due process and found guilty in a court of law. In the United States all persons are presumed innocent.

Consequently, the president's action is appropriate and warranted given the failure of the republican House to act on immigration reform passed by the Senate in 2013.
"Obama will shield around five million immigrants living in the US illegally"

How do you know they're living in the United States 'illegally' if undocumented immigrants haven't been afforded due process and found guilty in a court of law. In the United States all persons are presumed innocent.

Consequently, the president's action is appropriate and warranted given the failure of the republican House to act on immigration reform passed by the Senate in 2013.

1. There is no "they" people in particular. Obama's amnesty goes to all those in the category described in the OP who ARE in the US illegally.

2. There should not BE any amnesty As the Senate passed. there should be mass deportation, as Eisenhower enacted with Operation Wetback in 1954, and for this there was a failure of the Senate to act on IT in 2013 and 2014.
Profits from illegal labor led to the kind of corruption that apparently worried Eisenhower. Joseph White, a retired 21-year veteran of the Border Patrol, says that in the early 1950s, some senior US officials overseeing immigration enforcement "had friends among the ranchers," and agents "did not dare" arrest their illegal workers.

Walt Edwards, who joined the Border Patrol in 1951, tells a similar story. He says: "When we caught illegal aliens on farms and ranches, the farmer or rancher would often call and complain [to officials in El Paso]. And depending on how politically connected they were, there would be political intervention. That is how we got into this mess we are in now."

How Eisenhower solved illegal border crossings from Mexico - CSMonitor.com
This is the heart of the current issue..............Birth Rite Citizenship. Only 2 Developed Nations in the World still have birth rite citizenship. The United States and Canada.

Nations Granting Birthright Citizenship NumbersUSA

The following are among the nations repealing Birthright Citizenship in recent years:

  • Australia (2007)
  • New Zealand (2005)
  • Ireland (2005)
  • France (1993)
  • India (1987)
  • Malta (1989)
  • UK (1983)
  • Portugal (1981)
itizenship is the automatic granting of citizenship to children born within a nation's borders or territories. The United States and Canada are the only developed nations in the world to still offer Birthright Citizenship to tourists and illegal aliens. 8 U.S.C. § 1401 : US Code - Section 1401 (1952) grants automatic citizenship to any person born in the United States.
Older article......2010 but it serves the purpose of what the heart of the issue is today.

Unauthorized Immigrants and Their U.S.-Born Children Pew Research Center s Hispanic Trends Project

I. Overview

An estimated 340,000 of the 4.3 million babies born in the United States in 2008 were the offspring of unauthorized immigrants, according to a new analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data by the Pew Hispanic Center, a project of the Pew Research Center.

Unauthorized immigrants comprise slightly more than 4% of the adult population of the U.S., but because they are relatively young and have high birthrates, their children make up a much larger share of both the newborn population (8%) and the child population (7% of those younger than age 18) in this country.

These figures are based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s March 2009 Current Population Survey, augmented with the Pew Hispanic Center’s analysis of the demographic characteristics of the unauthorized immigrant population using a “residual estimation methodology” it has employed for the past five years. (For a description, see Appendix B.)


The new Pew Hispanic analysis finds that nearly four-in-five (79%) of the 5.1 million children (younger than age 18) of unauthorized immigrants were born in this country and therefore are U.S. citizens. In total, 4 million U.S.-born children of unauthorized immigrant parents resided in this country in 2009, alongside 1.1 million foreign-born children of unauthorized immigrant parents.
Most of the modern world have rejected the policy of birth rite citizenship.

The only 2 FOOLISH countries that have not changed this policy are the U.S. and Canada.

Obama plans to capitalize on this by making the parents WHO ARE ILLEGAL CITIZENS because their child is a American Citizen by our law on Birth Rite Citizenship.

The problem is that the Law doesn't give citizenship to the parents. So Obama would be in violation of the law if he grants them citizenship. Birth Rite citizenship doesn't give the parents citizenship as well.

Obama thinks he is above the laws of this land...............I challenge the left to show the law that grants illegals citizenship just because their children were born here.

Executive orders are to administer EXISTING LAWS.........NOT CREATE NEW ONES.

That is the JOB OF CONGRESS.................and is against the CONSTITUTION of the U.S. Just because other assholes in the past have gotten away with this BS doesn't make it legal, or within the Constitution.

Again, CITE THE LAW Obama can use to justify CITIZENSHIP just because their child was born here.

Birth Rite Citizenship should go to the circular file in this country as it has for the rest of the world.
"Obama will shield around five million immigrants living in the US illegally"

How do you know they're living in the United States 'illegally' if undocumented immigrants haven't been afforded due process and found guilty in a court of law. In the United States all persons are presumed innocent.

Consequently, the president's action is appropriate and warranted given the failure of the republican House to act on immigration reform passed by the Senate in 2013.
BS..............State the line and verse of the LAW that gives him this authority. I've quoted the law and issue at hand.

President Barack Obama plans to announce an overhaul of U.S. immigration policy through executive action that would shield up to 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation
Source: Obama plans to shield up to five million immigrants from deportation - eReporter

That's because Obama cares nothing about the United States of America.

Absolutely nothing.

That is with the exception of bringing her to her knees.

He reminds me of the abusive kid who tortures animals. You know, watch birds land on mouse glue traps and stuff like that. Obama is effectively doing the same with our country. He delivers brutal blows to our nation then sits back and watches us bleed from the cheap seats.

I said it in 08 and I say it today.

Obama is dangerous and a threat to the well being of the American way.

He promised Transformation, he just didn't tell you it would be to stomp all over you legal citizens in the country. We don't have enough Jobs now but hey what does he care. Mexico and ever other third world shit hole (like Honduras,) is lining his pocket to walk all you and sell you out
The battle has been ongoing since at least 2001. There are common ground issues..........

But the key to passage of ANY LAW is SECURING THE BORDER..........without that IT'S NO DEAL.

Amnesty was tried under Reagan. It didn't stop illegals from coming here.
The fence was started and stopped............and in the end they climb it and go under it.

To me, the key is E-VERIFY and Penalties for businesses hiring illegals. Dry up the jobs for being illegal and they stop coming. To those already here...........Get legal or get gone. Irregardless of the circumstances.

Birth Rite Citizenship needs to go.

Getting rid of Red Tape on immigration workers visa's for areas like agri............but at the same time ensuring that wages paid are recorded and taxes paid on wages.............standards of employment for this country to apply.

Setting a threshold window on the NUMBER of Foreign Workers allowed here............aka a CEILING.
The battle has been ongoing since at least 2001. There are common ground issues..........

But the key to passage of ANY LAW is SECURING THE BORDER..........without that IT'S NO DEAL.

Amnesty was tried under Reagan. It didn't stop illegals from coming here.
The fence was started and stopped............and in the end they climb it and go under it.

To me, the key is E-VERIFY and Penalties for businesses hiring illegals. Dry up the jobs for being illegal and they stop coming. To those already here...........Get legal or get gone. Irregardless of the circumstances.

Birth Rite Citizenship needs to go.

Getting rid of Red Tape on immigration workers visa's for areas like agri............but at the same time ensuring that wages paid are recorded and taxes paid on wages.............standards of employment for this country to apply.

Setting a threshold window on the NUMBER of Foreign Workers allowed here............aka a CEILING.

We can fly drones on the border and round these folks up if we wanted too. Its just we don't care to stop it.

Defunding measure that has died in Harry Reid's Graveyard.

H.R.5272 - 113th Congress 2013-2014 To prohibit certain actions with respect to deferred action for aliens not lawfully present in the United States and for other purposes. Congress.gov Library of Congress

Passed House amended (08/01/2014)
Prohibits a federal agency or instrumentality from using federal funding or resources after July 30, 2014, to:

  • consider or adjudicate any new or previously denied application of any alien requesting consideration of deferred action for childhood arrivals, as authorized by Executive memorandum dated June 15, 2012, or by any other succeeding Executive memorandum or policy authorizing a similar program;
  • newly authorize deferred action for any class of aliens not lawfully present in the United States; or
  • authorize any alien to work in the United States who was not lawfully admitted into the United States and who is not in lawful U.S. status on the date of enactment of this Act.
The battle has been ongoing since at least 2001. There are common ground issues..........

But the key to passage of ANY LAW is SECURING THE BORDER..........without that IT'S NO DEAL.

Amnesty was tried under Reagan. It didn't stop illegals from coming here.
The fence was started and stopped............and in the end they climb it and go under it.

To me, the key is E-VERIFY and Penalties for businesses hiring illegals. Dry up the jobs for being illegal and they stop coming. To those already here...........Get legal or get gone. Irregardless of the circumstances.

Birth Rite Citizenship needs to go.

Getting rid of Red Tape on immigration workers visa's for areas like agri............but at the same time ensuring that wages paid are recorded and taxes paid on wages.............standards of employment for this country to apply.

Setting a threshold window on the NUMBER of Foreign Workers allowed here............aka a CEILING.

We can fly drones on the border and round these folks up if we wanted too. Its just we don't care to stop it.

Only is we massively increase border agents to go and catch them. It is a very expensive solution.

Which is why I think we should go with E-Verify and punishment to businesses for hiring illegals..............

Dry up the jobs, and you dry up the reason for coming here.

Should be passed by itself, to see if it stems the flow.

In regards to those already here.............that's the larger aspect of the question that both sides agree that it is a serious problem.

The primary problem is stopping the flow and both sides seem on the surface to agree with the E-Verify already.

We've been ignoring this problem for many many decades and now solving it is even more difficult. and what to do with those here is the primary argument.
Reps. Marsha Blackburn and Steve King on President Obama s Executive Amnesty NumbersUSA

She then criticized President Obama's DACA and how it led to the border surge this past summer.

"The President’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program was created by a June 15, 2012 Executive memorandum and allows illegal aliens to obtain a two-year deportation deferral, subject to renewal, along with work permits," said Rep. Blackburn. "According to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), there was a 412% increase in Family Unit apprehensions and an 88% increase in Unaccompanied Alien Children apprehensions at the Southwest border in FY2014 through August compared to the same time period for FY2013."

Rep. Blackburn recalled a trip to the Southern border in October where she received a briefing from CBP at the McAllen Station in the Rio Grande Valley.

"The blunt assessment of CBP agents was that the President's amnesty, in particular the DACA program, has been the root cause of the surge of illegal aliens crossing our Southern border," said Rep. Blackburn. "CBP agents warned that further executive action to relax deportation standards would result in approximately 100,00 additional apprehensions next year within the McAllen jurisdiction alone."

This past August, the House approved a bill written by Rep. Blackburn that defunded future executive amnesties and and DACA renewals. Rep. Blackburn ended by pledging to "re-introduce legislation to freeze DACA and tie the President's hands with regard to creation of future deferred action programs at the beginning of the 114th Congress."

In his op-ed, Rep. King discussed the unconstitutional overreach of power by President Obama's executive amnesty and how Congress must use the power of the purse to stop it.

Rep. King pointed out the President's statements before his 2012 reelection on how he cannot bypass Congress because "that's not how a democracy works". Now the President wants to, according to Rep. King, "unilaterally rewrite immigration law, and illegally grant amnesty to millions of people".

"Our Republic will not long survive if we continue to allow a president to defy the Constitution, let alone the will of the people," Rep. King wrote.

Rep. King then offered a solution to stop President Obama's executive amnesty: Congress' power of the purse.

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