Obama Not Our Boyfriend Anymore

and those of us who are not partisan hacks with ignorance proudly displayed in our posts know that Reagan was vilified by many right wing leaders after he left office (pre-berlin wall fall) and during Reagan's term 1982/1983 Reagan was considered a One-term President by many
Those of who who are not partisan hacks with ignorance proudly displayed in our posts know this thread is about Obama and his tween fangirls.
Dude, not at all. I'd love for you to find a post of mine to back that up. Go ahead now. I'll wait.(not really)

Come off it - you fool no one. You are one of the forum leftists.

Someone on KOS or Huffingglue told you folk that you should claim to be "center" to fool the conservatives - because they're so stupid they'll never guess that you're really far left....

Everything you post is far left. Every position you hold here is that of the DNC.

So you can't find anything to back up your bullshit. I thought not.

1. I'm pro-gun. Pro-assault rifle even.
2. I'm pro-life
3. I'm for smaller government
4. I'm for fiscal responsibility
5. I'm for fewer taxes - WHEN IT MAKES SENSE
6. I'm for a STRICT IMMIGRATION policy.
7. I'm for an originalist/textualist mix of constitutional interpretation...not a living constitution.

Stop me when you've heard something that backs up your tripe. Oh wait, you can't.
Dude, not at all. I'd love for you to find a post of mine to back that up. Go ahead now. I'll wait.(not really)

Come off it - you fool no one. You are one of the forum leftists.

Someone on KOS or Huffingglue told you folk that you should claim to be "center" to fool the conservatives - because they're so stupid they'll never guess that you're really far left....

Everything you post is far left. Every position you hold here is that of the DNC.

So you can't find anything to back up your bullshit. I thought not.

1. I'm pro-gun. Pro-assault rifle even.
2. I'm pro-life
3. I'm for smaller government
4. I'm for fiscal responsibility
5. I'm for fewer taxes - WHEN IT MAKES SENSE
6. I'm for a STRICT IMMIGRATION policy.
7. I'm for an originalist/textualist mix of constitutional interpretation...not a living constitution.

Stop me when you've heard something that backs up your tripe. Oh wait, you can't.
Oh, that explains why you support every conservative here and disagree with all the leftists.

Actually, I throw my support (and rep) around to LOTS of people.

Funny thing is, it's the conservatives who assume I'm liberal more than the libs who assume I'm conservative. Take that for what it's worth....

Living in Alabama, I suppose I dislike hearing the stupid conservative shit that comes out of the mouths of people here on things like talk radio. I like to rail against stupidity in all its forms. I'm just confronted with more of it here in Alabama and on USMB from one particular side...so like a mirror, I reflect that back. At least that's how I view my posting habits.

If I lived in California...and was on a more left-leaning board, I'd probably rail against the libs more. Go figure.
Actually, I throw my support (and rep) around to LOTS of people.

Funny thing is, it's the conservatives who assume I'm liberal more than the libs who assume I'm conservative. Take that for what it's worth....

Living in Alabama, I suppose I dislike hearing the stupid conservative shit that comes out of the mouths of people here on things like talk radio. I like to rail against stupidity in all its forms. I'm just confronted with more of it here in Alabama and on USMB from one particular side...so like a mirror, I reflect that back. At least that's how I view my posting habits.

If I lived in California...and was on a more left-leaning board, I'd probably rail against the libs more. Go figure.
I haven't seen you support any conservatives. Just attack them.

Your actions and your words to match up.
You sound as though you haven't got a brain in your friggin' head.

If he didn't have a brain in his head, he'd have Obama's picture in his avatar....

It's a dead giveaway...

The posts you have directed to me are dumb and immature. I was so happy when it was time for Bush to get the hell out of the WH. And I liked several democratic candidates that were running for the nomination. Obama won and that was fine. He is one of the ones I liked.

So FYI, and I think I can speak for others, we did not adore, worship, or fall in love with him. That sounds really like what the right did with with Bush. All of you have been judging us by your actions. Don't judge other books by your cover.

Your opinion is that Bush could do no wrong and Obama can do no right. So please own it and stop accusing us of being like you. The enthusiasm for Obama stems from the fact that we were getting rid of an incompetent president for a competent one. Which turned out to be Obama. Very simple. No adoration, no worship. Grow up.
Really? We're not the ones claiming the President of the United States isn't our boyfriend anymore. :lol:

Don't be stupid. The only people I have heard that crap from is you and your pals.

Ummm...from the OP:

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.​
Yeah, that Daily Kos is such a hotbed of fundy rethugs. :lol:

I don't read the Daily Kos. So if you guys hadn't been so thrilled by what she said, I still wouldn't know know about it. But it would be like a day without sunshine not to blow out of proportion every remark made about the president, wouldn't it???
1. I'm pro-gun. Pro-assault rifle even.

What do you mean "pro?" You think the police should have them for crowd control?

2. I'm pro-life

Interesting. What trimester do you support abortion on demand into, then?

3. I'm for smaller government

Do you support Obama's fascist care?

4. I'm for fiscal responsibility

In the guise of higher taxes for those evil "rich" making $100K annually?

5. I'm for fewer taxes - WHEN IT MAKES SENSE

It makes sense when the taxes are levied against you - and no other time..

6. I'm for a STRICT IMMIGRATION policy.

Strict adherence to the Obama/Napolitano immigration policy? (If they are uneducated and speak Spanish, they're in!)

7. I'm for an originalist/textualist mix of constitutional interpretation...not a living constitution.

Yeah, I think we've seen your idea of original intent.

I have yet to run across any thread where you were arguing the right or center side of a subject. I run across threads every day where you are arguing the left side. I mean, it's not like you, BlindBoo, Rightwinger or Maggie Mae are going to have friction of policy, is it?
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More women decide that Obama Is Not Their Boyfriend:

“After 2008 [Clinton voters] were basically told get over it, and they haven’t gotten over it,” Amy Siskind, president of the feminist advocacy group The New Agenda, told The Daily Caller.

Women, however, did vote for Obama in droves with the hope that he would tackle the issues important to them once in office. This has not been the case according to many Hillary Clinton supporters.

“Barack Obama wasn’t the women’s candidate in 2008 and he is not the women’s president midway through 2011,” Diane Mantouvalos, a 2008 Clinton supporter and co-founder of HireHeels.com (“a forum of power chics for Hillary”) noted.

The Summer of PUMA Discontent
Actually, I throw my support (and rep) around to LOTS of people.

Jillian, Rinata, RDean, Truthmatters, Rightwinger - lots of people......

Funny thing is, it's the conservatives who assume I'm liberal more than the libs who assume I'm conservative. Take that for what it's worth....

Yeah, no one assumes you're a liberal. Your posts reveal you as a leftist, as does the cadre you are in. The left accepts you as one of their own, which you are. You are part of the leftist extremists of this forum.

Living in Alabama, I suppose I dislike hearing the stupid conservative shit that comes
out of the mouths of people here on things like talk radio.

Well at least you have Jon Stewart to give you the real news...

I like to rail against stupidity in all its forms.

And that which is not of the party - must be stupid. (Jon Stewart said so - so it MUST be true!)

If I lived in California...and was on a more left-leaning board, I'd probably rail against the libs more. Go figure.

You'd just spend more of your time posting "ditto."

So who do you think the greatest president EVAH is? Obama? Clinton? Obama? FDR? Obama? LBJ? Obama? Jimmy Carter? Or maybe, Obama?

Just curious.....
More women decide that Obama Is Not Their Boyfriend:

“After 2008 [Clinton voters] were basically told get over it, and they haven’t gotten over it,” Amy Siskind, president of the feminist advocacy group The New Agenda, told The Daily Caller.

Women, however, did vote for Obama in droves with the hope that he would tackle the issues important to them once in office. This has not been the case according to many Hillary Clinton supporters.

“Barack Obama wasn’t the women’s candidate in 2008 and he is not the women’s president midway through 2011,” Diane Mantouvalos, a 2008 Clinton supporter and co-founder of HireHeels.com (“a forum of power chics for Hillary”) noted.

The Summer of PUMA Discontent

Because those "PUMA" people threw the election to McCain last time...
The posts you have directed to me are dumb and immature.

What a coincidence, given that you're dumb and immature... What are the odds?

I was so happy when it was time for Bush to get the hell out of the WH.

Imagine that...

And I liked several democratic candidates that were running for the nomination. Obama won and that was fine. He is one of the ones I liked.

Hugo Chavez would have been better, but Obama is close, huh?

So FYI, and I think I can speak for others, we did not adore, worship, or fall in love with him.

No, not at all.....


"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

Read more: Newsweek

"I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often." - Little Chrissy Matthews..

That sounds really like what the right did with with Bush. All of you have been judging us by your actions. Don't judge other books by your cover.

Right, because you can find all sorts of equivalent stuff about Bush....



Oh wait, you were just lying - such is the way of leftists...

Your opinion is that Bush could do no wrong


Are you a fucking moron? (Oh wait, you voted for Obama - of course you are!)

Bush was a clusterfuck - a disaster.
Don't be stupid. The only people I have heard that crap from is you and your pals.

Ummm...from the OP:

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.​
Yeah, that Daily Kos is such a hotbed of fundy rethugs. :lol:

I don't read the Daily Kos. So if you guys hadn't been so thrilled by what she said, I still wouldn't know know about it. But it would be like a day without sunshine not to blow out of proportion every remark made about the president, wouldn't it???
Out of proportion? :lol:
The posts you have directed to me are dumb and immature.

What a coincidence, given that you're dumb and immature... What are the odds?

I was so happy when it was time for Bush to get the hell out of the WH.

Imagine that...

Hugo Chavez would have been better, but Obama is close, huh?

No, not at all.....


"I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."

Read more: Newsweek

"I have to tell you, you know, it's part of reporting this case, this election, the feeling most people get when they hear Barack Obama's speech. My, I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often." - Little Chrissy Matthews..

That sounds really like what the right did with with Bush. All of you have been judging us by your actions. Don't judge other books by your cover.

Right, because you can find all sorts of equivalent stuff about Bush....



Oh wait, you were just lying - such is the way of leftists...

Your opinion is that Bush could do no wrong


Are you a fucking moron? (Oh wait, you voted for Obama - of course you are!)

Bush was a clusterfuck - a disaster.

You are a little punk. Why don't you go down to the playground and play with the other kids?? Don't expect any more responses from me. I don't deal with children.

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