Obama--Not Hilary Clinton--Forced To Apologize For Wiki Security Leaks, RE: Japan


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Secretary Clinton has noted the problem of computerized security in defense of her own personal clarity of thinking, moving toward the Presidency. Now President Obama, who is actually doing the job, has been forced to apologize--to an entire nation-state--about what gets leaked in matters of National Security, economics, and World Peace(?). Government computers do not appear to be the answer to the problems of the world! A President Clinton II appears likely to understand this, if apparently not the GOP. Even Rep. Issa, GOP California, is rumored to have set one or two servers on fire, maybe all by himself(?).

Obama apologizes to Japan over U.S. spying allegations

Anyone noting Deuteronomy 23:19-20 has fodder for showing the planet's initial atrocity leaks, variously called, "Torah." Coming from an enslaving education and environment, subjugation of foreigners. . .to Moses,likely just seemed to make sense for everyone to know about(?). The idea, in history, appears to have been to blame it on some odorless, colorless, and nameless kind of deity(?).

Many would say that is actually legal, now, in some of the Untied States: If not entirely Deity-Driven(?).

Some likely will suggest that it also seems to be high fashion in the Republican Presidential, nomination debates(?). The one fellow maybe uses the stuff for shampoo. even Maybe Univision wants everyone to know about that, unless it doesn't(?). It is a Business-Friendly party, according to legend. Maybe dealings with the cartels are not supposed to be what the GOP debates are all about(?). Likely Republicans know the people that Trump talks about, so much.

Leaky, leaky, messy, messy(?)! Debates bring out these kinds of things, a lot. "What Do They Know, and When did they know it. . .and how did the Hispanic Language press corps get involved?!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many young warriors, ride with wind of Soaring Eagles--Not too much concerned about anything being secured!)

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